Voice states

The voice is produced by the muscles near the larynx by opening the larynx to a certain extent and pushing out the escaping air, which hits the muscles. The instruments of the voice are the larynx and the body, similar to the reed of a flute; The larynx is the original, true instrument, and the other instruments are sending and auxiliary instruments. The substance of the voice is sent by the thoraco-abdominal barrier and the muscles of the chest, and its conductor is the lungs; the substance of the voice is the air that becomes agitated near larynx. Since this is so, damage to the voice occurs either from effective causes, or from a cause inherent in the organ that sends the substance of the voice.

Damage to the voice is either its disappearance, insufficiency, or change: hoarseness, unusual pitch, lowness, roughness, tremors, or some other defect. Each of these causes causes disease either due to a disorder of nature, simple or material, especially from a moist catarrh arising in the larynx, or from a disease of the instrument, that is, the disintegration of a single one, rupture, swelling, pain, as well as from a blow or fall. Sometimes the damage occurs in the larynx itself, and sometimes it occurs with the participation of the origin of the nerves that branch to the muscles of the larynx and to their origin, either located close to the larynx or far from it, such as the brain. Sometimes damage occurs with the participation of some neighboring organ from the nutritional or respiratory organs or the organs surrounding these organs in the abdomen or chest, as well as organs that adjoin them, such as the vertebrae of the spinal cord or even the palate; the transition of these organs to moisture or to dryness and hardness sometimes changes the voice. This also includes cutting out the uvula and tonsils. When the person from whom they were cut out gives a voice, he feels, as it were, a strong tickling, forcing him to clear his throat. Often the throat of such people becomes clogged with every cry.

As for the change in voice, depending on the conducting organ, the voice changes from intense heat in the lungs, from their coldness or humidity, from the flow of pus from tumors into them or the flow of catarrh, as well as due to their dryness. Heat strengthens the voice, and cold raises it and weakens it; dryness makes the voice rough and similar to the voice of a crane, and humidity also causes hoarseness; The smoothness of the larynx evens out the voice and softens it. When the lungs are filled with fluid and the tube is unclean, then a person cannot speak in a loud and clear voice, for this ability is determined by the degree of purity of the lungs and larynx or the degree of the opposite of purity. Sometimes the high and low voices vary depending on the width or narrowness of the pulmonary tube, and the width or narrowness of the larynx. When the mentioned damage in the sending and conducting organs intensifies, the voice disappears, but it is not necessary for speech to disappear, because speech can also be carried out with the help of balanced breathing. This happened with one person whose recurrent nerve, when it had to be exposed with an iron, was struck by cold and his voice disappeared, or with another person who was treated for “mumps”, and at the same time one of the two recurrent nerves was torn, and his voice was half disappeared.

If the motor dilator muscle is damaged, the voice becomes compressed and this sometimes even causes suffocation, and if the damage is in the paired muscles, the voice becomes hoarse. When the damage is in the motor constrictor muscle, the voice becomes choked, and if its action stops, the voice disappears. If there is incomplete relaxation of this muscle and something like trembling, then the voice trembles, but if the amount of moisture is not enough to weaken this muscle, the voice becomes hoarse.

When hoarseness occurs, it is due to moisture. If the humidity increases a little, it causes the voice to tremble, and if it increases significantly, the voice disappears. Sometimes the voice becomes hoarse due to laxity of the instruments that produce sound, which because of this become tired or swollen and tense. The worst thing is if this happens after eating. It happens that the voice becomes hoarse from sharp cold or excessive heat, because they dry out the nature, just like insomnia and rough food. The voice also becomes hoarse from frequent screaming, due to which moisture is attracted to the membrane lining the pharynx and larynx. Hoarseness, which occurs in old people, is incurable. If the summer was northern, dry, and the autumn after it was “southern,” rainy, then hoarseness becomes more frequent in the fall. Vein dilatation, if it appears, can be one of the reasons for voice correction.

Know that those who are recovering and weak, as well as humble people, who resemble the weak due to the smallness of their strength, seem to be unable to control a large amount of air and compress their larynx, so that their voice rises. And when a weak person tries to expand his larynx and lower his voice, he is completely inaudible.

Treatment for voice loss. If it occurs due to a disorder in the nature of any muscle or its damage, then it is treated with one of the appropriate remedies known to you, mentioned in its place. If a person feels that his voice is beginning to disappear, then he should rush to treat the disease before it gets worse. Let the doctor take the yolk of a boiled egg, peeled sesame seeds and fresh milk, a spoonful of all of this, and give this to the patient with water every day for three days. The patient should take the boiled inside of a smooth pomegranate, which has been boiled by burying it in hot ashes. Take the pomegranate out when it becomes soft, cut off the top, stir its contents with a spatula, pour in some water with sugar and drink.

If the disease occurs from fluid in the muscles close to the larynx, or in the larynx itself, and the fluid causes strong relaxation, and there is no pain, but there is a feeling of melancholy and heaviness, then you should take dry figs and mint, boil them, then dilute them in this decoction gum acacia so that it is like honey and let it be licked. Or take myrrh and saffron with thickly brewed grape juice or one saffron three and a half dirhams, thickly brewed licorice and frankincense juice each dirham, bind with thickly brewed grape juice or honey and thicken. Or take one part saffron, half asafoetida, three honey, cook this mixture until it thickens, turn it into pills and keep them under your tongue. Cabbage lick medicine helps too; Chewing the stems of fresh cabbage and swallowing a little of their juice also brings benefits. If the medicine for licking fresh cabbage does not work, add a little asafoetida, vetch flour, fenugreek, Syrian and Nabatean leeks, onions and their squeezed juice, garlic, pistachios and sweet winter grapes. Or they take ginger jam, boiled very thickly, and grind it until it becomes like bone marrow. Then they add half the amount of long pepper, crushed into powder, and one quarter of saffron and add as much starch as possible; All this is ground with candy sugar diluted in water and condensed or with honey. This medicine is very cleansing. Of the foods, you should eat something that strengthens the sides of the chest, for example, the legs of animals, in particular, cow legs. At the same time, they eat only the sinews, especially with honey or boiled in honey.

If the voice has disappeared from dryness, especially with the involvement of the esophagus, a sign of this is that with hoarseness there is not a decrease, but, on the contrary, an increase in the voice and some purity and you feel that there is a sore throat and there is pain, then you should take a spoonful of fresh water before going to bed. sweet violet oil with candy sugar. The mucus of flea plantain with a large amount of sugar water and moisturizing, softening dishes, as well as chicken broth in isfidbaj and decoctions of famous vegetables help with this.

Figs help with loss of voice due to humidity or dryness. A medicine made from figs, prepared with mint, and lying on the back helps with weak voice and hoarseness.

Treatment of hoarseness and roughness of voice. You have already learned the reasons for hoarseness. Know that a person whose voice has become hoarse should avoid everything sour, salty, rough, spicy and caustic, unless the doctor wants to treat with this and cause a rupture of matter; then he consumes such dishes mixed with mild medicines. If hoarseness occurs from a long cry, then take figs, mint and sabur in equal parts and mix them with maybukhtaj. They also sip medicine from wheat pulp, barley gruel, almond oil and saffron and consume grape must. With this ailment, the remedies for voice loss that were mentioned above, especially the medicine from asafoetida with saffron, help. If there is a fever, then a soup made from quinoa, wild mallow, barley water, kissa seeds, starch and almonds is useful. If the cause of hoarseness is cold, then the mentioned medicine of asafoetida and saffron helps. It is also useful to take three dirhams of toasted mustard, one pepper, and lenticular vetch; liquid styrax and galbanum, four each; From this they prepare pills and keep them under the tongue. Or they take two dirhams of myrrh and ten dirhams of frankincense and bind them with grape must. If hoarseness occurs from screaming and fatigue of the larynx, then a bath helps, as it helps with all types of exhaustion. Such patients benefit from foods that loosen and stick together, such as milk, the yolk of soft-boiled eggs without salt, noodles, well-known stews, as well as soup from quinoa, wild mallow and the like, and pills prepared from starch, tragacanth, thickly boiled licorice root and gums, as well as emollient and ripening pills: if something like a tumor has formed from hoarseness, it will dissolve from such pills. Useful in this case are gargles and mild licking medicines, such as those used to treat hot sore throats, as well as stews that simultaneously stick together and clean without burning, prepared, for example, from beaver flour and flaxseed; The gum of the turpentine tree is stronger than this.

Anyone who suffers from such an ailment, that is, hoarseness, should completely give up wine, especially at the beginning of the disease: when there is a tumor, then drinking sweet wine and eating boiled radish and muria before taking the medicine brings benefits to such patients. And if hoarseness arises from fluid, then you cannot do without the cleansing medications mentioned in the paragraph on loss of voice; all such medications help. Stews made from bean flour, which also includes vetch flour, are useful in this case. One flour of lentil-shaped vetch is also beneficial, as are those potions that have cleansing properties in the first degree. Noodles and milk are also useful, and then ghee, condensed grape must, licorice root and its thickly brewed juice, then beans with honey, as well as a decoction of figs or myrrh, or sea onions and similar medicines.

If such wet hoarseness occurs from catarrh, then the patient is given poppy seed and its thickly brewed juice. One of the ways to cleanse a rough, unclean voice is chewing cubeba. Among the medicines that destroy hoarseness is sweet pomegranate juice; They boil it, then drop violet oil into it and thicken it.