Ways to get male offspring

The wife and husband should warm themselves with incense, incense and food, drink mithridate and resort to the mentioned fumigations and candles, if necessary, as well as hot enemas and all kinds of rubbing. One should not listen to the words of those who say that a woman must have a weak seed in order for a boy to be born from her. No, her seed must be thick, strong, hot, for such seed is more likely to perceive the masculine principle, but a man’s seed should not be weaker than her seed; on the contrary, a man's seed should be stronger in this regard. One should abstain from copulation for some time, without giving up copulation altogether, for this, as we have already said, spoils the seed, and one should not drink a lot of water, but drink it little by little; Both should eat strengthening and intoxicating foods. Then let the husband check what kind of semen he has: while the semen remains liquid, he should know that the need for treatment still exists, and when it thickens, let him wait a few more days, continuing the regime, so that the semen gains strength and accumulates, as we indicated earlier, and then let him meet with his wife in the manner indicated above, in a place where the hottest incense is most fragrant, such as first nadd, saffron, musk and raw Indian wood, avoiding camphor.

He must be in the most joyful state and in the best spirits; to be in the most pleasant home and think about having a son. He should conjure up in his mind images of strong, courageous men and have before his eyes the image of such a man, the most graceful in build, the most noble in appearance, and come together and ejaculate the seed.

Signs of a fertile person producing male offspring. Fertile, giving male offspring, this is a man with a strong body, with meat balanced in terms of density and flabby, possessing abundant, thick and hot seed. His testicles are large, his vessels are obvious, his lust is strong, he does not weaken from copulation and throws out the seed from the right vessel: after all, the occasional animals even tighten the male’s left testicle so that he pours out the seed from the right one. If a boy's right testicle swells first, then he will give birth to men, and if the left one, then women. Whoever has wet dreams quickly, not due to any illness in the semen, will also give birth to men.

Signs of a woman who conceives quickly and gives birth to boys. A woman who quickly conceives and gives birth to boys is a woman with an even complexion, proportionate in appearance, with a body that is not lean or loose. Her monthly flows are not thin, pus-like, watery, and also not scanty and too burnt out, the mouth of her uterus is opposite the vagina, her digestion is excellent, the vessels are clearly visible and well filled. Her feelings and movements are as they should be, she does not have constant diarrhea or constant constipation, her eyes are blackish, not blue, her disposition is cheerful, her mood and actions are pleasant, and she belongs to the number of working girls who have almost reached maturity. Having barely ripened, they quickly conceive due to their great fervor, the low fat content of their uterus and the scarcity of moisture in them. Those who have fast digestion are more likely to bring a boy, as are those whose purity time is short - up to twenty-two days, not about forty.