Accessories you need to buy with your bike

Here is the long-awaited moment - a brand new bicycle with shiny fenders and a stylishly designed frame stands in front of you. As a rule, the owner of a new bicycle happily gets on it and goes to test it. This is done not only by children, but also by adults. In the meantime, whether you buy bikes from Stealth or other companies, make sure you don't forget about the important details. Little things that can make your bike ride comfortable, practical, and most importantly, safe.

The first thing you should definitely do is buy a mini kit with your bike. This is especially true if you go on a long-distance cycling voyage - on a tour, on a picnic, on vacation outside the city, to the countryside.

Anything can happen: a tire bursts, a chain falls off, etc. The mini-kit should include special glue, a patch, a pump and wrenches. Some options are already equipped with such sets, if not, then buy them yourself.

For your own safety, it is a good idea to have a helmet, a chain lock and a flasher with you. Despite the ease of operation, a bicycle is one of those vehicles that very often become involved in road accidents. Negligence of the car driver, sudden appearance of animals on the road and many other factors can cause an accident. A helmet will protect your head, a flashing light will give you a signal in the night, and a special lock with a chain will allow you to leave your bike at the store without worrying about it being stolen.

Again, when traveling long distances, especially to areas that aren't crowded, be sure to take a duffel bag with your essentials. It is best if the bag is in the form of a backpack that can be thrown behind your back. But under no circumstances should you buy messenger bags or anything like that. When riding a bicycle with such a bag, you can simply get the strap or belt of the bag into the wheel spokes or chain of the bicycle.

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