Pain relievers

They take sagapena and bdellia - two dirhams each, mayi - a dirham, opium - half a dirham and one and a half ukiyya of apricot kernel oil; The gums are dissolved in oil and half a dirham of beaver stream is added. They also take dried water lilies - one part and marshmallow - half a part, or mix sweet clover and shelled lentils, equal parts of both, with egg yolk and rose oil. The leaves of marshmallow and sweet clover are also mixed with egg yolk and rose oil. If you put a diyakhilun plaster with rose oil and some saffron, opium and maybukhtaj on the cones, it helps. Duck fat is very useful, as well as crayfish, lanolin, goat kidney fat and white wax. It is also useful, especially if the cones are swollen, to take chamomile, sweet clover and a little saffron, grind and mix with flax seed mucilage and wine boiled down by a third. To this should also be added what we will say when talking about tumors in the anus, for such remedies are useful for calming pain after cutting off and piercing cones and for pain from a tumor.