Passionate love

Love is a disease like obsession, similar to melancholy. Often a person brings it upon himself by subordinating his thoughts to admiration for the image and features inherent in his beloved; sometimes lust contributes to this, and sometimes it does not. The signs of this disease are as follows: the patient’s eyes are sunken, dry, tears appear only when crying, the eyelids move continuously, the patient often laughs, as if he sees something pleasant, or hears good news, or jokes. His breathing often stops and returns again, so that he sighs constantly; listening to love poems, he rejoices and laughs or grieves and cries, especially when mentioning separation and parting. All his organs, except the eyelids, are losing weight, and the eyelids, although the eyeballs are sunken, become large and thick due to insomnia and sighs that direct vapors to the head. There is no order in his behavior, his pulse is uneven, completely disordered, like the pulse of those overwhelmed by grief. His pulse and condition change at the mention of his beloved and especially at a sudden meeting with her; so that by the pulse one can determine that this is his beloved, if the lover does not admit it. Determining the object of love is one of the means of treatment. This is done like this: they call many names, repeating them repeatedly, and keep their hand on the pulse. If the pulse changes greatly and becomes as if intermittent, then by repeating and checking this several times, you will find out the name of your beloved. Then in the same way they name streets, houses, crafts, types of work, genealogies and cities, combining each with the name of the beloved and following the pulse; if it changes upon repeated mention of any of these signs, you collect from them information about your beloved, her name, clothes and activities and find out who she is. We tested this method and received information that helped establish the identity of the beloved. Then, if you do not find any other treatment other than the rapprochement between them, permitted by faith and law, implement it.

We saw one person to whom this restored health, and meat appeared on his bones again after he had reached complete emaciation, gone beyond all limits in this and was subjected to severe, long-term illnesses and prolonged fevers due to the weakening of his strength from passionate love . When he felt that he would soon meet his beloved in the heat of repeated delays, he recovered in a very short time. And we were surprised at this and concluded that nature is obedient to the suggestions of the soul.

Treatment. Based on the signs known to you, you should see whether the juice has reached the point of burning out, and if so, perform an emptying. Then take care of moisturizing the nature of the sick, putting them to sleep, feeding them praiseworthy food, bathing such patients in a bath that moisturizes the nature, observing the already known conditions. They should be called into arguments, occupied with all sorts of affairs and disputes, and in general with things that distract from love - this sometimes makes lovers forget what exhausts them so much. Or one must make them fall in love with another woman available to them according to law and religion, and then divert their thoughts from the second lover before the love is established, but only after they have forgotten the first. If the lover is one of the reasonable people, then advice, exhortations, ridicule, scolding and the presentation of love as an obsession and a type of madness are very helpful; After all, the word in such cases is very effective. Old women are sent to the lover, who inspire him with disgust for his beloved, talk about the dirty deeds and disgusting actions of his beloved and report on many manifestations of her cruelty; this often calms lovers. It is also useful when old women describe the appearance of their beloved, resorting to vile comparisons and depicting parts of her face in a disgusting manner, going deeper and going into great detail. Truly this is the work of old women, and they are more skilled at it than everyone else; except bisexuals, for bisexuals also master this art, which is not inferior to the art of old women. Old women can also try to gradually transfer the lover's love to another woman, and then, before the second love is established, they stop their tricks.

Activities that distract a lover include buying slaves, having frequent copulation with them, acquiring new slaves, and having fun with them. Some people are comforted by singing and music, while for others it only enhances their love. This can be easily recognized. As for hunting, various games, new favors from the Sultan, as well as all kinds of sorrows, all this also distracts the lovers. Sometimes it is necessary to deal with them as is done with those suffering from melancholy, mania and kutrub: void with strong iyarajas and moisturize their nature with the above-mentioned moisturizers. This is done if the behavior and appearance of the lovers are the same as those of these people.