Pleuropneumonia-like organisms

Pleuropneumonia-like organisms are a group of microorganisms belonging to the class Mollicutes. These bacteria are very small and do not have a cell wall.

The most famous representative of pleuropneumonia-like organisms is Mycoplasma pneumoniae, the causative agent of atypical pneumonia in humans. Other types of mycoplasmas can cause diseases of the respiratory tract, urogenital tract, and also cause mastitis in cows.

The distinctive features of these microorganisms are their small size (0.2-0.3 microns), absence of a cell wall, and pleomorphy. They require special nutrient media for cultivation in laboratory conditions.

Treatment of infections caused by pleuropneumonia-like organisms is carried out with antibiotics to which these bacteria are sensitive (tetracyclines, macrolides).

Mycoplasmas are causative agents of diseases of the internal organs of humans and animals, which are oval, colorless, non-cellular organisms ranging in size from 1 × 2 to 6 × 8 microns. There are 5 known species of these bacteria: M. hominis, M. pneumoniae, M. genitalium, M. fermentans, M. salivarium. At the same time, it has a number of features and characteristics characteristic of microbes:

* some mycoplasmas have internal membrane structures and can move within host cells over a distance of 1-2 microns; * it is believed that all mycoplasts are unicellular microorganisms (cocci); but from coccal forms branching filaments are also known, often without a cell wall; * cells have common characteristics with procarrotes; have genetic material the amount of which exceeds that of bacteria by more than a hundred times; * can grow in artificial nutrient media; can be painted well using special methods; require special preparations and cultivation conditions. Mycoplasmas are “inhabitants” of the human and animal body. In clinical cases, the development and course of diseases associated with mycoplasma infection depends on the person’s immunity; stress, metabolic disorders, etc. are also no less significant factors.

It should be noted that infections caused by mycoplasmas are divided into three groups according to the predominance of clinical manifestations: * bronchial - acute bronchitis, bacterial pharyngitis or tracheitis, symptoms of pulmonary pneumonia, pseudo-tumor of the eyelids (pulmonary eosinophilia); * inflammatory processes of the genital organs - mycogenic urethritis, candidiasis of the urethral mucosa; * damage to the genitourinary system, expressed by an inflammatory process in the testicles - orchitis, pyelonephritis. There may be pain during urination. Washing under hot water can cause rupture of the seminal vesicles. Later this leads to curvature of the reproductive organ. The recovery period in such a situation is about one and a half months.

Title: "Organisms similar to pleuropneumonia"

Pleuropneumiform organisms are a group of microorganisms that can cause respiratory tract infections in humans and animals. These microorganisms can enter the lungs through inhalation or airborne transmission. They can cause various diseases, including bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. Pleuropenmic organisms may also cause more severe diseases such as allergic rhinitis or asthmatic reaction in humans. Infections caused by these organisms can present with a variety of symptoms, including cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, and chest pain. Diagnosis of these organisms can be difficult because the symptoms of the diseases may be similar to other diseases. Treatment depends on the type of infection and may include antibiotics, antihistamines, immunotherapy, and other treatments. However, prompt detection and treatment of infections caused by pleuropneumic organisms can help prevent serious health consequences. Prevention of diseases associated with these organisms involves maintaining hygiene, avoiding contact with infected people and animals, undergoing timely medical examinations, maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in public areas.