Health trails and ski slopes.

In our previous reviews we have repeatedly written about paths, paths and health routes. We even stopped at creating a simple health track with our own hands. In this article we will continue to study this issue, and also dwell on what exercises can be combined with health-improving walks and running along such routes. We will also discuss the possible use of these structures in winter.

  1. Strength development track
  2. Speed-strength development route
  3. Agility Development Track
  4. Ski slopes
Once again about creating a health path with your own hands:

The simplest sports facilities include health tracks. Residents can equip them by concluding an agreement with housing maintenance services, green management departments and cultural parks, as well as with the help of supervising patronage structures and organizations. In this case, financing should be made from funds allocated for major repairs.

Devices and simulators (“stations”) are installed on the tracks, where a variety of physical exercises are performed. During classes, an alternation of medium and light physical activity is observed.

Most common closed mixed paths. They are specially equipped walking (treadmill) paths used to develop general endurance in combination with complexes of sports equipment and exercise equipment designed primarily for the development of one physical quality:

  1. strength,
  2. speed and strength capabilities,
  3. dexterity.

Rice. 1. Scheme of a universal closed health track (chain type):

1 - route of strength development; 2 - route for the development of speed and strength qualities; 3 - agility development track

On a track of 1000-3000 m, 10-15 “stations” are installed. In the diagram (Fig. 1) of the universal health path, three routes are highlighted. The distance between the apparatus and the simulators is arbitrary, from 100 to 300 m. They are located to the right or left of the track. Workload and complexity of tasks gradually increase towards the middle of the route, then decrease. The route configuration may vary. All of them can be combined into one health track. In this case, two or three simulators are located at stations. Information boards make it easy to determine the purpose of each of them. Let's consider the approximate equipment of the main routes.

They are intended for walking or running on the warm-up 500-meter section of the track to the first station and for training on 10 sports equipment and exercise machines. At each station, near the corresponding apparatus and simulator, it is necessary to equip a stand (board) with a diagram of the exercise and methodological recommendations for load dosage.

Making out stands, you can use pictures and texts, as well as the recommendations that we provide below.

Strength development track

1. Movement on hands and hanging. The obstacle consists of two bars (poles) 4.5 m long, located at a distance of 68 cm from each other. Between the poles, 60 cm from one another, there are transverse bars. The height of the racks for one pole is 1 m 90 cm, for the other - 2 m 60 cm. The base of the racks is concreted.

Assignment: depending on height, the student must hang on his hands, touching the transverse bars, and advance the entire length of this kind of ladder. The exercise helps develop arm strength, endurance, and coordination of movements.

2. The so-called transfer of legs over an obstacle. Three benches are installed along the path. In front of each, a column is dug into the ground at a distance of 0.3 m from the front edge. The height of the first column above the plane of the bench is 20, the second - 30 and the third - 40 cm. The bench (dimensions 80 and 35 cm) is attached to three columns.

Task: the person performing the exercise sits on a bench, leaning back and resting his hands (behind), then moves his legs bent at the knees from above (above the column) alternately in two directions. This movement targets the abdominal and torso muscles.

Task: pull yourself up on a rope using your hands to the top bar. The exercise strengthens arm strength, shoulder muscles, and also develops dexterity.

4. Lifting the log. The strength trainer is made from logs of various diameters with an average length of 3-4 m. In this case, one end is attached to posts to the ground, and the other lies freely on a U-shaped stand or car tire.

Task: holding the handles, lift the log to different heights, squat with the log above your head. Exercise develops strength and endurance.

5. Pull-ups. The obstacle consists of three metal crossbars of different heights, distant from the ground respectively by I) 1.8; II) 2.2 and III) 2.5 m. The crossbars are attached to holes drilled in the posts. The bases of the pillars are concreted and buried 0.5~0.8 m into the ground. And the distance between the pillars is 1.15 m.

Task: pull yourself up on your hands, as shown in the picture. The exercise develops the muscles of the shoulder girdle, upper limbs and torso.

6. Push-ups and swinging on parallel bars. The beams are made of metal pipes 4 m long and supported on wooden posts 1 m high. The distance between the beams is 60 cm.

Task: perform movements on the hands in support - sitting legs apart, push-ups, etc. Exercises develop the strength of the arms and shoulder girdle.

7. Hand push-ups. To perform the exercise, use a beam 8 m long and 0.2 m thick. On the sides of it, two boards 8 x 0.5 m are placed at an angle. One board is 0.1 ~ 1.5 m, the other is 0.9 ~ 1.2 m from the beam.

Task: resting your feet on the board, and, accordingly, your hands on the beam (log), bend and straighten your arms, straightening your legs and torso. Develops the muscular system of the arms and torso.

8. Raising and lowering the body. A log 8 x 0.2 m is placed on a green lawn. Three columns are installed in parallel, 3 m from each other. The columns are spaced from the log by 55, 70 and 85 cm respectively, their height above ground level is 0.3 m. Through each column at a height of 1.5 m from the base there is a crossbar 5 cm thick and 40 cm long.

Task: sitting on a log, hook your feet to the crossbar on the posts and perform flexion and extension of the torso. The exercise targets the abdominal and torso muscles.

9. Climbing a double ladder. The ladder is made of metal pipes with a diameter of 70-80 mm. The crossbars are metal pins 40-45 cm long. The distance between the lower crossbars is 25-30 cm, between the upper ones - 15-20 cm.

Task: climb on your hands up one inclined staircase, and go down to the ground along the other. The exercise develops strength and endurance of the arm muscles, shoulder girdle, and dexterity.

10. Jumping over the barrier. A log 7.5 m long is strengthened obliquely on three posts, dug 0.5 m into the ground. The height of the 1st is 0.6, the 2nd is 0.9, the 3rd is 1.2 m. The diameter of the posts is ( logs) - 15 cm..

Task: leaning on your hands, jump from one side of such a barrier to the other and back. The exercise strengthens arm strength, abdominal muscles, and develops jumping ability, endurance and agility.

Speed-strength development route

1. Exercise 1 (strength development route).

2. Jumping over “bumps” (stones, pieces of logs, etc.). 25-30 hummocks are dug halfway into the ground, spaced 100-150 cm apart. The location of the hummocks is first marked on the ground and their final installation is determined experimentally.

3. Passing over and under barriers. Obstacle - five barriers 2.5 m apart. The width of the barriers is 4 m. Each consists of three parts. The height of the middle part is 1.2, the length is 1.5 m, the side parts are 0.7 and 1.25, respectively.

Task: alternately overcome the barrier, leaning on your hands, and crawl under it. The movement develops jumping ability, agility and endurance.

4. Steeplechase. Five barriers are installed one after another every 4 m. The connecting (horizontal) part is located obliquely, its ends rest on posts 0.8 and 0.4 m high. The length of the connecting part is 2 m, the thickness of the supporting posts and the crossbar itself is 12 cm.

Task: overcome barriers with a running start, jumping over or leaning on a transverse post (crossbar) with your feet. This movement develops jumping ability and endurance, improves coordination.

5. Walking on a log. The log is installed in the form of a broken line of three 5 m sections located to each other at an angle of 75.5°. The entire structure is supported on six posts 55 cm high and buried 0.5 m into the ground. The thickness of the posts and logs is 15 cm.

Task: walk along a log, balancing with your arms out to the sides. Exercise develops balance.

6. Dynamic jumps over posts. The training obstacle consists of three rows of five columns, which are installed in increasing height - from 0.6 to 1.4 m. The distance between the columns and between the rows is 2.5 m.

Task: resting your hands on the posts, jump over them, spreading your legs to the sides. The exercise is performed starting from the first row and further as the height increases. The exercise develops jumping ability and agility.

7. Depth jumps. An inclined log, raised to a height of 1 m, allows you to perform deep dives from various heights, into a pit with sand and sawdust.

Task: make jumps from all possible heights, depending on age and preparedness. The exercise develops jumping ability, coordination of movements, strength and endurance of the legs.

8. Jumping with both feet over the crossbar. Three 6 m long planks are located parallel, 1 m from each other. In this case, the ends rest on crossbars mounted on posts dug into the ground, successively 5, 15 and 35 cm high.

Task: with your legs together, jump (without using your arms) over all the existing crossbars. This exercise develops jumping ability, increases endurance, and improves coordination of movements.

9. Jumping over tires. 10-12 car tires are dug into the ground and concreted. The distance between the tires is 1.0-1.5 m.

Task: walk, run, jump over and on tires, climb, etc. Exercises develop jumping ability, endurance and agility.

10. Exercise 10 (strength development route).

Agility Development Track

1. Exercise 1 (strength development route).

2. Walking, running and jumping on a log. The log consists of three rectangular links with a cross-section of 15×15 cm, 5 m long. The height of the first link is 40 cm, the last – 60 cm. The middle one is inclined. The entire structure is supported by three posts with a diameter of 15 cm.

Task: walk, run, jump on logs, balancing with your arms spread to the sides. The exercise develops coordination of movements and endurance.

3. Exercise 3 (strength development route).

4. Throwing at the target. It is made into a 100x200 cm shield mounted on metal legs concreted into the ground. A target is drawn on the shield and four 6x12 cm slots are cut out.

5. Exercise 5 (strength development route).

6. Exercise 6 (strength development route).

7. Climbing ladders and ropes. The projectile is a structure made of gas pipes with a diameter of 50-70 mm. It is assembled and concreted into the ground.

Task: climb the horizontal ladder, climb the vertical ladder onto the rope, go down it, climb the adjacent vertical ladder, go down to the trapeze and perform several swings. The exercise develops strength, endurance and agility.

8. Exercise 8 (strength development route).

9. Walking on a log over obstacles. A log 5 m long is fixed on posts 50-60 cm high. Obstacles are installed on the apparatus: a hoop, a vertical stick, a barrier.

Task: walk along the log in both directions, stepping over the barrier, going around the stick and crawling through the circle. Balance with your arms out to the sides. The exercise develops coordination and balance.

10. Exercise 10 (strength development route). By exercising on the track, you can develop your overall

endurance. In this case, the track is supplemented with new simulators. A path 1000-3000 m long is marked into 100 m segments, which makes it easy to dose the load, alternating calm, accelerated and fast walking at strictly controlled distances. Markings designed for a specific contingent of students are allowed. For example, the St. Petersburg Health Path passes through three load zones and consists of the following stages:


Types of movement

Load size, m





Healthy walking (warm-up)





Race walking










Health walking





Calm walking





Race walking










Health walking





Calm walking




Types of movement

Load size, m





Race walking










Health walking





Calm walking








A detailed drawing of the route layout, methodological recommendations for load dosage should be reflected on a special stand equipped at the start. When choosing a method of movement (walking, walking-jogging, jogging) and load, take into account your state of health, age, fitness, mode of physical activity, terrain, weather conditions and other factors.

Ski slopes

In winter, treadmills can be used turn into ski slopes. A section of terrain is prepared in advance for laying no more than two pairs of ski tracks. The width of each of them is 7-8 cm, the depth is no more than 2.5 cm, and the distance between the centers of the ski tracks is 28-30 cm.

The length of the route depends on a) gender, b) age and c) the preparedness of the skiers. Thus, competitions for young children are held at distances: 0.5 - 3.0 km; senior: 1 - 5 km; for adults: 5 – 50 km.

Ski races can take place on one track. Therefore, a 1-2 km long treadmill is successfully used not only for training. Of course, due to the monotony of such a short track, long-distance competitions (more than 10 km) are not held.

Ski Track should be compacted to a width of 2~2.5 m. There should be no shoe marks left on it. The distance between two tracks should be approximately 1 - 1.2 m (measured from the middle of the track). At turns, the width of the track increases to 5 m.

In the evening, the ski slope is forced illuminated artificial light.

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