Preventing and protecting organs from damage due to smallpox and measles

The organs that must be protected from damage during smallpox are the throat, eyes, nostrils, lungs and intestines, for it is these organs that are subject to ulceration. As for the eye, it sometimes dies, and sometimes a cataract forms on it; Sometimes a sore throat occurs in the throat, sometimes ulcers develop there that prevent swallowing and the passage of food into the esophagus, and often smallpox leads to fatal erosion of the throat. Ulcers sometimes appear in the nostrils, blocking the respiratory duct, and in the lungs, due to smallpox and measles acne, severe breathing difficulties often occur; sometimes smallpox ulcerates the lungs and thus drives people into consumption. Smallpox often causes abrasions in the intestines that are difficult to heal.

As for protecting the eyes, it is best, especially on the first day, to lubricate the eyes with murri and coriander juice, to which sumac and camphor have previously been added; One murri works the same way. They also lubricate the eyes with boiled kukh with coriander juice or sumac juice to which camphor has been added. Squeezed juice of pomegranate pulp is also good at first, but after pouring out, kuhl with rose water and camphor is more suitable. They say that it is very good to lubricate your eyes with white oil. Pistachio oil is one of the medicines that women in our country use after smallpox, when damage occurs in the eye. It removes the film, if any, and improves the condition of the eye. White eye ointment is great when pimples appear in the eye.

The mouth and throat are protected at first, for example, by sucking a pomegranate and chewing its seeds, and also by sucking Syrian mulberry berries and rinsing the mouth with thickly brewed mulberry juice, especially if the patient begins to complain of pain in these places. Then you should let him lick a little of the thickly brewed mulberry juice.

The nostrils are protected with ointments made from poppy, sandalwood, thickly brewed juice of unripe grapes and vinegar; snorting just vinegar into your nose also helps a lot. For the protection of the lungs there is no better remedy than a mild medicine for licking from lentils with sleeping poppy seeds, and with regard to the protection of the intestines - they should be protected most of all after the onset of the disease, using astringents. If diarrhea begins at the end of the disease, it is treated with cakes made from bamboo nodules with thickly brewed rhubarb juice and cakes made from sorrel seed.