Dry skin on fingers: causes and treatment

Dryness and flaking of the skin on the face, palms and fingers are most often taken as a sign of the adverse effects of environmental factors, because these areas of the body are almost always open.

Most often, it is the ultraviolet rays of the sun, components of synthetic detergents, temperature changes, exposure to wind or air conditioning that provoke dryness, but it also happens differently.

The range of possible reasons why the skin on the fingers begins to peel off is significantly wider.

Possible causes of peeling skin on the fingers that await a person in everyday life and ways to eliminate them

The skin of the hands reacts to any influence: changes in the environment, changes in diet, lifestyle. When faced with peeling skin on your hands, you should analyze what could cause this phenomenon.


Cause of peeling skin on fingers Notes Ways to combat the problem and precautions
Excessively high air humidity


In conditions of high humidity, an optimal atmosphere is created for the development and reproduction of fungal microorganisms, many of which are causative agents of skin infections (dermatomycosis). Periodic sanitization of the premises is necessary, as well as adherence to personal hygiene rules.
Humidity too low


In conditions of low humidity, the skin quickly loses moisture, which leads to a decrease in its elasticity and the appearance of visually invisible microtraumas (small abrasions, cracks) on its surface.

The number of dead epidermal cells increases, and the activity of the process of exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis increases significantly.

Maintaining an optimal level of humidity in the room (humidification if necessary).

You can control the humidity level using a portable hygrometer.

The skin of the hands should be protected from drying out with the help of moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics, and microtraumas should be combated with the help of substances that stimulate healing (for example, panthenol-based products).

Exposure to low temperatures


Cold exposure, especially prolonged exposure, causes a spasm of the capillary bed that nourishes the dermis and epidermis.

As a result, the upper layers of the epidermis die and peel off.

Hypothermia, including local ones, should be avoided.

In particular, in the cold season it is necessary to protect your hands from freezing with mittens or gloves.

Poor nutrition


For the normal functioning of skin cells, they need a certain set of nutrients to ensure their vital functions.

Therefore, peeling of the epidermis may be a signal of insufficient intake of essential nutrients (proteins, vitamins, minerals) into the body or of increased consumption.

It is necessary to monitor the completeness of the diet, which should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Improper skin care


The skin of the hands, which is daily exposed to negative influences, needs systematic care - nutrition and hydration.

Peeling of the surface layers of the skin may be a consequence of insufficient hydration or nutrition of cells, as well as the manifestation of an intolerance or hypersensitivity reaction to the cosmetic product used.

Hand skin requires systematic care: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing.

Precautionary measures are also necessary when using cosmetics:

Before using a new product, you should test for allergies;
·When using the product, strictly adhere to the instructions.

Aggressive chemical exposure


Synthetic detergents and laundry products containing surfactants negatively affect the condition of epidermal cells, causing them to die too quickly, which is manifested by peeling of the surface layer of the skin.

In addition, when working with chemicals, exposure to aggressive substances can cause chemical burns.

To avoid skin contact with household chemicals and aggressive chemicals, hands must be protected with polyethylene or latex gloves.

When contacting a doctor, an anamnesis is important (exposure to which substance caused the burn, how much time has passed, what measures have already been taken).

Thermal burn


Peeling of the epidermis can be caused by burns of various origins: steam, hot water, open fire, or as a result of touching hot objects. If you receive a thermal burn, you must seek medical help and then strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Contact with a person with ringworm


Fungal skin diseases can be transmitted from person to person; In this regard, some caution should be exercised. Following the rules of personal hygiene will help you avoid becoming infected through contact with a sick person.

In addition, if signs of fungal skin infection are detected, you should consult a dermatologist.

Additional symptoms to look out for when your hands are peeling

Some of the symptoms that accompany peeling can help with diagnosis. Therefore, when contacting a doctor, it is necessary to tell him about all the signs noticed so that the clinical picture is as complete as possible:

  1. Itching and burning in those areas where the skin on the fingers peels off. The reasons for such sensations are that the pathological process also affects the nerve endings.
  2. Changes in skin color - redness or, conversely, the appearance of areas with a paler color.
  3. Changes in the thickness of the skin - thickening of the skin or, conversely, thinning in certain areas.
  4. Compaction, formation of calluses.


  1. The appearance of cracks in the skin.
  2. The appearance of weeping lesions on the skin.
  3. Irritability and nervousness of the patient due to unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​peeling areas.
  4. Sleep disturbances caused by the irritating effect of itchy skin.
  5. Anxiety, attempts to “hide your hands” so as not to attract the attention of others to your problem.

Diseases that can be signaled by peeling skin on the hands

If the skin on your fingers is peeling, the reasons most likely lie in metabolic disorders in skin cells. In addition to “everyday” causes and local influences, some diseases also lead to this.


Note! If peeling skin appears on your fingers for no obvious reason, you should consult a doctor for advice and undergo a medical examination, as this symptom may indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Disease The main symptoms to recognize the disease What measures should be taken
Inflammatory skin lesion of fungal origin ·Change in skin color.
· Multiple small cracks in the skin.
· The skin thickens, and later the thickened areas begin to peel off.
Treatment should be started as soon as possible. To select the optimal therapy, you need to consult a dermatologist.

It is important to know! Since this disease mainly affects people with weakened immune systems, maintaining a normal immune status through a course of vitamins and a healthy lifestyle would be an adequate preventive measure.

Contact dermatitis Manifestations of the disease in the form of redness and severe itching after contact with a provoking agent (pharmaceuticals, detergents and cleaning products, cosmetics, agricultural chemicals). Subsequently, the fingers become covered with small scales of the epidermis, which gradually fall off. · Contact with aggressive chemicals should be avoided; If necessary, protect the skin of your hands with gloves.
· Before using previously unfamiliar cosmetics, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test (apply the product to a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction).
· Avoid contact with products that previously caused similar reactions. Dyshidrosis This condition is provoked by increased sweating due to hot, humid weather and is manifested by the formation between the fingers of a large number of small bubbles filled with serous fluid, the rupture of which is accompanied by pain, burning, severe itching, and weeping. ·Normalization of temperature conditions.
· Antiseptic treatment of weeping lesions to avoid infection.
· Avoid scratching. Eczema The formation of multiple weeping, itchy lesions on the surface of the skin, which, as a result of scratching, become infected and suppurate.

The healing process is characterized by prolonged peeling of the skin.

·Consultation with a dermatologist.
· Avoid scratching.
· Antiseptic treatment of inflamed lesions. Psoriasis · Areas of excessively dry skin that are red in color throughout the body.
· Itching in the area of ​​the lesions. ·Contact a dermatologist for examination and confirmation of diagnosis.
· Long-term treatment. Diabetes ·Decreased immunity.
· Itching and burning in various parts of the body, the intensity of which varies depending on the level of sugar in the blood. ·Compliance with diet and medication regimen.
· Timely examination.
·Proper skin care. Hypo- and avitaminosis (A, B1, B6, PP).

· Thinning of the skin.
·Increasing incidence of inflammatory skin diseases and frequent infection of microtraumas due to weakening of its protective functions.
· Skin itching starting from the fingertips. The cause of peeling skin on the fingers in this case is the massive death of epidermal cells. · Consultation with a therapist and dermatologist to exclude concomitant pathologies and diseases accompanied by similar symptoms.

·Inclusion of foods rich in vitamins in the diet.
· Course intake of multivitamin complexes.

What should you do first?

When the skin on the fingers peels, this is a reason for a comprehensive examination, because the mechanism of occurrence of the symptom is associated with metabolic disorders.

The appearance of this symptom may indicate the development of the disease in the early stages, when other signs have not yet appeared:

  1. When the skin on your fingers peels, ignore the cause of this phenomenon and try, without consulting a specialist, to “drown out” the itching that accompanies peeling with the help of antihistamines. When the unpleasant symptom that caused the pathological process is eliminated, it continues to progress.
  2. If you experience nervousness and irritability associated with itching and burning, You should not use sedatives or sleeping pills on your own, since many of them have significant side effects. Sedative therapy should be prescribed by a doctor.


The reasons that cause peeling skin on the fingers can be completely different. Therefore, you should not waste time making a diagnosis yourself - it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor

Whatever the true cause of peeling skin is - a disease, vitamin deficiency or chapping as a result of being outside for a long time in especially cold and windy weather, the success of treatment is determined by its timeliness.

The sooner a specialist makes a diagnosis and decides on tactics, the less likely it is that the disease will progress and complications will arise.

What to do if the skin on your fingers dries and peels?

Causes of peeling skin on the hands and what similar symptoms indicate:

Dry skin on the knuckles of children and adults is often caused by negative environmental influences. The baby comes into contact with toys, water, and objects on the street.

These factors lead to the appearance of microcracks, which cause inflammation and fungal infections. In case of peeling and dryness, it is worth finding out the cause and eliminating it.


Causes of dry skin in adults

The coverings on the fingers peel and crack when people do mechanical work. The skin suffers from friction, and in addition there is the influence of household chemicals.

Decreased immunity and vitamin deficiency also become provoking factors for dry skin.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the body are as follows:

  1. the skin becomes dry;
  2. comes off the fingertips;
  3. cracks are observed.

During cold spells and when working in the cold without gloves, the epidermis is dried out, so it cracks.

Causes of peeling fingertips in children





If the epidermis peels off from both hands, then this indicates problems with the internal organs. Dry indoor air leads to irritation of the skin. With the onset of the heating season, the heating is turned on, resulting in insufficient humidity levels in the house.

The cause of irritation is prolonged use of medications. The following groups of products may cause harm:

  1. hormonal drugs;
  2. antibiotics;
  3. sulfonamide medications.

The use of drugs causes immunodeficiency, which results in peeling

Causes in infants


Many causes of dryness in adults are also relevant for children, but there are some that specifically affect young children. Often the symptom is triggered by an allergy. In this case, the allergen is found and excluded.

Babies often suck their fingers for comfort, so the delicate tissues begin to dry out. Children under 5 years of age can develop a rare pathology - Kawasaki syndrome. It manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling of tissues, peeling of the skin of the hands and feet. This disease is treated with antibiotics.

Vitamin deficiency also leads to peeling of the upper extremities. In winter and autumn, the body weakens and cannot suppress infections. If a baby is diagnosed with helminthic infestations, the coverings on the pads dry out. The pediatrician prescribes antihelminthic medications.

Other reasons for breastfeeding:

  1. dry seborrhea;
  2. drinking water containing chlorine;
  3. genetic predisposition;
  4. weak immunity;
  5. fungal infection;
  6. chapped fingers.

If the symptom occurs with high body temperature, then this is a sign of scarlet fever or another infectious disease. At the initial stage, it is almost not noticeable, except for a specific rash. Sometimes the body copes with it on its own. After 2 weeks, the baby’s skin begins to peel off from the upper extremities, which confirms that he is getting rid of scarlet fever.

Often the baby reacts to chemical exposure - soap and personal hygiene products are not suitable for him. Then dryness occurs not only on the pads, but also on the palms. If the symptom formed only on the fingers, then there was direct contact with the irritant.

A breastfeeding baby may develop dysbiosis on the arms and legs. The dermis layer is damaged due to dehydration and intoxication of the body.

Sometimes there is a slight increase in body temperature, diarrhea, nausea, tearfulness, weakness and pain in the abdominal area. The set of symptoms requires immediate treatment in an inpatient facility.



Before treatment, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. If a child is diagnosed with a fungus, then therapy is prescribed by a specialist. Based on the tests, he will prescribe a suitable remedy, indicate the dosage and give recommendations for caring for the epidermis.

  1. Fungal infections on the arms and legs are treated with Thermikon, Lamisil, Galoprogin, Exoderil ointments. In addition, medications that strengthen the immune system are used. This will help speed up recovery and reduce the likelihood of reinfection.
  2. If the cause of the symptom is related to a lack of vitamins, then no special treatment is required. There is no pain or redness. You should apply nourishing cream to your fingers after washing. Purchase a product containing glycerin, sorbitol and lactic acid.
  3. Among pharmaceutical preparations, ointments containing dexpanthenol - D-Panthenol and Bepanten - promote rapid healing of fingertips. Solcoseryl will help quickly restore dried skin.

Other tips


  1. If the skin on the tip of your fingers is very dry, then it needs to be moisturized. A simple remedy is prepared at home: add a few drops of lemon oil to Vaseline and mix. The medicinal mixture will help fight the fungus. It is rubbed on the affected areas every evening. Gloves are put on top.
  2. Creams with lanolin containing coconut, jojoba, and tea tree oil will be beneficial. Natural components moisturize the limbs and eliminate microcracks.
  3. You will also need to adjust the child’s diet. The menu should consist of foods enriched with vitamins A and E. It is important to feed children eggs, nuts, pumpkin, cottage cheese, and fish.
  4. When contacting hot or cold water or chemicals, you need to wear gloves. The body needs to rest at night and drink more water.
  5. To soothe skin irritated by cracks, it is recommended to make a hand bath. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. A decoction of sage or plantain is used as a medicine.
  6. Often the problem of dry fingers is associated with external irritants. It can be easily solved at home - you need to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer and follow the rules of hygiene. If the provoking factor is pathologies of internal organs, allergies or dermatological diseases, then the help of a doctor will be needed.


Frequent stress in adolescents and nervous shocks have an impact on the growing body. Emotional fatigue, psychological state - all this is important to control.

Doctors warn! Shocking statistics - it has been established that more than 74% of skin diseases are a sign of parasite infection (Accarida, Giardia, Toxocara). Worms cause enormous harm to the body, and the first to suffer is our immune system, which should protect the body from various diseases. The head of the Institute of Parasitology shared the secret of how to quickly get rid of them and cleanse your skin, it turns out that’s enough. Read more .

Often, dry skin is caused by contact with clothing made from synthetic fibers. Children's delicate skin needs high-quality materials.

The use of household chemicals, improper care, the external environment - all these nuances lead to changes in the condition of the skin. Irritation resembling an allergy may appear on the hands, dryness, peeling, and cracking may occur. These factors are not health deviations. Cracks in the fingers are considered a serious cause for concern, the causes and treatment of which are not related to weather conditions, household responsibilities or age-related changes. Wounds with blood should be a mandatory reason to see a doctor.

Causes of dry skin and cracked fingers

Peeling and dryness cause discomfort. Combined with itching and bleeding wounds, these signs turn into constant pain. The reasons for such manifestations can be various factors. Floor cleaners, dishes and other household chemicals have a negative effect on your hands. It is not difficult to get rid of their influence. If the causes of changes in the skin are diseases, then treatment is aimed not only at eliminating discomfort, but also at eliminating the disease.


Diseases that can cause itching, cracking, peeling and dry hands:

  1. fungus (the main cause of the disease is considered to be weakened immunity);
  2. contact dermatitis (the disease is caused by the use of household chemicals, contact with aggressive substances or allergens);
  3. eczema (a serious disease accompanied by bleeding wounds, cracks, dry hands);
  4. psoriasis (a distinctive symptom is the appearance of droplets of blood;
  5. vitamin deficiency (the cause of dry and cracked hands is a lack of vitamins);
  6. allergies (individual reaction to certain factors).

The question of why the skin on the fingers cracks requires a comprehensive examination by a dermatologist. Getting rid of some diseases is difficult. Such symptoms may be a manifestation of diabetes mellitus, diseases of internal organs, or dysfunction of individual body systems. When identifying the cause of dryness and peeling, you need to pay attention to the location of the lesion - pads, palms, area of ​​the periungual plates, interdigital areas.

The skin on the fingers near the nails is cracking

Frequent contact not only with household chemicals, but also with ordinary water, can cause irritation. The skin in the area of ​​the nail plates begins to peel, crack, and peel off. If factors such as water and chemistry are not present, then internal diseases are the cause of discomfort. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, but the most common of them are considered to be fungus on the fingers, hormonal imbalance, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes or abnormalities in the thyroid gland.