Judgments about bad signs

Know that bad signs, if they are extremely bad, foreshadow death. If the strength is significant, then the disease drags on for a long time and then kills, and if the strength is weak, it kills without a long delay. Often destructive signs appear, and moreover, on bad days, but then a beneficial crisis occurs or the movement of matter to some organ and well-being occurs. You should trust the good signs before the period of the limit and fear the disastrous signs when they quickly appear, but do not pass judgment on them until you see that your strength is declining, because the decline in strength is in itself a bad sign. Then, in case of acute diseases, the location of which is a certain organ, for example, the chest with pleurisy, you should monitor the condition of this organ - it is more indicative than the condition of any other organ. Thus, the maturity of sputum during pleurisy is more indicative of the maturity of urine. An observant doctor, if he notices a bad, unnatural feature in the face and eyes of a patient or in anything else, must first recognize whether this is not natural for a given person, and until then not make a decisive judgment even by the pulse. He should also determine whether it is due to illness or an external cause. So, sometimes a bad color and excessive hardness appear on the tongue not from a disease, but from eating some food that produced such an effect.

Bad signs vary depending on the actions of a particular organ.