Suppositories administered during zahir

As for the suppositories that are administered during zahir, the best of them are those that bind the most strongly. Such, for example, are the famous Alexander candles, sandarac candles and many numbing candles that we mention when talking about the treatment of ulcers.

Prescription of candles for zahir. They take opium, beaver stream, incense and saffron, prepare candles from this and inject them. Or else: they take unripe Gauls, tin white, incense, dragon's blood and opium. And medicinal dressings are dressings with egg yolk and white bread crumb, with chamomile or with juice squeezed from fresh chamomile, as well as with dry dill, marshmallow, flaxseed mucilage and similar substances. A good dressing to apply to the anus is one made with Syrian leek, boiled with ghee, rose oil and a little refined wax.

As for the smokes prepared for such patients, they are used when the pain intensifies. The patient is seated on a bench with a hole above which the anus is located, a funnel is placed under the bench and smoking is passed through it. They are fumigated, among other things, with capers, olive pits and camel feces; if you fumigate with a large amount of sulfur at once, it will be useful. Regarding the waters in which the patient is placed, I will say that to soothe the pain, the waters in which wild mallow, dill, chamomile, marshmallow and sweet clover were boiled are used, and the waters used to delay the discharge are the waters in which astringents were boiled. Water should be mixed as needed.

If the rectum prolapses, it should be washed with astringent wine, cleaned and inserted back, and let the patient sit in strongly astringent water. Or they apply to his anus, after returning and putting the intestines in place, medicinal dressings made of astringent and strengthening substances, crushed and associated with some astringent squeezed juices.