Heart failure and its causes

Interruptions are twitching movements that occur in the heart. Their cause is everything that causes suffering to the heart and is either in the heart itself, or in its sac, or comes to the heart from neighboring organs that are involved in the disease. Sometimes they occur due to matter in the form of juice, and sometimes from a simple disorder of nature, from a tumor, from the disintegration of the whole, from some extraneous cause and from great sensitivity. Matter in the form of juice consists of either blood, or aqueous humor, or black bile, or yellow bile, or winds. This is the lightest and lightest. As for interruptions arising from a simple disorder of nature, the predominance of any quality of nature causes weakness, and any weakness causes in the heart, while there is a remnant of strength in it, some trembling, as if the heart is driving away something harmful from itself, and interruptions occur. Interruptions, becoming excessive, turn into fainting, and fainting, when it is too deep, turns into death. Sometimes interruptions are caused by a simple disorder of any of the natures.

The tumor, while it is just beginning, causes interruptions, then it makes you faint, then it destroys you; A cold tumor is close to a hot tumor in quality, but sometimes it gives the patient a short respite. The same applies to the disintegration of the whole and blockages that occur in the flow paths of blood and pneuma in the heart and in adjacent areas or in the hard vessels of parts of the lungs. And interruptions from an external cause are, for example, interruptions from debilitating pain, from the transfer of matter from the mentioned tumors adjacent to the heart, from taking poisons, as well as interruptions from being stung by animals or from the appearance of snakes in the stomach, especially if the snakes rise to the highest places stopping food and feces. As for interruptions arising due to the subtle sensitivity of the heart, then in a person distinguished by such sensitivity, interruptions occur from the slightest winds originating in the space between the heart and its bag, or in the substance of its bag, or in its vessels, as well as from the slightest manifestation of coldness or warmth reaching the heart, even after drinking water, and this does not lead to a weakening of the actions of the heart.

If interruptions occur due to complicity, then this is either the participation of the whole body, as happens with fevers and especially with pestilence fevers, or the participation of the membrane of the heart, when a tumor forms in it, loose or hard, as happened in the above-mentioned monkey and rooster, or the participation of stomach, when at its mouth there is viscous, glassy or burning juice, yellow gall, or when food spoils in the stomach. Interruptions often occur due to the complicity of the stomach due to the presence of juice in it or pimples at its mouth or weakness after severe vomiting; such interruptions can hardly be distinguished from cardiac interruptions. Often, twitching occurs at the mouth of the stomach, following one after another; they are most similar to heart failure. Interruptions also occur due to the complicity of the lungs, when many blockages form in the area adjacent to the heart and breathing does not occur properly. This indicates shortness of breath, which is not safe for health.

Interruptions also occur due to the crisis and the movement of juices towards the crisis. We will explain this further in its place. If a person complains of interruptions after an illness and experiences nausea and profuse eruption of yellow bile, and the nausea does not go away, then this is a bad sign, foreshadowing cramps in the stomach.

Signs. Any type of interruption is indicated by an uneven pulse that goes beyond the limits of unevenness in terms of large and small magnitude, speed, slowness, rarity and frequency; it often resembles the pulse of asthma patients. Wet interruptions are indicated by a very soft pulse; At the same time, a person feels that his heart seems to be tossing and turning in some kind of moisture. Blood interruptions are indicated by signs of warmth, heat and burning, as well as a fast and high pulse value at a time when there are no interruptions. During such interruptions they benefit from copulation, and during cold ones they benefit from the opposite.

They are rarely indicated by yellow gall diseases that follow them, as well as hardness of the pulse and strong burning. Black bile interruptions are indicated by sadness, melancholy and hardness of the pulse: pure wind interruptions are indicated by their rapid cessation and easy tolerability, as well as slight unevenness of the pulse. Interruptions from a tumor in the body of the heart or in its sac are indicated by the above-mentioned signs of both types of tumors; interruptions from the disintegration of the one are indicated by their cause; for interruptions from poisons and bites their cause in the absence of other reasons; interruptions caused by intestinal worms are also indicated by their cause. During interruptions from a simple disorder of the hot nature, there is a strong glow without the feeling that the heart is splashing in liquid, the speed and frequency of the pulse even when the heart is not agitated, and it is also observed that the interruptions arise due to causes that cause warming without matter; Such interruptions occur with tabes and similar diseases. Interruptions from pure cold are also indicated by their causes, for example, bowel movements that extinguish innate heat, cooling diseases, air quality and other living conditions, as well as a slow and rare pulse at a time when there are no interruptions. Interruptions from blockages are indicated by unevenness of the pulse in relation to small and large values, weakness and strength in the absence of signs of overflow.

As for interruptions that occur from the subtle sensitivity of the heart, from the slightest winds arising in it, and from the most insignificant irritation reaching it, this cause is recognized by the great strength of the pulse, by the healthy state of breathing and the well-being of all organs. Strength and a large pulse are the most conclusive signs of this, and it is supported by the fact that the body, despite the frequent occurrence of such interruptions, is healthy, strength is preserved and the actions of the heart are usually correct. Most often, such interruptions occur in people whose faces clearly show impressions of emotional experiences, even minor ones, such as joy, grief, care, anger, and the like. With regard to interruptions resulting from the participation of the whole body during fevers, the matter is clear, just as with crisis interruptions.

The fact that the cause of the interruptions is the stomach is indicated by indicators of the state of the stomach and appetite and the nature of eruptions, as well as unusual whims, nausea, cramps in the intestines, and the fact that the interruptions become weaker when the stomach is empty, unless they occur due to yellow gall juice pouring into the mouth of the stomach when it is empty, and do not intensify when food begins to be digested. Interruptions arising from the involvement of the lungs are indicated by the fact that the person suffering from them is susceptible to asthma and exhibits signs indicating moisture in the lungs and blockage of the passages in them, as discussed in the corresponding paragraph. The interruptions caused by snakes are indicated by the signs mentioned in their place; This, by the way, is indicated by salivation and pain, as if gnawing and stabbing, that suddenly appears at the mouth of the stomach.

General outage management measures. As for any interruptions that occur from matter, they benefit from emptying. Bleeding disorders are treated with bloodletting and increased bleeding, as well as balancing food in terms of quantity and quality; if interruptions occur in attacks or often occur at a certain time of the year, for example, in the spring, then before the attack it is necessary to perform bloodletting and lighten the diet, as well as take medications that strengthen the heart. In case of interruptions caused by mucous juice, emptying should be done with medications, the effect of which reaches the heart; Strong iyarajas are most suitable for this, removing viscous liquids. Interruptions resulting from black bile blood flowing from a distant place are treated by bloodletting, balancing the nature of the liver with the means mentioned in the corresponding paragraph, so that too much black bile does not arise. If the cause is pure black gall juice, then the treatment is emptying with the help of, for example, Iraj Ruf, lugaziyya and all the medicines that remove black gall juice from a distant place. Then, after this, it remains to balance the nature of the liver. Cold interruptions are treated with warming medications, and hot ones with cooling medications, especially those that correspond to cardiac medications.

Interruptions due to the complicity of the stomach, if they arise from thick juice, are treated by inducing vomiting after eating and after taking known thinning medicines, for example, taking squeezed radish juice in shikanjubin and then relieving it with strong iyarajas, like lugaziya and tiyadaritus, as well as bitter iyaraj, enhanced with coloquinta pulp, agaric and dodder. If interruptions occur from burning yellow bile, they are treated by strengthening the stomach with thickly brewed fruit juice and fragrant fruits, for example, apples and quinces, especially after meals, as well as pears and similar fruits, inclining the nature to soften and avoiding everything that turns into bile juice; at the same time, measures are taken to balance the nature of the stomach. If food spoils in the stomach, then the medicines mentioned in the section on the stomach should also be used to give it the strength to digest what spoils. Eliminating this way

cause, you must also strengthen the organ that experiences its influence, that is, the heart, so that it is not subject to harmful influences. It is not appropriate to limit ourselves to eliminating the cause without strengthening the organ experiencing its effect; on the contrary, you should constantly deliver cardiac medicine to your heart. By the way, it helps a lot when there are interruptions, drinking one misqal of volovik before going to bed several nights in a row. A proven remedy is to drink on an empty stomach male cloves in an amount equal in size and weight to one nawa in twelve bowls of unleavened milk, and also drink one bowl of dry marjoram in cold water for several days in a row if there is a fever, and wine if there is no fever.

It is useful, by the way, for a person suffering from interruptions to always have with him some incense that is pleasant to him and constantly fumigate himself with them and use smelling substances prepared from them. The incense for someone suffering from hot flashes should be dominated by roses, camphor, sandalwood and cold oils with a slight admixture of other somewhat hot medicines, for example, a small amount of musk, saffron, cloves, unless, of course, this does not depress the patient. Then they limit themselves to cold medicines. If the patient has a cold nature, then use musk, amber, bath oil, citron oil, camphor water, gallium and the like; the patient is subjected to various types of fumigation, given incense to smell and prescribed pleasant medicines that suit his nature.

We will not multiply words by listing you cardiac medicines, hot and cold, you will find them all written down among simple medicines under the heading “Respiratory Organs”; Generally speaking, every fragrant medicine is a medicine for the heart. Moreover, we have already mentioned which of these medicines should be placed in front for this purpose.

As for the person suffering from intermittent nausea, about which we said that these are bad interruptions, he is treated, especially if the remainder of the fever remains, by giving him scalded with hot water and then cooled barley oatmeal with sugar in the amount of ten dirhams to drink.

Although oatmeal also causes vomiting, the patient will still benefit from it. If sugar is disgusting to him, since sugar increases nausea, then he takes pomegranate seeds instead of sugar, and his legs are bandaged, camphor and similar substances with vinegar are given to inhale, and rags moistened with infusions of both types of sandalwood, camphor and other medicines are placed on his chest. . Often a person experiences interruptions, then something seems to rush downward in his insides, to the right or left, and the interruptions calm down.

Treatment of hot outages. If these are interruptions in matter and you have removed the matter, but its effect continues, or hot interruptions without matter, then the patient should be fed food that is not plentiful, but healthy, such as, for example, bread soaked in rose water with a small admixture of fragrant wine, bread with apple wine and apple soup, dug made from freshly skimmed milk or not very sour, pumpkin, pigweed and cold fruits. If the patient tolerates meat, then he is given kari and khullam from chickens and especially from partridges; partridges have a particularly beneficial effect in this regard even in cold weather, as well as various marinades prepared from them. All this is eaten with squeezed fruit juice, sour grape juice, sour apple juice, strong vinegar diluted with rose water, and willow juice. If you have citron or lemon juice, then this is most beneficial.

And if the interruptions and burning intensify, then force the patient to swallow, sip by sip, cold water and melted snow mixed with rose water, and swallow drinks from various fruits, drinks from Syrian apples and similar drinks, giving them one after another. If you need to dilute camphor in them, do it. Sometimes you have to limit yourself to yogurt, giving it to drink from one to two rittles and feeding the patient with it. If you need to enhance its nutritional value with a small amount of bread crumb and poo, do it. And if you see that the patient’s strength is weak and you may be afraid of extinguishing the warmth, then be sure to mix cubeba, cardamom, citron leaves, coriander, camphor with rose and bamboo concretions to these and similar drugs to balance the warmth. As for oxwort, use it boldly, without fear of bad consequences, and use it in everything you give to drink and eat. Doctors have established the custom of giving water in such cases to water, as well as its juice, extracted by distillation. Sometimes Chinese rhubarb with cold water, given several days in a row in the amount of one dirham, helps with hot spells. At the same time, they try to keep the air cool to the extreme degree of cooling and so that when drinking medicine, there are potions on hand for pouring and fragrant substances for sniffing, prepared from camphor and sandalwood. It is a good idea to lightly sprinkle wine on them in such an amount that their incense passes to the heart.

One of the remedies useful to a person suffering from hot flashes is the transition from familiar air to cold air; it restores his health. You should also not neglect the application of cooling medicinal bandages made with sandalwood, rose water, “blacksmith water”, camphor, roses, bamboo nodules, and lentils to the heart area. These bandages are placed on the patient's heart, especially during fevers. As for the complex medicines that are useful in this case, you should give camphor cakes with saffron and a drink of citronic acid, in which sometimes citron leaves, a sweet medicine with musk and a cold cheerful medicine are put.

A proven recipe against not very hot interruptions: they take four parts of bamboo nodules, Indian aloe tree and sukkah for a dirham each, cardamom and cloves for a dirham each, camphor for half a dirham, tragacanth for three dirhams, all this is turned into cakes with the moisture of taranjubin, each cake weighs half a dirham.

Another recipe: scorpion-shaped melon, one part, camphor, a quarter of a part, sandalwood, a third of a part, pearls, amber, corals, Indian aloe wood, bamboo nodules, roses, half a part each, and cowwort, two parts. All this is kneaded with apple juice and turned into flat cakes; They drink from one dirham to one misqal at a time. Another medicine is stronger than the previous one in terms of extinguishing heat: lettuce seeds, chicory seeds, bamboo nodules, roses, sandalwood, purslane seeds, oxwort seeds, dry coriander, corals, amber, pearls, as much of each as the healers consider consistent with the rule, and then taken in powder form two dirhams. This is a very good medicine.

And if the need to extinguish heat is very strong, then take one part of each nodule of bamboo, red sandalwood and rose, and a quarter of camphor; They give you two dirhams to drink at one time.

Another recipe: take coral, amber, pearls, lemon balm, hairy basil and hot Yemeni alum for three dirhams each, Armenian clay and coriander for five dirhams each; At one time they give you a bowl of lemon balm juice to drink.

And if the matter has gone beyond the limit and the burning has intensified and there is a fear that a tumor is beginning, then sometimes it is necessary to give the patient luffah seeds and opium to drink; It is best to give up to four dirhams of luffah seeds to drink, and up to half a danak of opium, mixed with an incense medicine of musk, raw aloe, camphor and saffron, in quantities corresponding to the strength of the patient, the period of illness and the degree of need.

Treatment of cold interruptions. As for emptying in the presence of matter, they are performed in the manner that we have already outlined to you. One of the proven remedies for mucous, moist interruptions, no matter whether the matter is in the region of the heart or the stomach, are also pills: take half a dirham of agaric, one danak of coloquint pulp, one dirham of turbita, one danak of bdellia, musk and saffron of each tassuj. Indian aloe tree - one danak and Indian salt - a quarter of a dirham; drink so much at one time.

A proven remedy for black bile outages: take black and Kabul myrobalans for one dirham each, dodder for half a dirham, “Armenian stone” for four dirhams, bitter medicine from musk for three dirhams. They drink this, adding fragrant wine in such an amount that the medicine dissolves in it. Sometimes they limit themselves to long-term consumption of iyaraja fikr in the amount of one mithqal with dodder in the amount of one danak. They drink this with sikanjubin and constantly. And the remedies that change the nature of the heart are teryak, mithridate, sweet and bitter medicines from musk, Caesar’s medicine, ualisa, juvarishn with aloe and ambergris, Qubad medicine, the great cheerful medicine, “medicinal porridge that gives success,” as well as musk cakes. When the coldness intensifies, you have to use, for example, cashew and give it to drink. Sometimes it helps to overcome cold interruptions by taking one himmusa kaftargan with thirty bowls of grape must in which the cowtail was soaked. The sick are fed with a decoction of chickpeas, chicks of pigeons and the meat of sparrows and larks.

Among other complex medicines is a medicine of this kind: cowwort one dirham, zurunbad and damask - each four dirhams. They drink a dirham at a time - at the beginning of the month, in the middle of the month and at the end of the month, this medicine should be drunk in fragrant wine. Another medicine: amber and beaver stream, one part each, dry citron peels and hairy basil seeds, half a part each; or amber and corals, each for a dirham, basil and sukkah, each for a dirham. At one time they drink half a dirham of it with squeezed cowwort juice, not strained or boiled. There are other good, strong medicines with long prescriptions mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia.