
Gastrolith is a stomach stone that usually forms around a bezoar.

A bezoar is a hard lump of substance that forms in the stomach or intestines due to the accumulation of food particles, hair, fruit seeds and other insoluble substances. Bezoars can exist for years and reach significant sizes.

Over time, calcium salts and other minerals from food and gastric juice begin to be deposited around the bezoar. This gradually forms a hard stone called gastrolite. Gastroliths come in different shapes and sizes, from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.

Gastroliths usually do not cause symptoms until they reach a significant size. As gastrolith increases, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and digestive disorders may appear. Treatment consists of surgically removing the stone.

Thus, a gastrolith is a calculus in the stomach that develops on the basis of a bezoar. Timely detection and treatment of this condition is necessary to prevent complications.

Gastrolith is a stone that forms in the stomach and can cause serious health problems. It most often forms around bezoars - stones that form in the intestines and can be swallowed along with food.

Symptoms of gastrolith may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and constipation. If the gastrolith is not removed, it can lead to serious problems such as bleeding, gastric perforation, and even death.

To remove the gastrolith, you must consult a doctor. This is usually done through endoscopy, a procedure in which a doctor inserts a thin tube into the stomach through the mouth or nose. The doctor then removes the gastrolith and other stones that may be in the stomach.

After gastrolith removal, the patient may need some time to recover. However, if the gastrolith was removed on time, the risk of developing serious complications is reduced. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of gastrolith.

**Gastrolith** is a stone or lump of substance that forms in the stomach and can cause serious health problems. Gastroliths most often occur in horses and other domestic animals, but can also occur in humans. In this article we will look at the reasons for the formation of gastroliths, their types and treatment methods.

Causes of gastrolith formation

Gastroliths form as a result of several reasons, including:

- **Diet:** If the diet contains too much calcium, phosphorus or magnesium, this can lead to the formation of gastroliths. Lack of certain nutrients can also contribute to gastroliths;

* **Body response**: Gastrolith can occur as a result of the body’s reaction to any environmental factors, such as food, antibiotics, or even injury.

Types of gastroliths

Gastrilia can vary in shape, size and composition. They may contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, protein and other substances. There are several types of gastroliths: - Bezoars. These are solid clumps of intestinal contents, mainly consisting of cellulose and some other plant fibers. They may also contain stones and earth; - Phosphollites. Stones containing predominantly insoluble phosphates and rare insoluble carbonates; - Magnetic gastroliths. Lumps consisting predominantly of magnetite. They are very rare.

Diagnosis of gastroliths in animals

Diagnosis of gastrolith stones in animals may include the following steps:

1. **Observing Symptoms**: The animal may exhibit symptoms such as stomach pain, vomiting, poor appetite and difficulty eating. Additionally, many animals have a tendency to chew cud to relieve pain. 2. **Endoscopic examination of the stomach**. Gastroscopy allows you to study the condition of the stomach and identify gastrolith stones. Typically, endoscopic examinations are performed under anesthesia, so that the animals are under anesthesia. 3. **X-ray studies**: Using the X-ray method, the size of gastroliths is determined and their structure is studied. If necessary, a two-dimensional ultrasound of the peritoneum can also be performed. 4. Ultrasound diagnostics to assess motor function and tension of the gastrointestinal tract. 5. If gastroscopy does not cause any special problems in the animal