
Expiration (from Latin expirare - to exhale) is the process of air leaving the lungs during breathing. Expiration is the opposite of the process of inhalation or inspiration.

During expiration, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, which expanded the chest during inhalation, relax and return to their original position. This leads to a decrease in lung volume. Air leaves the lungs under the influence of elastic forces of the lung tissue and chest.

Thus, expiration is a passive process that does not require energy expenditure. However, with forced exhalation, the abdominal muscles and internal intercostal muscles are activated, which additionally compress the chest.

Expiration can also mean death or the cessation of existence of something. For example, "patent expiration" means the end of the patent's life.

Expiration is the process of removing air from the lungs that occurs during breathing. In medicine, expiration is also called death.

In the first case, when we talk about the process of removing air from the lungs when exhaling, we are talking about removing carbon dioxide from the lungs, which is formed as a result of the oxidation of organic substances in tissues. In the process of exhaling carbon dioxide, the lungs are freed from excess carbon dioxide and are saturated with oxygen.

In the second case, when we are talking about death, expiration means the cessation of the work of organs and systems of the body. This may be due to various reasons such as heart failure, respiratory arrest, blood loss, etc.

Thus, expiration is an important process for maintaining human health and life. However, if the expiration process occurs unexpectedly and without warning, it can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and consult a doctor promptly if any symptoms occur.

Expiration theory

All sorts of processes play an important role in human life, especially with regard to processes occurring inside our body. These processes are called physiology and biology, we will talk about breathing.

Breathing is a process resulting from inhalation, which consists of filling the lungs with air. Exhalation is accomplished by removing air masses from them. As a result of gas exchange, the process of cleansing the body is carried out. Only with proper breathing does the body function effectively, which is why it is so important to know the rules of breathing in various situations. By remembering them, you will always be able to maintain your body at a high level of activity.

*The breathing process works independently; not every person, even those in a completely unconscious state, has the ability to carry out this process.* Even those who have suffered a cessation of breathing are not able to perform this action for the entire duration. If we talk directly about the mechanism, the breathing process becomes possible only with a coordinated action: blood comes out, exerting pressure; the lungs expand so that the alveoli become larger, capturing and thereby filling them with oxygen. Gas and air, as part of the breathing mechanism, are influenced by