Discussion about hot faranitus, that is, about hot sarsam

Faranitus is a hot tumor in the thin or thick membrane of the brain, but not in its substance, although a tumor sometimes occurs in the substance of the brain. This is not the case, as some people claim to be doctors, who argue that the brain does not swell, for that which is soft like the brain or hard like the bones does not stretch and therefore does not swell. This reasoning is erroneous, since what is soft and sticky still stretches, and the bones also swell; Galen also admits this, and we will explain this in detail in the paragraphs on teeth. We, on the contrary, affirm that everything that is nourished can be stretched and enlarged as a result of nutrition; It is also possible to stretch and enlarge from the presence of any excess, and this is a tumor.

However, if the brain sometimes swells, then faranitus and sarsam are special names for a tumor of the membrane of the brain when the tumor is hot, although in some places these names are also extended to tumors of the brain substance, and this is the use assigned to these names, but only they are transferred from signs that necessarily accompany this disease, to the disease itself. Such symptoms are delirium, stupefaction and burning heat, and the name sarsam  in the common sense refers to these symptoms, and in the special sense to a tumor of the meninges. Such a transfer of the name is similar to the transfer of the name of a symptom, namely memory loss, to the disease that causes and conditions this symptom, that is, to cold sarsam. When the word sarsam is used in the generally accepted sense, this concept also includes brain sarsam, that is, the disease in question. Some people, who do not know the different meanings of the words, believe that barsam is the name of a tumor of the meninges, and sarsam is something milder. However, this is by no means the case. Barsam is a Persian word: bar is a breast, and itself is a tumor; sarsam is also a Persian word; cap means head, and itself means tumor or disease.

Sarsam is also a disease arising from fevers and from burning juices at the mouth of the stomach, or a disease that sometimes arises from swelling in various parts of the head, outside or in the outer membrane of the skull. Sarsam is also called a disease accompanying barsam, that is, a disease that occurs with the participation of the thoraco-abdominal obstruction due to tumors of the obstruction or other muscles of the chest, or a disease from a tumor of the bladder, uterus or stomach. Due to the ambiguity of this name, the definitions of this disease vary among different authors, just as the definitions of lithargus, that is, cold sarsam, which is called memory loss, vary among different authors. However, true sarsam, according to the special usage of doctors, is the disease that we were talking about. Sometimes with sarsame, the substance of the brain also swells due to its participation in the disease or the movement of matter. This is a very malignant disease, and it kills on the fourth day, but if this period passes, the patient is saved. Most people who die from Sarsam die from respiratory distress.

Such a tumor occurs in different places, corresponding to different parts of the brain. Sometimes two parts of the brain are involved or the tumor spreads to all its parts, but most often the tumor trunk is located near the anterior cavity or in the middle part of the brain. Its source is blood - either yellow, or purely red, or burnt, similar to black bile; in this case the tumor is very malignant. Such a tumor most often appears to occur only from the bile, and not from pure blood, or from the bile itself and, apparently, does not resolve otherwise than with sweat or bleeding from the nose. Often the membrane of the brain and the vessels leaving the head swell, so that the sutures of the skull almost open.

If faranitus is accompanied by clouding of consciousness, manifested in an alternation of crying and laughter after a short period of time, then this is a bad sign. It is also not good if inflammation of the lungs develops into faranitus, for this indicates that the juice is very hot; the same thing if pneumonia turns into false sarsam. When a prolonged feeling of heaviness appears in the head and neck area, and then convulsions and verdigris-colored vomiting begin, the patient immediately dies with the longest delay - a day or two, if the patient’s strength is significant. Faranitus progresses most favorably if the patient can remember, when the fever becomes lighter, what he was raving about. If amuridus appears in such patients, this is a commendable sign. If a person suffering from sarsame looks at one point and vomits red bile, and at the same time he is weak, then he will die on the same day, and if he is strong, then in two days. It has not been seen that a person with a tumor in the brain area, having watery urine, gets rid of the disease J. Often the faranitus resolves due to the kidneys, when blood flows from the cones, and sometimes the sarsam becomes cold and turns into p lithargus; It also happens that the patient, having gotten rid of faranitus, falls into tabes or madness. A false sarsam often turns into a true one; Old people rarely get rid of faranitus disease.

Someone claiming to be a doctor claimed that sometimes a disease similar to faranitus occurs, but without fever, and that the absence of fever supposedly indicates the absence of a tumor. However,” he said, “such a patient is very worried and rushes about; he cannot remain still and almost climbs onto the wall; he experiences severe irritation, melancholy and thirst, his breathing becomes constricted, and when he drinks water, he chokes on it and spews it back. It is also said that this disease mostly kills on the same day and only rarely lingers until the fourth day. No one can escape from it, and some even have a black face and tongue, their eyes freeze, and the condition of the sick resembles that of the grief-stricken. Subsequently, their movements become sluggish, their pulse drops, and they die, most often dying from suffocation. Sometimes you see such a patient running around, then falling and dying. I will say: it is very probable that the reason for this lies in the complicity of the brain with some other noble organ, for example, with the respiratory muscles; if severe convulsions or any other damage occurs in this organ, leading to suffocation, then the damage spreads to the brain, upsets and spoils it, darkens the mind and causes thirst, drying out the area of ​​​​the throat, head and chest.

Signs. As for the signs common to the various varieties of true sarsam, these are a constant dry fever that occurs at noon, delirium that intensifies and then ceases, reluctance and reluctance to speak, disorder of the mind - usually on the fourth day, senseless movements of the limbs, restlessness, disorderly , but a lot of breathing, frequent pulling up of the false ribs; twitching of the members at the same time or before this portends sarsam. Sleep with sarsam can be restless, patients scream when waking up. They sometimes sleep, sometimes they don’t sleep, and most often their sleep is anxious, upset, with visions and bad, terrible dreams, and they wake up excited, screaming. Such patients show rudeness, insolence and anger, greater than always; they do not like bright light and turn away from it, their tongue trembles greatly and becomes rough, and they bite it. Often their tongue swells and their voice disappears. When they want water, they drink it little by little, in small quantities, and their urge for water is small. In such patients, the limbs often freeze, regardless of external cold. Their urine is rather thin and rarefied, and the pulse is hard, since the tumor is located in an organ rich in nerves, small due to the hardness of the vessel and weakness of strength, and compressed due to the presence of matter. Their pulse retains some strength, unless they are close to danger, because dryness compresses and strengthens the pulse, and the end of compression and the beginning of expansion comes sooner. When saw-toothed, their pulse is not without some undulation, since the brain is a moist substance. It sometimes happens that the pulse of such patients repeatedly becomes large due to the need for cooling, or rapid, or uneven in the arrangement of parts, or tremulous. All this is one of the harbingers of fainting, unless, of course, the unevenness, trembling and instability of the pulse does not belong to the variety caused by the hardness of the vessel and the significant strength of the patient; then it does not portend fainting. It also happens that their pulse becomes convulsive; this portends convulsions.

If you see signs of acute illnesses and severe fevers and the patient’s nature is locked up, then this portends sarsam and seems to be its sure harbinger. Faranitus is preceded by forgetfulness of recent events, causeless sadness, bad dreams, frequent headaches, heaviness in the head and overwhelm. In most cases, it is also preceded by yellowing of the face, prolonged insomnia and restless sleep.

While the juices are directed to the brain, circle in its vessels and overflow there, all these symptoms intensify, and when they approach the brain itself and the brain absorbs matter, patients begin to feel pain in the back of the head, at the back of the head, especially with a gall tumor. When they finally fall into illness and the brain swells, their eyes first become very dry, and then they begin to water, especially one eye. Often the blood vessels in their eyes become very red, and sometimes this is followed by drip bleeding from the nose. Patients often rub their eyes and try to keep most of the body parts at rest and motionless, with the exception of the hands. They dangle their hands, pick up litter and straws, and most often do this with their eyes closed, and sometimes with their eyes widening angrily. Sometimes they are lazy to speak clearly and only move their tongue. Often they leak urine drop by drop, and they notice it, and sometimes they don’t notice it. In case of fevers, this is one of the signs of sarsam in the proper sense. They do not feel pain in the organs, if there is pain, and do not even feel a rough touch to the painful organ.

Let us also say: when a tumor arises in the front part of the brain, it upsets the imagination, and patients begin to collect fluff from clothes, straws and similar rubbish from the walls, and non-existent images appear to them. If a tumor appears in the middle part of the brain, then thinking is upset and the patient is confused about what he knows and says a lot of nonsense. If the tumor forms closer to the back of the brain, the patient immediately forgets what he saw and did. Sometimes he demands something, and when they bring him what he wants, he doesn’t even remember that he asked for it. For example, he asks for a basin to urinate, but when it is served, he has already forgotten about it.

When the tumor covers the brain from all sides, then all these signs appear. If at the same time the substance of the brain also swells and the substance forming the tumor is blood, then the eyes and face turn red, and the eyes bulge greatly; when the substance forming the tumor is pure bile, then the eyes and face turn yellow. A clouding of consciousness due to complicity is indicated by the fact that it appears immediately and follows a disorder in the condition of any other organ. The disease manifests itself in attacks during attacks of exacerbation of the disorder of the involved organ, weakens with its weakening and intensifies with its intensification.

Stupefaction from cerebral sarsam appears gradually, and is accompanied by signs of true sarsam, which appear earlier, and then a disease of the involved organ occurs. With false sarsame, on the contrary, diseases of another organ precede it, and then signs of sarsame appear. If sarsam occurs due to the thoraco-abdominal obstruction and chest muscles, then it is preceded by signs of sarsam and pleurisy: stabbing pain in the side when sighing, shortness of breath, saw-tooth pulse, cough, dry at first, which in most cases then becomes wet and produces phlegm. The disease is accompanied by a constant fever, producing the greatest heat in the chest area, and in true sarsame - in the head area; at the same time, the pulling of the false ribs upward increases. A feature of this disease is a sensation of pain in the upper part of the skull, which does not cover it entirely; the signs mentioned in the previous ones do not appear strongly and they are few in number, the patient’s breathing becomes uneven, then weakens and becomes more frequent, then becomes large, rather turns into small and weak, and sometimes becomes like groaning. With true faranitus, the breathing is closer to large and even simply large. Both types of sarsam are similar in terms of severe clouding of consciousness, but subsequent sarsam differs from true sarsam in that the degree of clouding of consciousness depends on the strength of the fever and decreases as the fever decreases. As for sarsam, which occurs from the accumulation of juice at the mouth of the stomach, it causes a burning sensation at the mouth of the stomach, nausea, thirst and bitterness in the mouth. Sarsam, caused by diseases of other organs, is recognized by obvious signs of the condition of these organs. Until these signs appear clearly, they do not lead to clouding of consciousness and obvious sarsam

Let us now talk about the signs of different types of true sarsam and say: the first sign of sarsam arising from blood is that all its general manifestations mentioned above are accompanied by laughter. Drip bleeding from the nose is also observed, the patient's breathing becomes large, his eyes water and fester. The insomnia that affects him is not so severe; the roughness of the tongue leads to redness, turning into blackness, and then the tongue completely turns black. At the same time, the tongue becomes heavy, and often the patient does not want to talk because of the heaviness of the tongue; the ghosts that appear to him are red, the vessels of the face and eyes are overflowing; the patient sits down and gets up every now and then without any need. With sarsam, from pure bile, the patient often does not sleep at night, his eyes dry out very much, his tongue becomes very rough and first turns yellow, then turns black. The fever intensifies, the desire to rub his eyes increases, the patient sees all sorts of yellow things, wildness, frenzy and a passion for quarrels appear in his characteristics; he gets into such a position as if he wants to fight, his nose becomes thinner, especially at the end, and the muscles of his forehead are strongly pulled upward. With sarsam arising from burnt bile - and this is malignant, destructive sarsam - the first sign is that all its manifestations are accompanied by insanity, irritability, large breathing and erratic movements; The patient's eyes are cloudy. This disease is similar to subara and seems to be identical with subara.

As for the signs of the transition of sarsame into other diseases, then if it turns into lithargus - and this is more favorable for patients - you notice that the patient’s eyes are sunken and he keeps them closed for a long time, he salivates, his pulse becomes slow and soft. Signs of the transition of sarsam into sacakulus, that is, into a tumor of the brain substance, are that signs of sacakulus appear, the black part of the eye is not visible and at times only the whites are visible; the patient does not want to lie otherwise than on his back, his stomach is swollen, his false ribs are tense, his limbs often twitch. A sign of the transition of sarsame to tabes is sunken eyes, calming fever, dry body, small and hard pulse. We give signs of the transition of sarsam into spasms in the paragraphs on spasms.