Some plant poisons. Aconite

This is one of the worst poisons, and whoever drinks it will have swollen lips and tongue, bulging eyes, dizziness followed by fainting, and the legs will not work. Aconite is a bad poison, and those who escape from it rarely escape without falling into tabes or consumption; sometimes the smell of aconite causes epilepsy. The arrow is soaked in its squeezed juice, and it immediately kills whoever it hits.

The person who drank it should quickly induce vomiting with a decoction of turnip seeds; he should be given wine and melted cow butter over and over again, as well as a decoction of oak bark with wine. Further, the main medicinal remedies for this are badzahr, musk medicine, citvar root and bukha big teryak, which also helps to a certain extent.

One of the best things to do is to drink musk with grated badzachrome or musk medicine in the amount of dirham with qirat of musk. Some claim that the roots of capers serve as an antidote to aconite; all badzahrs are good for it, especially badzahr, similar to alum, in which there are threads like threads of lead oxide. The animal called bishmush is a mouse, which, if eaten, counteracts aconite and destroys its effect.