Causes of unnatural movements, enlargement and reduction of bones and the appearance of lumps

The reason for this is sometimes relaxing dryness, as in dry shaking, and sometimes spasmodic dryness, as in dry hiccups and dry spasms, or excess causing spasms, or excess and other causes blocking the path of forces to the organ due to blockage.

Or it may be an excess that is harmful due to its coldness, as in a tremendous chill, or its burning sensation, as in goose bumps, or due to the fact that the innate warmth is in the depths and is scarce. Then the cold envelops the muscles from the outside and creates a wind that tends to dissipate and release, as happens when twitching.

We affirm: this harmful matter is either vaporous and insignificant, and then the wind causes heaviness, or stronger, and then the wind, if motionless, causes exhaustion and fatigue, but if it is in motion, then it causes various other types of exhaustion, which we We'll talk more. If the wind is stronger, it causes goosebumps, and if it is even stronger, it causes a stunning chill. If the wind is enclosed in a muscle, it creates a twitching.

The reason for this is the abundance of matter and the power of the attracting forces themselves, as well as the power of the attracting forces generated by rubbing and warming with medicinal dressings, such as medicinal dressings made of resin and similar substances. This refers to the bones, not the lumps.

This happens either at the beginning of the formation of the fruit due to a lack of matter or error and weakness of the forming force, or due to damage that sometimes comes from without, such as rupture, blow and damage from cold, and sometimes from within, such as caries and rotting.