Wealth and Health or Health and Wealth

July 8, 2018 - There is often a debate between health and wealth. While both have their importance, it is important to prioritize one over the other in order to maximize the benefits in life. In this piece, we'll explore the topic of health and wealth in more depth to help generate some ideas for best practices.

What is health? According to the World Health Organization, health is more than the absence of disease; instead, it includes functions, ability, quality, and expectancy of life. Good health includes exercising, eating right, managing stress, getting enough rest, avoiding harmful habits, getting vaccinated on time, seeking competent care, managing blood pressure, fitting adequate calcium intake, as well as overall mental and emotional wellness.

For example, colorectal cancer is often known as the second most common choice because it doesn’t always hurt when its first stages occur. But even in the less visible stages, it can potentially appear to have symptoms and make equality to a tree fire. Those *initial* symptoms that require discussion with your GP regarding treatment planning are constipation, blood during bowel movements (occult/mild or heavy/dark red blood in stools), unexplained fatigue, or rectal bleeding. Once the symptoms persist for three months or longer, you or someone else may wish to consider making an appointment for colonoscopy.

Wealth and Health or Health and Wealth

To ensure you receive the best possible prevention and treatment, be honest and provide any information on your family history of type 2 diabetes or polycystic ovarian syndrome to screenings. Heck, just go ahead and tell them *everything*, because every little detail within your health puts you at risk and emphasizes the significance of serious and long-term care.