What are the best products to use for cosmetic massage?

Various cosmetics (creams, lotions) are used to a greater extent to ensure that the massage therapist feels comfortable performing the massage, so that the hands gently perform all movements. For hygienic and cosmetic massage, it is preferable to use cream or muscle oil (a combination of three different oils).

Massage product

What is the best way to perform massage?

Essential oils are also very popular as a massage product. A massage mixture based on essential oils can be prepared at home: for this you need to take 20 ml. base oils (peach, almond, chamomile), add 5 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of sandalwood, bergamot oil and 2 drops of ylang-ylang. This composition perfectly nourishes the skin and has a relaxing effect on the muscles.

In order to massage daily. You can prepare a massage mixture according to the above recipe, but in a less strong concentration and in smaller quantities. For one session you will need 20-30 ml. oil, no more.

It is recommended to use the prepared massage oil immediately; it is not advisable to leave it for longer storage. If there is still a need for storage, place the oil in a dark glass container and close the lid tightly.

For normal skin types you can use the following essential oils:

  1. cedar;
  2. patchouli;
  3. lavender;
  4. sandalwood.

The following essential oils are recommended for dry skin types:

  1. chamomile;
  2. ylang-ylang;
  3. nutmeg;
  4. jasmine.

For oily skin:

  1. juniper;
  2. bergamot;
  3. orange;
  4. lemon;
  5. eucalyptus.

For sensitive skin it is best to use:

  1. ylang-ylang;
  2. cedar;
  3. lavender;
  4. clary sage.

Before applying any cosmetic product to your skin, do a sensitivity test. Perhaps some of the components are not suitable for your skin type. If any skin symptoms (spots, pimples, blisters) occur, stop using this product.