Kegel techniques for men

Training using the Kegel method, unlike working out muscles on machines, is incredibly easy to use, but in the future it promises enormous benefit And effective effect. Doing Kegel exercises for men every day, you will learn to control your ejaculation, and in the future you will even have the opportunity to receive multiple orgasms. Does it seem incredible for men to have such an opportunity? - try it for yourself!

Kegel exercises for men are not easy pelvic muscle training, but also an additional bonus in the form improving the quality of sexual relations by prolonging its time and achieving a more intense orgasm. These exercises are quite simple and do not require any special devices, devices, equipment, exercise equipment or additional equipment. Like women, men can do these workouts anywhere and at any time.

Kegel training for the male half of humanity increase the tone of the pelvic area, which in turn improves your blood supply. And high-quality blood supply, as is known, directly affects the level of your erections. It turns out that Kegel exercises for men are an option to minimize the number of sad cases, well, those: when there is a desire, but there is no opportunity. You understand what we're talking about...

A man’s orgasm causes contraction of the pubococcygeus muscle, which is what Kegel exercises for men are aimed at training. Therefore, the more trained this muscle is, the stronger, more intense and better your orgasm. When you adapt to correctly manage and control the contraction of the pubococcygeus muscle, you will be able to slow down the onset of ejaculation, thereby prolonging sexual intercourse, and therefore the pleasure of your partner. Moreover, having mastered Kegel exercises for men well and become an expert in them, you will have the opportunity stop your ejaculation, and receive at one time even several orgasms!

The main task is to identify the very muscles that need to be used correctly.

There are two proven methods to find this muscle.
  1. When urinating, try to stop the process - interrupt the stream. The muscle that tenses at the same time is the desired pubococcygeus muscle. If it turned out easy and without problems, it means your muscle has not yet been launched. If difficulties arise, it means that things are bad, and your muscle needs training all the more. I train urinary control, we also train ejaculation control.
  2. Second option: at your strongest erection, try to force bounce Your penis. The muscles that carry out this movement are trained by the Kegel technique.
So, we found the muscle we were looking for. Now let's get started with her actual training!

First, try tense and relax muscle about 10 times per set a couple of times during the day. For example, morning and evening, or morning, afternoon and evening. Decide and install the one that suits you periodicity.

Gradually increase the number of repetitions, adding 5 additional contractions for each set. In the future, you should increase this amount to 300 times a day.

Having significantly trained the target muscle, begin keep it contracted few seconds. First, squeeze it concentrated, holding the tension for several seconds, relax, but also slowly for three seconds. By constantly increasing this time, you will be able to keep the muscle in a tense state for five, fifteen, and subsequently, half a minute!

In parallel with these trainings, do not forget about urination exercises. Interrupt the flow at least five times during each visit to the toilet.

In conclusion, let us draw your attention to one more point: single, one-time Kegel exercises will not bring you anything. The entire Kegel technique is based on perseverance, consistency and systematicity. A constant gradual increase in load is also important. Only by following these rules can you feel the real effect and achieve unprecedented victories on the sexual front, which is what we sincerely wish for you!

And remember: a real man is not the one with huge banks (some women have them too). And not someone who can bench press 200 kilograms (female powerlifters bench press even more). And not at all the one who regularly sits on the exercise machine (as you know, fagots now also visit gyms and fitness clubs)…

A real man is the one who has a ring in his pocket... .... Have a nice day!

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