Thailand anti wrinkle cream

Are you going on a trip to an exotic country? Then, most likely, your family and friends are counting on gifts! Even if these are completely symbolic gifts, they must correspond to the style and traditions of the country where you are going to go.


Thailand is trending right now. It’s warm, beautiful, and interesting there. And Russians do not need a visa, provided that you do not stay there for a year. Therefore, the question of what cosmetics to bring from Thailand is very popular. Let's figure it out!

Fashion gifts

There is a whole list of souvenirs that you can take with you from your trip to please your loved ones. But the most common options have already really set the teeth on edge. In Thailand you will always find something worth spending your money on, as this country sells a huge number of excellent and truly unique products that you will not find anywhere else. The most avid Thai lovers compile selections of popular products. And this article will present not only the best gifts from abroad, but also the best cosmetics from Thailand, which you will not find in your homeland, and if you decide to order, you will spend fabulous money.

Land of Discovery

It’s interesting and pleasant to relax in Thailand, but it’s even better to discover the country for yourself. It doesn’t matter which resort will be your choice if you are interested in the culture of the country, its customs and traditions. For such purposes, it is better to stay not in a hotel, but to rent an apartment; fortunately, it is not at all as expensive as it might seem. But you can get to know the country from the inside, sign up for dance and cooking courses, and in the meantime, ask your new neighbors about what cosmetics to bring from Thailand to your relatives and friends.


Often, truly unique items can be found in modest shops rather than luxury boutiques. True, it is better to be careful with the indications for use, since there have been cases when, instead of toothpaste, tourists bought glue for dentures, and chose a deodorant with a whitening effect, which is still exotic for our people.

What should you pay attention to?

The first thing that attracts Thailand is its traditional textiles with national flavor. The prices are ridiculous, but you always need to bargain with the sellers. They may well reduce the cost by half, or even three.

The second relevant gift will be Thai cosmetics. It is amazing here and at the same time very affordable. For example, at the pharmacy you should take a closer look at the Boots series of cosmetics. Here, the products of this brand are sold wholesale and are famous for their naturalness and excellent quality. Tourists shop with pleasure and admire the incredibly low price. For example, a scrub can be purchased here for only 40 baht.

Most valuable

Thai cosmetics stores tempt you with products based on coconut oil. This is the most popular purchase among tourists from Russia, and not by chance. Even professional cosmetologists leave admiring reviews about this miracle product. Natural coconut oil is a universal product, as it can be used in hair and skin care. This is also a good moisturizer. And how it nourishes the skin around the eyes! By definition, such a miracle cannot be cheap. Even in the most budget Thai shops, prices fluctuate around 100-150 baht for a tiny bottle. If you suddenly have doubts about the naturalness of the oil, it is easy to check. At room temperature the product becomes white and thick, but in the hot climate of Thailand it remains liquid and transparent.


You can also please your family with Thai mattifying wipes, which quickly and gently cleanse the face, absorbing all the dirt. A small pack costs about 15 baht. They are made from thin rice paper.

Not really cosmetics

When thinking about what cosmetics to bring from Thailand, you can pay attention to those items that are slightly different from typical ideas about such products. For example, deodorant. Many tourists bring home crystal deodorant from Thailand, believing that this is the find of the century. In Thailand, prices range from 50 to 80 baht. The effect of this product is magical - there is no smell at all, and your armpits remain dry. Salt deodorant consists of ammonium salt crystals, which have excellent absorption. In addition, this substance is harmful to bacteria.

The pharmacy advises looking at Betadine. This is iodine glue, which is weaker in action than our iodine. Its main difference is its adhesive structure, due to which the wound is covered with a film, preventing moisture and dirt from getting inside. For mothers with small restless children, this is an excellent remedy.

It would also be good to buy tiger balm, which contains menthol, camphor and medicinal plant oils. The ointment helps against all diseases, from a runny nose to insect bites. Consumption is minimal. This gift will be appreciated not only by older relatives, but also by young people.


Coconut milk also cannot be called cosmetics, although it miraculously transforms hair and skin with wraps and masks. But this product can also be eaten.

It is recommended to bring toothpaste from Tai only when you have already tried it, since it has a very specific taste. The most harmless option is emergency mint. The paste has a dirty gray cement color, but it noticeably whitens teeth. But this is not for daily use. For every day you can buy natural Thai herbal paste.

The best cream

To be in Thailand and not bring snail cream-gel is beyond reason! Why him? Yes, he is simply wonderful! Reviews confirm this many times. The cream is made on the basis of natural snail mucus extract. This substance is a strong antioxidant and antiseptic. The cream protects the skin due to a special film that does not allow moisture to pass through, but does not interfere with the movement of oxygen. Snail mucus also has regenerative functions, which is due to the presence of allantoin, glycolic acid, collagen and elastin. In principle, there can be no allergy to this cream, and its use helps to cure warts, age spots and burns. This is a great gift for a mother or grandmother, as the cream removes facial wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.


If you are thinking about what cosmetics to bring from Thailand, then take more of this cream. But even then, you are unlikely to have enough for everyone. Serum with snail extract provides maximum protection against stretch marks, scars and acne. So this is the modern girl’s faithful companion throughout the day.

Best shampoo

A girl's main weapon is her hair. Chic curls attract the eye, fascinate, and turn on the imagination. And in Thailand there is a wonderful product on sale - Kok liang herbal shampoo. It is specially designed for hair growth. In addition, the shampoo prevents hair loss and heals the scalp due to snow lotus extract. When using this remedy, treatment follows ancient Chinese recipes. So such gifts will convey the whole atmosphere of the place and its authenticity.

The shampoo contains jasmine tea extract, which is an excellent antioxidant and antistatic agent. The product foams well and is used economically. And what a smell! You can feel the tenderness of the herbs, which will be an additional bonus with such a gift.

For face

What cosmetics should you bring from Thailand if you have skin problems? You will like various masks with algae and bamboo charcoal. This is really a way out of the situation, as the mask cleanses pores and treats inflammation. In addition, it is made entirely from natural ingredients. If you have fine wrinkles, you can purchase a reusable collagen mask. After use, the skin becomes soft and fresh. The product can be used 9 times.

As a substitute for daily moisturizer, it is worth purchasing Aloe Vera gel, which significantly helps with burns and dry skin. The product is sold in pharmacies and grocery stores.


It would be nice to take a closer look at dry scrubs and masks from Supaporn. They are easy to apply and do not stain clothes. By the way, these are espresso-action products. Before an urgent date, they will help you get yourself in order. Stock up on these as gifts for the businesswomen in your circle. Believe me, they will appreciate such a sign of attention.

For personal comfort and good mood, tourists are advised to purchase small inhalers, which are popular for helping to combat a runny nose, nausea and headaches. They can be placed in handbags, on the desktop, or placed in a vase on the bedside table. Your mood will always be on the rise, and you will be able to observe that some of the facial wrinkles are smoothed out just because of such pleasant aromatherapy.

Soap the world!

When deciding what cosmetics to bring from Thailand, you should not overlook some items that are more likely classified as personal hygiene items. It turns out that even ordinary soap can become an excellent cosmetic product! This is Madame Heng soap. Of course, first of all, it is relevant for washing the face and hands. Soap dries out pimples and cleanses the skin, but not as harshly as usual. And all because the product is completely natural. The price for it is affordable - only 40 baht.

The soap is created on the basis of extracts of medicinal herbs, like other natural cosmetics from Thailand. Tourists are satisfied and come for more and more. When used, the soap foams well, and the foam has a silky texture. If you wash your face with it every day, at first your pimples will decrease and then disappear, your freckles will fade, and your blackheads will disappear. The skin remains clean and healthy. Even signs of premature aging disappear from your face. Isn't it a wonderful gift? This brand has existed for more than 60 years and during this period has gained fame as a manufacturer of effective medicinal skin care products. The recipes for these products have been tested by generations of consumers. This particular soap contains water, ginger, turmeric, Korean pine nuts and menthol. Our compatriots still note that for dry skin the product may seem rough, so the product can be called a universal product in relation to the skin of the hands and body.


Russians speak almost equally positively about another remedy from Thai lands. This is Lolane hair mask. It is also completely natural and easy to use. Be sure to buy this product, even if you don’t have problems with your hair right now. Remember that after your vacation you will return to your usual rhythm, change the climate and again wear a hat and curl your hair with curlers. Will they remain perfect after such “torture”? And here timely purchased Thai cosmetics will come to the rescue! Lolane mask effectively fights split ends, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes damaged hairs. The result is noticeable after just two or three uses.

Hair shines and gains more volume. After all, the mask is made using an innovative formula, thanks to which macadamia oil penetrates into the very heart of the hair, restoring it. And around the hairs a “diamond barrier” is created that cannot be penetrated by external irritants. Thus, you get a reliable protector of your hair. Apply the product to damp hair and massage over the entire length. Dedicate about a quarter of an hour to the bliss of a bubble bath. Ideally, it would be good to apply a serum from the same series after use. Then you will get a combo effect. Those with long hair will appreciate this gift, but don’t forget about yourself. You will need this magical beauty product first of all. Buy more. It's affordable - about 30-40 baht per bottle.


So, what helped you understand how good cosmetics from Thailand are? Reviews, recommendations. What should I bring for my family? Decide for yourself, but the list presented in this article will more than fill your suitcase. Be sure to take a stroll through the markets - the shelves there are simply overflowing with abundance, and enterprising Thais have long been targeting Russian buyers. Even the labels are written in Russian. Not everyone needs to be trusted, which is why travelers advise settling in residential areas and getting to know their neighbors. Thais are friendly people who love new people very much. They quickly warm up to newcomers and can reveal secrets that you cannot find out from guidebooks. Listen to the locals because they know best where the freshest coconut oil is sold and where all the artificial products are. Remember that cosmetics are cheaper on the outskirts than in the center. Taste the famous purple tea. It is very cheap here - only 20 baht per package. By the way, this drink also has medicinal properties.

Tourists from Russia, who know the wonderful word “freebie,” are especially pleased by the fact that sellers do not leave customers without a gift, be it lip balm or cough drops. It seems like a small thing, but it’s so nice!


What do those people say who have been blessed with gifts from overseas countries? Of course, they are happy and positively evaluate the gifts. So cosmetics from Thailand receive good reviews, but this is not due to the fact that they are gifts. Even if you buy it at an inflated price, which sometimes happens, you are unlikely to be disappointed. Firstly, Thai products smell nice. Secondly, the consistency of the products is very delicate, and when applied they do not cause discomfort. The creams here do not flow and do not leave marks on clothes. Shampoos give a feeling of airiness and lightness. After using them, your hair feels like it gets a second wind. By the way, they are easier to comb and become more obedient.

Of course, the women here also want to be beautiful, and therefore there is plenty of decorative cosmetics, but it is somewhat specific, since Thailand has a special climate - after all, 32 degrees Celsius! Cosmetics bought in Thailand do not smear or smudge, even if it is a stable temperature of thirty outside in the shade. In addition, it protects against ultraviolet radiation and allows the skin to breathe. And it can even cure minor defects. It is not recommended to purchase products that can cause allergies, but it is worth purchasing loose BB powder. It gives an even tone for the whole day. Also take a makeup remover oil based on Emu oil. Makeup comes off very easily and leaves no greasy marks behind. Well, isn't it a miracle?


Thai cosmetics are one of the most popular souvenirs that our girls bring from travel. Creams from Thailand with an original composition and high efficiency are used by girls and women with different skin types.

But in order for your opinion about cosmetics coming from this colorful country to be positive and not to harm your health, you need to select products very carefully.





Cosmetics originally from Thailand are a combination of Eastern wisdom and European quality. That is why girls from all over the world love her. But there are certain product categories that are worth paying attention to.


For body

Among body products, nourishing and anti-cellulite creams are extremely popular. If you want to tighten your skin and make your body more elastic and attractive, then you should pay attention to effective pepper remedies. It is believed that such creams promote accelerated blood circulation and burning of fat cells. As a result, after regular use of such products, the body becomes more toned and slender.



And skin products with a component such as centella can have a healing effect on the epidermis.

Therefore, they are bought to save from rashes, redness and just minor everyday injuries.

Another product loved by many beauties is coconut cream. Coconut oil has recently become popular in both cooking and cosmetology. It is used for body and hair care. Thanks to its healing properties, it has a positive effect on both the structure of curls and the condition of the skin. The only drawback of coconut oil-based creams is that they are quite comedogenic, so they should not be used by those with oily skin.



For face

Facial care using Thai products can also work a real miracle on your skin. Most often, Thai creams have a whitening effect. This is indicated by the corresponding inscriptions on the packages. So, if you want to make your skin lighter or cope with the consequences of an unsuccessful tan, then these products will pleasantly please you. And if you don’t like this effect, then carefully read the product description so as not to get a result that will disappoint you.

It is also worth buying creams and serums with collagen and hyaluronic acid in Thailand.

The Eastern cosmetics industry is aimed at active skin rejuvenation. And products with such ingredients help cope with the first age-related skin imperfections like nothing else. The cream, brought from Thailand, will prolong the youth of your skin and help hide the first expression lines without the help of a cosmetologist.

Another interesting option for Thai skin care products is pearl cream. Among the assortment of Thai cosmetics you can also find pearl powder. But it is the cream that will provide the best skin care option. After using it, the surface of the face becomes pleasant to the touch and matte. Eastern beauties also use the same product in combination with jasmine rice to make skin care masks.



Popular Products

Among the entire range of products for the body and face that can be brought from Thailand, there are creams that girls call the best and strive to get their hands on them. Let's look at a list of good creams so you know what to look for.

This brand has many interesting products that Orientals also pay attention to. and Western beauties. But now we will talk about herbal cream, which is intended for massage. After using it, the skin becomes incredibly soft and soft. But to obtain such a result, you need to carry out the procedure of use in accordance with the instructions.

Learn more about this product in the next video.

This cream should be applied to the face, rubbing into the skin with slow massaging movements.

After this, it should be left on the skin. Three minutes after the cream has been absorbed, barely noticeable drops of turmeric oil will begin to appear on the surface of the face. They do not need to be washed off with water, just blot the skin with a dry cloth.

Eye cream with grape extract also gets good reviews. It very quickly helps to get rid of blue around the eyes, and make thin eyelid skin lighter and more hydrated.

Products from Thailand: what cosmetics to bring, TOP-20!

In the ancient Kingdom of Siam, the secrets of eternal youth and beauty were revealed. The resources of nature are still used to make cosmetics to this day. Arriving on vacation, every girl is interested in remedies developed based on recipes from temple medicine.

Goods from Thailand are the most successful souvenirs. Using time-tested recipes you can get amazing results. Bring with you from your vacation a piece of openness, a source of joy and happiness! If your desired vacation is still far away, you can buy cosmetics from Thailand in the Thaimarketsale online store.

TOP 20 or what cosmetics to bring from Thailand

Thai cosmetics have won a huge number of fans thanks to their excellent quality and low prices. Naturalness and unique composition do not allow it to lose to popular brands. Products from Thailand do not contain parabens, but only natural ingredients given by nature itself: oils, herbal extracts, algae.

The best cosmetics from Thailand have added additional components - snake venom, coenzymes, collagen, gold and pearl dust, elastin, etc.

What to buy in Thailand from cosmetics? Below is a list of the best products in descending order:

Thai coconut oil is one of the most common oils used in cosmetology. Thai coconut oil contains many natural beneficial substances that are perfectly absorbed by the skin.

Hand cream “Lemongrass and mint” from the famous Thai manufacturer of natural cosmetics “Lemondrass house”.

Thai fine abrasive pumice stone for feet. The best assistant for home foot care.

Ellgy Plus foot cream against cracks, the effect of which you will see after the first use.

Massage oils lavender, ylang-ylang, orange blossom and others. They perfectly nourish the skin and have a pleasant tropical aroma. Doing a massage with them is a pleasure!

NATURAL SYN-AKE face wash wonderfully cares for your skin, removing dead cells from its surface and stimulating cellular renewal.

Natural cosmetics for the face - serum-gel Serum with Collagen will quickly help dull and depleted skin.

Wanthai Baby Face cream with collagen and living placenta extract rejuvenates, moisturizes facial skin, deeply nourishes and improves blood circulation, and slows down the aging process of the skin. Our favorite and best-seller among face creams.

Antiseptic oil with mangosteen peel extract is an excellent natural antiseptic, replaces iodine and brilliant green, has the healing property of disinfecting wounds and promotes rapid healing and resorption of deep wounds, does not burn. Excellent healing of inflammation of mucous membranes.

The best mask with Spirulina, Darawadee Spirulina, improves complexion, visibly tightens the oval, and fights fine wrinkles.

Skin care around the eyes – cream for delicate skin around the eyes and patches (snail secretion) – Snail Factor. And you will forget about swelling, dark circles and fine wrinkles.

Tropicana Coconut Oil Lip Balms. Perfectly moisturizes, softens, prevents the formation of cracks, protects from UV.

Anti-aging care products – serum with a lifting effect BOTOX Serum.

The best acne treatment - Herbal ACNE gel - fights bacteria that contribute to the formation of acne.

Natural deodorants that do not contain aluminum.

Ornic Silky Hair serum (based on coconut oil). Regular use of the serum makes hair shiny and manageable, and there are noticeably fewer split ends.

Herbal shampoo and conditioner KOK LIANG against hair loss. This is a shampoo and conditioner without sulfates and parabens, which eliminates any negative effects on curls.

The best remedy for hair loss is Jinda Herbal medicated hair lotion. Fights problems such as dandruff, seborrhea, fungus, baldness, and hair loss in men and women.

Herbal capsules for the treatment of the liver Luk Tai Bai is an ancient Thai traditional remedy for cleansing the liver after poisoning of any etymology, even alcohol and toxins. Can be used as a preventative to maintain liver health. Helps with hepatitis and cirrhosis.

BOOTS Extracts Avocado cream-oil - for the body. Excellent texture, rich composition to nourish and give firmness and elasticity to your skin

Why are cosmetics from Thailand so popular?

Thai cosmetics have won a huge number of fans due to their naturalness and unique composition. Products from Thailand do not contain parabens, but only natural ingredients given by nature itself: oils, herbal extracts, algae.

The best cosmetics from Thailand also contain additional components - snake venom, coenzymes, collagen, gold and pearl dust, elastin, etc. The combination of natural substances and unique technologies allows you to create products to maintain beauty and eliminate the first signs of fading.

Not only women use products from Thailand. The strong half of humanity is also interested in natural remedies that prolong youth and improve appearance. With the help of natural extracts, you can stop the process of skin aging and prevent hair loss.

Where can I buy?

The online store of Thai cosmetics Thaimarketsale offers you a profitable purchase. We have a lot of positive feedback due to the following advantages:

  1. The catalog contains the best cosmetics from Thailand, because we work with trusted suppliers;
  2. all products undergo preliminary testing for effectiveness and quality;
  3. Reliable Russian-language instructions for use are presented (for the convenience of customers).

You can buy goods from Thailand from us at affordable prices. As reviews show, on our InternetThe Thai cosmetics store contains all the best. We work for results, taking care of each client.