What is thermal water for?

Thermal water for the face is water that is extracted from underground hot springs. It differs from ordinary water in that it contains many minerals and trace elements, and also has moisturizing, nourishing and healing properties. The composition of the water depends on where the thermal spring is located.

Thermal water for the face is the number 1 product of summer care. It can not only refresh and moisturize the skin, but also prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and also prevents dehydration as a result of dry air-conditioned indoor air.


What is thermal water needed for?

Since thermal water is enriched with beneficial substances, it acts completely differently than ordinary water. When it is sprayed, beneficial substances are not washed out, but on the contrary, it enriches the surface of the skin with beneficial minerals. This product improves the protective barrier, increases the skin's resistance to infectious agents, and with constant use makes the skin clean and smooth. Accelerates cell regeneration and cellular metabolism, promotes skin cell renewal. Saturates the skin with moisture, which makes it elastic, smooth and young. Normalizes water-fat balance, prevents the development of acne and pimples. The body is instructed to reduce excessive sebum production.

The water from the source contains many beneficial ingredients designed to support healthy and beautiful skin:

  1. silicon;
  2. calcium;
  3. magnesium;
  4. bicarbonates, which make the skin soft;
  5. selenium (powerful antioxidant);
  6. zinc has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

The main task of this product is to soothe and relax the skin, eliminate inflammation, redness and irritation of the epidermis.

What is the difference between thermal water and tonic, micellar and mineral water?

In fact, water from underground springs is mineral, but has many beneficial properties. Since it is located deep underground, it is enriched with useful ingredients and is much richer in composition. It is considered the most useful and is more suitable for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. In addition, it is bottled at the source location, which allows it to retain all its beneficial properties. It is poured into bottles with a very fine spray, which better refreshes the skin and is quickly absorbed into it. Mineral water is poorer in composition; it does not have such an extensive list of useful substances. However, in hot weather, a spray with mineral water will perfectly moisturize and refresh the epidermis.

Unlike micellar water and tonic, thermal water does not cleanse the skin, but it performs no less important functions - moisturizes, nourishes and soothes the epidermis, improves metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis. It is very convenient to use this product, because you can always carry the spray bottle with you and spray its contents onto the skin from time to time.

Thermal water, like mineral water, comes in different types:

  1. with very low mineralization;
  2. from low;
  3. with medium mineralization;
  4. and high mineralization (high content of mineral salts).

The higher the salt content, the healthier it is. However, the high content of active substances can cause irritation in those with irritated and sensitive skin. A product with medium mineralization, that is, less concentrated, is suitable for them.

Thermal liquid has been used not so long ago, since the mid-20th century. Since it is extracted from different hot springs, the composition differs significantly for each brand. One water is richer in potassium, another in sodium, and the third in selenium.

Depending on the concentration of mineral salts, they are distinguished:

  1. hypertonic water – very rich in sodium, nourishes, tones and moisturizes the epidermis;
  2. hypotonic – contains a small amount of salts, normalizes the water and lipid balance of oily skin, soothes irritated epidermis;
  3. isotonic - similar in composition to human blood and suitable for all skin types.


Beneficial features

The product has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Eliminates dehydration and dryness of the epidermis. Experts recommend using it in hot weather, during travel and flights, on the beach while sunbathing. It will help you endure the heat and stuffiness, refresh your face and cool it down.
  2. It has a prolonged moisturizing effect throughout the day, when the skin is exposed to negative environmental influences (heat, dust, wind).
  3. Apply to the face both before applying makeup and after removing makeup. This allows makeup to lie flat because the epidermis is hydrated and saturated with moisture.
  4. Improves blood microcirculation, which provides cells with oxygen and nutritional components.
  5. Eliminates excessive oiliness of the face.
  6. Regular use of water from the source prevents the development of acne, irritation and redness.
  7. Enriches the epidermis with minerals, trace elements and vitamins;
  8. Improves complexion, makes the face elastic as a result of introducing many nutrients into the skin that prevent rapid aging.
  9. Soothes the skin after cosmetic procedures (peeling, resurfacing, microdermabrasion).

How to use thermal water?

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that instead of moisturizing, thermal liquid, on the contrary, dries out the skin.

This occurs due to improper use of this product. For example, many women spray water on their face and leave it to dry. They think that with such actions they improve the condition of the skin, but in fact they only harm it. After all, when the liquid dries, it evaporates, drawing out all the moisture from the epidermis. To avoid dryness, blot your skin with a dry cloth after spraying. This will prevent dryness, flaking and tightness.

Also, a high concentration of salts in the product greatly dries out the epidermis. A less saturated thermal product will help eliminate this drawback.

Important! The use of thermal fluid is especially justified during long flights, since in this case the skin suffers from dehydration as a result of dry air.

It is necessary to spray the liquid correctly. This should be done at a distance of 35-40 cm, and after a second be sure to blot the epidermis with a napkin. To fix the makeup, you need to carefully spray the product over it.

Thermal liquid can be used as a standalone care product or included in tonics and creams. In the summer, this is the most indispensable beauty product.

But, despite all the advantages, this product must be chosen correctly depending on the skin type and its condition.

Use the product carefully on the beach, as the concentrated liquid can cause burns and is prone to photoreactivity. Therefore, it should be used either before or after sunbathing.


Correct application algorithm

  1. The product is applied to cleansed skin, lightly massaging until completely absorbed. Then apply your usual care product. For example, moisturizer. This will provide additional hydration.
  2. To keep makeup in its original form, the product is sprayed on top of it, driving it into the skin with your fingertips. This will ensure your makeup stays fresh all day.
  3. When choosing a product, you should focus on the amount of mineral salts in it. For dry skin tone, a product with a lower salt content is suitable, and for an oily skin tone, a product with a higher salt content is suitable to regulate sebum production.

Which water is suitable for whom?

Since there are many types of thermal fluid, each skin type is suitable for its specific composition. Let's take a closer look at who needs what kind of water.

Isotonic water Designed for excessively dry tones. This product relieves irritation, redness, and peeling because it has a neutral pH. It soothes, relieves inflammation and eliminates red spots on the face.

Water with selenium has antioxidant qualities as selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It heals cracks and damage to the epidermis, eliminates dryness, irritation, has a rejuvenating effect and restores the normal condition of the skin after excessive sun exposure. This type of “living water” is suitable for all skin types, even children’s.

Highly mineralized – contains large doses of a certain mineral. Thus, a product containing a large amount of salts is useful for oily skin tone, as it normalizes sebum production and dries out the epidermis.

Sulfate - bicarbonate - positioned as universal. It provides a smooth and fresh look to the face and strengthens makeup. Helps it not to roll off during the day.

Low mineralized Designed for dry and irritated skin that is prone to allergic rashes. It quickly relieves redness, itching, soothes and eliminates allergic manifestations.

How to cook at home?

You can prepare this healthy product yourself. Of course, the homemade analogue will not be as effective as liquid from an underground source, but it will moisturize and refresh the epidermis well throughout the day.

In order to prepare this product at home, you will need a bottle of high-quality mineral water from a trusted source. To do this, leave it open overnight to allow excess salts and gases to escape.

Then you need to purchase a bottle with a spray bottle and pour settled mineral water into it and use it to moisturize the skin and as a makeup fixer.

In order to improve the composition of the resulting product, you can add extracts of medicinal herbs, lemon juice, honey or essential oil.

To prepare a herbal decoction, you need to add a tablespoon of the desired herb to boiling water (one glass). After a few minutes, remove from heat and let it brew. The mineral water and herbal decoction are diluted in the proportion: 70 to 30. The herbal mixture is chosen at your discretion. So, mint and sage are suitable for oily tones, linden blossom for dry tones, and chamomile for normal tones.

For dry skin tone, you can make a home remedy using honey. Add a quarter teaspoon of honey to 100 ml of mineral water. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to brew.

For a bold tone, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to 100 ml of mineral water and mix well. Lemon juice controls sebum production and helps normalize lipid balance.

For those who love the aroma of essential oils and do not suffer from allergic reactions, you can safely add them to your home remedy. Essential oil tightens the skin, improves its color, nourishes, prevents premature aging and protects from the negative effects of the environment.

Only based on the properties listed above for its effect on the skin, we can conclude that thermal liquid is an indispensable beauty product. It is especially necessary for residents of large cities and business ladies who do not always have time to visit a cosmetologist and take care of themselves. And in the spring and summer, thermal liquid is a lifesaver that will instantly moisturize and refresh our face.

Everyone knows about the benefits of mineral water for our body. And, probably, there is not a single person who has never tried to quench their thirst with this miraculous liquid. And if you remember how many tourists a year visit mineral springs in different parts of the world in order to cure any diseases or simply improve their health, then truly such water can be considered a real healing gift of nature. Now imagine that there is a similar miraculous moisture intended for healing “outside”. And its name is “thermal water”.

What is thermal water?


Thermal water is a cosmetic product that consists of a liquid extracted from thermal springs underground. The mineralized composition of the product has a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, and some types of waters even have a pharmaceutical effect, which allows them to be used in the treatment of many dermatological diseases.

Composition of thermal water

The composition of the product may vary markedly for each manufacturer. The amount of microelements depends on the place of extraction of thermal water, on the method of its production and on the type of skin for which it is intended.

Most often found in thermal baths: Calcium (Ca) is responsible for protective functions, Magnesium (Mg) fights inflammation, Sodium (Na) - preservation of minerals in the blood, Potassium (K) - moisture balance, Silicon (Si) is needed to maintain elasticity of the epidermis, chlorides and biocarbonates (soothing for the skin), etc.

What is thermal water needed for?

  1. Refreshes the face at any time of the year, which is especially important in the heat and indoors in winter, where there are heating radiators that dry out the air.
  2. Has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.
  3. Relieves irritation, fights peeling and acne.
  4. Tightens pores.
  5. Moisturizes the skin and allows it to “breathe”.
  6. Normalizes water-lipid balance.
  7. Improves the protective properties of the epidermis.
  8. Gives the face a well-groomed, healthy look.

Disadvantages of thermal water:

  1. Some customers complain that the thermal dries skin. If you have an oily face, then this disadvantage can even be considered an advantage of this product. And for dry and normal skin, you need to choose “water” specifically for the dry type of epidermis, since it contains a more gentle mineral composition.
  2. Price. The production of thermal water is an expensive thing, if it is actually extracted from deep sources, which is reflected in the cost of the product.
  3. The possibility of versatile use of a thermal heater completely depends on quality of the spray bottle. Here, as they say, “to each his own”: some people like a strong stream of miraculous liquid, others prefer light irrigation. Based on customer reviews, many admit that they changed the brand of water precisely because of the characteristics of the spray bottle, regardless of the quality of the product itself.
  4. Puffy eye effect after using thermal water the night before bed. This phenomenon is not observed in everyone and depends on the characteristics of the body. Usually the swelling goes away quickly, but if you are not happy with this development of events, you can try applying a thermal bath, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  5. addictive. Our skin gets used to a certain condition, and when you change something in your facial care program, you may feel some discomfort. This happens more often with rich cream. If a woman is used to feeling it on her face, then it is very difficult to refuse such a remedy, even if it harms the condition of the epidermis. The same thing happens with thermal water. Many regular customers of mineral water for the face admit that they no longer imagine how they managed without it before.

Various options for using thermal water in cosmetics and more

  1. Under makeup.Thermal water can be applied immediately after washing or after applying the base. This will allow the skin to “breathe” under a layer of cosmetics, and the foundation will be better distributed on the face.
  2. After makeup — We give cosmetics durability. Lightly spray your face after make-up and your makeup will not run off or smear, and the colors will remain bright for a long period of time. If you are afraid that your cosmetics will not withstand such exposure, then do not splash thermal water directly on your face, but spray it into the air, and then pass through the damp “cloud”.
  3. Under day/night cream. After washing, spray a little thermal water on your face, wait a few seconds, blot off the excess with a paper napkin, apply serum and care cream to your face. Such manipulations with the thermal heater will help the skin prepare for the main course in the form of a cream, and, accordingly, absorb more of what is beneficial for its healthy appearance.
  4. After chemical peeling, facial cleansing and other salon procedures.In this case, thermal water is needed for quick recovery.
  5. After hair removal and depilation. Any hair removal is stress for the skin, the consequences of which are perfectly mitigated by a thermal bath. Mineral water for the epidermis will help mini-wounds heal faster after sugaring, waxing or epilator, and after shaving it will save you from irritation and redness.
  6. While tanning: refreshes, moisturizes, does not interfere with the action of sunscreen.
  7. After sunbathing: soothing and cooling.
  8. Protecting hair from drying out. Thermal water will protect your hair during long exposure to the sun: spray the product not only on your skin, but also on your hair.
  9. For clay based masks. It is believed that when such a mask is on the face for more than 10 minutes, the skin is injured. This problem can be easily solved if, as the clay dries, you spray a thermal spray directly on top of the mask.
  10. To relieve swelling of the eyes. Moisten a cotton pad with thermal water and apply to your eyes for 10-15 minutes. The swelling will quickly subside.
  11. As a basis for masks. Thermal water, in this case, is the best alternative to regular tap water. As a result, the mask works better, more nutrients appear, and they are absorbed faster.
  12. Treatment of diaper rash in babies.Manufacturers advise using this product every time you change diapers. Just spray on the skin and let the liquid absorb a little. Just be careful, because not every thermal water is suitable for these purposes due to its composition. Always read the instructions for the product when purchasing. In addition, there is always a risk of an allergic reaction. Carefully monitor your baby's skin reaction, especially when using thermal water for the first time.
  13. Wound healing. Some types of thermal water have a pronounced pharmaceutical effect: they relieve inflammation and accelerate healing, so many mothers use this wonderful water even in emergency cases, if the child is injured, has a broken knee or is scratched. A few sprays and the pain subsides and the wound heals faster.
  14. After insect bites: relieves itching, redness, heals quickly.
  15. Antistatic for clothes and hair. Electric hair is a common problem during the cold season. Irrigate your hair with a thermal spray and it will stop standing on end. We do the same with synthetic fabrics: spray a little water on the inside of the product, and the clothes will no longer “stick”.
  16. Instead of an iron. Smoothes out wrinkles and creases if you spray the item and leave it to dry on a hanger.

Top best thermal waters, based on customer reviews:

Avène (low mineralized)


Not exactly a budget option (price 600-700 rubles in a pharmacy for 300 ml), but suitable for almost any skin type. The French company Aven offers thermal water in three volumes: 50 ml, 150 ml and 300 ml. A small bottle is more convenient to carry with you, but it is more economical to buy the largest bottle.

As the manufacturers assure, Aven thermal water is extracted from deep sources, bottled somewhere nearby without contact with sunlight, which destroys microelements, and then it ends up on store shelves.

Pros: French quality, excellent dispenser, no odor, versatility of use, suitable for the treatment of diaper rash in infants.

La Roche-posay (LRP)


It has almost identical characteristics to the product presented above, and even the price of these two waters is approximately the same, but the overall mineralization of LRP is higher, and the composition is richer: there is zinc, copper, and selenium.

Pros: French quality, convenient spray until the last spray, varied composition.



A budget product from a renowned Belarusian manufacturer.

Compound: thermal water from the French Alps, good mineralization.

But it has a number of disadvantages: an inconvenient dispenser that emits a stream rather than a “cloud”, which does not allow it to be used specifically as a makeup fixer; the smell from the bottle, which not everyone likes (the liquid itself has no aroma). Currently, Belarusian developers have heeded the demands of customers, and the smell no longer appears when sprayed. But in general, water from Belita copes with the main functions perfectly.

What’s interesting is that, despite the not entirely successful attempt to create the ideal thermal heater, the rest of the products from the “blue” series deserve due attention. Many lovers of Belarusian cosmetics even claim that Belit creams and tonics based on thermal water are in no way inferior to the products of the elite brands Vichy and Aven.


The biggest advantage of this thermal water heater is its manufacturer, who knows a lot about creating high-quality and healthy water. The remaining advantages flow smoothly from the previous statement: a good composition of minerals that is suitable for almost every skin type, a convenient sprayer, and a laconic design. Everything about this water is good, except, probably, the price. A small bottle of 150 ml will cost an average of 1000 rubles.

The table below presents comparative characteristics of the composition of popular brands of thermal waters. The data is for informational purposes only, since even the same brand of water product may differ in composition due to the specifics of the extraction technology (usually the differences are minimal).

Thermal water for facial skin should become an indispensable item in every woman's cosmetic bag. Its main goal is intensive skin hydration, preservation and freshness of makeup, saturation of the epidermis with essential vitamins and microelements, as well as protection from negative external influences (sun, ecology, etc.).


  1. Properties and benefits of thermal water
  2. Why do you need thermal water and how to use it
  3. How to choose thermal water
  4. Preparation of thermal water at home


Properties and benefits of thermal water

The amazing cosmetic effect of thermal water on the skin is due to its composition. In terms of its properties, it can be compared with mineral water, because it is also extracted from underground sources. Thermal water is obtained from a source that is already warm (20 °C and above). This water contains enough minerals that are beneficial for the skin (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, etc.), due to which, with its constant use, intercellular metabolism in the skin is improved, a reliable protective barrier against diseases is created, and recovery processes are improved.

The structure of thermal water is lighter than mineral water; it is devoid of excess microelements, salts and minerals that the skin is not able to absorb in large quantities. Thermal water for the face can be of several types, this is influenced by the chemical composition and mineralization, which vary greatly: from fresh and brackish nitrogen, bicarbonate, calcium, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbonate-sulfate, sodium and carbon dioxide to salty and brine nitrogen-methane, chloride, sodium, methane, calcium-sodium, nitrogen-methane, less often hydrogen sulfide. When choosing a product, this factor should be taken into account, since what is suitable for one skin type may be contraindicated for another.

The main function of thermal water is to intensively moisturize and tone the face. Remember that all skin, including oily skin, needs constant hydration. Only in this way will the epidermis be able to maintain internal balance, resist negative external influences (dust, ecology, etc.), and cope with stress.

Thermal water has excellent cleansing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, stimulates blood circulation in the skin, improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells, fights dehydration and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, keeping the skin young and attractive. Sometimes the use of such water is effective in accelerating the healing process of burns.

Already after the first use, the transformation of facial skin is noticeable. Thermal water improves complexion, helps solve the problem of oily, dry and flaky skin, eliminate comedones and inflammation, as well as other problems that arise due to overheating of the skin.

Why do you need thermal water and how to use it

Thermal water can be found in any specialty store or pharmacy. Most often it comes in the form of a spray of various volumes, which is very convenient; your favorite item will fit into any cosmetic bag and will always be with you. It is convenient to use water while at work in the office, or to take it with you on trips at any time of the year. For home use, such water is also indispensable, especially in winter, when the air in the apartment is very dry, and even in summer during the heat. Spraying thermal water on the face instantly eliminates dryness and signs of flaking, refreshes the skin, and renews makeup. It does not evaporate from the surface of the face, is completely absorbed by the epidermis, creating a kind of barrier that prevents moisture from evaporating excessively. This property will be useful to you during the beach season, after going to the solarium.

Thermal water is used in its pure form, in combination with other cosmetics, as well as for diluting powder masks and preparing home remedies. When washing your face in the morning and evening, it is good to use thermal water instead of regular water. In the morning, its use awakens and tones the skin, and at night it improves the effect of night cosmetics. If washing with such water is too expensive for you, then after cleansing the skin, simply spray thermal water on your face at a distance of 30 cm (close your eyes!), wait a little and remove the excess with a paper napkin. And then apply skincare products.

Video: All about thermal water in the Good Morning program

This cosmetic novelty is an excellent base for summer makeup. Not only does it go on smoothly, but it stays on all day long. It is enough to refresh your face with water from a spray a couple of times during the day, no more, without ruining your makeup.

The product is also good to use to set and prolong the freshness of newly applied makeup. Water-based cosmetics can be enriched with a few drops of thermal water.

The product can be sprayed onto cosmetic wipes and applied to the face for 10 minutes. In the same way, the product can be used for the area around the eyes.

There are practically no restrictions regarding the use of this cosmetic product; with a neutral pH, it can be used many times.

How to choose thermal water

The effect of using thermal water directly depends on its type and skin type. There are several types of it:

Hypotonic thermal water. The composition of thermal water is slightly mineralized and is intended for dry and sensitive skin.

Hypertonic thermal water. Thermal water contains a lot of mineral salts and tones the skin. The product is intended for oily skin and has an intense cleansing and antiseptic effect.

Isotonic thermal water. The composition is close to human blood serum, suitable for all types of facial skin, especially sensitive, and has a calming effect.

Hydrocarbonate thermal water. It has a high ionic composition, does not draw liquid from the surface of the skin, but retains it. Used to refresh the face and fix makeup.

Sulphurous thermal water. Recommended for dermatitis. It has a healing effect, absorbs sebum well, eliminating oily shine.

Cosmetologists will help you choose one or another type of thermal water. Be sure to consult!

Video: Choosing thermal water.

Preparation of thermal water at home

You can try to make thermal water at home, and it will turn out no worse. To do this, open a bottle of Essentuki No. 17 mineral water and leave it for several hours so that all the gases come out. Everything can be used. To increase efficiency, you can add infusions of chamomile, calendula, sage, and mint to this water. The finished product will have good cleansing and moisturizing properties. This composition can be poured into ice cube trays, frozen and wiped on the face twice a day. Cleanliness, vitality and freshness of the skin are guaranteed.

Or, instead of herbal infusion, you can add lemon juice and your favorite essential oil to our “homemade” thermal water, which will enhance the effect of the product and add a pleasant aroma. For 500 ml of homemade thermal water, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 6 drops of oil. Pour the composition into a clean and dry bottle with a spray bottle and store it out of reach of sunlight. The only drawback of the home remedy is that the spray is too coarse.

Regardless of the method of using thermal water, its effect is simply impossible not to notice! Use this amazing product and stay young and attractive.