Thermal water method of use

With the onset of summer, many cosmetologists recommend using thermal water to moisturize and refresh your face. As a rule, it has no contraindications and is recommended for all skin types.

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In the heat, when the skin most lacks hydration, thermal water should become the main product in your cosmetic bag. And we will tell you how to use it correctly.

What is thermal water

Thermal water appeared in the middle of the last century. Manufacturers extract this water from various thermal springs, so the composition of the products cannot be the same for each brand. Some have more sodium or potassium, others have more selenium.

Unlike tonic or micellar water, it does not cleanse the skin, but it performs no less important functions - it soothes and enhances the natural protective properties of the skin.

The main convenience of thermal water is that the bottle can be carried with you everywhere. This tool is especially useful on the road, on an airplane or just in the office.

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How not to use thermal water

Not everyone knows that if you spray thermal water all over your face and leave it to soak in, you will get the opposite effect: dehydration instead of proper hydration. The fact is that along with water droplets, moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin, so if you use this product to refresh your face, do not forget to carefully blot off excess moisture with a napkin.

If you spray thermal water on the beach, the consequences can be sad. In this case, each drop works like a magnifying glass, which will increase the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the skin, which means it will not be difficult to get a burn.

Negative environmental influences, scorching sun and frosty wind, dry indoor air - all this negatively affects the skin. The face is the area that suffers most from external factors. The skin dries, becomes thinner, and the first wrinkles and age spots appear. It is in our power to help her. One of the ways to regenerate the skin is to use life-giving moisture - thermal water. Diffusing microfine mineral nutrients will help instantly refresh and nourish your skin.


History of the appearance and purpose of thermal water

Since time immemorial, thermal water springs have been considered sacred places, and the liquid itself has been endowed with healing and rejuvenating properties. Over time, a method of treatment with thermal waters even appeared - hydrothermal therapy. This miraculous liquid is used in completely different ways. They take baths in it, make poultices and compresses, wraps, and add it to cosmetics. Thermal spring water enhances metabolic processes, relaxes and relieves stress, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and it also normalizes the psychological state and improves immunity.


What is thermal spring water?

Thermal water is considered to be water that is rich in its mineral composition and has many beneficial properties. Its temperature reaches forty degrees or more, and it rises to the surface of the earth with the help of geysers. Thermal water is divided according to its mineral composition into:

  1. hypertonic (high salt content);
  2. hypotonic (contains few salts);
  3. isotonic (the content of minerals and salts is close to human blood plasma).


Thermal water also differs in its chemical composition. In different areas, sources are rich in certain elements.

French medicinal cosmetics

The entire line of La Roche Posay cosmetics is developed based on thermal water. The source that the manufacturer uses is located in a small town in France. Here, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the first dermatological center was opened, where treatment is based on the use of thermal water. A few years later (in 1913), the French source received official recognition from the Academy of Medical Sciences as the La Roche Posay hydrotherapy center. The thermal water of this place differs from other sources in its composition, namely its high selenium content. It is an excellent antioxidant and helps the skin fight the first wrinkles, dryness and signs of aging.

Thermal spring water is used not only in cosmetic products, it is often prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases, and its use is an excellent prevention of their occurrence.

La Roche Posay thermal water: how to use

Due to its composition and unique properties, thermal water can be used in various situations. It will help with burns, irritations, relieve itching, redness and swelling.


Main uses:

  1. La Roche Posay (thermal water) will perfectly refresh your face and body on the beach, protect your skin from the scorching sun, and also help nourish it with moisture.
  2. By spraying the product onto the skin after epilation or shaving, you can relieve irritation and reduce pain.
  3. La Roche Posay (thermal water) is an indispensable help for residents of the cold part of Russia, because winter time brings with it a lot of challenges for the face. Central heating of apartments, temperature changes - all this certainly affects dry skin.
  4. La Roche Posay thermal water for the face can be an excellent helper in the gym.
  5. Due to its life-giving composition, water from underground sources is often used in the work of cosmetologists. La Roche Posay (thermal water) is an excellent carrier for nutrients, so it is often applied before using a mask, wrap or cream. Due to its versatility and ease of use, the product is easy to use at home. Thermal spring water will be an excellent alternative to tonic. It will help pre-moisturize and nourish the skin before applying the cream.
  6. The product has a very fine spray, which allows you to apply it even on makeup. La Roche Posay (thermal water) will not only not spoil it, but will also help fix the tone, so your face will look fresh for a long time.

You need to spray the product by lightly pressing the dispenser, and do this at a distance of 10-15 centimeters. This will help create an airy thermal cloud that glides easily onto the skin. After partial absorption after a few minutes, it is recommended to remove any remaining liquid with a napkin.

The product can be applied an unlimited number of times, depending on the needs of the skin.

The composition and beneficial properties of thermal spring water will have a positive effect not only on pampered women’s skin, men will also be able to feel the effect of mineral substances. The product is suitable even for delicate children's skin, as it does not cause an allergic reaction.


Thanks to the finest spray, thermal water (thermal water) La Roche Posay is a very economical product and serves the consumer for a long time.

Manufacturer's recommendations

Since it has healing properties, thermal spring water is perfect for owners of any skin type, but for girls and women with sensitive, dry and dehydrated skin, this product is simply an indispensable assistant.

The composition of the liquid is very balanced and is perfect even for allergy sufferers. Water will help relieve itching and irritation and reduce the inflammatory reaction of the skin. The effect of all cosmetics from the French brand has been clinically proven; they have undergone many tests before going on sale.

Advantages of using thermal spring water

  1. Protection against free radicals.
  2. Relieving itching and redness.
  3. Reducing swelling.
  4. Narrowing of pores.
  5. Skin moisturizing.
  6. Prevention of first wrinkles and treatment of existing ones.
  7. An excellent replacement for toner and micellar water.
  8. Soothes the skin after sunbathing and aesthetic procedures.
  9. Great for all family members.
  10. Provides the appearance of well-groomed and healthy skin.

Release form

The liquid is in a can under pressure. Spraying is done by pressing a button, which is protected by a removable cap.


There are three types of thermal water volumes on sale: 50 ml, 150 ml and 300 ml. La Roche Posay thermal water 300 ml can be an excellent home helper. This volume is also often preferred by professionals. The product in a small package (50 ml) fits perfectly even in a small handbag and will accompany its owner everywhere to provide indispensable help at any time. This volume is suitable for those who like to travel, because it is just enough for the trip.

La Roche Posay thermal water: price

French brand products are sold in pharmacies and online stores. The average price for a product with a volume of 300 ml is 815 rubles, 150 ml – 490 rubles, 50 ml – 380 rubles.

Customer Reviews

La Roche Posay thermal water receives mostly positive reviews. Women note its refreshing effect, as well as its pigment-constricting properties. Girls often use the product as a basis for applying cosmetics, masks and creams. Water is well absorbed, eliminates the sticky layer and shine, and also perfectly replaces facial toner. The girls note the cost-effectiveness and long service life of one bottle of thermal water. Travelers note that the thermal water of the French brand is an indispensable companion on vacation or on the road.

Consumer dissatisfaction is mainly caused by the price of the product, which seems overpriced to some women when compared with other similar products.


Thus, the thermal water of the famous French brand will become an indispensable assistant for any woman in self-care. Its rich composition and beneficial properties will not leave anyone indifferent.

Medical expert article

Thermal water is one of the skin care products. Today it is often used in cosmetology. The most common product is a spray. True, not all people understand the purpose of this tool. The fact is that this is a real natural skin tonic. It is pure due to the special influence of pressure and high temperatures on it.


It contains many salts and minerals. Some people compare thermal water with mineral water. This really doesn't make any sense. The only similarity between the raw materials is that both waters are extracted from natural sources.

The structure of thermal water is much lighter than that of mineral water. It does not contain that same excess of minerals and therefore is not able to soothe the skin. Its chemical composition differs significantly in the concentration of salts, minerals and trace elements. All this depends on the source of production.

The hypertonic form of water is perfect for caring for dry skin. It works great against oily skin. If we talk about isotonic water, it has universal properties and is suitable for almost everyone.

Due to its composition, the product is able to penetrate deep into the skin. This allows you to stimulate metabolic processes in tissues and thereby provoke their renewal.

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The benefits of thermal water are simply incredible. The fact is that each remedy has its own pros and cons. But this product has practically no drawbacks. Therefore, it is worth immediately starting to consider its beneficial properties.

Thermal water can soothe the skin. It is better to apply it before a nourishing cream or mask. This way the effect will be significantly enhanced. This product has always been indispensable at any time of the year, especially in the summer. When it's hot outside, your skin lacks moisture. The product can also be applied over makeup. In this case, there will be no “leaks”.

It is often added to many creams and lotions. You can easily dilute dry masks with it. The allergic reaction from this product is minimal. This product is suitable even for sensitive skin. The water contains exclusively natural ingredients.

It should be noted that the product is intended to improve skin condition. She is not able to treat serious problems. Thermal water can be used as a skin care aid.



Depending on the source from which the raw material was extracted, we can talk about its properties. The fact is that thermal water can be salty, sulfuric, calcium, sodium, or contain many salts and trace elements.

The water is saturated with sodium chloride, bromide and iodide and is beneficial for the skin, especially sensitive skin. Minerals can increase skin elasticity and prolong its youth. It is used not only as sprays and other cosmetics. There are entire springs where people can take special baths.

Thermal water contains many useful substances. It is advisable to apply it in the morning after a shower on the face and body. During the day, you can wet your skin directly over your makeup.

Contraindications for use

If this is thermal water intended to moisturize the skin of the face and body, then it should not be used if you have hypersensitivity. For such cases, there is a certain type of this remedy.

If we talk about thermal water sources and taking baths, then there are slightly different contraindications. So, people with an acute stage of the disease should not resort to this method of recovery. Tuberculosis and thrombophlebitis are prohibited.

People with skin diseases, especially fungus, infections and inflammations, are not recommended to use this healing method. If you have grade 3 hypertension, grade 2-3 ischemia and individual intolerance to baths, they definitely cannot be used. After all, unpleasant discomfort may arise.

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Thermal water for face

It allows you to keep your face in excellent shape, maintain makeup and saturate the skin with essential minerals and trace elements.

Water from a thermal spring will help invigorate the skin before applying makeup (it can be used as a morning toner), or as a means of fixing makeup. Basically, thermal water for the face comes in convenient bottles with a micro spray, which allows you to spray a small amount of water onto your facial skin, enough to moisturize the skin, but not wash away your makeup.

Thermal water spray is very convenient to carry with you - to refresh yourself in the car, or in the office during a working day. Based on practical experience, it makes the skin elastic and helps maintain it throughout the day. It is simply impossible to underestimate the properties of this product. Today it has managed to find its admirers and is especially popular.

Thermal water for hair

This product can fight split ends along with many nourishing oils.

This “drug” can be applied to hair everywhere. There are no contraindications for use here. Thermal water can really remove split ends. Moreover, this is not a visual effect. So, many oils simply create a visualization of healthy hair, but after washing off the product, everything returns to normal.

Thermal water really penetrates damaged hair, nourishes and restores it. This is the constant advantage of this product. You can use it without consulting a doctor. Because no harm can be done to the hair. Naturally, if a person has sensitive scalp, then you need to select special water.

Thermal water for the body

Thermal body water is designed to nourish and moisturize the skin. In summer, the skin becomes significantly dry. Dry wind, direct sunlight - all this negatively affects the skin as a whole.

At such times, it is necessary to carefully monitor the skin and constantly moisturize it. Naturally, you can resort to lotions and other remedies. But you need to understand that they take a lot of time to be absorbed into the skin. Thermal water penetrates the skin immediately. Moreover, after applying it, you can get dressed and safely go out. This is the undoubted advantage of this product.

There are varieties of products for dry, normal and sensitive skin. Therefore, every girl will be able to choose a product to her liking and based on her own needs.

Thermal water for dry skin

Thermal water for dry skin can moisturize it properly. Thus, many people suffer from increased dry skin. Dealing with this phenomenon is not always easy. Many creams and lotions have a minute effect. Simply put, the day after applying the product, the skin will be just as dry.

In this case, the superiority is seen directly at the thermal water. It has a long-lasting effect and puts the skin in order. This remedy is not temporary. Therefore, it can be safely taken for general skin improvement.

When choosing it, you should start from personal preferences. There are many options for a universal remedy. Therefore, before making a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of a particular product. If a person, in addition to dryness, also has constant irritation, you need to take a more responsible approach to your choice.

How to replace thermal water?

Do you know what to replace thermal water with? In fact, ordinary mineral water is suitable for this. Thermal water is water from a thermal spring, purified and enriched with essential minerals and trace elements.

Its main difference from mineral water is that the latter contains much more salts, iron, copper and other elements that the body does not need in such quantities. But not every woman will wash her face with mineral water. And in general, this is not a cosmetic product. This influence can easily ruin your makeup.

It is impossible to notice the thermal water. Moreover, it is simply impossible to prepare it at home. To relieve skin irritation, it is enough to use ordinary mineral water. You need to choose it with a minimum amount of salts, since they can dry out the skin. If it is sparkling water, you need to leave it open for several hours so that the carbon dioxide comes out. After this, mineral water can be used in the same way as thermal water, spraying it from a suitable spray bottle.


The price may vary depending on the manufacturer and the place where the product was purchased. It is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. After all, a lot depends on the purpose for which thermal water is purchased and in what form.

If this is a cosmetic product in the form of a spray intended to moisturize the skin and eliminate unpleasant irritation, then the price will fluctuate around 80 hryvnia. When it comes to cream and lotion, the price category is slightly higher and amounts to approximately 100 hryvnia. Shampoo is more affordable; it will cost its owner 50-70 hryvnia.

It is worth noting that the above figures are averages. Because there are very cheap options for thermal water, the cost of which does not exceed 50 hryvnia. There are also expensive cosmetics, the price category of which exceeds 200 hryvnia.

Much depends on the place where the product is purchased. So, in a specialized store it costs much less than in a pharmacy. Naturally, properties also affect the cost.

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Reviews about thermal water can be both positive and negative. The fact is that a lot depends on the person himself, the cosmetic brand and the expected result.

But if we consider this issue in general, then mostly thermal water has positive reviews. The product itself has a number of positive properties. He can overcome many skin problems. This can be both inflammation and elimination of signs of psoriasis. The latter is possible only with the right choice of drug, together with complex therapy.

Thermal water is an excellent remedy. It is perfect for any skin type. Therefore, there simply cannot be negative reviews. In any case, there are many more satisfied people. So you need to try the product and draw your own conclusions. Because thermal water can really save a person from many skin problems. And you need to make a choice not based on someone else’s reviews, but on your own experience.