Small rashes on cheeks

Skin problems have various causes and are visually divided into several types. One of these is the unpleasant manifestation of changes in pigmentation, density and texture, such as a rash on the cheeks of an adult. How can poor liver function and facial skin be related? What type of problems causes rash on the cheeks? Is it possible to quickly diagnose and eliminate the consequences of skin changes, and how to prevent their occurrence in the future?

Diagnosis at the first stage

An independent attempt to find out what kind of diagnosis appears on the face in most cases still leads to a dermatologist’s office, so it is better to immediately seek help from a competent specialist. However, if for some reason this is impossible, there is an option to adopt a method for calculating the cause from professionals.

The most common reasons why a rash appears on the cheeks of an adult:

  1. hormonal changes (most often occur in women during pregnancy, taking hormonal medications, diseases of the endocrine system, PMS);
  2. bacterial infection (unhindered proliferation of introduced microorganisms due to a decrease in the skin’s own immune response, due to excessive use of care products, as well as in a state of immunodeficiency);
  3. a sharp response of the body to a stress reaction (a neurological cause that causes individual pinpoint rashes);
  4. photodermatitis caused by taking certain medications or contact with an alkaloid (local allergic skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation or the juice of the hogweed plant);
  5. hypovitaminosis, or, on the contrary, a case of vitamin deficiency;
  6. a sharp increase in skin oiliness when changing hygiene products (soap, lotion), or stopping daily hygiene procedures (the abundance of secretions secreted by the sebaceous glands prevents the ducts from self-cleaning and clogs them);
  7. food poisoning (intoxication can also be caused by a large amount of nicotine, caffeine or alcohol taken the day before);
  8. problems with the functioning of the gallbladder can affect the level of acids in the gastrointestinal tract; familiar but poorly digestible food can act like an allergen;
  9. sexually transmitted disease (the rash usually affects other areas: groin area, armpits, chest, etc.);
  10. local hypothermia (may appear as a rash only after a few hours)
  11. infection with subcutaneous scabies mite (covers primarily areas of the body with thinner skin, transmitted by contact and sexual contact).

Until the cause of the rash is determined, you should not use cosmetics, ointments, lotions, and you should strictly refrain from scratching the skin with your nails!

Skin inflammations are diagnosed based on basic visual signs only after a collected medical history. First, it’s worth finding out whether the patient has a systemic disease (diabetes, lupus, thyroid disease, HIV, etc.). Conditions such as pregnancy, a tendency to allergies, and recently started taking new medications can immediately narrow down the range of causes of the unpleasant phenomenon. In these cases, an allergic reaction is most likely and treatment will be symptomatic, based on the degree of its development. Itching at the site of redness is not necessary, since this is often a secondary, nervous reaction to the changes that have occurred.

It also matters for the doctor: whether in the previous day there was no contact with unusual food, new household items (clothing, mattress), cosmetic products, as well as trips to other countries and contacts with a new sexual partner over the previous two weeks. This allows you to immediately differentiate the nature of the skin reaction as allergic, inflammatory or systemic. Everything has its cause, and more often it is obvious than hidden. Conducting an independent analysis of new objects, food, and contacts will help reduce the time it takes to find it.

The location of the rash is important for diagnosis

The more extensive the rash, the greater the likelihood that the cause lies inside the body: hormonal imbalance, food allergies, or the result of drug intoxication.

The more localized the rashes on the cheeks of an adult are, the more likely it is that the cause is contact dermatitis, that is, local exposure to an allergen, microbes or mite.

The speed of occurrence and development of a skin reaction gives a clear idea of ​​what reason provoked it: the faster the changes visible to the naked eye occur, the greater the likelihood of the allergic nature of the rash.

Most of the redness is localized in the area of ​​the labio-nasal fold; on the forehead and chin; evenly on the cheeks. If the redness appears as a single spot, its most likely cause is contact dermatitis, that is, an allergic reaction to one of the irritants that come into contact with the skin, which can even be such things as:

  1. sunlight;
  2. someone else's sweat;
  3. face cream;
  4. cold air.

If a rash on the cheeks of an adult appears regularly, then the most likely cause is internal hormonal changes and gastrointestinal diseases.

Allergic rashes that rapidly develop against the background of fever, shortness of breath, rhinitis and tumors of the mucous membranes require immediate medical attention. In cases where it is not possible to quickly provide it, ice compresses, wet towel wraps, cold showers, and oral antiallergic medications are used.

Appearance of changes

Single modifications that make up the rash on the face are characterized by a primary appearance and condition, which, depending on the circumstances (development or suppression of the main process), can go into the secondary phase. Also, the presence of redness in other parts of the body plays an important role in diagnosis, which can sometimes be a sign of such a complex and difficult-to-treat disease as psoriasis.

Primary fragments of the rash come in the form of:

  1. tubercle (swelling with redness, but without internal contents);
  2. blister (swelling with a whitish top, without contents and often itches);
  3. nodule (dense redness with varying degrees of occurrence under the skin, but without content);
  4. vesicle (swelling with liquid serous contents);
  5. pustule (superficial and underlying elements with purulent contents).

Secondary changes

If a rash occurs on the cheeks, then in the future it may acquire signs of secondary skin changes:

  1. depigmentation or hyperpigmentation (disappearance of skin pigment or appearance of excess);
  2. lichenification (intense skin pattern, dryness, pink tint, itching, sometimes abrasions and crusts);
  3. cracks (tears in the top layer of skin due to loss of elasticity, dryness);
  4. scabs (dried pustules, their contents and upper crust);
  5. scales (small scattered dry particles of skin, diamond-shaped plates, gray, sometimes white, brown or yellow).

The transition from one form to another, an increase in their number and the occurrence of additional symptoms is a reason to immediately contact a dermatologist.

To avoid the rash

In order to ensure that unpleasant surprises arise as rarely as possible, you should be careful when using new cosmetics and procedures, unusual food products, clothing and bedding - everything that has direct contact with the skin of the face.

In addition, you should refrain from overusing:

  1. confectionery (especially chocolate) products;
  2. salty foods (marinades);
  3. citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges);
  4. honey;
  5. eggs;
  6. alcohol (especially with various natural additives);
  7. smoking.

Hygiene procedures should be carried out daily and the same type of skin care product should be used.

Successfully getting rid of a rash on the face caused by a chronic disease is impossible without a systematic approach to treating the cause.


There is nothing more disappointing and terrible than waiting for your 20th birthday with the anticipation of an imaginary relief from acne. After their onset, then through bitter experience, you are convinced that acne does not necessarily end at 20. Doctor of Medical Sciences and creator of many cosmetic products Rx Skincare, SELF states that: “Over the past 10 to 20 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of adults suffering from acne, even up to the age of menopause in women exceeding 50 years.

If you had acne as a teenager, you may still have oily skin, which will require regular care even after your acne has cleared, even as an adult.

How to get rid of small pimples on the cheeks?

Means for effective treatment

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a golden remedy for the budget treatment of acne rashes on the cheeks. Also in medical circles, the product is called beta hydroxy acid. Salicylic acid gently dries out acne and unclogs pores.

The product is publicly available and can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. Apply the product only pointwise and quite gently.

Benzoyl peroxide works by killing acne bacteria, opening pores, and clearing excess oil from the skin.

The sulfur contained in the acid draws out oil from the skin and has a drying effect. Salicylin, as an active ingredient, is also present in some face masks, like the Cosmedix Mask, etc.

Glycolic Acid is an alpha hydroxy acid, an ingredient that is designed to remove acne rashes and wrinkles at the same time. In the same way that this product helps against acne, the acid also works on wrinkles - removing dead cells on the surface.

Glycolic also helps improve skin texture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles while clearing up acne rashes on the face and body.

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A that the skin absorbs and converts into retinoic acid. Topical retinoid One of the most effective treatments for acne rashes on the cheeks, which also has an anti-aging effect due to its collagen content.

One of the contraindications to using retinoids is that they are harsh and may not be suitable for sensitive skin.

Always use a spot treatment for cheek rashes only.

Spot treatment is key to get a faster acne treatment effect.

Benzoyl peroxide is often criticized for being harsh, but when it comes to actually getting rid of pimples, it should be your best friend in an intense pimple fight. Just apply it to the hot spot to dry out the pimple and kill bacteria.

You may need more than just topical treatments

If your balance of hormones in the body is disturbed, then all local treatment methods will not bring any results.

In this case, you should start by treating the underlying causes of the acne rash on your cheeks. Your dermatologist will prescribe you medications to normalize your hormonal levels, such as birth control pills and spironolactone, which help reduce hormonal fluctuations and lower outbreaks of acne rash on your face."

Never try to pop pimples yourself.

Squeezing inflamed pimples can subsequently leave scars and scars that will be quite problematic to remove. There is a difference between scars and hyperpigmentation.

Scars formed as a result of squeezing pimples do not go away on their own, and most often require professional treatment.

For example, laser removal with a micro-piercing needle. But those brown spots that remain after a pimple during the natural healing process sooner or later disappear on their own.


Small rash of acne on cheeks

Small pimples on the cheeks in adults Causes


Hormones may be to blame.

Hormonal fluctuations before the menstrual cycle are the main cause of acne breakouts in adult women, according to Wall Street Dermatology dermatologist Julia Tsu, MD.

A specific feature of the adult male body is the increased activation of androgens in the body (male hormones) such as testosterone.

Typically, these pimples make their presence known in the form of deep (painful) and small cystic pimples around the chin, neck, and especially the cheeks, says dermatologist at the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery and Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology Rebecca Kazin, MD, F A A D.


Stress can be an additional (and very influential) driving force behind the formation or re-emergence of acne on the face and body.

The main sources of hormonal changes in the body are: stress and depression in a person. Whether you work beyond the norm 8 hours a day, your workday is overloaded, or you are a full-time mother, or you are in a difficult life situation, your stress level may be quite high.

The human body has a minor and often overlooked organ called the adrenal gland that produces the hormone cortisol during times of stress and releases it into the body to help the body deal with stress. Unfortunately, a tiny portion of testosterone leaks out with it.

For a woman, this male hormone can cause the subcutaneous sebaceous glands to produce more oil - the root cause of sudden changes in the amount of acne on the face, especially on the cheeks.

Air and environmental pollution.

Polluted air when you are in a workplace with a specific harmful environment settles in the form of dust and dirt on your face.

Especially if you live in a city where there are plants, factories, a lot of cars and few trees, then when you come home, wipe your face with a pillow, your hands, whatever it is, infections multiply on your skin and begin to activate the sebaceous glands above the norm, which leads to the initial stage of the formation of small pimples on the face of an adult who previously suffered from acne.

Hygiene products that are not suitable for you

You may use oily acne treatment products that are not suitable for you in your daily hygiene process.

If you have oily or combination skin and are prone to severe acne breakouts on your face and body, many leading estheticians advise you to use skincare products labeled “oil-free,” “non-comedogenic,” or “water-based.”

Just one of these lotions won't clog your pores and make things worse. Try a gel-based moisturizer like Belif.

You cleanse your face too often and too much.

Excessive care of your face can also lead to negative consequences in the form of rashes on the cheeks.

Washing your face more than twice a day can simply dry out your skin, causing your skin to produce more oil to compensate for your dry face.

Certain foods can cause acne

Everyone knows the foods that are believed to cause acne - chocolate, sweets, fried foods, pizza, caffeine, nuts.

But most statistically significant studies show that such foods, in general, do not cause acne.

But there are still exceptions: if you notice that after eating chocolate, fried or meat, you have severe acne rashes, limit yourself to consuming such foods.

The same goes for dairy products, which have also caused rashes in some cases, but such cause-and-effect relationships have not been scientifically proven.

What should really be avoided is excessive consumption of iodine-containing foods, as excess iodine in the body can lead to skin rashes.

You can find high iodine content in seafood such as lobster, shrimp, crab, and some greens like kelp and spinach.

Your sweet tooth is causing skin problems.

Another potential skin culprit that contributes to cheek acne rashes is sugar, because it raises insulin levels in the blood. There is growing evidence that insulin can increase the amount of sebum-producing male hormones.

Eat a low-glycemic diet - eat foods high in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, which help lower insulin. This will also undoubtedly be better for your health overall.

Let's understand the reasons for the appearance of pimples on the cheeks in order to find ways to avoid this trouble. At the same time, we work on mistakes and choose the right cosmetics for prevention.

  1. Causes of acne on the cheeks
  2. Basic diagnostic methods
  3. Proper nutrition to fight acne
  4. What does the appearance of acne mean?
  5. Cosmetics against acne on the cheeks
  6. Cosmetological methods
  7. Preventing acne on the cheeks

Causes of acne on the cheeks

It is known that acne appears due to the overly active work of the sebaceous glands: excess sebum, together with dead cells, clog the sebaceous ducts, forming a plug - an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria. In general, the male sex hormones testosterone and dehydrotestosterone are responsible for excess sebum production, and therefore blackheads and acne.

Those with oily skin need to be on their guard © iStock

There are other factors that cause pimples. They should be taken into account by those with oily skin who are at risk due to the natural activity of the sebaceous glands.

It has been established that some products make the sebaceous glands work more actively and, if abused, can turn simply oily skin into problem skin.

Food allergies and carbohydrate metabolism disorders may well give rise to inflammatory processes in the skin.

Stress reduces skin immunity, and in oily types it provokes a surge in the activity of the sebaceous glands. More sebum means more chance of inflammation.

Extreme heat and humidity cause the sebaceous glands to work even harder. Sweat mixed with sebum, cosmetics and dust is an ideal environment for pimples to appear.

Improper skin care

Illiterate use of cosmetics, for example, aggressive cleansers or too greasy creams that do not match the type and condition of the skin, will throw it out of balance. The skin may respond with inflammation.

No, we are not talking about tobacco and alcohol, but about simple actions that we perform every day, not suspecting that they can cause pimples, in particular on the cheeks. Details below.

Basic diagnostic methods

Before you find 10 mistakes in your relationship with your skin, make sure that pimples on your cheeks are not the result of health problems. To do this, you will need to be examined by a doctor and take several tests.

Hormone analysis. In most cases, acne is caused by hormonal imbalance. If acne bothers you more and more often, get tested and act according to its results and the endocrinologist’s prescriptions.

General and biochemical blood test. It will help identify the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Food allergy testing. If the body does not accept certain foods, they can be a constant cause of inflammation.

Proper nutrition to fight acne

Sweets, flour and milk provoke acne © iStock

Fast food and trans fats are not beneficial for the body as a whole - this is an established fact. But the direct relationship between food and acne continues to be debated. Those who are sure that such an addiction exists are urged to stay away from a number of products.

Products made from white flour and sugar with a high glycemic index provoke the release of insulin, a hormone controlled by testosterone.

Milk. It may contain hormones and growth factors that affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

What does the appearance of acne mean?

There is a theory according to which the location of acne can determine problems in the functioning of certain internal organs. Thus, it is believed that pimples on the cheeks (right or left) indicate problems with the lungs, right and left, respectively. But while there is no evidence, we will leave this question to the doctors of alternative medicine.

Touching your face with your hands

The bearded meme “straighten your back and take your left hand away from your face” should be declared the main acne prevention measure. Just remember: you can only touch your face with clean, washed hands. And it’s better not to touch it at all.

If you want to understand the cause of acne on your cheeks, analyze your own habits © iStock

Be lazy to wash your face

Drying your face with a towel

It sounds strange, but it's true: if you don't change your face towel every single day, prepare to lose the fight against acne on your cheeks. After all, a wet towel is a breeding ground for bacteria. The only advice here is to use disposable paper napkins instead.

Swap your towel for disposable wipes © iStock

Use makeup brushes

Pressing your mobile phone to your cheek

There's no need to cut back on your phone time, just keep in mind that your device's screen is far from sterile. Try to keep it clean, and for communication, use voice messages or a special headset that will allow you to keep your mobile phone away from your face.

Cosmetics against acne on the cheeks

When caring for skin with pimples, use cosmetics with sebum-regulating, exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects. Plus, you will need products for deep cleansing of pores, exfoliation of dead cells and urgent elimination of rashes (local SOS products).

Gels and foams for washing

Clean skin prone to rashes twice a day using foams and gels. Look for acids in the composition that will delicately remove dead cells. Avoid alkali and soap, which can disrupt the protective barrier of the epidermis and increase sebum secretion.

The formula with salicylic acid allows you to intensively cleanse your skin while massaging it with soft synthetic bristles.

Cleansing foaming gel for oily acne-prone skin, Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay

Gently cleanses, contains components with antibacterial action.

The product with salicylic acid and charcoal absorbs excess sebum and helps fight breakouts.


The product with three types of natural clay and eucalyptus reduces sebum secretion and skin imperfections.

In addition to absorbent kaolin clay, it contains sugar cane extract - for comfortable exfoliation, chamomile extracts - for disinfection and relief of irritation, orange and lemon - for moisturizing and freshness of the skin.


Fruit acids and apricot kernel powder in the composition delicately remove dead skin cells, making the skin smooth and radiant.

Salicylic acid and exfoliating microparticles help even out the tone and texture of facial skin, absorbent charcoal cleanses pores, and blueberry extract helps tighten them, refreshes and saturates the skin with antioxidants.

Local SOS tools

Contains salicylic acid, cinnamon, ginger and witch hazel extracts. Exfoliates and mattifies the skin.

Local corrective agent Effaclar A. I., La Roche-Posay

The formula with lipohydroxy acid and niacinamide has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the elimination of imperfections.

Cosmetological methods

Cleansing and peeling are effective in fighting acne © iStock

Salon treatments for acne-prone skin are aimed primarily at cleansing and reducing sebum secretion.

Vacuum, ultrasound, mechanical - all of them are aimed directly at removing comedones and pustules. Subsequent masks and care reduce oiliness and tighten pores.

Chemical acid peeling is recommended for oily skin because it reduces breakouts and shine.

The combination of alkaline solutions and galvanic current deeply cleanses pores, improves microcirculation and has a beneficial effect on acne-prone skin.

Preventing acne on the cheeks

When choosing products for day and night care, look for the “non-comedogenic” label, avoid greasy and oily textures, and carefully study the lines addressed to oily skin. Acids and renewing ingredients in the composition are your allies.
