At what stage do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

When do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

Typically, stretch marks begin to appear at 5-6 months of pregnancy. At this time, the child grows significantly and gains weight. The skin on the abdomen is subject to stress and does not have time to cope with it. Therefore, connective tissue comes to the rescue, the cells of which are able to quickly divide and restore damaged areas, thereby forming purple scars.

In the third trimester, stripes may appear on the breasts due to their gradual swelling and filling with colostrum. A sharp weight gain is also caused by the appearance of stretch marks on the inner thigh and buttocks.

Typical photos of women indicate that the appearance of stretch marks is possible at any week of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks and prepare the skin for sudden changes with the help of preventive measures.

How and why do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences enormous stress and undergoes significant changes in order to preserve the life of the child and ensure its normal development.

Changes in the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone are considered the main reason why stretch marks appear during pregnancy. The synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for strength, directly depends on the high level of production of these substances.

Other causes include:

  1. Hereditary predisposition indicates the impossibility of preventing the occurrence of stretch marks. If close relatives have experienced significant sprains, then the woman will also have this problem with a 90% probability.
  2. Lack of a balanced diet with a minimum amount of vitamins affects sudden weight gain. The skin does not have time to produce collagen, so it is quickly replaced by scar tissue.
  3. Restrictions on physical activity lead to muscle weakening and skin tone decreases.
  4. Smoking reduces elasticity and firmness, peeling begins, the surface becomes dry and dehydrated.

The age category is also of great importance due to the low level of elasticity and strength of the epidermis. If there are no stretch marks during the first pregnancy, the second pregnancy may result in stretching of the epidermis.

Stretched areas begin to appear in places of strong tension, where microdamage is most clearly visible. The degree of formation at different stages of gestation is different. However, the severity and number of stripes in women may vary.

Where do stretch marks most often appear during pregnancy and what do they look like?

During pregnancy, the dermis becomes thinner due to strong tension and active growth of the fetus. The inner layer of the epidermis is torn without having time to regenerate cells. Most often, stretch marks are formed:

  1. on the stomach, due to the intensive growth of the baby inside the womb or due to the formation of a large fetus;
  2. the body begins to produce colostrum on the breast, and after childbirth, stretching occurs due to the presence of milk;
  3. Striae on the thighs and buttocks occur due to rapid weight gain.

Beginning stretch marks look like defects on the body, in the form of narrow stripes with uneven edges. They do not cause any discomfort; only slight itching is possible at the time of their onset. This is due to the fact that the middle layer of the epidermis begins to collapse due to tension and pressure. The fibrous part, together with small vessels, burst and rupture, which provokes the formation of minor depressions.

Stretch marks initially look like small scars or scars with loose, softened and thinned skin. The color at first has a reddish tint, depending on how many capillaries are damaged. Gradually, over time, the connective tissue changes color to a lighter shade as blood circulation in these areas stops.

Striae are dense stripes that lack melanin. Therefore, when exposed to ultraviolet or sunlight, coloring does not occur. The lack of this pigment is caused by the insensitivity of stretched skin to tanning; it remains light compared to the rest of the body. Also, rapid replacement by connective tissue leads to the fact that these areas are not able to secrete sweat, as a result of impaired blood flow.

Treatment methods

It is very difficult to get rid of existing stripes. At the present stage of development of medicine, there are 2 ways:

  1. dermabrasion - involves scraping the upper layer of the dermis, which refreshes the overall condition and makes the skin smoother. Resurfacing is performed with crystals that are under pressure, but at the same time stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
  2. laser surgery, an expensive procedure that, in the early stages of stretch marks, thanks to a pulsed laser, changes the pigmentation of the skin.

The success and duration of the laser method depends on age, and during the process a woman may experience minor pain.

The most effective method will be to prevent stretching of the epidermis immediately after conception. The use of special creams, contrast showers and massage will significantly reduce the likelihood of sprains. The main remedy in the fight against the occurrence of stretch marks is the normalization of nutrition. Consuming large amounts of fiber, vitamins and microelements will strengthen the epidermis, making the surface firm and elastic.

During pregnancy, stripes of burgundy, blue or purple may appear on the stomach and thighs of expectant mothers. These are stretch marks - striae.

Their occurrence is associated with overstretching of the skin, but they do not appear in everyone. Why stretch marks spoil the skin of an expectant mother and how to deal with them during pregnancy and after childbirth, read our article.

Stretch marks during pregnancy. Why do they appear?


This is due to the genetic characteristics of the skin.

Our skin contains collagen fibers. They are capable of stretching. In some people, collagen fibers stretch well, in others, the ability of collagen fibers to stretch is limited, and at a certain degree of tension they simply tear.

At the sites of ruptures, small hemorrhages occur (like “bruises”). This causes the burgundy, purple or blue color of fresh stretch marks.

Over time, they fade and take on the color of normal skin. But in any case, the appearance of stretch marks is unpleasant for a woman, and in a certain sense violates aesthetics.

Stretch marks during pregnancy. When do they appear?

Typically, before 20 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the tummy is relatively small, and the likelihood of stretch marks is low. During intensive growth of the uterus, the skin has to quickly stretch, and the risk of stretch marks increases.

As the period increases, stretch marks may appear on both the chest and hips, but the sides of the abdomen are the most vulnerable places. Therefore, around the middle of pregnancy, the use of special cosmetics is most advisable. Some women start using such products much earlier, and this is not bad.

Unfortunately, the ninth month of pregnancy is the most dangerous in terms of the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs, since skin stretching has reached its maximum. Moreover, purple stripes can paint the body completely unexpectedly. A woman can fall asleep with clear skin and wake up with stripes.

Stretch marks during pregnancy. How to avoid them?

Try to eat right to prevent sudden weight gain. It is also important to drink enough water during pregnancy. This helps improve skin elasticity.


There are special oils and creams whose task is to prevent ruptures of collagen fibers and thereby avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

Special cosmetics intended for expectant mothers, containing vitamin E, as well as olive oil, jojoba, citrus and almond oils, help to maintain skin elasticity. Such cosmetics are sold in pharmacies, maternity stores, and sometimes in specialized departments of supermarkets.

Oil or cream is usually rubbed into the skin 2 times a day. Particular attention should be paid to the lateral surfaces of the tummy - there the skin is stretched the most. It is advisable to use products to prevent the formation of stretch marks throughout the remaining period of waiting for the baby. Before carrying out the procedure, it is worth scrubbing - treating problem areas with a cosmetic scrub.

It must be said that even the most regular use of the most expensive and highest quality products does not guarantee the absence of stretch marks on the skin. If the collagen fibers are very weak, they will break under tension, regardless of the activity of your actions to prevent them. But on the other hand, if you do not pay attention to this issue, the likelihood of stretch marks will naturally increase.

Bottom line: taking care of your skin and trying to prevent the appearance of stretch marks is advisable and pleasant. There are no and cannot be 100% guarantees, since much depends on genetics. But you can always tell yourself: “I did everything to ensure that my skin retains its beauty!”

It’s better to prevent excess weight and the formation of stretch marks in advance, so pay attention in Mom’s Store to:

Note. Returns of food and cosmetic products are only possible if the packaging is undamaged.

Stretch marks after childbirth

What happens to stretch marks after childbirth? Alas, they will not disappear on their own. The stretch marks will become pale and in most cases less noticeable, but they will still remain.

Getting rid of this consequence of pregnancy is a real science, led by cosmetologists. The possibilities of modern cosmetology in restoring the beauty of the skin are quite serious, but this, of course, is a very expensive undertaking, both financially and in terms of your personal time.

As a rule, specialists use an integrated approach:

  1. They perform a special hardware massage.
  2. Vitaminized cocktails are injected under the skin (mesotherapy).

Problem areas are injected with special drugs that improve blood circulation and cellular metabolism.

  1. Superficial acid-based skin peeling is performed.
  2. Laser resurfacing (dermabrasion) is performed.

This procedure involves scraping off the top layer of the epidermis. It is quite expensive and requires a long period of remission before the skin recovers.

  1. Use laser technology.

Modern methods based on the use of lasers make it possible to combat stretch marks both at an early stage of their appearance and after they have lightened on their own.

  1. Surgery for stretch marks (abdominoplasty).

A rather painful and expensive procedure that is a real surgical operation. Abdominoplasty removes stretch marks completely. Its main disadvantage is that the operated areas take a very long time to heal.

You can consult a dermato-cosmetologist about stretch mark removal literally 3-4 months after giving birth, but some of the techniques can only be used after breastfeeding has ended. This is because many drugs used for subcutaneous injections pass into breast milk. More complex manipulations, in principle, require complete separation of the mother from the baby for a fairly long period.

As simple home activities, we can recommend:

  1. Regular use of cosmetics that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
  2. Pinching and daily massage of problem areas.
  3. Cold and hot shower.
  4. Refusal to tan, both in a solarium and in direct sunlight. On tanned skin, stretch marks become more noticeable.
  5. Wearing a bra with wide straps that firmly support the breasts.
  6. Using a bandage during pregnancy and shapewear after childbirth.

Of course, unaesthetic manifestations on the skin cannot but upset any woman. But as you now know, there are methods of struggle that allow you to get rid of stretch marks. If you don’t have enough time for them, don’t worry.

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The most important thing has already happened, you are a happy future or an already accomplished young mother. This means that everything else is no longer so important, at least until the baby grows up.

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Pregnancy is a happy time, darkened by the period when stretch marks appear. Every woman expecting the baby wants to remain beautiful, but this is not always possible - pale blue stripes begin to appear on the chest, stomach and hips. If only a woman knew how long it takes for stretch marks to appear! It would be possible to prepare the skin to avoid blemishes.

The essence of stretch marks


Stretch marks (striae) are tears in the layers of skin due to loss of elasticity, which occur due to a sharp change in body volume. In other words, skin cells do not have time to divide to reach a sufficient volume of the tummy or breasts. Also, the skin is prevented from producing the required amount of collagen by an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in the body. The body fills the gaps with connective tissue, forming unsightly scars.

It is impossible to hide stretch marks with anything - neither foundation nor tanning will hide them, but many such scars can appear during pregnancy. The problem is that newly formed stretch marks can be “cured” using various drugs, but they are contraindicated for women in an interesting position. You will have to come to terms with the problem for a while and then seek help from laser resurfacing.

For reference! Not all women are susceptible to such a phenomenon as stretch marks; the hereditary factor plays a huge role - if the mother or grandmother did not have stretch marks, the woman was lucky - she received elastic skin from her relatives that can withstand tears and stretches.

Why do stretch marks appear?


The question of which month to expect such scars cannot be answered unequivocally. It all depends on the woman, her lifestyle, her attitude towards pregnancy. It is possible that stretch marks form early in pregnancy, or perhaps some time after childbirth.

The most likely factors contributing to the formation of stretch marks at any time are the following:

  1. incorrectly composed diet of a woman;
  2. improper metabolism;
  3. use of cosmetics that dry out the skin;
  4. large fruit or polyhydramnios;
  5. lack of vitamins;
  6. the appearance of edema;
  7. passive lifestyle;
  8. smoking.

The age of the pregnant woman also influences the appearance of stretch marks - in women over 35, the skin is less elastic. That is, in order to avoid such problems, the expectant mother needs to remember a healthy lifestyle - walk more in the fresh air, eat right and forget about cigarettes, which, without any reason for the appearance of stretch marks, pose a great threat to the baby’s health.

Idea! To prevent the appearance of stretch marks during any month of pregnancy, muscle strengthening exercises can help and should be performed throughout the period leading up to pregnancy.


It is worth noting that most often unpleasant stripes appear on the chest, and in the first months of pregnancy. It is then that the mammary glands undergo multiple changes and quickly increase in volume.

Scar stripes on the thighs and buttocks are often not observed during pregnancy, but appear immediately after childbirth.

Ugly stripes on the stomach most often appear during the 18-20th week of pregnancy. However, stretch marks are possible almost immediately upon pregnancy, in the first months. As the fetus grows, the number of stretch marks on the abdomen also increases until delivery.

On other parts of the body, it is also possible for stretch marks to appear at any week of pregnancy; this is most likely due to the fact that the mother is gaining weight too quickly or is suffering from obesity and edema.

The first sign of the imminent appearance of problems of this kind in any area is itching. When such a sign appears, after some time stretch marks form. Unfavorable changes in the condition of the skin and the active formation of stretch marks should be expected literally within a week.


To prevent stretch marks, a woman needs to take care of her skin from the first months of pregnancy. Special moisturizers, drainage creams, anti-stretch mark creams with collagen, vegetable oils will help; it is better to use them over the entire area of ​​the body. You can also use essential oils instead of cream:

To prevent stretch marks from disfiguring your breasts, you need to choose seamless, supportive bras with wide straps.

For the abdomen, use special bandages - by tightening it a little, the bandage will not allow the skin to stretch too much and stripes will appear, and it will also be easier to carry the invaluable load.

You need to include more protein, potassium, and vitamin E in your diet. Drink enough liquid to moisturize your skin from the inside. It’s worth making a reservation here - fluid intake should be reduced when swelling appears.

A massage using moisturizing creams and essential oils will perfectly serve as a preventative measure for stretch marks. A relaxing shower, which can be directed to the chest or abdomen, is also suitable as a massage.

It is worth noting that the choice of means for the prevention of stretch marks should be entrusted to a gynecologist or dermatologist.

For reference! If your weight before conception was normal, the likelihood of developing stretch marks is much lower than if you are overweight.

Stretch marks are not a death sentence


If there is a possibility that nasty stripes will soon appear on the skin, it is necessary to take preventive measures, use all possible means, if the attending physician is not against them. However, if stretch marks do appear, it’s not a problem, they don’t bring any unpleasant sensations, and you shouldn’t worry about their appearance. Many methods have been developed that can get rid of stretch marks - chemical peeling, body wraps, laser resurfacing.

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