How to restore dry hand skin

It’s nice to look at a well-groomed, stylishly and fashionably dressed woman. However, everyone can ruin their hands. More precisely, their appearance. Dry, wrinkled, dehydrated skin looks unsightly. And this is not always the result of natural aging. There are many factors that age our hands prematurely. Of course, it’s better not to let things get to a bad state. But anything can happen! How to restore the skin of your hands at home if time is lost and you need urgent help. Below we will consider the most popular effective methods that will help tidy up the epidermis.

Causes of dryness

  1. There are practically no sebaceous glands on the hands, so they are much drier than the rest of the skin. And without additional nutrition and hydration, the hands will quickly become covered with wrinkles.

Assistant No. 1 for the beauty of hands. They need to be used regularly. It is best to purchase several tubes and place them in places where you are most often. You need to smear the skin at any opportunity.

Few of the fair half of humanity pay attention to the inscriptions: moisturizing, nourishing, softening, night, day, and so on. But this is very important. Hand skin restoration cream should be marked accordingly. Top three based on last year's results:

  1. Garnier Intensive care for very dry skin. Contains allantoin and glycerin, which perfectly restore, moisturize and protect. The product is sold in a large 100 ml tube. Enough for a long time.
  2. Topicrem ultra-moisturizing. It is not cheap (500-600 rubles), but very effective. Sold in pharmacies. The composition contains 3% urea, which moisturizes and heals wounds very well.
  3. Boro Plus Intensive Care. Probably everyone knows Indian creams labeled Boro. They are very effective, but not everyone likes them due to their thick and greasy consistency and strong aroma.

You don't have to go to the store for cream. How to restore the skin of your hands at home using homemade cream? The following recipe will help: you need to take 1 teaspoon each of cocoa butter and shea butter and dissolve them in a water bath; then add 3 drops of essential oil, the same amount of orange juice and a couple of Aevita capsules.

Pour the mixture into a jar in which the cream will be stored. You can use the empty one from the finished cosmetic product. You just need to wash it thoroughly and dry it. Homemade cream should be stored in a cool place so that it does not melt. Apply whenever possible and always at night. Preferably under cotton gloves.

Lotions and serums

They differ from creams in their liquid texture and higher concentration of nutrients. This is a real SOS tool when you need instant help. Instantly absorbed, softening and moisturizing the skin.

You can buy serum or lotion in a store or make it yourself. It will be no less effective, but more budget-friendly.

You will need 1 tablespoon of medicinal herbs chamomile and calendula. They need to be poured with 100 ml of boiling water and left to cool completely. Then add 3 tbsp. l. glycerin. The mixture should be poured into a convenient bottle and your hands should be treated as often as possible. Herbs rejuvenate, soften and heal wounds. And glycerin helps retain moisture in the upper layers of the dermis. After a short period of time, you simply won’t recognize your hands. They will become 10 years younger.


Used for more intense hydration, nutrition, and recovery for more severe problems. This product can be successfully replaced with a rich cream. The mask must be applied in a thick layer to a clean surface. The holding time usually ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. Then remove the unabsorbed excess with a napkin. Afterwards, you can apply the next layer of cream, but this is often unnecessary, since the consistency of the product itself is oily and creamy.

You can make a hand mask at home from products that are in the refrigerator:

  1. From honey. Mix a teaspoon of honey and sour cream and 1 yolk. Mix thoroughly and apply for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and be sure to lubricate your hands with cream.
  2. Fruity. Any will do: bananas, watermelon, apple, pear. To prepare the mask, you need to take 3 fruits little by little in equal quantities. Grind with a grater or blender and apply to hands. You can add a couple of drops of lemon, tea tree, bergamot or ylang-ylang essential oil. Also suitable as an additive are "Aevit", cosmetic oils of peach, wheat germ, almond (no more than 1/2 tsp) or others.
  3. A lemon mask gives freshness to your hands and whitens age spots. You need to take 1 tsp. olive oil and lemon juice and 1 yolk. Mix and apply overnight under cotton gloves to avoid staining your laundry. In the morning, rinse your hands and lubricate with cream.


This is one of the main stages of hand care. A hand skin bath will not only help preserve beauty, but will also effectively restore dry, dehydrated skin. This procedure is useful in that it saturates the upper layers of the dermis with moisture, and various additives nourish, soften and heal wounds and cracks. What types of hand baths are there:

  1. Herbal. Chamomile, calendula, oak bark are the most common. It is easy to prepare such a bath. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. herbs per glass of hot water. Brew and wait until the infusion becomes warm. Then strain it and immerse your hands in it. Leave for 20 minutes, then wipe them off and apply cream.
  2. Oily. You will need a glass of olive, linseed or sunflower oil. You need to heat it to a comfortable temperature and hold your hands in it for 15-20 minutes. Then wipe thoroughly with a napkin. No need to wash. It is advisable to do this procedure at night. Or at least 1 hour after it, do not do household chores.
  3. Paraffin. How to restore very dry hand skin? In such a situation, cosmetic paraffin has a good effect. You need to melt it and immerse your hands in it. You need to act carefully so as not to get burned. This happens if the bath is too hot. Result: moisturized, tightened, refreshed hand skin.


Oil products for restoring the skin of the hands have always been considered the most effective. Modern cosmetology offers wraps using these ingredients. They can be successfully made at home. You can call a friend, sister or mother for help. Meanwhile, your home cosmetologist will also learn about how to restore the skin of your hands at home and will most likely want to use these methods.

So, you need to take a cloth napkin and immerse it in warm oil (olive, almond, grape seed, macadamia, etc.). Afterwards, squeeze a little so that nothing drips and wrap dry, clean hands. Put mittens on top. After 1-1.5 hours you can remove everything. Blot excess oil with a napkin.


One of the main means for restoring the skin of the hands. It helps get rid of dead cells and effectively smoothes out wrinkles. You can use either one specifically designed for the skin of your hands or any scrub that is on the shelf in the bathroom. In essence, they are all the same (but you still shouldn’t use a hand scrub to clean your face).

You can prepare the peeling yourself. For this, coffee cake, ground oatmeal (it is more delicate), sugar or sea salt are suitable as abrasive particles.

  1. Mix two spoons of sugar with a small amount of cosmetic oil. Massage your hands for at least 15 minutes with soft circular movements.
  2. Coffee scrub is prepared using dried cake or ground beans. It is enough to mix 2 tsp. coffee and a spoonful of olive oil and apply to the skin, massaging.
  3. Salt peeling is prepared similarly to sugar peeling. But it is worth considering that the salt will sting strongly if there are wounds or small cracks. In this case, it is better to refuse this peeling option.
  4. Oatmeal. In practice, it can be considered a two-in-one product. This is a very gentle peeling and mask, as it is very rich in microelements beneficial for the skin. And during the procedure, the dermis will not only be cleansed, but also nourished with various beneficial substances.

Massage: rejuvenate the skin of the hands

A useful and pleasant procedure. Hands directly in front of her must be lubricated with a special massage cream or oil. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes. It helps improve blood circulation, which in turn will speed up the restoration of the skin.

Salon care

If you don’t have time to take care of your hands at home, you can go to a salon. They will do all the necessary procedures at a professional level. And also those that are not available at home.

A novelty in modern cosmetology is gas-liquid peeling. Its action is as follows: a thin stream of compressed gas and an aqueous solution of NaCl is applied to the skin under high pressure. This procedure is absolutely painless. It is carried out in a non-contact manner, so there are no unpleasant consequences after it in the form of redness or swelling. Gas-liquid peeling helps to rejuvenate, cleanse the skin of dead cells and moisturize it.

How to prevent dry hands

To ensure that your skin always remains soft and tender and looks young and attractive, it is important to follow a number of simple rules for hand care:

  1. Water for washing should be at a comfortable temperature. Hot is very drying, and cold leads to cracks and roughness of the skin.
  2. Soap perfectly removes dirt and bacteria, but does not have the best effect on the skin, drying it out. So it’s better to save your favorite piece for emergencies. And for regular cleansing, choose a mild product whose pH index is not higher than 5.
  3. After washing your hands, you need to wipe them dry. Then apply cream. It is strictly not recommended to go outside with wet hands.
  4. When starting cleaning or planning to wash dishes, be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves. This must be done before gardening work. A little tip: it’s good to apply a little cream or cosmetic oil under your gloves. A sort of mini-SPA procedure. Your hands will say “thank you”!
  5. In summer, it is better to choose hand cream with an SPF filter. This will protect them from premature aging.

Have you noticed that the skin on your hands has become dry? This may be the first sign of the approaching autumn, with its cold winds. In the winter season, almost every second resident of our country complains of dry skin. From our article you will learn: what can cause dry skin on your hands and how to avoid it.

To prevent the problem from becoming widespread (skin peeling, irritation and small bleeding wounds), it is necessary to find out the cause of dry skin.

Dry hand skin - main causes

Most often the source of the problem may be:

  1. lack of proper care for the skin of the hands;
  2. skin contact with aggressive detergents, household chemicals various types. As a result, the epidermis layer is destroyed, and the skin is deprived of its natural protection. This leads to the appearance of cracks, dermatitis and allergies, dry hands;
  3. negative environmental influences, including cold, strong wind, which make the skin dry and rough, cracks and redness appear on the hands. The sun can also negatively affect the beauty of the skin on your hands, dehydrating it and stimulating the aging process. Dry spots on the skin appear “thanks” to sudden fluctuations and changes in air temperature;
  4. lack of vitamins in the body, that is, banal vitamin deficiency can cause dry skin on the hands, this is especially true in spring and autumn, when the skin is more vulnerable.

Agree, any of the above reasons can seriously spoil your mood. Who would like the fact that dry hands are flaky, so-called “pimples” appear on the skin every now and then, and sometimes the fingers even bleed on the folds? There is no need to despair ahead of time and immediately run to a dermatologist for “magic pills or injections.” Try our tips first, and perhaps you will be able to get rid of the scourge of “dry hand skin” once and for all!

13 ways to solve the problem of dry hand skin

1. Wash your hands well and dry your skin thoroughly. This advice seems banal, but do not rush to ignore it. Hand washing involves exposing your skin to warm water and mild soap.

It's a good idea to use a moisturizing gel or lotion to help dry skin. You need to dry your hands thoroughly with a towel, even wiping the areas between your fingers. If you dry your hands in a hurry, moisture will remain on your skin, leaving it dry and vulnerable.

2. Cosmetologists advise use hand cream every time after washing them. To relieve dry skin, the product should contain plant extracts, glycerin, sorbitol and lactic acid.

The skin of your hands needs additional hydration before walking in the fresh air, especially in the cold season. Eg, Radevit cream enhances skin protection, reviews of people for whom this cream helped forget about dry skin on their hands can be found quite often.

3. Make it a rule wash dishes and clean houses exclusively in rubber or vinyl gloves.

Moreover, before putting on gloves, the skin of your hands needs to be treated with a nourishing cream, this way you will avoid the appearance of dry skin.

4. Eat foods rich in vitamins. Or increase their consumption at least with the onset of cold weather.

Vitamins help normalize metabolism, saturate our body, nourish it, including the skin of our hands.

5. With the arrival of autumn hurry up to insulate your hands. Gloves and mittens are suitable for this, fortunately, now you can find a variety of models for every taste and income.

Gloves will protect your skin from frost and wind and minimize the risk of dry skin on your hands.

6. The ideal solution to the problem of dry hand skin is use of oil. Flaxseed, olive and even regular sunflower oil are suitable, as they make the skin of your hands softer, give them elasticity and relieve dryness and irritation.

The recipe for use is simple: soak gauze with oil heated in a water bath, which is then applied to dry skin of the hands. Then a layer of wax paper is placed on top and cotton gloves are put on. If the skin of your hands is too dry, covered with cracks and wounds, oil therapy should be carried out at least twice weekly.

7. A good product for moisturizing dry skin will be homemade cream made from pork and lamb lard, melted in equal proportions in a water bath.

By storing this mixture in the refrigerator and using it periodically, you will give the skin of your hands the opportunity to recover and moisturize. This way you will quickly forget about dry skin on your hands.

8. Can provide express help for your dry hands sour cream compress. For a glass of medium-fat sour cream, take one chicken yolk and squeeze the juice of one lemon (a few drops). Moisten a napkin in the resulting mixture and apply it to the skin of your hands, then wrap your hands with cling film on top and put on gloves. Leave the compress on for at least twenty minutes before going to bed. Then remove the remaining mass with cotton wool and put on gloves again.

9. Bath prepared from plantain infusion, will be a salvation for dry skin on hands.

For the bath, take a tablespoon of herb and pour a liter of boiling water. The mixture should be allowed to brew for half an hour, and then put your hands in the resulting broth for ten to fifteen minutes. Then remove your hands from the broth, dry the skin well and be sure to lubricate it with rich cream.

10. Sage infusion Also great for dry hands. An infusion can be prepared from 400 ml of boiling water and two tablespoons of leaves. Then strain this product thoroughly, it will soothe cracked and dry skin, moisturize and soften it.

11. Chamomile infusion can perfectly soften the dry skin of your hands., it heals cracks and wounds.

To prepare such a decoction, you need to take one tablespoon of chamomile, pour one liter of boiling water over it and let it brew for twenty minutes. After the broth has cooled to 40 degrees, put your hands in it for another twenty minutes. Then wipe the skin dry with a soft cloth. It wouldn’t hurt to apply a rich, nourishing cream to your skin.

12. Paraffin therapywhich can be performed both in the salon and at home, perfectly promotes the healing of damaged skin. If your hands are too dry, you will see positive results immediately after the first paraffin application. The procedure will affect not only the skin, but also the joints, since paraffin therapy has a relaxing effect.

13. The most modern method of skin restoration at the moment is biorevitalization. It involves the correction of cosmetic imperfections in the skin of the hands by saturating its layers with hyaluronic acid.

This procedure is very effective and works on several levels. It is carried out mainly in a salon, so if you have serious skin problems, biorevitalization will be an excellent way out of this situation, especially on the eve of frost.

So, if, year after year, with the onset of cold weather, the skin on your hands becomes dry, cracks, inflammation and irritation appear - do not delay, use the tips given above. We are sure that you will definitely find exactly the way that will help you get your skin in order and you will be happy to admire your beautiful hands!

Photo source: Internet

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Rough, dry, rough skin on your hands is not a death sentence at all if you take good care of it. Nutrition and hydration are important not only for women with skin prone to dryness, but also for everyone else: this problem often appears during the cold season, during temperature changes, and illness. Dry hand skin - what to do with it, what creams, oils to moisturize, what vitamins to add to your diet and what to avoid - read on.

What is dry skin

Dry skin means a constant feeling of tightness, tingling, peeling, and cracks on the hands. The surface of the skin on the back of the hands and palms becomes rough, inelastic, especially stretched after contact with water and soap. Household chores can cause even more harm in this situation, so it is important to use special gloves when washing dishes and cleaning.

Why does the skin on your hands dry out?

The epidermis on the hands is thinner, has no sebaceous glands at all, and contains little moisture, unlike the skin of the face. Adverse weather conditions, contact with allergens, constant washing with hot water, failure to follow basic daily rules of personal care - all this leads to dry skin on the hands. What reasons can be identified:

  1. cold: if you don’t wear gloves in low temperatures, the skin will definitely become rough;
  2. household chemicals: wash dishes, windows, do wet cleaning only with gloves;
  3. rough work with bare hands;
  4. congenital predisposition;
  5. nutritional disorders, lack of vitamins, dermatological diseases.

What to do if your hands are dry

First you need to understand that dry hand skin is a temporary problem. The situation can be easily corrected if you follow useful tips and try to avoid dangerous factors in the future. Let's look at how to get rid of dry hand skin:

  1. if the problem is critical: there are deep cracks, calluses, wounds, the skin is very flaky - you should contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist to select effective restorative therapy;
  2. if the skin is simply dry and does not look very beautiful, various creams, therapeutic masks and oils will certainly help you.

Vitamins for dry hands

If the cause of dryness is seasonal disorders of the body, then vitamins are a mandatory element to get rid of the problem. Vitamins B, A, C, E help best for hydration. It is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in essential substances: liver, fatty red fish, nuts, herbs, fruits. Water balance is important: you need to drink a lot of clean liquid a day and do not drink alcohol. Vitamins for dry hand skin can be taken in capsules, in the form of ready-made complexes.

How to moisturize your hands at home

To moisturize the skin of your hands at home, you need to apply nourishing, softening creams daily, eat foods rich in healthy fats, and keep your hands clean and safe. What to use on your hands for cracks and dryness? Simple recipes for moisturizers that can be prepared from available natural ingredients will help solve the problem. Prepare them yourself or choose special cosmetics that can be bought at any store.

Hand baths for dryness

Baths are a convenient and effective procedure. They saturate the skin with all the necessary substances, thanks to their aqueous structure, long-term effects penetrate deep into the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Herbal tinctures also heal flaky areas, small wounds and cracks well. Several recipes for homemade hand baths for dry hands:

  1. A liter of linden blossom decoction, 7 drops of patchouli essential oil, can be replaced with orange, 1 tsp. glycerin. Place your hands in a hot bath and hold for 30 minutes.
  2. Oat flour. Add 3 tbsp to 0.5 boiling water. l. flour, stir, cool to a comfortable temperature, place your hands in the mixture, hold for 20 minutes.
  3. Potato or celery broth. Cool the liquid and hold your hands for 20 minutes.
  4. Heat the milk slightly, add a teaspoon of honey, 2 drops of oil (avocado, jojoba, olive, sage). Stir and keep for about 20 minutes.
  5. Half a liter of kefir, 2 raw yolks, 1 tsp. flaxseed, olive or other vegetable oil. Mix well and keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes.

Hand mask for dryness and cracks

For the effect of the procedures to be noticeable, hand masks against dryness and cracks should be done regularly, 2 times a week. Before doing this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, dry them with a towel, and massage them. The procedure can be done both at home and professionally, at an appointment with a manicurist or cosmetologist. What masks can be made from improvised materials:

  1. Raw yolk, any vegetable oil, honey. Mix a tablespoon of honey and oil with the yolk, grind, apply to your hands, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes, or leave overnight, wearing thin gloves on top.
  2. Juice of one slice of orange or lemon, vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to your hands, wait 15 minutes until it is half absorbed, and rinse.
  3. Banana, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. honey Mash the banana, mix with the rest of the ingredients, apply a compress to your hands, wrap them in cellophane and put on warm gloves. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Soak the white bread crumb with hot water, add a drop of lemon juice and any oil, grease your hands, put on thin gloves. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Remedy for dry hands

Peeling of the hands can cause a lot of discomfort, both aesthetic and internal, since the skin becomes more vulnerable, exposed to external factors. A good remedy for dry hand skin is paraffin baths and wax masks, which can be made at home, if you have the necessary ingredients, or from a professional for a small amount. Special medicinal cosmetics, which are sold in pharmacies, have a quick, guaranteed safe effect. When selecting, you need to try each product on yourself and follow the instructions.

Cream for dry hands

Creams prepared at home are natural and harmless, but they can be stored for a short time, up to 2 weeks, and in some cases they can cause allergies if the composition is incorrectly selected. Beeswax, paraffin, fish or pork fat, butter and glycerin are good bases for a homemade cream for dry hands. The product must necessarily contain essential oils and other natural emollient ingredients.

It is better to apply cream for chapped hands at night for better effect, to maximally moisturize your hands and prevent the appearance of new cracks. Here are homemade recipes you may need:

  1. Butter – 2 tbsp. l., 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort decoction. Store in the refrigerator, rub into the skin of your hands daily before bed.
  2. A solution containing vitamins A and E – 1 tsp, 1 tsp. any honey, 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp. oil, preferably olive, 1 tsp. low-fat cream. Apply with a cotton pad.
  3. Night cream, to be applied and kept under gloves: 1 tbsp. l. strong green tea, 1 tsp. shea butter, 1 tsp. orange oil, 1 tsp. beeswax, 2 capsules of a vitamin complex (for example, aevit). Heat the mixture in a water bath, stir, and cool.
  4. A mixture of herbs (chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort) - 2 tbsp. l., pour half a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Mix 2 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil, 3 tbsp. l. melted wax, half a teaspoon of propolis and strained tincture. Apply in the morning and before bed.
  5. Glycerin – 4 tbsp. l., 3 tsp. lemon juice, 3 tsp. starch, 2 tbsp. l. vodka. Heat in a water bath, stir, cool, use every day.
  6. Take a tablespoon of cocoa butter, 3 drops of bitter orange oil, half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix, heat, beat with a fork or whisk, cool.

Hand oil for dry hands

Oils are a natural source of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. If you eat the right amount of fatty foods, add natural oils to cereals and salads, you can get the necessary fats to maintain softness and balance of the skin. Hand oil for dry hands can be used as part of masks or in its pure form. Regular care with oils will help your skin stay smooth during cold periods. Which oils are effective:

  1. Cacao butter. Can be applied solid or melted.
  2. Shea butter, coconut, natural cream.
  3. Nourishing mask: a teaspoon each of avocado, grape seed, almond, apricot, orange, olive oils. Mix, heat slightly, treat especially damaged areas of the hands and elbows.

Ointment for dry skin of hands

If the situation is serious and your hands become very dry and crack, daily, careful care may be required. Cracks and dryness can occur over time, in old age, especially if you previously engaged in rough physical labor (work in the garden, in production). You need to start dealing with this problem on time - with the help of daily care, help the skin return to a soft, delicate state, do not forget to use creams and protective gloves. What ointments for dry hand skin will you need:

  1. From calendula: grind half a glass of dry plant into powder using a blender or by hand, add a glass of melted lard. Heat in a water bath, stir, cool, store in the refrigerator.
  2. Mix plantain powder with a teaspoon of any oil and a tablespoon of Vaseline.
  3. Grind homemade rose petals into a pulp, mix with lard, leave for several days.
  4. Smooth hernia: combine 100 g of crushed plant and 2 tbsp. olive or almond oil. Infuse for a week.

Treatment with pharmaceuticals

Cosmetics offered in pharmacies are good because they contain a ready-made set of active ingredients, the effect of which has been clinically proven. The downside is the high cost of such products and the unlikely but possible allergy. However, if you don’t want to bother with preparation, treatment with pharmaceutical products is also a solution: they can thoroughly moisturize the skin and protect it from the aggressive effects of the external environment. If you follow the instructions on the packaging and use the cream regularly, the development and renewal of skin cells will begin quickly.

What remedies are effective:

  1. French cosmetics Vichy, La Roche Posay, Eucerin, Lierac;
  2. ingredients for homemade creams: glycerin, paraffin, wax, herbal preparations, healthy oils;
  3. vitamins A and E in capsules: for oral administration and dilution with oil.