Why are lips constantly dry?

90% of people have encountered a situation where their lips dry out and peel at least once in their lives. This condition is very unpleasant. Many people think that it is easily eliminated with moisturizing lipsticks, but this is not so. There are many reasons why lips dry out. Sometimes it is enough to increase the amount of fluid you drink, sometimes it is a symptom of a serious disease that needs to be treated by specialists for a long time.

A little about the structure of lips

Purely functional, these are musculocutaneous folds that cover the entrance to the oral cavity, help to capture food, and also participate in the articulation of speech. But from time immemorial, lips have also performed an aesthetic function, especially for women. Their beauty is sung by poets and captured by artists. They convey a person's emotions to a greater extent than all other parts of the face.

Therefore, when lips dry and crack, it is not only unpleasant, but also not aesthetically pleasing, it is the cause of psychological discomfort.

The lips are covered on the outside with skin, on the side of the oral cavity – with mucous membrane. And the place where the skin transitions into the mucous membrane has a special structure. This is the red border, which we actually call lips. It is covered with a thin non-keratinizing epithelium, through which blood vessels are visible, which causes the red color of this part of the face.

Thus, the lips are deprived of a full-fledged horny epithelium, which would protect them from adverse factors. Sebaceous glands, which provide natural moisture to the skin, are found only in the corners of the mouth. There is no melanin in the skin of the lips, which protects against ultraviolet radiation and photoaging.

Due to the lack of protective factors, this part of the body is so sensitive to various changes both in the environment and within the body.

This is why the condition of dry lips occurs so often. The reasons for this can be divided into groups:

  1. Adverse environmental factors.
  2. Lack of fluid in the body.
  3. Imbalance of some vitamins and microelements.
  4. Infections.
  5. Allergy.
  6. General diseases.

Meteorological reasons

Cold, heat, wind, low humidity, prolonged solar radiation are common causes of meteorological cheilitis (inflammation of the red border of the lips). Lips become very dry in people who are forced to work outdoors for long periods of time, especially in unfavorable weather conditions. We often use the expression “chapped lips.”

Prevention and treatment of this condition consists of protection from harmful factors, the use of fatty creams or sunscreens.

There is a special form - actinic cheilitis, which occurs in people who spend a long time in the sun. With this form, only the lower lip often dries out; the condition is seasonal (spring-summer) and is combined with other photodermatoses.

Lack of fluid

Dry lips may be the first sign of a lack of water in the body. We drink little and don't even notice it. For the normal functioning of our cells, we need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This need increases in hot weather.

Lips react to the lack of moisture not only within us, but also in the surrounding air. This is observed during the heating season in our apartments. Therefore, the air in your home needs to be humidified. There are special devices for this. Containers of water placed in the room for natural evaporation are also quite effective.

Difficulty in nasal breathing

Normal breathing for a person is breathing through the nose. If for some reason we begin to breathe only through our mouths, the evaporation of moisture from the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips occurs faster. If it is short-term (a runny nose with a normal ARVI), then there is no need to worry too much.

But there are situations when nasal breathing is difficult for a long time (polyps, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, deviated nasal septum). In addition to all the other unpleasant consequences of this, the person complains that his mouth and lips are dry. The skin on the lips may crack and the wounds may become infected.

Habit of licking and biting lips

Many people think that licking them more often will keep them moisturized. However, in reality, evaporation of saliva causes even greater dryness. In addition, our saliva contains enzymes that can also harm delicate skin.


If a woman's lips become dry, the cause may be exfoliative cheilitis. This is a chronic inflammation of the red border of the lips in women who like to bite them. It is often observed in people with unstable psyches and neuroses.

In this case, not the entire surface of the red border is affected, but only a narrow band from one corner of the mouth to the other. The lips burn and dry, and scales resembling mica form on them.

External influences

The cause of dry lips can also be an allergy to substances that come into direct contact with them. Moreover, the direct connection “contact - allergy” cannot always be discerned. It is clear that when a woman’s lips swell and itch after applying a new lipstick, she herself will guess about the allergy.

But it happens that the lips dry, hurt, peel without a pronounced inflammatory reaction, and the cause may be chemicals contained in toothpaste and dentures. Many people have the habit of chewing pens, pencils, and putting various other objects in their mouths. Occupational contact cheilitis occurs: for example, in brass band musicians.

If your child's lips are dry and cracked, you should think about an allergy to latex pacifiers or toys that children constantly put in their mouths.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

Lack of vitamins C and B (B12, B2) is characterized by burning and dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue, and lips. Small scales and cracks form on the red border, and they often bleed.

With pellagra (lack of nicotinic acid), the red border becomes shiny, covered with cracks and erosions.

With a lack of iron, the corners of the lips often dry out and seals form. This symptom is combined with general pallor, weakness, and hair loss.

Side effects of drugs

Some medications can cause dry and flaky lips. The most well-known medications with this side effect are Accutane, propranolol, and prochlorperazine.

Many people ask: if your lips dry out, what vitamin should you take? So, increased dryness can be caused not only by a deficiency, but also by an excess of vitamins. This is how, for example, excessive consumption of vitamin A manifests itself. Various forms of this vitamin (retinoids) are used by cosmetologists, dermatologists, gynecologists, and reproductive specialists. The daily dose for various types of treatment should not exceed 25,000 IU.

General diseases

Many patients diagnosed with chronic diseases also complain that their lips are constantly dry. This condition can occur with diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, Sjögren's syndrome, ichthyosis, kidney and liver dysfunction, and dysbacteriosis.

What to do

As you can see, there are many reasons for dry lips. It’s no secret that few people immediately go to the doctor with this problem; we try to deal with it on our own.

The most important thing to do is to analyze the possible reasons, which are often quite obvious.

  1. This is primarily the use of protective moisturizing balms and creams if you are forced to be outdoors in hot, cold or windy weather.
  2. Protect your lips from ultraviolet radiation using special cosmetics with SPF filters.
  3. Indoor air humidification.
  4. Drink enough fluids. Many people miss this point because they think that if we drink only when we want, then this is our need.
  5. Visit a psychotherapist if you cannot get rid of the habit of biting your lips.
  6. Restore normal nasal breathing. This advice is more difficult to follow, especially for people who have had nasal problems for years. Sometimes this requires surgical interventions. You need to decide on this. Normal breathing through the nose will eliminate not only dry lips, but also other serious problems.
  7. Taking multivitamin preparations will not hurt.
  8. Use the right lip moisturizers. They should contain petroleum jelly, dimethicone, shea butter or hyaluronic acid. If the peeling of the lips persists, it is worth using balms with keratids. Various flavors in balms and lipsticks can only aggravate the situation.
  9. If we have taken all measures, but the problem remains, we need to go to the doctor. Perhaps this is chronic cheilitis, which needs to be treated with more serious medications. You can contact cosmetologists, dermatologists, dentists. You may also need to visit a therapist to schedule a comprehensive examination.

The face of a representative of the fair sex is her calling card. Every day, ladies have to carry out cosmetic procedures, apply decorative cosmetics and bring their appearance into good condition. An important part of a woman's face is the mouth. Not only your teeth, but also your lips should be healthy.

Very often, women face the problem of constantly dry lips. What to do in this case and what are the reasons for this process, you will learn from this article. After reading, you will know some secrets of dealing with dry lip skin. Let's try to understand this disease in detail.


Why do lips dry out?

The cause of dry lips can depend on many factors. Let's look at the most common of them and find out what to do about it.

Lack of moisture

This cause of dry lips is most common in the summer. In hot weather, the body loses a large amount of moisture. It is worth recalling that fluid is necessary for all internal organs. With a severe lack of moisture, the body takes the substance it needs from the skin. This is why lips suffer.

This reason why lips dry out (you will find out what to do in this case later) is the most harmless and easily eliminated.

This condition can and should be treated. Drink more water. Normally, a person should drink up to two liters of fluid per day. During the hot season, this number may increase. Drink as much as you want. Never limit your fluid intake.


Allergic reaction

Often the cause of dry lip skin lies in allergies. In this way, the body tells a person that a certain product or component is not suitable for him.

In most cases, allergies occur when eating unusual foods, large amounts of sweets or citrus fruits. Also, a similar reaction can occur when changing your usual cosmetic product (most often lipstick).

If your lips become dry due to allergies, what should you do in this case? First of all, it is necessary to exclude the allergen. Avoid unusual foods and hot spices. Also, stop using decorative cosmetics for a while. If the condition of the skin of the lips does not improve, then you should take antihistamines: Suprastin tablets, Tavegil, Fenistil syrup. It is worth noting that such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

You should completely avoid decorative lipstick during treatment. Bright lipstick on dry mouth skin looks very untidy.


External negative impact

Another reason why lips become very dry (you will learn what to do next) is the negative influence of the environment. So, with strong wind or frost, the skin of the mouth can become rough. Often, with such exposure, cracks appear, which cause considerable discomfort.

If your lips get very dry in winter, what should you do? Get into the good habit of always wearing lip protectors. You can purchase such hygienic lipsticks at a cosmetic store or pharmacy chain. Every time before leaving the house, apply a thin layer of this product to the skin of your lips.

This method can be used not only in winter, but also in summer. In this case, give preference to hygienic lipsticks with sun protection.


Bad habits

Often the cause of dry lips lies in an unhealthy lifestyle. Alcohol abuse causes dehydration. As mentioned above, the body gives the missing fluid to the organs. The lips are the first to suffer.

Also, smoking can cause your lips to become dry. This occurs due to the constant exhalation of dry air in the form of smoke.

If your lips become dry due to the above reasons, what should you do? To begin with, you should adjust your lifestyle. Minimize, or better yet, abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages. A woman with a cigarette in her mouth does not look very attractive, so give up this bad habit forever.

Pregnancy (early periods)

The cause of dry lips may be a new interesting position of the fair sex. In the first trimester of pregnancy, severe hormonal changes occur in the body. It is during this period that dry lips or even cracks in them may occur.

If your lips dry out during pregnancy, what should you do? To begin with, you just have to be patient. This condition will pass with the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, when the raging hormonal levels calm down somewhat.

You can also use moisturizing and softening lip products, but give preference only to natural products.


Dry lips: what to do?

If none of the above reasons suits you, then you should consult a doctor with a similar problem. You may be prescribed appropriate treatment to help relieve dry lips and chapped lips.

There are also traditional methods of treating this disease. Let's try to find out how you can deal with dry lips.



Perform a light lip massage daily. Buy a soft toothbrush. Before going to bed, moisten it with hot water and gently massage your lips. This procedure takes about five minutes. At this moment, dry particles will disappear, blood circulation in this area will improve, and the skin will become soft. After such a massage, it is imperative to soften the treated area.


Apply softening and nourishing products to your lips daily. This can be regular Vaseline, baby oil, Panthenol cream. If you are doing a massage, then moisturizing should be done immediately after it. Many ladies independently select a lip softener, mixing useful ingredients.


Use masks

Like facial skin, lips require special care. Pamper them with healthy natural masks. There are several popular options.

Products such as sour cream, honey or apple juice can perfectly soften the lips. Use these products in the evening and keep on the skin for 15-20 minutes. After this treatment, be sure to apply a moisturizer.


Control yourself

Dry lips always want a little moisture. Because of this, people often lick the skin around their mouth. It is worth noting that such light moisturizing brings only momentary relief. Soon the lips become dry and tight again.

Wean yourself from the habit of constantly licking your lips. It is especially harmful to do this outdoors in bad weather and wind. In this case, in addition to the usual dry skin, you may also get cracks that can bleed and hurt.



A woman's lips should always be in good condition. If you are faced with a similar illness, it must be treated. Try to completely reconsider your lifestyle first and overcome this condition on your own. If you can’t bring your lips back to normal, consult a specialist. The doctor will quickly find out the main cause of dry skin on the lips and select the appropriate treatment.

Take care of your appearance and internal health. In this case, you will always be beautiful.


Environmental effects on the skin of the lips

Dry skin on the lips primarily occurs, as a rule, due to exposure to certain environmental factors. Windy weather, sun rays, low air temperatures - all this can cause discomfort on the lips. The skin constantly dries, peels and even cracks.

In some cases, dry lips can be caused by a person's personal habits, such as biting or frequent licking. In addition, you yourself can harm the skin on your lips by drinking too hot or cold drinks, as well as food.

Dry lips as a symptom of disease

Dry lips can be caused by certain changes in the human body. First of all, the skin, including the lips, suffers from a lack of fluid, which in medicine is referred to as “dehydration.” The norm is to drink at least two liters of water per day. Otherwise, problems may arise not only with the lips, but also with the skin on other parts of the body. For example, on the hands and face.

If you notice that the skin on your lips often dries out, then you should pay attention to your diet. The fact is that such a sign may indicate a lack of vitamins of categories A, B, C, D and E in the body. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, supplement your usual diet with special fortified supplements.

Allergies can even arise from the cutlery you use. For example, for nickel, which is part of the metal used to make forks and spoons.

Dry lips can be a symptom of certain oral diseases, such as periodontal abscess. It is almost impossible to get rid of such a disease on your own. In this case, you should visit the dental office as soon as possible to eliminate this manifestation.

Dry lip skin is caused not only by poor oral hygiene, but also by the use of low-quality toothpaste. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a component that can not only cause changes in the skin on the lips, but also cause a serious disease - perioral dermatitis.

Dry lips may be a consequence of your chosen profession. For example, musicians who play wind instruments most often suffer from this manifestation.

Dry lips and allergic reactions

The skin on the lips may peel and crack due to an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to undergo a course of examination by a specialist and identify the irritant. Allergies can be caused by individual foods or environmental elements - dust, animal dander, pollen. Most often, dry lip skin occurs after excessive use of antibiotics.

If women's lips become dry, cosmetic products may be the cause. This does not always mean allergies. Lipstick from different manufacturers contains different components. Each person may experience incompatibility with one or another element. Propyl gallate is a substance that most often causes discomfort and causes allergies.

In the cold season, it is better to give preference to those lipsticks that contain balms and moisturizers. At the first signs of dry lips, try changing the cosmetic product, and if the symptoms do not disappear, then the cause should be identified in your lifestyle or health.