Thiogamma solution for face reviews

Recently, there has been a tendency to use medications not for their intended purpose, but for the purpose of maintaining beauty. For example, the drug Dekasan, which is used intravenously and for gargling, is recommended by beauty bloggers to be used against acne, applied with a cotton swab to pimples, or as a tonic for problem skin, or added to homemade masks - its antibactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties also manifest themselves for external use. The drug Thiogamma for the face against wrinkles is also used according to the same principle. Does this make sense? Let's figure it out.

What is Thiogamma?

Thiogamma is a medicine available in the form of an injection solution and tablets. The main active ingredient is thioctic acid, as well as the meglumine salt of alpha-lipoic acid. The drug is prescribed for diabetes so that the tissues do not lose sensitivity and do not die. Thiogamma lowers blood glucose levels and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. A similar effect is generally achieved by the group of B vitamins.

Note that Thiogamma for the face against wrinkles is used not only in “home” cosmetology, but also by certified specialists.

How does thiogamma act on facial skin?

  1. The main reason for using Thiogamma for the face against wrinkles is that it neutralizes glucose (or, in medical terms, normalizes the metabolism of sugars). The fact is that sugar glues collagen fibers together, and the skin loses its ability to retain moisture, therefore, it quickly withers and becomes wrinkled. Thiogamma disrupts this process - hence the result.
  2. Considering that the product was developed for tissues that are susceptible to the harmful effects of excess glucose and is intended to improve their condition to normal, then on healthy skin it acts as a rejuvenating tonic, eliminating the signs of aging - essentially, as an antioxidant.
  3. Cell regeneration accelerates - the skin renews itself faster.
  4. The product has the property of healing wounds, therefore the product has a good effect on acne lesions, boils, including purulent ones.
  5. Thiogamma narrows the pores and openings of the sebaceous glands, so the skin suffers less from acne and oily sheen.

Methods of use and dosage of thiogamma

For cosmetic procedures, thiogamma is taken in the form of a solution in bottles. There the concentration of the active substance is 1.2%. In ampoules the concentration is higher, and this may cause unexpected negative reactions.

The drug is mainly used to eliminate wrinkles and tighten the skin.

  1. The simplest example of use is as a tonic. Apply the solution with a cotton pad morning and evening without rinsing. You can wipe the entire face, as well as directly those areas that need rejuvenation - around the eyes, nasolabial folds, facial contour. The recommended course is two weeks, then you can do the procedure once a week to maintain the effect. Afterwards, apply any cream. This method is convenient because the solution does not have fatty components, and therefore after application it does not take time for everything to be absorbed. For convenience, you can pour the solution into a spray bottle - this way you will apply the same dose every time.
  2. Salt mask. Take fine sea salt (if not, grind regular sea salt in a coffee grinder) and mix with water to a paste. Apply to areas where wrinkles have formed, filling them with the mixture. Wash off after 5-10 minutes the tingling or slight burning effect means a rush of blood and activation of internal metabolic processes. Then you need to crush an aspirin tablet and also make a paste, but with the addition of Thiogamma. Apply by slapping so that the mixture sticks. Hold for 30 seconds, no more. For the best effect, you can do a light facial massage at the same time - this way you will start the lymph, provoke a rush of blood to the face and the effect will be noticeable immediately. Why is salt used? It's simple - it draws out the liquid, and Tiogamma replaces it. This way the product will be completely absorbed. Do not neglect the time frame, even if it seems that half a minute is too little. If you leave it longer, the skin can become very dry. After rinsing, it is useful to wipe your face with chamomile decoction or mineral water, then apply cream. The mask should be done in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime.
  3. Another simple option is to add Tiogamma to homemade face masks. Or in a cream, just before application, and not in a jar.


Contraindications are quite standard: girls during pregnancy and lactation, those who are not yet 16 years old (before this time it is generally not advisable to interfere with metabolic processes unless there is a special need). Also, if you notice redness, itching, swelling during or after using Thiogamma, this may indicate an allergic reaction, so you should not use the product in the future. If you are allergic, then do a test on the inner bend of your elbow by applying the product with a cotton pad and wait about 10 minutes. Considering that Thiogamma is a drug that affects water metabolism in the body, it is not recommended for use by people with liver and kidney diseases.


Elena, 24 years old, Minsk

A couple of years ago, small wrinkles appeared under the eyes. I was afraid to use anti-aging creams, since they are all recommended for people over 30 years old, and it was scary to get hooked on them. They recommended Thiogamma for the face against wrinkles right at the pharmacy. The first time I didn’t notice much results, but in the morning there were almost no wrinkles! I just wiped it with a cotton swab. I decided not to use it for all 10 days I wiped it off for about a week before going to bed. Very pleased!

Rita, 37 years old, Moscow

The oval of the face swam after the illness, I think, from nerves. I didn’t have money for expensive serums I didn’t buy cheap creams, because I don’t believe that there is anything useful in them. I read on the Internet about thiogamma for the face against wrinkles. A friend had it, they prescribed it to her somehow. I decided to try it. I didn’t expect an instant direct effect, and so it was - on the third day or so I noticed that the skin became more elastic, after another couple of days it became noticeable outwardly. I bought a bottle and now I wipe it once a season for 10 days.

Oksana, 48 years old, Tver

I have always used anti-wrinkle creams, but as soon as they run out, everything returns to its place. It turns out that you are, as it were, tied to a certain means. I bought Tiogamma on the advice of a friend, and did not regret it. What I like most is that you don’t have to use it all the time. From time to time I did a course of rubbing - that’s all. And the price is right.

Life moves forward at great speed. It would seem that just yesterday there was youth, fun, parties until the morning and skin as fresh as a May rose in the morning without the slightest trace of lack of sleep. And today the mirror already shows treacherous wrinkles around the eyes and lips, and a depressing “floating” oval of the face. Fortunately, it is no longer the Middle Ages, and it is not at all necessary to put up with inevitable changes.

Modern cosmetology offers an ocean of possibilities and means for rejuvenation - from the simplest creams to the most complex manipulations using modern and sophisticated equipment.

Not long ago, the first video appeared on YouTube, where one fairly popular blogger talked about an affordable and effective means of combating the first signs of aging - a drug called Thiogamma. Soon this idea was picked up by other Internet stars, who began praising the miracle remedy on camera.


Is the drug, which was originally intended for intravenous administration, safe and effective as an anti-aging facial serum?

Alpha lipoic acid – active fight against glycation

Have you ever heard of Dr. Perricone? The creator of the Perricone MD brand, popular in the United States and throughout the world, Dr. Nicholas Perricone has devoted his entire life to finding remedies and creating diets that can slow down the aging of the body. And, by the way, the very appearance of the doctor proves that he succeeds remarkably well - at 70, the man looks simply wonderful.

The doctor paid much attention to research on a substance called alpha-lipoic acid, also known as thioctic acid, Thioctic acid or Lipoic Acid. By the way, the useful substance is already produced in the body, but with age its synthesis slows down significantly. The fact is that this acid remarkably fights glycation processes, which is important for a pleasing reflection in the mirror.

Glycation is the bonding of collagen molecules with sugar (glucose molecules). Sugar enters the body in a completely natural way - along with chocolates, cakes, sweets, caramels, etc. Further, “sweet” molecules are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body and are attached to the outer shell of other cells (fat, protein). Sugar-protein complexes are otherwise called “advanced glycation end products.”

The shape of these molecules is irregular, angular, and in general, these complexes look terrible - real “quasimodos”. In addition to their unassuming appearance, they, unlike normal molecules, cannot easily move through blood vessels and quite significantly impede blood flow in the capillaries.

Damage from glycation is constantly caused to our skin, but up to 30-35 each person’s body has enough reserves to fight this scourge. Two types of proteins give the skin a young and toned appearance – collagen and elastin. Unfortunately, but in due time, harmful sugar little by little still takes over the territory. Bound by sugar, the molecules, of which there are more and more, cannot move nimbly, freely and quickly. Eventually, the skin becomes denser and even changes its color to a slightly darker color. As a result, we see wrinkles, sagging and dullness.


In general, glycation does not bring any benefit, and affects not only our appearance. For example, in diabetes mellitus, this process can cause damage to connective tissue, leading to inflammation. And this, in turn, is fraught with the development of serious pathologies, such as: Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, serious diseases of the liver, pancreas, etc.

Surely, most readers came to a completely logical conclusion - you can make a sacrifice, stop eating sweets and enjoy your youth. If it were that simple, half the world's population would look 80/20, which is basically unattainable (at least at this stage of development of the beauty industry). The fact is that if you eat anything at all, the glycation process will occur in any case.

Even very healthy foods recommended by many leading nutritionists, such as fruit or brown rice, contain a small amount of sugar. As you can see, the ubiquitous sweet molecules, one way or another, will penetrate your body and begin to do their “dirty” job - bind proteins. All that can be done in this situation is to reduce harmful substances in your daily diet to the limits of reason, thereby significantly reducing the consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates.

The aforementioned Nicholas Perricone was the first to begin researching alpha lipoic acid, noting its positive abilities. Nicholas proved that acid can have a pronounced anti-aging effect if applied to the face as a cosmetic product in the optimal working dosage - 1%. So, a new product appeared in the line of cosmetics he released. In terms of cost, a jar of cream containing the required dose of Thioctic acid costs a little more than $100.

Fortunately, resourceful girls who want to stay young and beautiful for a long time, lacking extra money for a newfangled brand and a beautiful jar, quickly found an analogue to the miracle cure - the drug Thiogamma.

What is Thiogamma? What is the medicine for?

The creators of the drug Thiogamma 600 (this is exactly how much thioctic acid contains 1 tablet or ampoule of the product) did not expect that their brainchild would be used to rejuvenate the face and get rid of wrinkles.

According to the instructions for use of the medicine, the tablet form is used for the prevention and treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, and the solution for infusion is used for sensitivity disorders due to the same pathology. You will not find a single line in any annotation to the drug indicating the possibility of prescribing Thiogamma to combat old age.

Thiogamma in cosmetology for the face

In cosmetology, tablets, of course, are quite difficult to use externally, so those who want to rejuvenate buy Thiogamma exclusively in ampoules. Alpha lipoic acid can not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but even reverse changes that have already appeared on the skin.

Unlike professional cosmetics, the purchase of which can significantly lighten your wallet, 1 bottle of Tiogamma will cost only 2-3 euros. In fairness, it is worth noting that, although the miraculous Lipoic Acid is present in both, the cheaper product has its own significant drawback over cosmetic products. A completely working product as a facial serum is extremely inconvenient to use.

Thioctic acid in Thiogamma is destroyed quite quickly when exposed to light, which makes it difficult to store, and also neutralizes beneficial substances on the face if applied in bright sunlight. But, if your desire to save money is unshakable, and you are ready to store the bottle in a black tight bag and apply it to the skin in dim lighting at night, maintaining the optimal temperature - it will definitely help you! What won’t you do for the sake of beauty?!


Proper use of the medicine will allow you to achieve such wonderful effects:

  1. Elimination of small expression wrinkles. If you are over 50, you have never visited a cosmetologist, and the creases are quite deep, alpha-lipoic acid, alas, will be almost powerless. Its systematic application will only slightly reduce the visibility of deep wrinkles, slightly increase skin tone and even out its color
  2. Narrowing of pores
  3. Giving the skin a healthy glow
  4. Normalization of the sebaceous glands. The visual result is very noticeable on people whose skin is prone to oily skin. Systematic application of Thioctic acid to the skin will easily remove oily shine
  5. Elimination of acne and inflammatory processes on the skin.

As you can see, with the help of the drug you can get rid of a whole range of problems. In addition to the above-mentioned wonderful effects, the tablet form of alpha-lipoic acid is also used not only for people suffering from diabetes.

Many nutritionists, including the famous Nicholas Perricone, are convinced that this miraculous remedy can also be used for weight loss, but must be combined with regular physical activity. Doctors prescribe the drug in a dosage of 1 tablet (600 mg) per day. For those who expect to lose extra pounds by simply lying on the couch, medicine, alas, will not help.

How to properly use Thiogamma for the face?

Every person on earth is unique. And, unfortunately, there is no one universal way to use alpha lipoic acid for rejuvenation. Before use, be sure to visit a cosmetologist who will help you create the correct regimen for using the medicine specifically for you.

The easiest way to use Thiogamma ampoule at home is to use its weak solution as a tonic on previously cleansed skin 2 times a day - morning and evening. The maximum possible dosage of the drug for safe use is 1%. Quite often, Thiogamma is combined with retinol acetate and palmitate, but they can easily be replaced with vitamin E.


Just remember that when exposed to light, the beneficial substance is destroyed, and therefore you should still act in a darkened room in the morning. The substance is also afraid of too high and too low temperatures and does not tolerate contact with metals.

If you are concerned about minor inflammatory changes, then 7-10 days of regularly wiping your face with the solution will be enough, and to eliminate wrinkles, use the product for about 1 month.

Despite all your efforts and dancing with a tambourine, there is still a fairly high chance that the independent use of alpha lipoic acid will not give the expected effects. Not because the drug suddenly didn’t work or turned out to be a fake, but only because of improper storage and use.


There are many different ways to prepare anti-aging masks, tonics and creams, the main component of which is the liquid contents of the Thiogamma ampoule. Finding recipes on the Internet is not difficult. But remember that amateur efforts are not safe, and can not only make your reflection in the mirror more attractive, but also, on the contrary, make you urgently run to a cosmetologist and pay much more money than a tube of Perricone MD brand cream would cost.

What is the best way to store the solution?

To ensure that the healing properties of the precious liquid we need are not lost, immediately after opening (in a dark room) it should be immediately poured into an opaque jar, bottle with a spray, etc. The drug should be stored in a cool, dark place. The temperature should under no circumstances exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

1 bottle is good for approximately 1 month after opening. If you don't have time to use it, it's better to throw it away and buy another one. Ignoring this simple rule can be fraught not only with a decrease or complete absence of the desired effects from the use of a substance, but also with serious health consequences.

If you have prepared a mask, tonic or cream based on Thiogamma, you must store them in the refrigerator in an opaque jar for no more than 1 week. Ideally, the home remedy should be used immediately after preparation.


Like any medicinal substance, thioctic acid has its limitations for use in cosmetology. These include:

  1. age under 18 years
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  3. individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Despite such a short list of contraindications, it is still worth prescribing this remedy yourself. It is better to consult a specialist first. There is no need to be embarrassed when asking your doctor about a non-standard way of using a medicine. An experienced physician knows about all the wonderful properties of alpha lipoic acid and will understand your desire to use them for your appearance.

Side effects of Thiogamma

No matter how you use the wonderful substance, applying it to your face (in the form of masks, a weak solution or in its pure form), injecting it into a vein or taking pills, the possible consequences can cause serious harm to your health. Side effects of the drug are expressed in:

  1. Disorders of taste.
  2. Allergic reactions. Allergies usually manifest as hives, itching, rash or eczema. It is extremely rare, but even anaphylactic shock can occur.
  3. Visual impairment (diplopia - double vision of objects).
  4. Gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, vomiting, stool upset, pain.
  5. Hypoglycemia (a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in blood glucose below 3.5 mmol/l).
  6. Epileptic seizure, convulsions.

Of course, the lion's share of the above reactions can occur if the drug is injected into the blood or taken orally. But even when used externally, you should act with extreme caution and, at the slightest change in condition, immediately consult a doctor and stop using the product.

Reviews from cosmetologists and doctors

Today, many cosmetologists have adopted the wonderful properties of alpha-lipoic acid and began to use it in their practice in the form of various ointments, masks, tonics, creams, and even in its pure form (in powder form). In addition to preventing glycation, thioctic acid has remarkable antioxidant properties and prevents the proliferation of free radicals.

But most experts still tend to believe that it is better to spend money and replenish your arsenal with a professional and more expensive cosmetic product than with the cheap Thiogamma. The fact is that, unlike pharmaceutical preparations, professional cosmetics are stable and will not change their properties due to a tiny ray of light, hot summer or cold winter.

Reviews from doctors, in the overwhelming majority, are similar to the opinion of beauty salon specialists - you should not play with drugs that are not intended for rejuvenation.

Comparison of Thiogamma with other drugs with similar effects: which is better and more effective

In addition to the medicine that this article is devoted to, there are other drugs that contain the wonderful alpha-lipoic acid. In fact, analogues of Thiogamma are:

  1. Thioctacid. Unlike Thiogamma, Thioctacid cannot be combined with taking iron supplements
  2. Berlition. 1 ampoule contains 2 times less active substance than 1 ampoule of Thiogamma, and therefore its use is much more expensive
  3. Octolipen. The drug's properties are similar to B vitamins. For external use to eliminate wrinkles, it is in no way inferior to Tiogamma, but it has much fewer therapeutic indications.

Your face is given to us for life. Take care of it properly and do not engage in amateur activities. It is much easier to ruin your appearance than to maintain it. Remember that even before using Thiogamma at home, you need to consult an experienced doctor.

Every woman chooses for herself a way to preserve the beauty and youth of her skin. But few people know that age-related changes can be combated with the help of medications. For example, with the help of Tiogamma, you can tighten the oval of the face and eliminate fine wrinkles. All you need to do is follow some rules when using the drug.

What kind of medicine is this?

Thiogamma is a remedy that is used to regulate lipid and carbon metabolism. In medicine, the medicine is used to treat patients suffering from alcoholism or diabetes. The medicine can be found on sale in various forms. It can be tablets, injection solution or concentrate. The active component of the drug is meglumine salt of thioctic acid. Additionally, the product contains elements such as macrogol and purified water.

The product perfectly restores metabolism in patients suffering from diabetes. In this case, the medication is used internally. But external use can significantly reduce the number of wrinkles. The active ingredient helps improve sugar metabolism. As a result, collagen fibers stick together much less. The skin regeneration process is faster, the number of skin creases gradually decreases. A good result from the cosmetic use of the product will not be immediately noticeable. It is necessary to conduct a course of therapeutic procedures.

Correct use of the drug Thiogamma will achieve the following results:

  1. elimination of small facial wrinkles
  2. elimination of acne
  3. narrowing of pores
  4. normalization of the sebaceous glands
  5. elimination of inflammatory processes on the skin
  6. significant reduction in the visibility of deep wrinkles.

With the help of the drug it is possible to solve a whole range of problems. But you cannot use the medication without first consulting a cosmetologist. Any medicine has its contraindications. Thiogamma for the face is no exception.

Features of application in cosmetology

For anti-aging procedures, it is best to use a solution for infusions (droppers). The drug can be purchased at almost any pharmacy in 50 ml glass bottles. The price of the medicine does not even reach 200 rubles. Thiogamma can be an excellent alternative to numerous expensive products for restoring youthful and healthy skin. The solution is the safest for use in cosmetology. The concentration of the active substance reaches only 1.2%. This means that the medication can be used without special preliminary preparation.

How to use the medicine? The easiest way is to apply a weak solution to a previously cleansed face as a tonic in the morning or evening. Therapy should be carried out in a course. To determine the most appropriate number of procedures, it is worth consulting with a cosmetologist. To treat minor inflammations on the skin, it is enough to apply Thiogamma for 7-10 days. To eliminate facial wrinkles, you will have to use the product for 20-30 days.

If you achieve the desired result, you can continue to use the medicine. To prevent skin aging, the solution can be used once a week. Thiogamma in its pure form can significantly transform the appearance of those with oily, normal and combination skin. But for the dry type this option is not suitable. In this case, the medicine can be used as part of homemade masks. The most popular recipes will be described below.

You can wipe your face with a regular cotton pad with a solution. But in this case, the consumption of funds increases significantly. To avoid this, you can prepare a bottle with a dispenser in advance and pour the medicine into it. You can spray a small amount of liquid and distribute it over problem areas. During storage, Thiogamma may thicken. You can restore the consistency using regular saline solution.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Many specialists use Tiogamma in their practice. The medicine is used both in pure form and in combination with other skin rejuvenation products. The fact is that all aging processes of the dermis are associated with a decrease in the production of collagen, the protein responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. In addition, the skin loses its attractive appearance when collagen fibers are glued together with saccharides. Thioctic acid actually promotes the dissolution of glucose, preventing gluing. Also, the acid itself is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the proliferation of free radicals.

Experts say that regular use of the drug Thiogamma can significantly slow down the aging process of the skin. At the same time, you shouldn’t be zealous either. Therapy must be carried out in courses several times a year. Daily use of the medicine for a long time can lead to dryness of the dermis. As a result, the skin will become dry and begin to peel. This will definitely lead to the appearance of new facial wrinkles.

How to properly store the solution?

It is advisable to store the medicine previously poured into a spray bottle out of the reach of children, at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius. A refrigerator would be ideal. It is not advisable to use an open bottle for more than 1 month, although the instructions do not prohibit this. The problem is that over time, the properties of the active ingredient necessary to restore skin elasticity fade away.

Cosmetics prepared on the basis of Thiogamma (tonics, masks, creams) should be stored for no more than a week in the refrigerator. Ideally, the mixture should be used immediately after preparation.

Recipes for facial skin rejuvenation

How can you achieve an instant effect before an important event? It is worth preparing a remedy based on the medicine, adding other useful ingredients. It is no coincidence that the recipe that will be described below is popularly called “slaughterhouse”. After all, small wrinkles can be smoothed out almost immediately, and deep creases become much less noticeable. To prepare, you will need a solution for infusion, a little vegetable oil (you can use olive oil), and a few drops of vitamin E. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a suitable moisturizer. Alpha lipoic acid will help restore the natural texture of the skin, and vitamin E accelerates cell regeneration.

The main component of Thiogamma is also found in other medications. Thus, a rejuvenating recipe based on Korilip candles is popular. You will also have to prepare sea or table salt, as well as Aspirin powder (can be replaced with tablets previously crushed to a powder). The salt should also be ground and diluted with boiled water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Before starting the procedure, the face must be thoroughly cleansed. The salt mixture should be used to fill facial wrinkles (it is advisable to apply it with a cotton swab).

Korilip candles, which also contain thioctic acid, are pre-melted in the microwave until liquid. You also need to add a little aspirin powder to the hot mass. You should get a marshmallow mass. The resulting mask is applied to the creases where the salt mixture was previously used. This must be done as quickly as possible. The fact is that candles tend to harden very quickly.

In those places where the wrinkles are deepest, the mask should be lightly tamped with patting movements. Leave the mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes. Then you should massage the problem areas for about 30 seconds. After this, the mask is washed off with warm water, and a moisturizer is applied to the skin of the face. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening, before bedtime. In the morning you will notice that small wrinkles are practically unnoticeable, and deep ones have significantly decreased.

Grandma Agafya's recipes

Next, a recipe will be described that does not involve the drug Thiogamma, but another drug, the active component of which is also thioctic acid. The weight loss powder “Granny Agafya’s Recipes” is known to many. With his help, many have managed to return to their ideal figure. Few people know that the product also helps get rid of facial wrinkles.

To prepare a miraculous mask, you need to add three ampoules of caffeine to one tablespoon of weight loss powder (you can easily purchase it at the pharmacy), as well as five tablets of lipoic acid pre-dissolved in a tablespoon of cognac. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

You can do it a little differently. First, you should mix lipoic acid dissolved in cognac with three milliliters of caffeine. This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for a longer time. Immediately before applying to the skin of the face, add a tablespoon of “Granny Agafya’s Recipes” powder.

The recipes described give really good results. This is a real vitamin blow to wrinkles. But you shouldn't be overzealous. For prevention, you should make masks based on lipoic acid no more than once a week. After the procedures, the facial skin may remain red for some time. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, but it is advisable to conduct rejuvenation sessions in the evening, when there is no longer a need to go outside.