Tonic and micellar water are the same thing

Every woman who wants to look beautiful uses various types of decorative cosmetics, but perhaps the most important thing is the health of her facial skin, and this requires special care. Unfortunately, choosing the right product may not be possible, since each person has their own skin type and unique features. Some suffer from acne and oily skin, and for some, cleansing lotions cause severe dryness. Today, so-called micellar water has become popular, which is suitable for any skin type and does not cause irritation. Let's try to figure out what this “magic remedy” is, what it is needed for, and whether there is a difference between micellar water and facial toner.


What is micellar water?

Yes, today many women are concerned about the difference between micellar water and tonic. Is it possible to do without these tools or is it necessary to have both? How to choose and which one to buy? There are a lot of questions, but first it’s worth understanding what micellar water is.

It is a colorless liquid that has no taste, odor, or color. In general, micellar water (as it is popularly called) has been used in medicine for a long time. It is prescribed to those who suffer from various types of skin diseases. This product comes from France, where women with sensitive skin first began to use it, and they also used micellar to wash small children.


Micellar water contains micelles, hence the name. From Latin this word means “grain”. It is formed by surfactants, the molecules of which represent a kind of bridge, one end of which is hydrophilic, that is, loving water, and the other lipophilic, that is, gravitating towards fats. So, when this molecule gets into water, its lipophilic ends are drawn towards each other, and its hydrophilic ends are drawn towards water. In this case, a certain ball is formed, which is called a micelle. It is good because droplets of fat break down and “hide” in the center of this molecule, which makes them easy to wash off. This is why micellar water is like a sponge; it gently and thoroughly removes makeup and impurities.


Advantages and disadvantages of micellar water

Of course, micellar water has a lot of advantages and can perform all its functions with dignity. First of all, it is able to thoroughly and carefully remove even stubborn makeup, as well as any kind of dirt. Since the product is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, it is ideal for allergy sufferers. Women with sensitive skin may forget about irritation and redness after using other products. Micellar water is suitable for any skin type; it will not clog pores and will promote hydration and nutrition. Despite such attractive properties, it has one drawback. Micellar water can neutralize not only harmful chemicals, but also useful ones.


How to use micellar water correctly?

Using micellar water is very easy. This will especially appeal to women who are too lazy to remove makeup applied during the day or in the morning. Just shake the container with the product. Apply a small amount to a clean cotton pad and gently wipe over face. It is not at all necessary to press and rub, since the micelles are able to absorb dirt well. To remove mascara and shadow from the eyes, moisten a cotton pad more generously and apply it to the eyes for half a minute, and then with a light movement of your hand, all makeup will remain on the pad.

There is another question that many people ask: do you need to wash off micellar? This product was originally developed for waterless cleansing. But do not forget that it contains surfactants, which, when left on the skin for a long time, destroy the epidermal barrier. Therefore, despite everything, after micellar water it is still better to wash your face and rinse off any remaining surfactants, if possible. Overall, micellar water is great if you need to cleanse your face while on a plane, car, or train. And it’s okay if there is no place to wash at this moment.


How is micellar water different from toner?

Now in the question “Micellar water or toner?” it's time to talk about the second product. Tonic is a solution that is designed to remove residual sebum, cosmetics and impurities. Most often, every woman has both toner and micellar water on her shelf. The differences between these two means are fundamental. First of all, don’t confuse toning and cleansing. No tonic can ever thoroughly cleanse the skin of impurities and especially makeup. It is intended for other purposes:

  1. Restores the acid balance of the skin.
  2. Neutralizes the effects of hard water.
  3. Eliminates redness.
  4. Has antiseptic properties.
  5. Refreshes and cleanses the skin.
  6. Increases the effectiveness of the products used.
  7. Improves blood circulation.
  8. Reduces sebum secretion.


As a rule, the toner always contains alcohol, and if it is intended for oily skin, then the alcohol content increases to 50%. We all know that alcohol dries out the skin, which is harmful. It is this fact that plays a role in the dilemma: micellar water or tonic? The second component is always matting substances. It may also contain vitamins, essential oils and medicinal plants. In addition, the toner can be of different types, for example, to tighten pores, to moisturize, to remove makeup, or with a lifting effect. The composition may include fragrances, parabens and dyes. All this sets clear boundaries between micellar and tonic, so they should not be confused. And it will be right if you have both products on your shelf. So to the question: “What should you choose: tonic or micellar water - which is better?” - it is impossible to answer unequivocally, since each has its own purpose.

What to choose: toner or micellar water?

Many women believe that they can use toner instead of micellar water, and that will be enough. That is, he wiped his face and moved on. By the way, most likely, these girls simply haven’t tried or heard anything about micellar water, since usually, after testing, women simply don’t want to return to their previous cleansing products. But, based on what was said above, one conclusion can be drawn: you cannot replace micellar water with tonic. You won't succeed. But you can use micellar water instead of tonic if it contains the appropriate components, such as green tea extract. In other cases, these two means cannot be replaced with each other.


Top most popular products from the mass market

To make it easier for you to navigate among the wide variety of brands that offer micellar water, we offer you the top most popular mass market products:

  1. Micellar water from Garnier is suitable for any skin type, without fragrances or dyes. In addition, it has a large volume (400 ml), and the price is acceptable.
  2. "Absolute Tenderness" from L'Oreal is another micellar product from the low price category. But this does not affect the quality of the product. Water can not only cleanse the skin, but also moisturize it. Hypoallergenic.
  3. "Cleansing 3 in 1" from Nivea - micellar water or toner at a low price. It removes makeup, although it may not cope with waterproof makeup. In addition, this micellar water can be used instead of tonic, as it contains tonic components.
  4. Yves Rocher micellar, which contains blue agave and maple juice, perfectly removes makeup and gives the skin freshness and radiance.
  5. Micellar water from Black Pearl, which does not contain dyes or preservatives, removes makeup and eliminates irritation.


Rating of luxury products

If you are ready to pay a larger sum for micellar water, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the rating of the most popular luxury products:

  1. Micellar water "Bioderma" - this product belongs to the luxury class, so you will have to pay a larger amount for it, but at the same time it is considered more or less affordable. Also suitable for any skin type, it is gentle and removes makeup well. A distinctive feature of this brand is that water is produced in different containers, which is very convenient.
  2. Micellar lotion from the French brand "La Roche Posay" has a fairly high price, but is very loved by many girls. To create it, water from thermal springs is used. Cleanses the face well and removes even the most stubborn makeup.
  3. Micellar lotion from Vichy is perfect for those who have problem skin. Removes makeup and soothes the skin.
  4. Luxury water from Bioterm contains 36 minerals and vitamins. Gently cleanses the skin of makeup. And besides, it protects it from environmental influences.
  5. Another luxury product is from the French pharmaceutical brand Aven, which perfectly removes makeup and copes with dryness and inflammation.

Micellar water is a decent express skin cleanser. It has long taken pride of place among other cosmetic products. If you are faced with a choice: micellar water or tonic, then it is better to give preference to the first, and in general it will be more correct if you use both products. Micellar water will cleanse the skin, and tonic will improve its condition.



Every day you should perform a facial cleansing ritual, which consists of three stages: makeup removal, cleansing and toning. Of course, there are other stages that involve applying skincare products; by the way, you can read what to apply and in what order here.

In this article we will talk about micellar water, which many people use to replace all the 3 steps listed above: it helps remove makeup, cleanses the skin and gives it tone. Is it so? And then do you need a tonic? Let's talk about everything in order.


Apply after removing makeup and washing your face. Its task is to remove remnants of cosmetics, reduce the negative impact of water, or rather the impurities it contains (chlorine, limescale, etc.) and prepare the skin for further care. Tonic is used after cleanser and softens the top layer of the epidermis, allowing care products to penetrate deeper into the skin and act effectively.

The tonic is designed to refresh and tone the skin. Tonics can also have additional properties for different skin types, for example, moisturize, smooth the skin (with an anti-aging effect), tighten pores, etc.


Micellar water

Outwardly it resembles a tonic, but it contains oily micro-particles - micelles. They are responsible for removing impurities from the skin. The second component of micellar water is the water base, which is immediately clear from the name. It washes away dissolved contaminants.

And the difference from tonic is that micellar water acts on all levels at once - both cleansing (including makeup remover) and toning the skin. It also does not contain alcohol, which cannot be said about most toners, so it can be used even on sensitive areas - the area around the eyes and lips.

Using micellar water, you will avoid the need for contact with water, as when washing your face with gel.


Is it possible to replace toner with micellar water?

As we have already said, micellar water has skin toning properties, but its main purpose is to cleanse away impurities. Water-oil texture is ideal for dry skin. And after that you don’t have to use tonic. But in the case of combination and oily skin types, it is still worth using a toner, preferably with a mattifying effect, to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

But it is worth remembering that it is the toner that prepares the skin for further care, so you should not replace it with micellar water every day. It’s convenient to use only micellar water when traveling or on a flight when you don’t want to take your entire arsenal of cosmetics with you.


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What is micellar used for?

Cleansing is the main purpose of this product. In appearance, it is no different from the usual one: it has neither color nor taste and can only sometimes have a slight aroma. Until recently, this product was used in dermatology and pediatrics, and then gained popularity among a wide range of consumers.

Micellar water gets its name from the small balls of micelles that make up the product. Their molecules absorb sebum and impurities, deeply cleansing skin cells.

  1. Quickly removes dirt and makeup;
  2. Suitable for almost all skin types;
  3. Does not contain parabens or preservatives, so it can be used even by allergy sufferers;
  4. To cleanse your skin, you don't have to buy additional products. Micellar water can handle everything on its own;
  5. May contain additional components in the form of panthenol, glycerin, natural oils, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid. This allows water to be used not only as a cleanser, but also as a skin care product.
  1. Some micellar waters do not wash off all cosmetics: to clean your face of makeup, you must either rub the skin vigorously or use a large amount of product;
  2. Leaves a sticky film on the skin. Especially a product that contains PEG components;
  3. Causes a burning sensation in the eyes, so before purchasing you need to make sure that the product is approved by ophthalmologists;
  4. Not suitable for oily skin.

What is tonic used for?

Many people think that its main purpose is to tone the skin and give it vitality. However, this solution is intended primarily for cleansing. Unlike micellar water, it does not remove makeup or remove surface impurities, but rather removes the remnants of the main cleanser, such as milk. The tonic has a number of other important tasks:

  1. Softening of the skin as a result of exposure to hard water;
  2. Restoration of acid-base balance;
  3. Improving blood microcirculation in tissues;
  4. Healing of small wounds;
  5. Reducing oily shine.
  1. The choice of product depending on the skin type: refreshing without alcohol for dry skin, toning for normal and combination skin and astringent for oily skin;
  2. The presence of additional components in the form of herbal extracts and oils, thanks to which the range of effects of the tonic on the skin expands;
  3. A tonic with a high alcohol content copes with rashes and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  1. Alcohol content. When using, you must carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations and do not use tonics that are not suitable for your skin type;
  2. It is used in combination with other means, which is inconvenient during trips and trips;
  3. May contain fragrances, dyes and parabens that negatively affect the condition of facial skin;

Should I use toner after micellar water?

This makes no sense, because micellar is not only a makeup remover, but also a liquid for deep cleansing skin cells of all impurities. By applying toner after it, you risk encountering the problem of dry skin. Especially considering that it contains alcohol. If you still want to remove any remaining product from the skin (if there is a sticky layer), it is better to use plain water.