Why does the skin dry out all over the body?

People who have experienced dry skin are aware of the problems that arise in connection with this. Unpleasant sensations may appear as a result of exposure to certain factors or be a congenital phenomenon. Tightness, irritation, dull color, flaking and itching - such sensations are frustrating and force you to look for ways to solve the problem. It also contributes to the formation of wrinkles and rapid aging of the dermis. Initially, it is necessary to determine the causes of flaking and dry skin.

Main features


If you have very dry skin all over your body, what should you do? There may be several reasons, and the symptoms of this condition can be determined at home. When you press on the skin with your fingers, marks on the surface do not disappear for a long time.

In youth, dry skin looks attractive, causing almost no problems. It is completely free of acne, oily shine, enlarged pores, and pimples.

However, over time, dry skin requires more attention and care. Owners of such dermis need to start doing this from the age of 25. Signs of pathology can manifest themselves in different ways.

The following symptoms of the disease with dry skin are known:

  1. tightness;
  2. invisible pores;
  3. presence of small cracks;
  4. frequent irritation in the form of redness;
  5. peeling;
  6. peeling of skin;
  7. lack of elasticity, the skin becomes rough to the touch;
  8. after showering or swimming, discomfort in the form of tightness is felt;
  9. itching

As the skin dries out, it begins to lose its integrity, and dirt, bacteria and harmful substances penetrate through microcracks. This subsequently leads to irritation and itching.

The role of water

Why is there dry skin on the body? This occurs for various reasons. According to the results of dermatological studies, the dermis can function normally when it consists of 73% water. An insufficient amount of it leads to loss of collagen, which also leads to loss of elasticity.

Water is involved in many biochemical processes. It also acts as a universal solvent. Without the required amount of water, the skin cannot cope with its functions. After all, her cells do not receive proper nutrition.


The appearance of the skin depends on the correct water balance. Due to a lack of fluid, metabolic processes are disrupted. If the dermis is well hydrated, then it is soft, elastic and fresh.

Even the best cosmetics will not give a lasting positive effect. Therefore, to avoid such problems, you need to drink about two liters of water per day.


Dry skin is caused by a lack of sebum production, which can be caused by a number of reasons. In some cases, insufficient functioning of the sebaceous glands is caused by a genetic predisposition. Dermatologists note that dry skin in young people is most often associated with a hereditary trait, while in more mature people it occurs due to other external or internal factors. There are many known causes of dryness. Dry skin throughout the body occurs due to:

  1. climate;
  2. hot and cold water;
  3. dry air;
  4. frequent exposure to the sun, visiting a solarium;
  5. incorrect selection of cosmetics;
  6. prolonged exposure to the sun;
  7. frost.

Undoubtedly, proper care of the skin is also important in maintaining the condition of the skin.

Why is the skin on the body dry? The main internal reasons include:

  1. Dehydration. It can occur with insufficient water consumption, disruption of the digestive process, and high temperature.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. Diabetes mellitus, menopause, etc.
  3. Violation of metabolic processes.
  4. Frequent stressful situations.
  5. Taking antibiotics for a long time.
  6. Hypovitaminosis, especially vitamins A or B.
  7. Skin diseases. These could be allergies, dermatitis, keratosis, psoriasis, fungal diseases and more.
  8. Poor nutrition and diets.
  9. Bad habits.
  10. Aging of the body.


Dry skin can be general or localized to specific areas of the body. Where a problem occurs often indicates its cause, which can be addressed and treated in a variety of ways.


Dry body skin and the causes of its occurrence are determined using the following methods:

  1. examination of the patient to clarify complaints and medical history;
  2. blood test (clinical and biochemical);
  3. general urine analysis;
  4. hormonal examination;
  5. allergy tests;
  6. immunological examination;
  7. Ultrasound.

The complete diagnostic program will depend on the current clinical picture. If the patient has taken any medications, he must inform the doctor about it. This is due to the fact that some drugs can lead to incorrect diagnosis, which can lead to incorrectly prescribed therapy.


Why is the skin on the body very dry and how to treat it? Medicines should be prescribed by a specialist after establishing factors such as:

  1. safety for the patient's health;
  2. degree of dryness of the dermis;
  3. hypoallergenic;
  4. individual intolerance to drugs.

When treating, it is necessary to take into account that with age, the skin changes under the influence of hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause in women, prostate diseases in men).

When prescribing therapy, the specialist must take into account the time of year. In winter, it is necessary to use thicker creams, and in summer, cosmetics with a light texture.

How to care for your body skin? If the dermis is dry, and there is also itching, scratching, cracks, then such treatment is selected in the form of creams that should contain natural medicinal components: selenium, zinc, salicylic acid, urea.

The specialist must develop a treatment regimen. It is best for it to be comprehensive. A dermatologist prescribes a diet, prescribes medications that affect hormonal levels, as well as ointments or medicated body creams.

It is necessary to take baths with sea salt, a decoction of plantain herbs, chamomile, yarrow, oak bark, birch buds or burdock root.


The main methods of treating dry body skin include cosmetics. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Before this, its composition is carefully studied. The active ingredients of creams and body lotions are usually natural and synthetic moisturizers. They are:

The first group includes glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. They absorb moisture from the air and also retain it on the surface of the skin and in its deep layers.

Creams containing hyaluronic acid and collagen are especially recommended by specialists for people with pronounced age-related changes.

Film-forming moisturizers include mineral oils, waxes and fats. They prevent moisture evaporation. However, such cosmetics often cause allergies. Fats perfectly nourish the skin.

All cosmetics should be applied to a cleansed body. Products containing glycerin and hyaluronic acid are not recommended for use in dry rooms. In this situation, moisture can move from the deeper layers of the skin to the surface.

Do you need vitamins?

There are many known causes of dry skin on the body. And symptoms can be significantly reduced if a specialist prescribes a vitamin complex. There are many products that improve the condition of the skin:

  1. "Aevit". This complex is inexpensive and effective, which is why it is very popular. The drug contains the optimal amount of vitamin A and E.
  2. You can get rid of dry skin with the help of the drug "Vitacharm", which contains many vitamins.
  3. "Revivona". The complex moisturizes the skin well and makes it more elastic.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a number of vitamin complexes that can be taken for prevention twice a year in courses. This will significantly improve the condition of the skin and relieve it from dryness.

Before purchasing the drug, you should consult a specialist and identify possible contraindications.

What to do at home

After determining the causes of dry skin on the body, what to do? Treatment and prevention methods should be prescribed by a specialist.

To care for dry skin, you can prepare a bath product. To do this, pour five teaspoons of flax seeds into a liter of water. Cook for 15 minutes. They insist. Separately, you need to prepare a chamomile decoction. Add both products to the water before bathing. The time for taking such a bath is no more than 15 minutes.

After identifying the causes of dry skin on the body, treatment and care may involve the use of traditional medicine.

A glycerin bath is also excellent for restoring the dermis. Add 1/2 cup of liquid product to the water. Glycerin can be purchased at the pharmacy.


You can heat a liter of milk without bringing it to a boil. Dilute about 200 g of honey in a water bath. Combine both components, add two teaspoons of almond oil and pour into bath water.

It is also recommended to take three tablespoons of oatmeal, wrap it in a gauze bag and tie it. It should be secured to the edge of the bathtub so that water from the tap flows through it. The procedure continues for 15 minutes.

Why is there dry skin on the body? There are many reasons for this condition; after accurately identifying them, proper treatment is necessary.

Peeling is often used at home. For one of the recipes you need to take four tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of salt. Mix and add a spoonful of olive oil. Apply with massaging movements to the skin and rinse with water after a few minutes.

Experts advise taking one tablespoon each of oatmeal and almonds. Grind using a coffee grinder. Next, mix the powder with a spoon of sour cream. Take a shower, apply the product to the skin and rinse off after a few minutes. Dry the skin with a towel and moisturize.

After the bath, the body must be moistened with a mixture of two tablespoons of honey, preheated in a water bath, and the same amount of olive oil. Leave on the body for 20 minutes, rinse with water. The mask not only nourishes the skin, but also removes toxins from it.

The following remedy is prepared from a glass of mineral water and 50 ml of milk. Rub the skin with this mixture for 20 minutes. Then wash off with water. This mask promotes collagen production.

To improve the condition of your skin, you can prepare a mayonnaise mask. It is not made from a store-bought product. Making mayonnaise is quite easy. To do this, beat two chicken yolks and three tablespoons of olive oil until smooth. Apply to skin. Leave for 30 minutes, rinse with water.

After accurately identifying the causes of dry skin on the body, treatment with home recipes can have a positive effect.

Grind the avocado pulp and add chopped banana to it. Add 1/2 cup of cream, 100 g of butter and 2 drops of rose oil to the resulting mixture. Beat the mixture and apply to the skin after a bath. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The mask not only nourishes the skin of the body, but also effectively cleanses it.

After a bath, it is useful to moisturize the dermis with natural products. Soak a cosmetic wipe in milk and apply to the body. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Deep nutrition of the body is provided by a mask made from an oil solution of vitamin E and water. The first component can be replaced with peach, apricot or almond oil.

To improve the condition of the skin, you can perform stimulating massages. To do this, take coconut, olive, apricot or peach oil. The skin is massaged until the product is completely absorbed.

Dry skin loves wraps. They can be with chocolate, essential oils and other components. The benefits of wraps are manifested due to the greenhouse effect at the moment when the product deeply nourishes and tones the skin.

Rules of care

The causes of dry body skin and its treatment lie not only in the use of medicines and traditional methods, but also in compliance with special rules.


They consist of restoring and maintaining water balance:

  1. Frequent washing should not be done. After it, gentle exfoliation is done (peeling and scrub - once every 7 days) and moisturizing (cosmetic oils, milk, body cream).
  2. Protective cosmetics should be used at any time of the year.
  3. It is necessary to take a bath or shower at a cool water temperature. This will improve the moisture absorption process.
  4. It is necessary to exclude soap and other alkaline products. Special cosmetics are used to care for dry skin. It should not contain alcohol, as it can intensify existing xeroderma of the skin.
  5. In the morning and evening, the face should be wiped with cubes of frozen herbal infusion or mineral water. Muscle tone is enhanced, the face is refreshed.
  6. Those with dry skin are advised to drink at least two liters of water per day.
  7. The skin of your hands will not dry out if you constantly use special creams. In particularly serious situations, it is necessary to make masks. This will make the skin of your hands soft and velvety. Masks must be performed regularly.
  8. When using decorative cosmetics, you should not forget about their shelf life.
  9. Regular physical exercise has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis. Their deficiency can lead to decreased muscle tone and slowed blood circulation.
  10. It is better to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics that contain a complex of essential vitamins. When purchasing a cream, you need to consider what age category it is suitable for.

A positive effect can be achieved by taking baths with herbal infusions twice a week. Such procedures not only moisturize and cleanse the skin, but can also stimulate its restoration.

Proper nutrition

The main causes of very dry skin all over the body may indicate that the body is acutely experiencing a lack of certain vitamins and minerals necessary for proper metabolism in the body. Proteins, which are found in fish, meat, legumes and dairy products, are a source of amino acids. They are called building material for body cells, including the skin.


If there is an insufficient amount of protein, the dermis becomes dry and flabby. Fats are no less important, since they also take part in metabolism.

Carbohydrates, which are part of cereals, vegetables and fruits, can provide a person with the necessary energy to carry out all the necessary biochemical processes. Vitamins A, E, B, D, K are especially important for the skin.

If dermal problems such as dryness occur, you need to change your diet to include the necessary products. In combination with medicinal drugs, masks and wraps, this will quickly achieve a positive effect.


Why is the skin on the body dry? The cause of this condition must first be determined. To do this, you need to visit a dermatologist who will examine the body. After this, he will prescribe the correct treatment and skin care. In addition to therapy, you need to change your diet and use traditional medicine recipes.

Understanding the causes of excessive dryness of the skin of the body, it is important to note that moisture is especially important for the normal functioning of the human body throughout his life.

How important is moisture to humans and why?

The need to regularly replenish the body with fluid is predetermined by human nature, because it 80% consists of water and it is this that is necessary to ensure important life processes: digestion of food, thermoregulation, delivery of necessary substances to cells and their nutrition.


Proper water balance is the key to healthy skin

In addition to the main function of replenishing the body with useful substances and elements, water is responsible for removing waste and toxins.

Since cells are saturated with nutrients and everything unnecessary is removed from the body thanks to water, its lack significantly accelerates aging. To the extent water is also involved in the process of food digestion, then with its normal quantity this process occurs easily and quickly, and with a lack of water, all substances are poorly absorbed and are not absorbed at all.

Which subsequently leads to a deterioration in health and the development of various diseases. For the normal functioning of the average person a person needs to drink about 2.5-3 liters of water per day.

As a rule, the main reason why a person has very dry skin all over the body is the lack of normal fluid supply to the body. However, there are other reasons.

Symptoms of lack of fluid

What symptoms indicate a lack of fluid in the body:

  1. The appearance of wrinkles, cracks, peeling;
  2. Feeling of itching, burning, unpleasant feeling of skin stiffness after washing;
  3. The appearance of age spots;
  4. General discomfort from touching the skin;

If you have very dry skin all over your body, the main reasons may be:

  1. Age (natural aging of the body).
    Due to physiological aging, metabolic processes in the body slow down and it cannot retain moisture as much as in youth. If you do not replenish fluid reserves in time, the skin becomes dry, and wrinkles and cracks appear on the body.
  2. Heredity.
    Many people face the problem of dry skin even in early or middle age. This is due to hereditary predisposition, which is passed down from ancestors and cannot be cured forever. Throughout life, a person can only maintain a normal state by constantly taking vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, which more or less stabilize the level of fluid in the body.
  3. Childbirth.
    After childbirth, the skin becomes dry because the production of the hormone estrogen stops, and it is responsible for skin elasticity. Another reason may be a woman’s insufficient skin care, which leads to a lack of essential microelements, causing excessive dryness.
  4. Stress.
    Stress promotes the production of cortisone, which not only leads to dry skin, but also the loss of attractive appearance of the skin. The skin reacts to stress with inflammation and peeling, itching and redness, which causes great discomfort.
  5. Weight loss.
    Sudden weight loss can be due to anything: illness, stress, hormonal changes. The skin reacts to all this and becomes dry.
  6. Spending a long time in the solarium.
    Beautiful skin color is great. But this can cost you your health, because any radical effect on the skin of the body can negatively respond with the development of various kinds of diseases and ailments.
  7. Diseases and unhealthy lifestyle.
    Dry skin can also occur due to various diseases. Dryness is caused by: lack of vitamins and minerals, poor nutrition, poor environment, diseases of the nervous system, working in hazardous industries, smoking, alcoholism.
  8. Hot air and climate.
    Sometimes dry skin occurs due to a change in climate zone, moving to a hotter and drier climate: the skin finds it difficult to adapt to the changes and it begins to react.
  9. Cosmetics.
    Wrong choice of cosmetics and personal care products: it is quite possible that the chosen cosmetic product is not suitable for you, for example, it causes allergies, which also leads to dry skin.

If during the heating season the apartment is stuffy and dry, this also contributes to this problem.

Based on the above points, even without visiting a dermatologist, you can determine why very dry skin of the whole body usually occurs. The reasons eloquently indicate a disruption in the normal functioning of the body.

How to overcome dry skin

Initially, you need to determine the type of dry skin and the stage of drying of the skin.

There are two types of dry skin:

  1. Dryness with normal tone, when symptoms of dryness are present, but the skin still remains smooth and elastic.
  2. Dryness with poor tone. Such skin is characterized by the rapid appearance of cracks and wrinkles, and the skin itself is thin.

If the first type can be cured with folk remedies and special creams, then for the second one you need to use more complex, comprehensive treatment.

Now it is important to choose the treatment that is suitable for a particular woman, based on the individual characteristics of her body.


An excellent remedy for dry skin is a bath with flax seed, chamomile and honey.

Traditional methods of dealing with dry skin:

1.Special baths:

  1. Bath with flaxseed and chamomile. You need to pour a strained decoction into the water, consisting of one liter of water, several teaspoons of flax seed and chamomile. The tea leaves need to be boiled for a quarter of an hour and the same amount of time can be spent in the bath with this brew.
  2. Glycerin bath. Bath with glycerin. To do this, you need to pour 1/2 cup of glycerin (liquid) into the water.
  3. Bath with honey and milk. To do this: heat the milk, melt 200 grams of honey, slowly mix honey and milk, add 2 teaspoons of almond oil. Then pour the resulting consistency into the bath.
  4. Oatmeal bath. The oatmeal should be placed in cheesecloth, attached to a water tap so that the water flows through the bag. You need to lie in such a bath for about a quarter of an hour.


Therapeutic baths with herbal infusions are especially useful

2. Skin peeling. The second effective way to combat dry skin is peeling the upper layers - the epidermis. Peeling is easy to do even at home.


Facial peeling at home: before and after

To do this you need:

  1. Mix honey (preferably liquid), salt, vegetable oil at the rate of 4:1:1 tablespoons. Apply this mixture to your skin and wait 5 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly. Next, wash with clean warm water.
  2. Grind almonds and oatmeal using a food chopper or coffee grinder, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream and apply it all to the skin, wait 5 minutes and rinse. Wash with clean warm water.

3. Useful moisturizing and nourishing masks for dry skin care:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and olive oil, apply to skin, leave for 20 minutes, wash.
  2. A solution of 200 ml of water (mineral) and 50 ml of milk, rub into the body for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Mix the pulp of avocado, banana and cream (half a glass), butter 100 g. and a few drops of rose oil. Rub this mixture into the skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  4. A mask of an oil solution (vitamin E) and water: any vegetable oil mixed with water will do.


A good face mask can be easily made at home

Complex treatment:

  1. Diet: eat fruits and vegetables, nuts, beef, eggs, seafood, prunes, drink 2 liters of fluid per day.
  2. Quitting bad habits: smoking and alcoholism are contraindicated.
  3. Distribution of healthy sleep and rest.
  4. Physical activity in moderation.
  5. Moisturizing body skin.

Cosmetics and hygiene products:

  1. Use special moisturizing soap, soft towels and washcloths.
  2. For care you need: milk, mousse or gel; if lotion is used, it must be water-based and not alcohol-based.
  3. You can use micellar water as a cleanser.
  4. To soften and moisturize there are creams, gels and ointments that are made from fats, vitamins and plant extracts.

How to properly care for your skin so as not to treat it

Prevention of dry skin is very important in order not to bring it to a painful state.

If you notice dry skin all over your body, the reason may lie in insufficient air humidity. In this case need to install a humidifier in the room.

Dermatologists include the following mandatory preventive procedures for dry body skin:

  1. Washing and cleansing.
  2. Toning.
  3. Hydration.
  4. Nutrition.

This is necessary because dryness is caused by the skin is not able to absorb moisture normally and we need to help her with this. It is very important to use special creams, make masks, and take baths. It is important that everything the products used were hypoallergenic, safe, dermatologically tested.

You need to wash with cool water: hot water dries out the skin.

Oil-based ointments (for example, olive, sunflower, rose oil) containing vitamins and antioxidants are recommended.

What is contraindicated for dry skin?

In order not to harm the body’s work in the fight against dry skin, you need to act very carefully and adhere to some rules:

  1. excluding hot baths with regular soap. Alkaline soap dries the skin and leads to inflammation, just like hot water.
  2. observing the correct application of water-based cream: no earlier than half an hour before going outside.
  3. You cannot swim in a pool with chlorinated water, and if you really need to, then before swimming you need to apply a moisture-resistant cream.
  4. Scrubs should not be used to cleanse the skin; they will lead to cracks, redness and inflammation of the skin.

Physiotherapy for dry skin

Another way to treat dry skin is physical therapy. Distinguish 3 type of therapy.


Mesotherapy of facial skin for its restoration and rejuvenation

Physiotherapy for dry skin:

  1. Mesotherapy. This is an injection enriched with microelements: potassium, magnesium, sulfur, comfort, zinc, selenium to nourish the skin, restore it and regulate the metabolic process.
  2. Skin biorevitalization. Such preparations are based on hyaluronic acid. They not only moisturize the skin, but also normalize the condition of elastin and collagen fibers.
  3. Microcurrent therapy. It consists of ten procedures that regulate lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. Acts through small electromagnetic waves, neutralizing the causes of dry skin throughout the body

What vitamins are good for the skin?

Natural oils, vitamin E, B, ceramides and phospholipids, hyaluronic acid are very useful.

Recommendations from dermatologists for skin care

The main recommendations of dermatologists boil down to the following rules:

  1. Since dry skin is very sensitive, clothing should be made from natural, breathable fabrics to avoid skin irritation.
  2. Be sure to use protective cosmetics.
  3. You can use baths and masks with herbal infusions and oils.
  4. After bathing, the skin should not be wiped dry, but rather left damp.
  5. Cold compresses help relieve itching. You can also use herbs or oils.
  6. Hydrocartized ointments will save you from inflammation.


  7. It is important not to forget about skin peeling procedures to remove dead cells from the surface layer. This way new ones will develop much more actively.
  8. It is necessary to have fresh and cool air, because dry and warm air leads to neutralization of the body and, accordingly, the skin. It is necessary to ventilate the room and moisten it several times a day.
  9. Healthy sleep. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, especially for people with weakened immune systems, such as those who have recently given birth or the elderly.

If improvements do not appear, but on the contrary, the condition worsens, you should definitely contact a dermatologist. He will select an individual treatment depending on the specific causes of dry skin throughout the body.

Thus, if you follow all the recommendations, then dry skin can be overcome quite quickly, if you correctly determine the causes of dry skin throughout the body.

Based on the individual characteristics of the body, you can choose the most appropriate treatment.

In the video you will learn how to care for problematic, oily and combination skin:

In this video you can learn how to care for dry and very dry skin:

In the video you can learn how to care for very dry hand skin:

Dry skin causes a lot of problems for its owners. As a rule, the matter does not end with dryness; in parallel, other symptoms are present: dullness, irritation, itching, peeling, tightening. Dry skin is more susceptible to natural and household factors, ages more quickly and becomes more inflamed.

The objective sensations of those with dry skin are also far from pleasant. Clothes in contact with the skin and touch also cause irritation, and the very appearance of the skin, reminiscent of desert soil, depresses the mood.

The problem should not be ignored, since it is not only aesthetically unsightly, but is often a sign of certain diseases.

Why does the skin need water?

Moisture ensures elasticity and firmness of the skin, as well as cell nutrition. The degree of hydration is determined by the condition of the stratum corneum of the skin and the amount of sebum, which are responsible for moisture exchange between the dermis and the environment. The moderate stratum corneum and fat create a lipid film on the skin, which prevents moisture from leaving the skin and aggressive environmental factors from penetrating into the skin.

The unformed protective lipid film, caused by external or internal factors, leads to excessive evaporation of moisture, which means dry skin. At the same time, microcirculation of blood and trophism deteriorates, and collagen fibers suffer. The skin becomes not only dry, but also flabby.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin occurs due to a decrease in sebum production in the presence of provoking factors. Sometimes ineffective sebum secretion is a hereditary feature of the body.

  1. If the problem occurs in young people, it is most likely genetic.
  2. In mature people, this condition occurs against the background of certain external and internal reasons. Hormonal changes lead to a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which immediately affects the condition of the skin. Lack of proper care makes the problem worse.

It should be understood that in cases where dry skin is caused by internal causes (diseases or conditions of the body), no external influences - creams, baths and other procedures aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin do not lead to the desired effect. And only treatment of the underlying disease can improve the condition of the skin.

Internal reasons

External reasons

  1. Skin diseases: keratosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, fungal infection
  2. Hormonal imbalances (hypothyroidism, diabetes, menopause, pregnancy)
  3. Dehydration, which is a consequence of insufficient drinking, indigestion, hyperthermia, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.
  4. Metabolic disease
  5. Chronic renal failure
  6. Diseases of the central nervous system
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  8. Autoimmune diseases
  9. Iron-deficiency anemia
  10. Natural skin aging
  11. Hypovitaminosis, especially A and E
  12. Long-term treatment with antibiotics and some other drugs
  13. Lack of nutritional intake, exhausting diets
  14. Passion for coffee and strong tea
  15. Bad habits (smoking, alcohol)
  16. Frequent stress
  1. Dry climate
  2. Prolonged sun exposure
  3. Dry air
  4. Freezing
  5. Hot or cold water
  6. Exposure to household or industrial chemicals
  7. Improper care: frequent use of alkaline soap, alcohol lotions, household chemicals, aggressive cosmetics, frequent peelings.
  8. Working on the ground, etc. without protective gloves
  9. Work in conditions of elevated temperatures (hot workshops)

Dry skin can be general or affect certain areas of the body (face, arms, legs, etc.). The localization of dryness can directly or indirectly indicate the reasons for its occurrence.

Manifestations of dry skin

There is a simple home test to help determine if you have dry skin: press your fingers on the skin until marks remain - if they do not disappear for a long time, there is a problem with dryness.

  1. Tightness. When such skin is accidentally or intentionally pulled, visible cracks appear in the stratum corneum;
  2. Itching. Dryness and itching of the skin accompany each other, with one phenomenon aggravating the other;
  3. Invisible, erased pores, as if lightly powdered;
  4. Irritation, redness;
  5. Peeling of the skin up to significant, when the skin is literally covered with scales. It becomes most noticeable after washing the skin and then drying it out.
  6. When complicated by an infection that has penetrated through microcracks: areas of inflammation with swelling.

Treatment of dry skin and flaking

It should be understood that a qualified specialist - a dermatologist - must find out the cause and then prescribe treatment. If harmless dry skin can be dealt with without medical help, then in case of illness, creams and other products will simply be useless.

If dry skin occurs with complications in the form of irritation and microcracks, basic therapy should include ointments with dexpanthenol. Only after the irritation has been relieved can you switch to cosmetics and creams. Alcohol-containing cosmetics, aggressive peelings, and film masks should be excluded. Do not actively dry your skin with a towel after washing.

Dry hand skin

In most cases, the cause of this phenomenon is external factors. If, in addition to dryness, there are also cracks on the fingers, this may indicate hypovitaminosis, allergic contact dermatitis, fungal infections, etc. (see causes of cracks on the hands). If you have weeping cracks between your fingers, you should consult a doctor - most likely it is eczema.

General recommendations

  1. Protect your hands with rubber or cotton gloves when working with aggressive compounds or on the ground, washing dishes.
  2. Protect your hands with warm gloves or mittens in winter.
  3. Use pH-neutral hand and body washes.
  4. Use sunscreen when tanning in the sun.
  5. Normalize your diet, be sure to include vegetable and animal oils in the menu.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Potato mask. Peel and mash boiled potatoes in their jackets, add a spoonful of warm milk. While warm, apply the mask to the skin of your hands 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days in a row. Leave until cool.
  2. Olive oil and lemon juice mask. Take hand cream (1 tsp) as a base, add 1 tsp. butter and half tsp. lemon juice. Apply before bed and put on fabric gloves over it. Repeat weekly.
  3. Honey-glycerin compress. Mix 1 tsp. glycerin, liquid honey, flour and water and apply the mixture to your hands, wearing cloth gloves on top. It is recommended to do it a couple of times a day, every day, for 20 minutes.
  4. Sour cream compress. About 200 ml of sour cream with a fat content of 20% is mixed with egg yolk and lemon juice. Clean gauze is soaked in this mixture and applied to the hands, covered with cling film and a towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the residue and put cloth gloves on your hands. It is better to do it before bed for several days in a row.
  5. Oil bath. Heat any vegetable oil until warm and immerse the brushes in it for 20 minutes. Carry out twice a week.

Wound healing, nourishing and softening creams:






  1. Astroderm

healing cream based on D-panthenol, vinylin, allatoin, vitamin E and yarrow and calendula extracts. Quickly restores the protective functions of the skin, heals cracks and regenerates the skin. Price about 85 rub.

  1. Aloe healer

Healing and eliminating dryness cream. Aloe extract restores skin, accelerates regeneration, prevents cracks and softens the skin. 110 rub.

  1. Velvet handles For very dry skin

Eliminates irritation, dryness and flaking. Ingredients: cocoa butter, D-panthenol, allatoin, glycerin and olive oil. 75 rub.

  1. Hand restoration cream Belita

Soothes, restores and softens the skin thanks to linden blossom and sea buckthorn extracts, sea buckthorn and wheat germ oil, glycerin, vitamin E. Price about 85 rubles.

  1. Oil cream from Vitex

Eliminates dryness and flaking. Ingredients: extracts of calendula, chamomile, burdock, apricot kernel oil and Shea butter. 90 rub.

Treatment of cracks

  1. Ointment made from honey and resin. In a metal saucepan, mix 10 g of oleoresin and honey, add 30 ml of vodka and 15 g of beeswax. Put on fire, stirring constantly until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cool and refrigerate. The ointment is applied directly to the crack and sealed with a bactericidal plaster for 7-8 hours.
  2. Calendula ointment. Grind about 100 ml of dried plant flowers into powder and mix with 200 ml of melted pork fat. Bring until smooth in a water bath, cool. It is applied in the same way.
  3. Plantain ointment. Grind the dry herb into powder and add 9 parts of Vaseline and 3 drops of vegetable oil. It is applied in the same way.

Read more about the treatment of cracked hands in our article.

Dry elbows

Often occurs as a result of mechanical stress (working position with emphasis on the elbows) or infatuation with baths. Dry elbows may be a symptom of:

  1. hypothyroidism
  2. iron deficiency anemia
  3. diabetes mellitus
  4. autoimmune diseases
  5. skin diseases.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Honey-coffee scrub. Add honey to the coffee grounds from a freshly brewed drink, mix and gently massage the resulting scrub onto the steamed skin of your elbows. Rinse with water and lubricate generously with vegetable oil.
  2. Compress of sunflower oil and sour cream - mix the ingredients in equal parts, soak clean gauze in the mixture, place it on the elbow, wrap it in a warm cloth for 20 minutes.
  3. Milk bath. Heat fresh milk and dip both elbows in it for 20 minutes.

Wound healing, nourishing and softening creams:


  1. SOS cream concentrate for very dry skin of hands and elbows from Evelyn - has an intensive effect on rough, dry skin, helps retain moisture in the skin thanks to the active complex: goat milk proteins, wheat germ oil, vitamins A, F, E, H, proelastin . Price about 70 rubles.
  2. Ointment Radevit eliminates peeling,


    nourishes and softens the skin, actively restores the skin. Contains vitamins D2, A, E, glycerin, petroleum jelly and other components. Price about 370 rub.

Dry facial skin

Very often this feature of facial skin is inherited. Due to the fact that the face is an open part of the body, external factors such as wind, sun, etc., provoke dry skin. Age-related skin changes and improper functioning of the sebaceous glands also aggravate the situation.

A number of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and endocrine system have dry facial skin among their symptoms. Hypovitaminosis E and A negatively affects the skin of the face.

General recommendations

  1. Minimize the harmful effects of environmental factors: wearing wide-brimmed hats in summer, warm wide scarves in winter.
  2. Use sunscreen from March to September. In winter, use creams from special “winter” series that protect the skin from wind and frost: ZIMA from Faberlic, Winter care from Biocon, Winter from Floresan.
  3. Wash only with neutral products, avoid bar soap.
  4. Regularly nourish the skin with creams designed for dry skin.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Fruit and berry mask. Crushed melon, plum and jojoba oil are mixed in equal quantities and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water. Repeat as necessary.
  2. Egg-oil mask. Mix the beaten yolk of 1 egg with 1 tsp. oil (any vegetable) and carefully add 1 tsp into the mixture. pharmaceutical chamomile extract. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Oatmeal mask. 3 tbsp. Mix oatmeal boiled in milk with 3 tbsp. olive oil, apply a thick layer to the face for 15 minutes. First wash with warm, then cool water.

Nourishing and softening creams




  1. Extra-nutrition cream 24 HOURS for the face Nanosomes from Belit

– provides long-term hydration and nutrition thanks to coenzyme, sesame seed oil, apricot and wheat germ oil, nanosomes and lanolin; restores skin elasticity. Price about 170 rubles.

  1. LOCOBASE lipocream for dry and very dry skin

cosmetic product with a very high lipid content. Forms a fatty layer on the skin and protects it from drying out, without clogging pores and without the effect of a visible oily sheen. The active composition contains liquid paraffin, macrogol and cetostearyl ether. Price about 650 rub.

  1. Night cream Clean Line Intense nourishing

contains wheat germ and aloe oil and has an intense softening and nourishing effect. Thanks to aloe, it eliminates irritation and smoothes wrinkles. Price about 65 rubles.

Dry body skin

Severe dryness of the skin of the body is rarely caused by external factors, and is more often a consequence of any disease. Seasonal dryness of body skin is often associated with excessive sun tanning. People who regularly visit baths and saunas are also at risk of dry skin.

General recommendations

  1. Establish a drinking regime.
  2. Enrich your diet with dairy products, vegetable oils, fish, and nuts.
  3. Nourish and moisturize the skin with special creams after taking water procedures.
  4. Use sunscreen while tanning.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Peeling of sea salt, honey and olive oil – 4 tbsp. take 1 tbsp of honey. remaining ingredients. Lightly massage cleansed skin with the mixture, then take a shower.
  2. Chamomile and flax seed bath. Boil 5 tsp in 1 liter of water. flaxseed, separately boil 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water. dry chamomile - boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain both decoctions and add to the bath, which must be taken for 15 minutes.
  3. Milk and honey bath. Dissolve 200 grams of honey and 1 tsp in 1 liter of warm milk. oil (olive, almond) - add the mixture to the bath, which is taken for 15 minutes.
  4. Olive mask. While showering, thoroughly massage your body with heated olive oil, then rinse off the residue with warm water.

Nourishing and softening creams




  1. Dove Intensive Body Cream Oil for very dry skin

Provides intense skin hydration thanks to a complex of oils and a special Cream-Oil formula. Price about 250 rubles.

  1. Johnson's baby oil

Helps retain moisture in the skin, creating a special protective layer on the skin. Hypoallergenic. Price about 130 rubles.

  1. Nivea SOS-intensive body cream

Regenerating cream with panthenol, grapefruit, lime, camellia, almond oils. Eliminates dryness and tightness while maintaining the effect for 48 hours. Price about 270 rubles.

Dry heels and feet

The problem can be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, frequently walking barefoot, or lack of hygienic foot care. Hypovitaminosis, diseases of the endocrine system, fungal infections lead to dry feet. Dry skin on the feet if left untreated leads to the formation of areas of hardening and cracks, which can be complicated by bacterial infection (see treatment of cracked heels).