Dry hand skin - what's missing?

You can find out about the development of problems in the human body if you pay attention to the fact that he has dry skin on his hands and feet - the reasons can be different. When the palms or feet begin to dry, or the skin on the legs and arms of an adult or child begins to peel, this is not only a lack of hydration. Dryness often indicates the presence of chronic diseases.

Why does skin dry out?

Ancient healers determined a person's health by the condition of his skin. Performing protective functions, the skin participates in water-salt metabolism and thermoregulation. Any problems with this organ indicate an incipient or progressive pathology in the body. The causes of dry skin can be both internal and external. Before stocking up on moisturizing creams, you should understand what external factor dries out the epidermis and eliminate it:

  1. unbalanced diet;
  2. bad habits;
  3. hair removal, depilation;
  4. frequent peeling sessions, dermabrasion;
  5. low-quality cosmetics;
  6. wearing synthetic underwear;
  7. age-related changes;
  8. improper care;
  9. low indoor humidity;
  10. prolonged exposure to heat or cold;
  11. sudden changes in temperature.

Causes of dry skin on feet

If vitamin deficiency is excluded, then drying out of the epidermis of the lower extremities indicates uneven blood circulation. Blood flow can be disrupted by wearing tight shoes or small tights. This fact causes not only dry skin, but also the formation of varicose veins. High socks and too-tight leggings are harmful; wearing them regularly will cause dry skin on your legs. Another factor that dries out the epidermis of the lower extremities is the use of cosmetics that contain a lot of alkalis.


The skin on the legs is peeling

Many women are interested in the question, especially in winter, why the skin on their legs is dry and flaky. The answer lies on the surface - she is dehydrated. It is difficult for the body to retain natural moisture in winter; as a result, the skin on the legs peels, it becomes white, covered with small scales, and in general, it looks unaesthetic. The situation can be corrected by proper drinking regimen. Not sweet coffee or tea, but clean drinking water per day, no less than 1.5 liters.

On the soles of my feet

If you have not walked barefoot on the ground or on hard surfaces, but your feet are very dry, this may indicate that they have a fungal infection. Diagnosing an infectious disease is not difficult: thickening of the nails is visible, the skin of the fingers takes on an unnatural red tint, peels, and itches. If all of the listed symptoms on the foot are present, you should go to a dermatologist. The specialist will order a test that will identify the type of fungus, after which you need to treat the infection with the appropriate ointment.

Below the knees

Many people have a very sensitive epidermis, so the skin on their legs below the knees peels due to the aggressive effects of cold, sun, wind, water or air. The solution to the problem can be greasy care creams or cosmetics with high UV protection. The cause of dryness can be the body's reaction to any food irritant. It is necessary to identify the product that causes the allergic reaction and remove it from the diet.

Peeling of the epidermis below the knees and on the ankles can occur for natural reasons when the body's processes slow down due to aging. After 50 years of age, the skin becomes thin as it loses moisture. This condition is caused by age-related changes in collagen fibers, which are the building blocks of the epidermis. Eating foods rich in collagen will help normalize fat and lipid metabolism: kelp, rabbit meat, turkey, fatty salmon fish, leafy greens.

Cracked skin on toes

Often the cause of the problem lies in lifestyle. For example, a man or woman adheres to a strict diet, limiting the intake of necessary substances into the body. As a result, the skin on the feet and toes cracks. Effective treatment of dry epidermis - a full course of vitamin therapy. Sometimes this symptom indicates a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, so it would not be superfluous to be examined by an endocrinologist.


On the shins

This problem usually occurs after improper shaving. The following will help correct the situation: a sharp blade, special depilatory creams and moisturizing the epidermis. You can eliminate dry skin on the lower legs using olive, flaxseed or coconut oil, which must be rubbed in daily after showering or shaving. Increased dryness will go away if you make a nourishing mask several times a week, which contains: baby cream, 3 drops of glycerin, 1 drop each of vitamin E and A (oil solution).

Causes of dry hand skin

Wrinkling, peeling, permanent condition of the skin of the upper extremities - many people are familiar with this situation. These symptoms are a signal from the body that it is necessary to start taking care of your hands. Insufficient care, vitamin deficiency and stress have a bad effect on the condition of the epidermis. However, the causes of dry hand skin are not only external. This condition may be due to other factors:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With a lack of vitamins and microelements, the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, which immediately affects the condition of the epidermis.
  2. Diabetes. Increased sugar provokes dry skin.
  3. Iron-deficiency anemia. The disease causes dry and itchy skin, which begins to crack and hurt.
  4. Fungal infections. If your feet are affected by a fungus, then it is more likely that the peeling of your hands is also caused by it.
  5. Allergy. Caused by anything from household chemicals to wearing rings. A dermatologist will identify the allergen after tests.

Why does the skin on my palms peel?

Peeling of the palms is much less common, but the sight is unsightly and unpleasant. The factors that lead hands to such a state are varied, and the method of solving the problem depends on the reason that caused it. If the skin on your palms is dry, you should definitely contact a dermatologist, because such symptoms appear during exacerbation of eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis. Self-medication with such a diagnosis is unacceptable. There are many diseases, signs of which are peeling and bursting of the epidermis on the palms:

  1. lupus erythematosus;
  2. staphylococcal infections;
  3. lichen planus;
  4. syphilis;
  5. fungal infections;
  6. scabies;
  7. hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis.


On fingers

With frequent contact with water, a person’s hand skin becomes very dry, because water dries out the epidermis and washes away the protective layer. This problem can be corrected if you regularly take baths with such softening ingredients as a decoction of oak bark, nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort, linden, and sage. Often dry skin on the fingers occurs due to weakened immunity or vitamin deficiency in spring and autumn. In this case, nutritional adjustments are needed. If you have congenital dryness or a genetic predisposition, your fingers need softening throughout the year.

Dry skin between fingers

When peeling of the epidermis between the fingers occurs, many reasons can be suspected. Most are due to improper hand care or reactions to detergents. Other causes of dryness between the fingers are a fungal infection or vitamin deficiency. What to do to avoid the problem:

  1. After washing your hands, the area between the fingers should be thoroughly dried;
  2. When washing dishes or doing laundry, use gloves and then moisturize;
  3. choose the right creams (ointments) for your hands and regularly care for them;
  4. In cold weather, do not be without warm gloves or mittens.

Dryness and redness of the skin of the hands

Why does the skin on my hands dry out? Women are especially concerned about this combination of pathologies such as dryness and redness. If the skin bursts at the same time, then most likely this is a consequence of lack of care. To prevent dryness and redness of the skin of your hands, as well as dermatitis, blisters and peeling, which can occur due to poor hygiene, you need to constantly lubricate them. Folk recipes provide excellent hydration and nutrition effects. Our ancestors also advised:

  1. apply cream, sour cream or make milk compresses after each hand wash;
  2. use unrefined vegetable oil as a compress at night under gloves.


Dry skin in a child

In children, the epidermis dries out for many reasons. Basically, cracks on the body are provoked by low activity of the sebaceous glands, which arise due to increased water hardness. Dry skin in a child is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poor nutrition of the mother during lactation or pregnancy, and early refusal of breastfeeding. As a rule, it is not worth treating the sensitive epidermis of a one-year-old child. Over time, it returns to normal on its own.

Rough on a baby

Immediately after birth, the baby’s epidermis is covered with vernix lubrication, which first helped pass the birth canal and then adapted the child to the air environment. When the substance dries, rough skin appears on the baby, which immediately reflects irritation, dermatitis, and allergic manifestations. The situation is aggravated by unfiltered bathing water, lack of air baths, infrequent changes of linen, and poor mother’s diet. In order for the upper layer of the child’s epidermis to adapt faster, the following measures should be taken:

  1. improve nutrition;
  2. remove all irritating factors;
  3. choose only hypoallergenic products for bathing;
  4. increase the humidity in the children's room to 75-80%;
  5. lower the room temperature to 19-21 degrees.

Lack of vitamins with dry hand skin is a problem that most often appears in spring and autumn. Their deficiency affects all human organs and systems, and the skin of the hands is extremely sensitive to the processes occurring in the body. Due to dryness, cracks appear on the hands, they flake and become irritated, which leads to a lot of inconvenience.

Causes of dry hand skin

Dry skin is determined by one or more signs:

  1. pinkish color of the hands (redness) or, on the contrary, pale skin;
  2. roughness on the back of the hand and fingertips;
  3. sensitivity to water, sunlight, rough fabrics;
  4. After pressing, white prints remain.

Dry body skin can appear due to the following factors:

  1. Lack of water in the body. For an adult, the required amount of clean water daily is 1.5-2 liters. Lack of water intake causes very dry skin.
  2. Unfavorable climatic conditions. At low temperatures, you need to wear gloves, and in hot weather, moisturize your hands with a special cream. In strong winds, your hands also need to be protected.
  3. Household chemicals. Products such as fabric softeners, dishwashing solutions, and washing powders are harmful to your hands.
  4. Injuries. You can injure the epidermis of your hands by using a hard washcloth while bathing or a thick towel.
  5. Allergy. Small cracks on the hands sometimes appear due to an allergic reaction to some product or factor. If even after treatment with vitamins and oils there is no improvement, it makes sense to check with a dermatologist.
  6. Avitaminosis - a lack of vitamins in the human body - is often the cause of dryness. In older women, this problem occurs frequently, so they especially need vitamins, as some hormones begin to be produced worse. The endocrine system malfunctions closer to 40 years.

Vitamins A, E, C, F, PP, group B are responsible for healthy and elastic skin.

Which vitamins are lacking in dry skin can be determined by certain body reactions.

  1. Vitamin A - knees and elbows become rough, cracks appear near the corners of the lips.
  2. Vitamin E - nails split, redness forms around them, small wounds take longer to heal.
  3. Vitamin C - hair falls out actively, wounds heal longer.
  4. B vitamins - hair becomes brittle, acne appears on the skin of the back and face, cracks appear on the hands and elbows.

What vitamins should I take for treatment?

Taking vitamins to treat dry hands is the best solution for any skin problem.

It is necessary to understand: few substances are absolutely digestible in nature. Taking vitamins means consuming them regularly, combined with nutrition. Then they can help the body restore the skin.

Name Meaning for the body
A Cell regeneration, protection from negative factors. Moisturizes the epidermis and makes it soft, resistant to irritants.
C Gives skin elasticity due to its effect on collagen formation. Allows scratches and abrasions to heal faster.
Group B Accelerates metabolism (metabolism), regeneration and cell growth.
E Fights the main causes of skin aging, strengthens blood vessels, including capillaries. Because of the latter, a healthy shade is observed on the hands and palms.

Provides metabolism in the body, which is why beneficial substances reach the skin and capillaries.

Pharmacy products: list of vitamin complexes

It is beneficial to take a complex of vitamins at once: this way the body will receive several essential substances, and they will complement each other. Vitamin complexes are also found in food products, but in pharmaceutical products they are contained in the required proportions and cannot lose their properties during the cooking process, unlike vegetables and fruits. You can take the following vitamins for dry skin:

Name Release form Composition, vitamins Action
Aevit Capsules A and E Restores the skin and nervous system. Improves blood circulation.
Complivit Radiance Pills A, C, E and minerals Strengthens nails and hair, gives skin elasticity and density.
Revivona Capsules A, C, D, PP, H and group B, minerals Accelerates epidermis renewal and nail growth, reduces peeling. Increases stress resistance.
Vitasharm Pills A, PP and Group B Improves blood circulation. Makes hands healthier looking. Reduces redness around nails.
Alphabet of cosmetics Pills Many vitamins and acids Rejuvenates the skin, accelerates wound healing. Strengthens nails and hair. Positively affects vision.

Creams: list and description

Gentle hand care includes the use of hand creams and oils. Many cosmetic companies produce creams to moisturize and restore hand skin.


Russian cream containing large quantities of vitamin E, as well as glycerin and soybean oil. It relieves irritation from the epidermis, relaxes it and protects it from the negative effects of the environment. The cream is quickly absorbed and relieves unpleasant symptoms.

EOS Hand Lotion

Hand lotion from an American manufacturer. Available in several types depending on the main flavor (berries, cucumber and flower petals). Deeply moisturizes the skin and saturates it with beneficial substances.

Arabia Professional Cream Oil

Contains a variety of shea, macadamia, almond and cocoa based oils. Absorbs quickly and easily moisturizes the skin. Can also strengthen nails and cuticles. In a short course of use, the epidermis is rejuvenated.

4. Neutrogena Nerwegian Formula

Contains glycerin and various oils. It is extremely quickly absorbed into the skin and has a rejuvenating and healing effect.

Double Breathing

Cream from Faberlic. Relieves fatigue and tightness from the skin of the hands. Protects against ultraviolet radiation.

Absolue Mains SPF 15 from Lancome

Expensive, but extremely effective cream for dry skin. Intensively fights signs of aging, deeply and quickly moisturizes.


Healthy nutrition is the basis of healthy skin. Products that contain vitamins must be included in the human diet.

Vitamin Products containing it
  1. dairy products and chicken egg yolk;
  2. vegetables: carrots, spinach, red peppers and all green vegetables;
  3. fruits and berries: apricots, apples, grapes, melon.
  1. fish;
  2. nuts and seaweed;
  3. fruits: apricots, apples;
  4. vegetables: beans, sweet peppers, tomatoes.
  1. products with food additive E300;
  2. citruses: lemons, limes, oranges;
  3. vegetables: all leafy vegetables, potatoes, cabbage;
  4. berries and fruits: kiwi, rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn.
  1. vegetable and unrefined oils;
  2. dairy products and eggs;
  3. nuts and grains.

Folk recipes

Any oil of natural origin can effectively moisturize the skin. To create the cream, you need to take olive, flaxseed, castor or sunflower oil and heat it in a water bath. You can add lemon juice to the cream. Afterwards, gauze or cotton cloth is soaked in oil and wrapped around the hands. To improve the effect, you can wear fabric seals. You need to keep it for 15-30 minutes. It is recommended to use until the condition of your hands improves.

A composition of glycerin and a solution of lemon water softens the skin (half a lemon in half a glass of water, add 1 tablespoon of glycerin). Rub into dry and clean palms. Instead of lemon, you can add 5-10 drops of ammonia to the water.

A mask made from chicken eggs and lemon helps with peeling and cracking. Whipped whites (1-2 eggs) must be added to squeezed lemon juice. The thoroughly mixed composition should be distributed over the palms and held for 15-20 minutes. After this, the mask must be washed off with warm boiled water and moisturize your hands with a rich cream.

Melted coconut oil (half a glass) should be mixed with 50-100 g of crushed fresh hernia. This mixture is mixed and left to infuse in a cool place. After 5-7 days, it can be used to remove peeling and cracks from the skin of the body.

The following products contain the necessary vitamins for dry hand skin: 1 tbsp. l. salicylic acid, half a glass of liquid honey and olive oil (can be replaced with coconut). All this needs to be mixed and infused in a water bath. The composition must be applied to a rag or napkin, which should be placed on your hands, and then wrapped in a towel. After 10-20 minutes, the compress is removed, and it is better to remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad.

Dry hand skin, unfortunately, is not uncommon. The condition of the epidermis is influenced by many factors that destroy the structure and change the proper functioning of blood flow.. Dehydrated hands are not only an aesthetic problem. Dry skin can cause great discomfort to a person: a constant feeling of tightness, pain from cracking, and sometimes obsessive itching occurs. Such a change in structure may be the beginning of a serious illness.

Description of the symptom

The symptoms at the onset of many diseases associated with dry skin of the hands are the same. If one or more signs of disruption of the normal functioning of the epidermis are detected, you should seek advice from a professional medical center and do the necessary tests.

So, here are a few primary symptoms that not everything is in order in the structure of the skin of the hands:

  1. Feeling of tightness. More often it occurs after water contact or during a long stay in the cold.
  2. Peeling to the touch – slight roughness, visible peeling of scales.
  3. Annoying itching, aggravated by hypothermia.
  4. Focal redness on the outside of the hands.
  5. The appearance of small wrinkles.
  6. Poorly healing cracks, with bleeding.

You can do a small visual test at home. When you press hard with your fingers, marks remain on the skin. If they go away immediately or are not there at all, everything is fine and there is no painful dryness.

Possible diseases

Dry skin on the hands is one of the signs of some internal diseases; the epidermis reacts sensitively not only to external aggressive manifestations of the environment, but also to internal malfunctions in the human body, sending sos signs through external signs.

  1. Dehydration. The most common and quickly solved problem. As soon as large quantities of water begin to enter the body, dryness goes away and wrinkles are smoothed out.

For dry hand skin, the daily dose of clean water recommended by doctors is about 2-2.5 liters per day.

  1. Long-term intoxication. This is a more serious form of dehydration due to constant exposure of all important organs to harmful substances.
  2. Dystrophy.
  3. Ichthyosis. A genetic disease transmitted along a family line. In this case, the skin resembles small fish scales. It can only be treated with medication and under the guidance of a qualified physician.
  4. Acute lack of vitamins A and PP, is expressed in painful cracks not only on the hands, but also around the lips and eyes.
  5. Failure in the endocrine system – hypothyroidism. Experts in dry hands and elbows determine the primary sign of insufficient hormones in the body.

Dry skin is one of the primary signs of the disease; an accurate diagnosis can be made by a dermatologist-allergist.

  1. Disturbance of normal metabolism. A sharp slowdown or increase in metabolism can be caused by taking medications, stress, or constant exposure to harmful substances.
  2. Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, disrupted digestive processes are manifested not only by gas formation and disorder, but also by skin rashes and dry skin.
  3. Diabetes. In diabetes, in addition to tightness, multiple non-healing wounds appear.
  4. Allergy. With rhinitis, it often occurs against the background of dry skin - atopic dermatitis.

Treatment methods

When making a diagnosis, you should not fall into despair. With proper and timely treatment, diseases recede, and hands regain their former velvety and youthful appearance.


Since ancient times, doctors have been making moisturizing creams, tinctures, and selecting aromatic oils. Women knew the secrets for beautiful and smooth skin and did special procedures and hand masks every day. Nowadays, you can also find in pharmacies various forms of medicinal substances that help restore elasticity and health to your hands.

Before buying a product from a pharmacy, consult a dermatologist, as uncontrolled use of such products can cause serious allergic reactions.

Medicinal products, unlike cosmetic ones, have an enhanced composition aimed at treating problems in the deep, subcutaneous layers.

  1. Detergents with additional caring and moisturizing complex: soaps, gels, lotions. They have a neutral pH, similar to the pH of human skin, so the products do not dry your hands, but rather nourish and moisturize during contact with water.
  2. Moisturizing creams. Medicinal cosmetics, as a rule, contain components such as lactic acid, glycerin, as well as extracts and plants that have an antiseptic effect.
  3. The pharmacy also sells concentrated essential oils. They are added a few drops to a daily cream or to a hand bath so that the skin can be nourished with microelements.
  4. Paraffin therapy. Medical centers use this method of treating dryness. It is very effective and simple, the result is visible after the first or second use.

If your hands have dry skin, contact water less often. After each wash, apply moisturizer or regenerating lotion.


Traditional medicine is rich in recipes that allow you to restore the youth of your hands and the elasticity of your hands. The recipes are simple and accessible. Below are the main components used in the tips:

  1. Potato. The vegetable contains a lot of vitamin PP, and when hot it also has a softening effect.
  2. Honey. The benefits of honey are known to everyone, even if you apply it in its pure form, the skin will be smoothed and cell regeneration will go much faster.
  3. Lemon juice and sour cream. Lemon nourishes the skin with essential vitamin C, acid removes flaking scales; sour cream softens the skin after the procedure and enriches the epidermis with lactic acid.
  4. Olive oil. Rich in vitamin complexes and fatty acids, the oil is indispensable in the treatment of dry hand skin.
  5. Of course, there are many medicinal forms of plants that help fight skin cracking. For example, calendula, oleoresin, burdock root, rosemary.

Traditional treatment options are used as maintenance therapy or auxiliary. For basic, complex treatment, it is necessary to use stronger drugs.

hardware cosmetology

Hardware procedures, as well as injections, are performed only in cosmetic and medical salons. There are several main ways to solve the problem.

  1. Gas-liquid peeling JetPeel. A powerful jet of gas interacts with the skin and removes dead skin cells. This procedure is the most gentle of peelings, but not the cheapest.
  2. Microcurrent therapy. Through the action of pinpoint shocks of low voltage current, blood flow in the hands is stimulated and metabolic processes increase. As a result of the procedure, the skin begins to independently produce collagen and smooth out.
  3. Mesotherapy. Using small needles, hyaluronic acid is injected into the subcutaneous space, which is necessary for regeneration.
  4. Biorevitalization. The procedure is aimed at launching natural processes in the skin. It uses both hyaluronic acid and peptide complexes.

The treatment of dry hands requires regularity and monitoring by a dermatologist over the recovery process. After complete recovery, we recommend performing maintenance procedures once a month.


This video shows traditional methods of combating dry skin on hands.


Dry hand skin is an aesthetic problem that affects 2/3 of people. It is often associated with the development of internal diseases that are not visible to the eye, and is one of the reasons to consult a doctor for examination. At the same time, with timely treatment and following simple rules, you can restore your skin to its former youth quite quickly.