Top best remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy

Many women have at least once encountered an unpleasant phenomenon called stretch marks. They can appear suddenly or as a result of pregnancy or sudden weight loss. Getting rid of them is not easy; moreover, they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the body and can look intimidating. However, there are cosmetic and medical preparations that, when used systematically, can eliminate this defect and prevent its reappearance.


The mechanism of stretch marks appearance

Stretch marks (the trivial name is stretch marks) are an atrophic change in the skin caused by prolonged mechanical impact on it. As a rule, these are scars in the form of wide or thin stripes. They can appear in girls and women of any age; no one is immune from their occurrence both in youth and in old age.

What causes stretch marks to appear?

Stretch marks can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. sudden weight loss;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. rapid human growth accompanied by slow tissue growth;
  4. playing sports and regular physical activity;
  5. wearing clothes that don't fit properly.

What types of stretch marks are there?

Striae come in several types: some are white, others are blue-violet. It depends on what caused them and how long ago they appeared. Your doctor can determine the exact time at which stretch marks occur.

Where do stretch marks most often appear?

Most often, stretch marks appear on the body in the following places:

How to get rid of stretch marks?

There are several ways to get rid of stretch marks:

  1. use of cosmetics or medications;
  2. laser resurfacing of problem areas;
  3. the use of compresses or mud baths;
  4. massage with special essential oils;
  5. cold and hot shower.

What measures are taken to prevent stretch marks?

Dermatologists strongly recommend using a set of measures to increase skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks for people at risk (nursing and pregnant women, teenagers and athletes).

  1. A daily contrast shower increases skin elasticity and normalizes blood circulation.
  2. Exfoliation with a hard fiber washcloth and subsequent application of nourishing or moisturizing products will keep the skin smooth, improve blood circulation and increase tissue elasticity.

How to choose a remedy for stretch marks?

When choosing an effective remedy for stretch marks, you need to focus on 5 parameters.


If we are talking about cream, then it should be moderately thick and moderately liquid. In the first case, it will be difficult to rub it over the skin, in the second, the nutrients will not affect problem areas due to the low concentration and spreading of the product. Oil is always in an ethereal-liquid consistency, and it must be dosed wisely in order for its functionality to be fully revealed.


This point especially applies to pregnant women and nursing mothers who want to get rid of stretch marks. Strong odors with strong chemical ingredients can make a potential mother feel worse, worsen toxicosis, or negatively affect the central nervous system of any person. The aroma should be light, not cloying or harsh. Also, it should not eat into the skin and subsequently into clothing. In general, the product should not “remind” itself in any way.


There are creams that are designed specifically to eliminate stretch marks caused by childbearing. There are also remedies on the market for stretch marks of any type, be it stretch marks that appear during sports or during puberty. Some dermatologists say this is just a marketing ploy. Indeed, this point of view cannot be refuted - all remedies for stretch marks are aimed at eliminating them. But it’s better to find out the purpose of the cream in order to be sure of its effectiveness on a subconscious level.


By the way, the aroma almost directly reflects the composition. It is important that the ingredients are natural products, and preservatives are used in extreme cases. If the composition contains many chemical components, allergic reactions may occur, worsening dermatological problems and exacerbation of individual intolerance to the substances present.

Manufacturing company

This point especially applies to creams. It is important that the company producing it is known at least within one country. This guarantees its efficiency and reliability. Girls from Russia and the CIS countries were able to identify 2 manufacturing companies that were on the “black list” - Avon and RoC. This choice is based on the personal experience of each woman and the subsequent reaction of the body.

Why shouldn't Avon and RoC be taken?

The chemical composition of anti-stretch mark products from these manufacturers almost always causes allergic reactions on the skin. A pungent odor spoils the well-being of women. Stretch marks do not go away, no matter how much the product is used. Thus, stretch mark creams from these two companies are just a marketing ploy that you should be wary of.

10 best remedies for stretch marks in 2019

Women can afford to get rid of unpleasant stretch marks with the help of medical and cosmetic products. Oils and creams are ideal allies to achieve this goal.

5 best oils for stretch marks


Coconut oil is a natural remedy for preventing and eliminating stretch marks. It is most often used during pregnancy or puberty - moments when the skin is maximally exposed to mechanical stress. The advantage of this product is that it is natural and contains no chemical compounds.

Coconut oil contains natural antioxidants and vitamin E. They moisturize the skin and protect cell membranes from oxidation and destruction. Other important components are hyaluronic and lauric acid. They disinfect the skin and make it more elastic. Coconut oil also contains palmitic, capric and oleic acids.

Coconut oil is not a medical product and can be used very often, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimized. It nourishes the skin, moisturizes it and starts regeneration processes.

Coconut oil is used to eliminate stretch marks as follows:

  1. in the shower, apply the scrub to the body, massage the skin for 5 minutes;
  2. apply enough coconut oil to cleansed skin;
  3. after 10 minutes, rinse it off, pat the skin lightly with a towel, an invisible nourishing film will remain on it.
  1. pleasant aroma;
  2. effective removal of stretch marks;
  3. suitable for use during pregnancy;
  4. multifunctional nutritional complex;
  5. low price of coconut oil;
  6. minimal allergic reactions.
  1. It is necessary to rinse thoroughly so that no greasy film remains.

Average price: 250 rubles.


Argan oil comes from Morocco - it was in this country that women first began to use it for skin care. They saturated the skin with moisture, nourished the hair, making it shiny, and improved the growth of eyebrows. That's why Moroccan women are so beautiful and attractive.

The tradition of using argan oil for personal care has survived to this day: many pregnant women and athletes use it to improve skin elasticity and get rid of stretch marks. Argan oil contains a whole complex of substances that have a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin and hair.

Argan oil is not used alone; it is used in combination with other additional ingredients. There are a huge number of recipes for getting rid of stretch marks of different types.

  1. For stretch marks on the stomach.
    It is possible to prepare two types of nutritional mixtures:
    - mix 1 tablespoon of argan oil with 5 drops of neroli ether;
    - mix 1 tablespoon of argan oil with 3 drops of tangerine and lemon oil.
    Rub the mixture into problem areas several times a day with light massage movements.
  2. For stretch marks on the chest.
    You can prepare two types of mixtures:
    - mix 10 milliliters of argan oil and 30 milliliters of rosehip ether with 3 drops of tea tree and geranium oil, adding 2 drops of dried flowers;
    - Mix 10 milliliters of cocoa and argan butter with 60 milliliters of hazelnut ether, diluting with 20 milliliters of rosehip oil and a few drops of tangerine oil.
    The mixture should be used 2 times a day, rubbing in a circular motion into problem areas. This procedure is contraindicated for women during lactation.
  3. From old stretch marks.
    Two types of mixtures are prepared:
    - 4 tablespoons of argan oil mixed with 15 drops of coriander ether and 20 drops of grapefruit oil;
    - 6 tablespoons of argan oil mixed with 25 drops of aloe vera.
    The mixtures are applied with massage movements to the skin twice a day and left on it until completely absorbed.
  1. effective against stretch marks of various types;
  2. time-tested remedy;
  3. nutritional complex included;
  4. quick effect;
  5. affordable price.
  1. contraindicated for nursing mothers;
  2. must be used together with other essential oils.

Average price: 200 rubles.


Shea butter is a time-tested component that has excellent regenerating, restorative, nourishing and moisturizing properties. Shea butter has a delicate creamy aroma, it melts on the palms from the emanating heat.

Shea butter is used during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as to increase the elasticity of the skin throughout the body. Shea butter saturates the skin with moisture, softens it, eliminates dryness, and tightens it. Stretch marks become less noticeable after using shea butter.

Use shea butter to eliminate stretch marks as follows:

  1. Rub into problem areas with massage movements before going to bed.
  1. pleasant aroma;
  2. delicate consistency;
  3. guaranteed result;
  4. Suitable for all skin types.
  1. Oil is greasy, it is necessary to protect clothes and bedding from getting it.

Average price: 200 rubles.


The component that is added to chocolate and coffee has strong nutritional, regenerating and moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter contains vitamin E, stearic, palmitoleic and oleic acids. This complex of beneficial substances guarantees quick removal of stretch marks and restoration of skin elasticity.

Cocoa butter is used to get rid of stretch marks as follows:

  1. Rub into problem areas with light circular movements; unabsorbed oil is removed by blotting with napkins.
  1. the strongest nutritional properties;
  2. the enchanting aroma of chocolate and coffee;
  3. universal application;
  4. economical consumption;
  5. quick relief from stretch marks.
  1. not a low price at all;
  2. texture is too oily.

Average price: 400 rubles.


Macadamia oil is a unique remedy for getting rid of stretch marks and preventing them. Its peculiarity is that the absence of allergic reactions is guaranteed. In addition, it is quickly absorbed, saturating the skin with moisture.

Macadamia oil contains vitamins B and PP, as well as linolenic, linoleic, oleic and palmitoleic acids. They have a powerful restorative effect on the skin. The product makes it elastic and resistant to mechanical stress.

Use macadamia nut oil to get rid of stretch marks as follows:

The mechanism of action of almost all of these drugs is moisture retention and stimulation of metabolic processes in the epidermis. Those who like to experiment can try to prepare a cream for stretch marks at home, but a better solution would be to use professional products produced by the best manufacturers using the achievements of modern cosmetology and the latest scientific developments in this field. It's time to get to know these cosmetic products better.


Which brand of stretch mark cream should I choose?

The following brands that produce the most effective remedies for stretch marks are popular among buyers:



An English brand known for a wide range of products for young mothers and babies. Since 1984, the products produced by this manufacturer have enjoyed deserved popularity among consumers all over the world, are completely environmentally friendly and safe for health.



A Swiss manufacturer that has been supplying the market with high-quality products for more than 70 years to help care for the skin of every family member. The effectiveness and high degree of safety when used are confirmed by clinical studies. The components are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and stimulate its regeneration.



The products of this brand contain water from geothermal sources, saturated with mineral salts and microelements, due to which it has unique healing and regenerating properties. Since 1931, Vichy creams have been helping people get rid of skin imperfections and bring it into ideal condition.



The product, created by the French laboratory Expanscience, is sold in more than 97 countries around the world, based on active ingredients of natural origin. All products are hypoallergenic, with a high degree of tolerance, and have been tested under the supervision of the best specialists.



An English manufacturer whose products contain a complex of active vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin and help maintain its ideal condition.



A cosmetic line that was developed in Germany to care for the skin of young mothers and children from the first days of life. 97% of the products consist of vitamins and natural oils, are hypoallergenic and completely safe to use, which is confirmed by clinical studies.

Rating of the best remedies for stretch marks

When creating this rating, based on reviews from real users, the following basic properties of the products in question were taken into account:

  1. the fame of the manufacturer, the popularity of its products among buyers;
  2. safety – the product should not contain any substances that can negatively affect the body. The instructions must indicate whether this product can be used during pregnancy or lactation;
  3. composition - the product must contain components that influence the increase in skin elasticity, such as elastin and collagen, or stimulators of their production;
  4. hypoallergenic;
  5. contains a minimum amount of fragrances and dyes in the cream. Ideally, the cream should be practically odorless and colorless;
  6. good absorption of the selected product;
  7. price.

The best creams for stretch marks

The list of the best creams for stretch marks purchased to combat this skin defect includes products from the following manufacturers:

Avent - a cream popular throughout Europe


Its advantages include:

  1. brand awareness and a large number of users satisfied with the results obtained;
  2. large tube volume, allowing you to use the product for a long time;
  3. pleasant consistency ensuring good absorption of the product;
  4. hypoallergenic;
  5. absence of a pronounced odor;
  6. the ability to eliminate the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin for a long time;
  7. the ability to use the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This cream has few disadvantages, these include:

  1. limited amount of information in Russian on the packaging of the product;
  2. relatively high cost;
  3. rarely found on sale;
  4. is able to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but is ineffective in the fight against those that have already appeared.

In general, users respond positively to this product and most often recommend it for use.

Carrying a child gives women joy and peace, but sometimes dulls their vigilance, as a result of which expectant mothers forget about the risk of developing skin defects such as stretch marks.

Striae - this is how science usually calls such a “surprise” - resemble whitish or almost purple scars on the bust, breasts, hips and other parts of the body. They cannot harm pregnancy and do not cause any unpleasant sensations, but the changed state of previously smooth and even skin will upset every woman.

It is not surprising that many expectant mothers are interested in which stretch mark cream for pregnant women to buy. We offer a list of the 10 best remedies that will help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks or reduce their severity.


Where do stretch marks come from?

Human skin has elasticity similar to latex or rubber - it is distinguished by elasticity, stretchability and the ability to return to its previous state. But in certain situations, these properties of the skin are violated, as a result of which the skin becomes thinner and damage and micro-tears occur inside it.

Of course, then the dermis heals, but stretch marks or stretch marks remain at the site of the tears.

The occurrence of stretch marks is also facilitated by changed hormonal levels, which reduces the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins, which are responsible for skin restoration and its elasticity.

In some women, stretch marks on the breasts do not form during pregnancy, but after childbirth, when active milk production begins. The skin on the bust turns out to be unadapted to lactation and an increase in volume, and therefore ruptures, leading to the appearance of stretch marks.

In addition, experts identify a number of factors that increase the likelihood of stretch marks during pregnancy:

  1. Heredity. If direct relatives (mother, grandmother) developed stretch marks during pregnancy or after childbirth, then with a high degree of probability they will form in you.
  2. Features of the body. The process of skin scarring is influenced by metabolic characteristics. With impaired metabolism, the risk increases significantly. Also, women with flabby abdominal muscles are more prone to stretch marks.
  3. Sudden weight gain. With a general predisposition to the development of scars, sudden weight gain during pregnancy (especially with dry skin) is fraught with stretch marks.
  4. Nutrition. A balanced and high-quality diet that helps a woman receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals reduces the risk of stretch marks or can reduce their severity and size.
  5. Age. The skin of young mothers is often more elastic, and therefore less susceptible to such defects. Also, young pregnant ladies tend to move more, which also reduces the likelihood of this problem.

Thus, to some extent, a pregnant woman is able to prevent the formation of stretch marks or reduce their consequences for the beauty of the skin. This can be done with the help of special products - creams for stretch marks, but you just need to choose them correctly and wisely.

How to choose a good cream for stretch marks?

Choosing any means during pregnancy is a painstaking and extremely responsible task. In such an “interesting” situation, the female body can react unpredictably to any seemingly familiar drug.

In addition, the products must be absolutely harmless to mom and baby.

To make the right choice, use the following recommendations.

  1. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the label, noting the presence of an important instruction - possible (or desirable) use during pregnancy. Manufacturers offer special creams for expectant mothers that moisturize the skin and prevent the development of stretch marks.
  2. Pay attention to the list of ingredients, it should include various essential oils, a complex of amino acids and proteins (collagen and elastin), vitamins. These components will improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the deep layers of the skin.
  3. During pregnancy, many women experience toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and rejection of even neutral odors. You should smell the gel before purchasing.
  4. It’s better not to buy a whole tube at once, but to take a sample or tester. This way you can avoid wasting money, since when hormonal levels change, an allergic reaction to the components of the products is a very common situation.

So, we found out that the best remedies for stretch marks include substances that improve blood circulation in the inner layers of the skin.

Creams containing the following components will be especially useful for expectant mothers:

  1. vitamins A, C, E, which are responsible for skin turgor, cell restoration and renewal, improved blood circulation and the production of connective tissue’s own proteins;
  2. a complex of elastin and collagen, which play a critical role in the elasticity and regeneration of the skin. It is better to purchase products not with animal proteins, but with plant proteins, whose molecules are smaller in size, and, therefore, will definitely penetrate the skin;
  3. micro- and macroelements (selenium, silicon, zinc and other minerals) regulate the level of moisture in the skin, help heal wounds and participate in the restoration of the epidermis;
  4. hyaluronic acid is a special substance found in connective tissue and epithelial cells. Participates in the production of its own collagen, moisturizes the skin and helps accelerate regeneration processes;
  5. essential and vegetable oils (jojoba, sea buckthorn, cocoa) are exclusively natural ingredients that stimulate cell regeneration, restore cellular metabolism, and moisturize the skin.

It is extremely difficult to say which cream for stretch marks during pregnancy is the best, since the effect largely depends on the condition of the skin and the body’s need for various beneficial substances.

Top 10 best products

Analysis of reviews from expectant mothers who used creams and ointments during pregnancy allows us to select the 10 most effective and efficient remedies for stretch marks.

But no review or advice from a friend can replace a doctor’s consultation, so before using any cream, be sure to talk to a specialist.


Among the large number of remedies for stretch marks, this cream is in greatest demand and love among pregnant women.

The product contains papaya oil, which moisturizes the skin, and algae extract, which regenerates epidermal cells.

  1. absorbs quickly and does not leave greasy marks;
  2. economy;
  3. nice smell;
  4. average price range;
  5. efficiency.

No particular shortcomings were found.

Mama comfort

This gel is specially designed for expectant mothers with highly sensitive skin.

It works especially well in the last months of pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. The gel contains extracts of green coffee and tea, various oils, which have an excellent effect on the skin, smoothing its surface.

  1. low cost;
  2. natural ingredients;
  3. prevalence.
  1. a pungent aroma that not all expectant mothers like.


The composition of the product is considered to be quite low-allergenic and contains thermal water, which moisturizes the skin and makes it elastic.

Can be used at any stage of pregnancy, optimally starting at 4 months.

  1. light odor, almost imperceptible;
  2. absorbs quickly;
  3. contains collagen.
  1. high consumption.
  2. high price;


In the list of Top 10 products, this ointment occupies not the last place due to its natural composition.

Wheat protein, hibiscus and jojoba essential oils restore skin elasticity and nourish it with a variety of nutrients. This gel does not contain various dyes and harmful ingredients, which only confirms its safety.


It is one of the most common remedies for stretch marks on the domestic market.

The composition contains only natural ingredients - vitamins, wheat oil. Expectant mothers note that the cream acts gently, moisturizing and softening the skin.

  1. average price range;
  2. effective action.
  1. sharp specific aroma.


This cream has a triple effect: it prevents the appearance of stretch marks, fights existing defects and takes care of the skin.

The product acts at the molecular level, stopping the release of special enzymes responsible for the destruction of collagen and elastin proteins.

  1. extremely effective cream;
  2. able to cope with old stretch marks.
  1. Not every mom can afford it.


This gel is recommended for use from the second trimester, when the baby in the tummy begins to rapidly increase in size.

You can also use the gel after delivery, when the skin begins to shrink. The effect is based on the action of soybean oil and karite.

  1. low efficiency;
  2. high price.


This gel is considered an innovative product containing natural flavonoids. The use of products helps reduce the number and size of the fatty layer of the skin, improve color and increase the elasticity of the skin.

In addition, stretch marks are significantly reduced in size, and the skin is evened out.

  1. innovative composition;
  2. light consistency;
  3. reduction of cellulite.
  1. high price;
  2. The gel leaves greasy stains on things.


This product has a double therapeutic effect: it helps reduce existing stretch marks and prevents the formation of new ones.

It is applied at the end of pregnancy and during the first weeks after the birth of the baby. The cream contains various oils to soften the skin, elastin regulators and moisturizing components.

  1. can reduce the severity of stretch marks;
  2. Suitable for long-term use.


The unique composition of the products includes primrose oil, which helps restore ceramides and improve lipid metabolism.

Other elements (zinc, vitamins, aloe and calendula extract) soothe the skin, activate skin respiration, strengthen vascular walls, and moisturize the skin.

  1. innovative composition;
  2. multiple effect;
  3. inexpensive.

No particular shortcomings were found.

Stretch mark belt

In the list of products that prevent the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy, you can find not only a gel or ointment, but also a special belt that is worn on the stomach and supports the abdominal and peritoneal muscles.

The belt is sewn from rubberized materials, and it is also equipped with fasteners, the length of which can be adjusted. Modern manufacturers produce several types of such support products:

  1. prenatal belt – helps support the growing tummy, protecting the skin from stretch marks and tears. Does not interfere with the normal growth of the child;
  2. postpartum belt – helps support the abdominal muscles, which stimulates the rapid restoration of muscle tone, preventing the formation of postpartum stretch marks;
  3. universal belt – combines the advantages of both supporting devices.

A similar belt is produced in the form of panties and directly in the form of a bandage. Previously, a corset was also produced, but now it has been abandoned due to numerous inconveniences during use.

Of course, we have not listed the entire list of products presented on pharmaceutical shelves, but even in this list you can choose the ideal products.

The most important thing is to start preventing stretch marks early so you don't miss the time when small tears turn into ugly scars. To ensure that your body always delights you with youth and beauty, take care of your skin during pregnancy!

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