About massage

Massage can be different: strong, which strengthens the body; weak, causing the body to soften; long-lasting, which causes a person to lose weight, and moderate, from which the body thrives.

If all these types are combined together, nine different combinations are formed. There is also rough rubbing produced by a rough cloth; with such rubbing, blood is quickly drawn to the surface of the body; There is also light rubbing done with the palm of your hand or a soft cloth; at the same time, blood is collected and retained in the organs.

Massage has the following goals: compaction of loose organs, hardening of soft organs, loosening of dense and softening of hard organs. In addition, there is also a preparatory massage performed before physical exercise. This massage starts lightly and then becomes stronger as the time for the exercise approaches. There is also a restorative massage performed after exercise; it is also called soothing massage. Its goal is to dissolve excesses that are retained in the muscles and did not have time to be released during exercise, and to eliminate these excesses so that they do not create fatigue.

It is necessary that such a massage should not be done forcefully, but moderately, and it is best to do it with oil. You should not end the massage with a harsh and rough massage, because then the organ will become coarse, and growth in children will stop, but still it does little harm to mature people.

The harm from a rough massage is more correctable than the harm from a light massage, because correcting excessive dissolution is easier than eliminating the body’s habituation to the perception of damage, which occurs with gentle rubbing. Although excessively strong and rough massage hinders the growth of children.

Then we will determine the time and rules of massage for you, and now we will focus on restorative massage. We say that it is actually the final part of the exercise. You need to start with a strong massage with oil, and then move on to a moderate one and do not stop at a strong one. It is best to massage more with your hands. In this case, it is necessary that after the massage the person strains the massaged members in order to shake out the excess from them. Then they take a piece of fabric and pass it over all the members, which should be in an extended position. At this time, as far as possible, you need to take in air without straining your abdominal muscles, and your chest should be straightened, if this is not difficult to do. In the end, the abdominal muscles tense in order to at least a little bring the effect of such restoration to the insides. During this time, the person walks, lies on his back, and intertwines his legs with his partner's legs.

Outstanding gymnasts resort to holding their breath during exercises. Sometimes they resort to restorative massage during exercise, stopping it, and then resuming exercise again if they want to prolong it.

With a restorative massage, a person who does not want to resume exercises, if his condition allows it, does not need a long massage. If it feels tired, then you need to lightly rub it with oil, as we described. If it finds its body dry, then it needs to intensify the massage with oil to bring its body into balance.

Sometimes it is useful to massage and apply firm pressure with your fingers before going to bed, because this dries the body and prevents moisture from flowing into the joints.