Top moisturizing hair masks

Many people believe that moisturizing hair masks are only needed for those who have dry hair type. In fact, absolutely everyone needs to restore their water balance. If the follicles and the shaft itself suffer from a lack of life-giving moisture, this can disrupt the functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, so that the condition of oily hair will also worsen.

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Trichologists believe that the cause of most of the problems with which patients come to them is precisely the lack of water in the cells. Fortunately, it can be quickly and easily replenished with the help of branded and homemade masks.

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A moisturizing mask can be bought in a store or pharmacy, or prepared at home from natural ingredients at hand. In any case, its main task will be to normalize the water balance in the follicle cells and the hair itself. If done correctly and regularly, it can solve a variety of problems:

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  1. prevent electrification;
  2. make hair softer and more manageable, easier to style;
  3. give them a beautiful natural shine;
  4. restore them after exposure to aggressive factors (coloring, curling, prolonged exposure to the sun);
  5. increase their volume;
  6. eliminate damage, cuts and fragility;
  7. get rid of split ends;
  8. cure seborrhea, dandruff;
  9. saturate the roots with useful substances;
  10. improve the functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands;
  11. normalize water balance;
  12. protect from negative drying factors (ultraviolet radiation, high temperature, vapors, thermal styling tools, etc.).

Moisturizing masks not only saturate the cells of the hair follicles and the hair itself with precious moisture, but also help them retain them inside for as long as possible. As a result, the condition of all types improves: oily ones, thanks to the normalization of the subcutaneous glands, stop being so shiny, and dry ones become softer and get rid of cuts.

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Advice from trichologists. If cosmetics for oily hair do not help, try using any moisturizing mask once a week. Trichologists say that in 80% of cases it is the lack of moisture that prevents the subcutaneous glands from working normally. Dehydrated, they are in a state of stress and, in an attempt to protect the scalp, increase the production of sebaceous secretions.

Brand rating

In this TOP 10 you will find the best moisturizing hair masks from famous brands. Despite the fact that they contain all sorts of synthetic ingredients, most of them are the development of scientific laboratories. You can’t call them natural, but they are very effective at restoring water balance. In the rating you can find mass and premium class products.

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  1. Weightless Hydrating Mask - for dry, fine hair, with vitamins and argan oil. Moroccanoil (Israel). $47.5.
  2. Elasticizer Extreme is a super hydrating mask with aloe vera and exfoliants. Philip Kingsley (Great Britain). $37.1.
  3. Sea Complex 3 - for deep hydration, with sea extracts. Orising (Italy). $28.2.
  4. ProYou Nutritive - nutritious, with highly concentrated soy and wheat proteins. Revlon Professional (USA). $16.2.
  5. Deep Moisture Intensive Mask - intense, with proteins, honey and mango. Professional. Londa Professional (Germany). $12.6.
  6. BB Cream H >


Branded moisturizing hair masks from our TOP

The most effective are professional moisturizing masks, which are used by hairdressers and beauty salons. They act instantly - literally after the first use, the condition of the hair improves noticeably. Therefore, in addition to the brands included in the rating (Revlon Professional and Londa Professional), you can also pay attention to such world-famous brands as La'dor Professional (Korea), M-Cerade Professional (Korea), Macadamia Professional (USA ), Loreal Professional (France), Schwarzkopf (Germany), Estel Professional (Russia), Matrix (USA).

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Note. Despite the high price, the Israeli moisturizing mask Weightless Hydrating Mask from Moroccanoil has captivated many with its effectiveness. After it, the hair is transformed beyond recognition - it acquires shine, silkiness, becomes soft and manageable after the first use.

How to do

Ingredient Selection

Both branded and homemade moisturizing masks should contain components that restore water balance in cells. These include:

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  1. fatty dairy products: milk (3.5% or more), natural yogurt without dyes, homemade yogurt, kefir (3.5% or more), sour cream (20%), whey, cream;
  2. natural honey purchased from an apiary, and not in a store;
  3. yolk (preferably from eggs from domestic chickens and as fresh as possible);
  4. Extra virgin vegetable oils;
  5. water: thermal, mineral still, melt, pink;
  6. decoctions and infusions of any medicinal plants;
  7. juice squeezed from the lower leaves of aloe;
  8. all cosmetic oils;
  9. pulp of fruits and vegetables;
  10. oil or ampoule vitamins;
  11. some esters: sandalwood, orange, palmarosa, incense, ylang-ylang, chamomile, lavender, myrrh, rosewood, mandarin.

Moisturizing masks should not contain aggressive ingredients that have a drying effect: mustard, cinnamon, alcoholic beverages (cognac, vodka, alcohol), pepper, algae, etc. Lemon juice and gelatin powder are allowed only in limited quantities and only in combination with oils. Egg white should not be used, as the film it forms will prevent moisture from penetrating into the cells.

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Components that are usually heated (milk, kefir, whey, decoctions, honey, water, oils) in moisturizing masks require a special approach. Their temperature should not exceed 30-32°C: a higher temperature will promote the evaporation of moisture, which is so necessary for dry hair. Therefore, we held it for 5 minutes. in a steam bath, brought to a warm state, melted slightly - and that’s enough. This will give another plus - a guarantee that the yolk will not curdle, and vitamins and essential oils that cannot tolerate high temperatures will not lose their healing properties.

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Yolks, sour cream, yogurt, curdled milk, aloe juice, fruit and vegetable purees, vitamins and essential oils should be at room temperature - neither hot nor cold.

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Do not use metal or plastic containers for cooking; it is better to use wood, glass or ceramics for this purpose. You can mix with a fork, whisk or immersion blender. The main thing is that the mass is homogeneous and without lumps.

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If the mixture turns out liquid, you have 2 options:

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  1. Just generously moisten your scalp and the hair itself along with the ends, let it drip, pin it up and put on a cap.
  2. Add rye or flaxseed flour to it, which will act as a thickener.

It’s much easier to deal with an overly thick consistency: add any liquid ingredient (the same rose water or herbal decoction).

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Cook only as much as you use at a time. A homemade mask left in the refrigerator until the next procedure will lose some of its beneficial properties or deteriorate. At a minimum, it will have no effect. Maximum - may cause scalp hyperemia and rash.

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If the skin needs moisturizing, it reacts to many ingredients with an allergic reaction. Therefore, the test stage of masks (this applies to both branded and homemade ones) is mandatory. Before first use, it should be applied in a thin layer to the most sensitive areas of the body. This could be the inner elbow, a strip of skin behind the ear, or the wrist. DeLaugh for a quarter of an hour, wash it off and track the result.

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How long to do this - opinions differ. Some say that half an hour is enough, others advise waiting 12 hours or even a day. Considering that some allergens have a slow but profound effect, still stop at the maximum interval - it will be safer. If itching, rashes and redness do not appear during this time, apply the mixture directly to your head and hair.

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Please note: the test does not provide a 100% guarantee that there will be no allergic reaction. It just reduces the risk of its occurrence. Some allergens begin to act only after a certain period of time with repeated use of the product.

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The mask is applied to clean, moisturized hair and scalp. Therefore, before the procedure, it is better to rinse them thoroughly and not dry them slightly.

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Since it is necessary to moisturize both the scalp and the hair itself, the mask is applied over the entire surface. It does not require intensive rubbing into the roots, but the ends should be moistened generously.

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After this, be sure to comb your hair thoroughly and put it in a bun so that it does not fall apart into strands that could stain your clothes. The last stage is insulation. A moisturizing mask is considered universal because it will perform its main function even if you do not cover your head with anything. But to speed up reactions, you can wear a shower cap. A towel and scarf are entirely at your discretion.

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The duration of validity of branded masks is indicated in the instructions, while homemade ones are practically unlimited. Since they do not contain aggressive components, there will be nothing to worry about if you forget about them. As practice shows, the express procedure allows them to be washed off within half an hour - this is quite enough to superficially moisturize the roots and hair. Oil and vitamin mixtures, as well as kefir, can be kept for up to 8 hours: most often they are made overnight.

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One of the most important stages when using moisturizing masks. The first problem is associated with washing off oils, which leave behind a greasy feeling. To prevent this, you need to rinse your hair twice:

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  1. Without wetting your head and hair, dipping only your hands in water, apply shampoo and lather as much as possible (it will be difficult to do this without water). Rinse off.
  2. Apply shampoo a second time - this time on wet hair, lather, rinse.

The second problem is related to odors, which are often associated with homemade hair masks. This applies to those that contain yolk, castor oil, and yogurt. In ordinary cases, vinegar or lemon juice is added to the rinsing water, which adds shine and eliminates unpleasant odors. But at the same time, they have a drying effect, which can negate the effectiveness of the moisturizing mask. Therefore, there is nothing left to do but use essential oils (5 drops per 500 ml of water).

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Hot water is not suitable for rinsing. It should be at room temperature or barely warm.

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Final stage

Do not rush to use a hair dryer after rinsing. To maintain the effect, the hair must dry naturally. For the entire period of their recovery (while the course of using moisturizing masks lasts), try to abandon any thermal styling tools - curling irons and straightening irons. It is also better not to use styling products for rigid fixation.

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Balms and conditioners are allowed that come in combination with shampoo - they must be part of a single line to moisturize the hair.

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The full course is from 10 to 15 masks. Their quantity, as well as the frequency of use, depends on the initial condition of the hair. You should start with 1 time per week. If the effectiveness is weak, it can be increased up to 2 times.

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If the first mask you chose didn't work as expected, it may simply not be right for you. You should find a product with a completely different composition. If it doesn’t do any good, make an appointment with a trichologist to rule out a disease that requires professional treatment.

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Additional recommendations

What else can you do to moisturize your hair at home:

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  1. Increase the humidity level in rooms where you spend a lot of time.
  2. Include in your diet jelly, mousses, vegetable fats, as well as foods with vitamin A, which has a moisturizing effect on the skin and hair: cream, sea buckthorn berries, avocado, carrots, butter, cabbage, eggs, etc.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, 2.5 in summer.
  4. Wear hats at any time of the year.
  5. Avoid chlorinated and hot water.
  6. Avoid dyeing, perm and other aggressive procedures.
  7. Do not visit saunas and steam baths while using masks.

Without following these rules, even the most effective mask can turn out to be a waste of time and money. Solving this problem must be approached comprehensively.

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On a note. Trichologists recommend doing a full course of moisturizing masks twice a year: in April (to prepare for the summer season) and in July (to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation and other aggressive drying factors). If you regularly do coloring or perm in the salon, you will additionally need another course in winter.

Home Recipes


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Select the recipe in accordance with the initial condition of the hair and the problem that needs to be solved.

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  1. For dry hair

Mix 100 ml of unfiltered beer and 50 ml of heated extra virgin olive oil.

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  1. For very dry skin

Moisten the entire scalp generously with heated castor oil. Make insulation. Leave it on all night.

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  1. For fatty people

Mix 100 ml of mint decoction, 20 ml of lemon juice, garlic puree (from 2-3 cloves), 50 ml of aloe juice squeezed from the lower leaves, 50 ml of melted honey, 2 raw egg yolks.

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  1. For normal

Mix 100 ml of curdled milk with 40 ml of lemon juice, 50 ml of herbal decoction (from oak bark, chamomile, nettle or sage).

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  1. For combined

Mix a raw egg, previously beaten until foamy, with 50 ml of heated Extra virgin olive oil and 20 ml of aloe juice squeezed from the lower leaves.

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  1. Highly moisturizing mask

Mix 100 ml of 20% sour cream, 20 g of melted coconut oil, 20 ml of aloe juice squeezed from the lower leaves, 1 fresh egg yolk.

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  1. For hair ends

Mix 100 ml of warm burdock oil, 1 fresh egg yolk, the contents of 3-4 Aevita capsules.

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  1. For dry and thin skin

Mix 100 ml of any heated cosmetic or vegetable oil with 2-3 raw egg yolks.

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  1. For damaged

Mix 50 ml of castor oil, fish oil, aloe juice and melted honey.

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  1. For painted

Pour 100 g of rye bread (including crust) with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, squeeze it out, add 100 ml of a decoction of one of the herbs to the resulting bread infusion: celandine, plantain, sage or nettle.

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  1. For tough ones

Mix 100 ml of 3.5% kefir with 50 ml of flaxseed oil and 1 raw egg yolk.

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  1. For curly hair

Mix 50 ml of different oils: melted coconut, castor, macadamia and argan.

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  1. Nutritious

Mix 100 ml of natural yogurt with 50 ml of melted coconut oil, 20 ml of honey.

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  1. Restorative

Mix 100 ml of kefir, 50 ml of natural yogurt, 50 ml of jojoba, 2 raw egg yolks, 50 ml of aloe juice, 1 ampoule of retinol acetate (vitamin A).

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  1. Protective

Melt 15 g of gelatin in warm water (proportions 1 to 3). Wait until it swells. Stir until no lumps remain. Mix with 20 ml of melted coconut oil, add 10 drops of oil vitamins A and E.

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Moisturizing masks are intended, contrary to popular belief, not only for dry hair. Normalizing water balance allows you to comprehensively solve many problems that also affect other types. Therefore, they should be included regularly in everyone's care programs.

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Using hairsprays and hair dryers, as well as hard water, makes hair dry and lifeless. Their health directly depends on the quality of their diet. Experts recommend using special products that nourish and restore the hair structure for additional moisturizing. Professional advice will help you choose the best moisturizing hair masks.

Features of cosmetic products for moisturizing hair

Moisturizing masks are necessary not only for brittle and dry hair. All types of curls need additional nutrition, as they lose moisture and stop accumulating micronutrients.

Features of moisturizers:

  1. accumulation of moisture in the layers of the epidermis;
  2. restoring hair smoothness;
  3. giving shine and a healthy look to curls.

It is especially important to use masks to maintain the health of long hair. This is due to the fact that moisture often reaches only the middle of the curls, and the ends quickly become dry and lifeless.

What to look for before purchasing

Before purchasing a mask in a store, you need to study its composition. It is the components that distinguish a moisturizer from a nourishing one.

Moisturizing cosmetics contain:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. milk serum;
  3. essential oils of ylang-ylang, sandalwood, tea tree, mandarin);
  4. herbal decoctions (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula);
  5. vegetable oils (peach, flaxseed, grape, sea buckthorn);
  6. royal jelly;
  7. panthenol;
  8. fatty amino acids.

Additionally, vitamins A, E, C, and B may be present.

Masks should not contain ethyl alcohol, as it dries out the hair. Other alcohols are acceptable (cetyl, cetearyl, stearic).

What types of masks are there?

Moisturizing masks are divided into several types, depending on the depth of moisture penetration into the hair structure:

  1. Surface products. They retain moisture, forming a protective film on the hair, thanks to which the liquid does not evaporate. Cosmetics are suitable for use in summer, as they additionally protect against the harmful effects of UV rays. The mask works effectively on colored and bleached hair and restores dry ends. The composition may contain silicone.
  2. Internal means. They fight the lack of moisture at the cellular level. Masks are suitable for thin and curly hair. The ingredients in their composition are mainly natural; hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, vitamins A, B and E, algae extracts, keratin, collagen, sea buckthorn, and various oils may be present. Cosmetics of this type usually have a cumulative effect.

Terms of use

How to use the moisturizing mask:

  1. Apply the product to your hair.
  2. Distribute the mask over the entire length of the curls using a wooden comb.
  3. Wrap your head in cling film or a plastic bag to create the thermal effect necessary for the composition to work.
  4. Leave the product for as long as indicated on the package. It is forbidden to reduce or increase the period of the procedure, as side effects or lack of the desired effect are possible.
  5. Rinse off the mask with warm water and wait for the strands to dry naturally.

The product should be applied only to clean strands, in this case the components are absorbed much better.

The procedure is carried out once a week for prevention purposes and 3 times a week during the treatment and restoration of damaged hair.

Rating of the best masks

Experts recommend using hair care products that are proven and highly effective. Below is a rating of the best masks according to consumers.

L'Oreal Professionnel Absolut Repair Lipidium


The action of the product is aimed at restoring the lipid (fat) layer, which provides hydration to the scalp and hair. Thanks to the wax included in the composition, the hair shaft becomes elastic and thickens.

The restoration of the structure of curls occurs with the help of 3 types of proteins that fill voids and are embedded in damaged cells.

The mask is easily distributed over the entire surface of the strips and retains a pleasant aroma until the next wash.

L'Oreal Professionnel Vitamino Color A-OX


The product is suitable for colored hair that is regularly exposed to dye and hair dryer. The silicone it contains gives hair shine and a healthy appearance, and special pigments hold the color, preventing it from washing out. Cosmetics have a cumulative effect, so you need to use them constantly.

It is allowed to use the composition as a conditioner after washing hair for additional moisture and easy combing.

Proedit Hair Treatment Bounce Fit


Regular use of this mask replaces 10 procedures in the salon. Thanks to this product, the hair stops breaking, thinning, and the ends are sealed. Hyaluronic acid retains moisture in hair cells. The first effect is noticeable after 2-3 applications.

Proedit Hair Treatment Bounce Fit Plus


This tool is considered improved compared to the previous one. The mask contains black tea extract, which helps keep your head clean and eliminates the need for daily washing. Betaine and whey promote hydration. Vitamin E gradually restores hair structure.

Matrix So Long Damage Total Results


The mask easily restores damaged, dry and brittle hair. The product contains calcium pantothenate and glycerin, which can increase the flexibility of curls and restore their healthy appearance. From the first use, cosmetics solve the most complex problems - dryness, separation, dull color.

Estel Professional KERATIN


The main components of this product are proteins and keratins, which allow you to restore even the driest and most damaged curls. Mirror shine appears after the first use. Light silicone gives this effect. After use, the hair becomes manageable and soft.



The mask allows you to restore even severely damaged hair that has been bleached. The advantage of the product is that it seals moisture inside the curls thanks to a special film that forms after using cosmetics. The cosmetic product is suitable for daily use as a balm after washing your hair.

Natura Siberica Oblepikha Siberica


This is a natural cosmetic product that contains a large amount of vegetable oils and vitamins. The mask gradually restores even the most dry curls. Thanks to biotin, flaking and dryness of the scalp are quickly eliminated. Hops and burdock extract helps to cope with dandruff, which often occurs due to over-drying the head with a hairdryer.

Londa Professional VISIBLE REPAIR Treatment


This remedy works from the inside. It is recommended to use it for very dry hair. The silicone complex allows you to replenish the components missing in your curls, making them vibrant, shiny and manageable. Almond oil prevents moisture loss and softens the scalp.

OLLIN Professional Full Force


Coconut oil is beneficial for dry and brittle hair that lacks saturated fatty acids. Arginine enhances the effect of the oil and, by stimulating blood flow, allows you to nourish both hair follicles and ends. If you use a mask before styling, the strands will not stick out and become frizzy. Alanine, which is part of it, improves hair growth.

Brittle, dry and lifeless curls can be quickly restored with moisturizing masks. The components of such cosmetics are integrated into the hair structure and create a protective film that protects against moisture loss. You should choose a mask based on your hair type, degree and cause of damage. With the right approach, after just a few applications of the composition, the strands will become obedient, vibrant and silky.

Beautiful, healthy hair, like a precious decoration, complements a woman’s image and makes it even more beautiful. True, not all girls can boast of luxurious curls gifted by nature, but a competent approach and properly selected caring procedures work wonders - and just recently, inconspicuous-looking hair literally becomes thicker before our eyes and shimmers like Chinese silk! And the first assistant in the difficult task of caring for them is masks.

How to choose a good hair mask: expert opinion

Louis Faria, a graduate of the Parisian hairdressing school, stylist and manager at one of the Jean Louis David salons, knows everything about hair and believes that the main thing is to approach the choice of a mask individually. So, a good mask for colored and bleached hair should be nourishing and prevent color fading. For curly and dry hair, you need to choose keratin-based moisturizing masks, and for oily hair, Louis recommends masks with green clay.

However, it is important not only to buy the right mask, but also to use it skillfully. For example, if the hair is thin, leave the mixture for only a few minutes, otherwise the mask will weigh the hair down and it will be difficult to give volume. If your hair tends to be oily at the roots, this area should be avoided when applying a mask. And in any case, special attention should be paid to the ends, because this is usually the most dry part of the hair.

Advice from Louis Faria: To enhance the effectiveness of the mask, you need to wrap your head in a heated towel for the duration of its effect - then the active components of the mixture will more easily penetrate inside the hair and bring maximum benefit.

And our rating, compiled taking into account the opinions of professionals and reviews of ordinary users, will help you decide on the best hair mask that can solve a specific hair problem. We have selected the best of the most popular masks widely available on sale.