Ghee for face against wrinkles

Updated: March 28, 2019

You can independently solve the problem of aging facial skin with the help of various essential oils. Oils given by nature itself can affect the deepest areas of the skin. With their help, you can correct your appearance, remove age spots and freckles, heal minor scratches and pimples, and most importantly, fight expression lines and age wrinkles.

Natural facial oils for wrinkles: pros and cons

Preparing mixtures of natural oils for facial skin care requires additional time and effort. Wherein oils are difficult to wash off from the skin and have a short shelf life. But all these disadvantages cover such positive aspects as:

  1. accessibility and versatility;
  2. natural composition and hypoallergenic;
  3. solving problems at a deep level;
  4. duration of effect.

Rules of application

To achieve the maximum effect from using oils, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Purchase only in specialized stores or pharmacies.
  2. Store at room temperature no higher than 20 °C in a tightly closed container.
  3. Do not apply the same composition to your face for more than 21 days in a row. After the course of procedures, you need to give your skin a rest for 1 – 2 weeks.
  4. Mix no more than 7 different types of oils.

IMPORTANT! Any essential oils have a high concentration, so before applying them to the face they need to be diluted with base oils (for example, sunflower or linseed).

How to get rid of wrinkles at home?

Wrinkles become visible on the face due to loss of skin elasticity, withering due to lack of moisture in the pores and poor ecology. Delicate facial skin needs regular maintenance of its health and elasticity. Oils made from natural ingredients serve as an excellent means for performing massage manipulations on sensitive areas of the face.

At the same time, you can always do a set of exercises for the eyes, mouth and forehead at home to smooth out facial wrinkles and even out the tone of the face.

REFERENCE! In combination with properly selected oil components, facial massage will give an immediate effect after the first week of its implementation.

Can oil be used instead of face cream?

The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes delicate facial skin due to the plant extracts it contains. But you shouldn’t overuse oils without using cream at all, for several reasons:

  1. There is no water in natural oil, and the skin needs hydration to supply moisture to the epidermis. Creams contain the necessary amount of liquid, which prevents the skin from drying and flaking.
  2. The use of oils without creams can cause expansion and contamination of pores due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Creams used in conjunction with oils help maintain the natural barrier of the epidermis and prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin.

Factory cream for aging skin: pros and cons

The manufacturer of creams provides a variety of options to choose from, depending on the composition and age of use. Any factory creams have their positive aspects:

  1. a wide selection to suit every taste and budget;
  2. ease of use (there are always instructions available with all the necessary information);
  3. saving time (no need to prepare and mix ingredients, you can just buy and start using).

In addition to the significant advantages of using creams, there are also significant negative aspects:

  1. natural and effective creams are always expensive, and when buying inexpensive products, you are never sure of their effectiveness and safety;
  2. cause the skin to quickly become accustomed to the components, and therefore require regular changes of the creams used;
  3. have a superficial effect on wrinkles without solving underlying problems with skin aging;
  4. contain synthetic components that are addictive to the skin and disrupt its immunity.

The best products against wrinkles on the face: top 10


The amazing substance bisabolol contained in the composition is ideal for quickly resuscitating facial skin. Indispensable for whitening, getting rid of scars and scars, preventing the occurrence of rosacea. Successfully prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles and smoothes out newly formed ones.


It has clearly defined anti-aging properties. A balanced content of substances that are beneficial for the skin (vitamins A, E and folic acid) prevents the appearance of the first expression lines, tightens facial contours and evens out color over the entire surface of fragile skin.


The antioxidant components contained in the oil quickly and effectively cope with the first age-related changes in the skin. Safely combats the appearance of so-called “crow’s feet” and facial expressions. Regular use of olive oil enriches the skin with nutrients and refreshes its appearance.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip contains a lot of useful vitamins and antioxidant substances. Due to its rich composition, its oil effectively moisturizes and tones dull facial skin and has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. The complexion is evened out and takes on a more youthful appearance.

Wheat germ extract

Contains a storehouse of active ingredients that are beneficial for the skin: antioxidants, tocopherols and carotenoids. The oil has a stimulating and renewing effect on the skin, while the action occurs at a deep cellular level. Due to this, skin aging slows down, the metabolic process is stimulated and skin diseases are combated.


Ideal even for the delicate area around the eyes. In addition to the fact that it perfectly fights wrinkles, sesame oil can also be used to get rid of wrinkles, acne, and also prevent the first signs of skin aging.

Sea buckthorn

It has high anti-inflammatory properties, which are perfect for oily and combination skin. Perfectly fights age-related pigmentation and vascular manifestations on the face. Contains a significant amount of vitamin E, which smoothes out fine wrinkles and gives elasticity to tired skin.


It is considered one of the most effective means to combat anti-aging changes. Instantly moisturizes dehydrated skin and restores lost elasticity. Gently smooths out small wrinkles. Thanks to the lifting effect, it promotes rapid skin rejuvenation.


Carefully and reliably cares for vulnerable skin, reliably and quickly restores beauty and youth. The oil effectively moisturizes and prevents inflammation, dryness and flaking. The ideal combination of a vitamin complex and fatty acids smooths out wrinkles and increases the overall tone and elasticity of the skin.


The combination of vitamins A, E and fatty acids, which are beneficial for the face, perfectly copes with deep wrinkles and rejuvenates the appearance. Castor extract makes the skin elastic and youthful. Perfectly eliminates puffiness and circles under the eyes, evens out complexion and improves appearance.

Using essential oils for the face


It has a high wound healing, anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Lavender oil is an excellent antiseptic. Has high antifungal and bactericidal properties. Actively regenerates skin cells, providing a noticeable rejuvenating effect.


Chamomile oil is a widely sought after remedy for preventing the first signs of skin aging. Perfectly relieves inflammation and soothes, stimulates regeneration, and also restores natural processes associated with skin aging.


The acids contained in lemon oil whiten the skin and lighten freckles. A complex of vitamins (A, B, C, E, P), essential oils, as well as organic acids, fiber, iron and pectins perfectly help in the fight against the first signs of aging.


Effectively tightens the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity. For oily skin types, it normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and enriches its cells with oxygen. Dry skin gets rid of flaking, is nourished with a vitamin complex and is smoothed.


The unique beneficial composition of frankincense oil is used in the fight against inevitable age-related changes. Regular use of ether smoothes hard-to-reach deep nasolabial folds. Very well moisturizes and fights pigmentation.

Tea tree

It has a pronounced antiseptic effect and a rather pleasant aroma. Excellent for problematic and oily facial skin, providing anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, regenerating and rejuvenating effects.

Normalizes sebum production, tightens pores, relieves itching and soothes irritated skin. Takes control of the water balance of the epidermis layer, eliminates dryness and flaking. Copes perfectly with anti-aging changes and smoothes out shallow wrinkles.


The rich and complex composition of this oil improves blood microcirculation and promotes rapid cell regeneration. The aging process slows down and pigmentation is combated. The excellent properties provided by the ether are contraindicated for pregnant women and allergy sufferers.


Suitable for all types, but especially effective for mature, aging and tired skin. This is due to its high tonic and rejuvenating effect. Returns the skin its former elasticity and youth, and also prevents it from fading. The cytophylactic properties of the ether help the regeneration of the epidermis and the successful layering of new cells.


Contains such useful substances as caryophyllene, selenium, linaol. They provide myrrh essential oil with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties. After using myrrh, the skin becomes soft and velvety.


Contains beauty vitamins A, E, D and P, which are ideal for all skin types. Works great on pimples and helps get rid of acne. Smoothes out fine wrinkles, improves skin tone, stops aging and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, even deep ones.


Moisturizes and softens aging skin, deeply nourishes and enriches the epidermis with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Prevents the aging process of sensitive facial skin cells. It has a lifting effect and smoothes out newly formed wrinkles.

ATTENTION! Before applying any products to the face, you need to conduct a test to exclude allergic reactions of the body. Apply a few drops of oil to the back of your hand or elbow. If after 12 hours no reaction occurs, then the product is safe.

Combinations of fatty and essential oils

Composition for eliminating deep expression wrinkles

Mix 15 ml each of jojoba oil, wheat germ and avocado oil, add 4 drops of rosewood ether and 3 drops of incense. When applying to the face, avoid the area around the eyes.

Composition for eliminating fine wrinkles

Mix 30 ml of peach oil with 3 drops of ylang-ylang and 2 drops of lemon. Perfectly fights the effect of “crow's feet” in the corners of the eyes and eliminates wrinkles under the eyes and around the lips.

Wrinkle smoothing composition

15 ml of avocado oil is diluted with 5 drops of rosewood and neroli ether. Leave it on the face for no more than 20 minutes, after which the residue is carefully removed with a paper napkin.

Essential oils for wrinkles under the eyes

Systematic use of the following oils allows you to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones: sandalwood, nutmeg, incense, rose, patchouli, fennel, neroli, lavender, ylang-ylang.

Recipe for cream to care for delicate skin under the eyes

Mix 30 ml of cocoa, sea buckthorn oil and vitamin E, add 3 drops of patchouli, 4 drops of neroli and 2 drops of lavender to the mixture. Apply 3 hours before bedtime 3 times a week.

Mask with essential oils for wrinkles around the eyes

In 1 tbsp. rosehip oil add 11 drops of fennel and 4 drops of frankincense and primrose. The product is applied before bed at least 4 times a week.

Mask with essential oils for forehead wrinkles

Mix 1 tbsp. peanut and almond oil with 2 drops of cypress and orange. The composition is applied to the forehead by lightly tapping it in using the ring fingers. The procedure can be carried out both in the morning and in the evening.

REFERENCE! The prepared products are applied with light massage movements to problem areas of a face cleansed with natural tonic from cosmetics.

Essential oils contain a whole range of beneficial substances for sensitive facial skin. With their help you can easily correct your appearance and look younger. Nature itself gave women the opportunity to feel like a queen.

How to make your cheeks plump: exercises - folk recipes - video

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

Women are almost always dissatisfied with their appearance; sometimes their cheeks are too plump, sometimes they are sunken. Chubby cheeks, of course, look very attractive.

However, with age, the natural elasticity of the skin is lost, thereby causing hollow cheeks and sagging upper eyelids. There are several methods to answer the question: how to make your cheeks plump? Let's look at them in our article.

Professional techniques

It is possible to restore your cheeks to their former plumpness thanks to professional cosmetic and surgical methods.

Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Lipolifting – the essence of the method is the transplantation of the patient’s own fat tissue through microinjections into the cheeks. Typically, tissue is taken from the areas of the hips and buttocks, then such tissue is processed in a special way and only then injected into the cheek area.
  2. Implantation - an implant made of dense silicone is inserted through an incision under the lower eyelid, attached to the bone or soft tissue. Thanks to this method, you can correct the shape of your cheekbones and cheeks, giving them the desired volume.
  3. Skin reinforcement with threads - extremely thin gold threads fix the skin to the bone, creating a mesh on the cheek, around which new collagen fibers grow. As a result, skin elasticity appears, and sagging cheeks become a thing of the past.
  4. Contour plastic surgery involves the introduction of filler drugs into the deep layers of the skin. This procedure is an excellent replacement for surgical methods; the cheeks acquire the desired tone.

What all of the above procedures have in common is that they all lead to an increase in volume in the cheeks, creating a rejuvenation effect.

Exercises for chubby cheeks

The fitness industry knows how to get plump cheeks. For this purpose, a whole set of special exercises has been developed (for example, facial gymnastics for wrinkles), which effectively prevent sagging skin and hollow cheeks, and help tighten the cheeks.

All exercises, for all their excellent results, are quite simple to perform:

  1. You need to take a deep breath, then puff out your cheeks strongly, not forgetting that you need to keep your lips closed. Next, you should press your palms on the cheek area, strongly resisting these pressures from the inside. After 5 seconds, exhale and gradually relax. Repeat steps 10 times.
  2. Massage your cheeks from the inside with your tongue, while at the same time strongly straining them from the outside, resisting pressure. If you do everything correctly, your tongue and cheeks will get tired quite quickly. If you feel strong tension, you need to end the exercise.
  3. To perform this exercise, you need to take warm water into your mouth, and then actively squeeze it with your cheeks, trying to keep your lips tightly closed. After a minute, empty your mouth of liquid and rest a little. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. With your mouth slightly open and your lips stretched out as much as possible in the shape of the letter “O,” you should try to smile without ceasing to retract your lips. This action must be continued until you feel very tired.
  5. Insert your index fingers into the mouth so that the backs of your palms are facing each other. Your fingers should be between your cheek and lower teeth. Move deeper and deeper until your fingers feel a small pad. When this happens, bend your fingers slightly and hold them in this position for a few seconds, gritting your teeth. It is important to ensure that you do not stretch the corners of your mouth in any way. It is recommended to repeat all movements 5 times.
  6. Place your middle and index fingers on your lower teeth. Lower your jaw, trying to remain still. Try to return the jaw to its original position, creating tension in the muscles, but without closing the mouth, slightly lift the lower jaw.

The first results from performing the above exercises will be visible after a week: the muscles of the cheeks will become significantly stronger and slightly increase in volume.

How to make your cheeks plump: folk recipes

The most useful cosmetics are natural, that is, those that nature itself gives us. Therefore, folk cosmetology offers its secrets on how to make plump cheeks at home.

In the responsible task of caring for their appearance, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers successfully used homemade cosmetics recipes accumulated over centuries.

Sugar scrub
Combine 250 ml of melted shea butter with 200 g of sugar, stir thoroughly, leave the mixture in the refrigerator until hardened; Apply the product to the cleansed cheek area with massage movements, after 5 minutes wash with warm water. As a result of using this scrub, the elasticity and tone of the skin on the cheeks improves, which makes you look younger.

Apple mask
Cut 1 ripe apple into pieces, mash well using a masher until it reaches the consistency of sauce, apply to the skin of the cheeks with gentle circular movements, after a quarter of an hour, rinse the mask with water at room temperature. The effect of using this mask is to prevent tissue damage, the appearance of wrinkles, and dull complexion.

Honey mask
1 tsp mix honey with 1 tbsp. papaya pulp, evenly distribute the resulting mass over the skin in the cheek area, after 10 minutes immediately wash with warm water. With regular use of a honey mask, the skin will become more elastic, which will certainly affect the beauty of the cheeks.

Careful skin care using proven folk cosmetology recipes will certainly lead to positive results.

Now you know all the secrets on how to make your cheeks plump. You just have to devote a little time to systematically work on yourself every day and the result will not take long to arrive.

Question answer

Question: Can an allergic reaction occur after lipolifting?

Answer: An allergic reaction should not occur, since your own adipose tissue is injected during the procedure.

Question: What type of apple is best for making an apple mask?

Answer: For greater effectiveness of the apple mask, it is best to take the Red Delicious variety.

Question: How many times a week should you do cheek exercises?

Answer: To plump your cheeks, do gymnastics daily.

Ghee is a healthy product, widely used in medicine and cooking, pharmacology and manual therapy, as well as in cosmetology. The structure has a similar consistency - it is fat, which contains useful micro and macroelements, amino acids, antioxidants and mineral formations. The only component of the substance, the excessive consumption of which can be fraught with cholesterol. However, rational consumption of nutritional mass is accompanied only by a positive effect.


In alternative medicine, there are two types of preparation of ghee - European (Russian) and Ghee (Hindu). In fact, the first option is used mainly in cooking, and the alternative method is indispensable in medicine and cosmetology. Naturally, a similar consistency can be purchased at a specialized store. However, it is preferable to make the melted mass yourself.

In India, Ghee butter is made exclusively from the milk of sacred animals - cows. Ghee is used for religious rituals, used in the treatment of chronic diseases and in the preparation of national dishes. Therapeutic Ayurvedic massage, for which Hindu chiropractors are famous, is carried out using a similar substance. Local residents view the Ghee mixture as an animate object. The country even has an anthem invented for this consistency.

Structural composition of ghee

Increased interest among European peoples in ghee appeared after studying the structural composition of the substance. Most scientists were surprised by the high concentration of beneficial compounds in the product, which has long been consumed orally and applied to the skin by Indian residents. The consistency of Ghee contains the following substances:

Vitamin complex – “PP”, “A”, “B2”, “B3”, “B5”, “E”, “D”.
Beta-carotene – 0.4 milligrams.
Saturated fatty acids – 64.3 grams.
Ash – 100 milligrams.
Water – 0.7 milliliters
Micro and macroelements - manganese and calcium, copper and magnesium, zinc and sodium, iron and potassium, as well as phosphorus.
Cholesterol – 220 milligrams.
Polyunsaturated omega-3 acids – 2.9 grams.


Ghee is a 100% natural product that is optimal for consumption and cosmetic skin care. Adults and children, men and women can appreciate the beneficial properties of Ghee substance, because the list of contraindications for the use of such a consistency is extremely small.

Useful properties of ghee

Ghee, the use of which in cosmetology and pharmacology in India dates back centuries, has a number of useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the body:

Does not burn at high temperatures compared to most vegetable oils used for cooking over fire.
Reduces the harm of eating fried foods, because the product contains no carcinogens.
Accelerates metabolic processes.
Improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sharpens vision.
Rejuvenates the skin, stopping the aging process in the body.
Prevents the occurrence of mutations in the cell membrane, protecting against the negative effects of free radicals.
Increases brain activity and performance of the central nervous system.
Removes harmful waste and toxins, food waste and excess fluid from the body.
Strengthens the immune system, preventing infection with viral diseases.
Increases the level of stress resistance.
Improves the perception of information.
Positively affects the endocrine system.
Eliminates pain in joints.
Relieves migraines and insomnia.
It becomes an indispensable laxative in everyday life.
Cleanses the liver, ensuring full functioning of the organ.
Restores hormonal balance.
It is a potent aphrodisiac.
Enhances the effect of using basic medications and pharmacological agents.


Ghee becomes indispensable in the “fight” with rough skin on the elbows and heels. After 3-4 cosmetic procedures, in which the main component is Ghee, such areas of the body become soft and smooth.

Methods and steps for preparing Ghee at home

To save on visiting a cosmetology center, effective procedures using Ghee oil can and should be carried out at home. Traditionally, there are 4 ways to prepare ghee without leaving your own apartment:

On the stove - the consistency simmers on the burner in the pan (sediment may burn).
In a water bath - the substance is heated in a small container placed in a reservoir of water, which is placed over low heat.
In the oven - a pan with chopped pieces of butter is “sent” to a traditional oven, where the heat completely envelops the consistency.
In a slow cooker, the substance simmers in a bowl of similar equipment for 2 hours in the “Stew” mode.


Regardless of the choice of method for melting butter, it is important to follow the following sequence of actions in the process of preparing the medicinal consistency:

When heating the creamy mass, use a capacious container with a thick bottom, in which the resulting sediment will not burn.
Cut the product into large pieces and place them in a pre-prepared container.
Place the pan or other vessel used to heat the substance over low heat.
Wait until the hard pieces of butter begin to lose their original shape.
Reduce the heat to low, but leave the burner on.
Carefully monitor the ongoing process in order to promptly remove the film that forms on the surface of the liquefied substance.
Do not over mix the consistency.
When the product turns amber or yellowish-golden in color, pour the mixture into another container to avoid burning the sediment that forms at the bottom.
Place the container with the substance on low heat again.
After 15–20 minutes, remove the pan from the burner.
Place the Ghee in the refrigerator to cool down the heated consistency.
After a certain period of time required for the substance to cool, the product is ready for use.


The texture, shade and taste characteristics of ghee directly depend on the quality of the original product and the duration of the boiling process. However, the consistency should always have a yellowish color and a pleasant aroma. If you purchase a similar substance in a store, be sure to pay attention to the above structural features of the cosmetic product.

Recipes for homemade masks based on Ghee oil

The widespread use of Ghee oil in cosmetology is due to a number of beneficial properties that such a consistency has on the human body. Regular use of masks made from melted substance allows you to moisturize dry and rough areas of the skin, make wrinkles less noticeable, prevent the appearance of peeling and eliminate other defects (acne, pimples, scars, blackheads).


This mass improves blood circulation, nourishes the epidermis, restores the structure of follicles and bulbs, and accelerates hair growth. It cleanses curls of toxic compounds, prevents the occurrence of dandruff and protects the scalp from external factors (sun rays, frost). Ghee oil can be safely added to commercial conditioners and balms, used as a hygienic lipstick, or used as an anti-aging cream at night. Recipes for nourishing masks that can be easily prepared at home:

Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon melted mass; 20 grams of applesauce; 10 ml thick honey.

Procedure: mix the ingredients thoroughly; Apply the resulting consistency to problem areas of the skin; rinse with running water after 15–25 minutes.

Ingredients: 3 drops of lavender essential oil; the same amount of rose oil; 20 mg of melted mass; 150 ml water.

Procedure: add lavender extract to a previously prepared container of water; moisten your face generously with this liquid; Apply a thin layer of Ghee to wet skin; Rub in the aromatic ether of rose using massaging movements; After 30–40 minutes, rinse off the remaining nourishing mask.

Ingredients: 20 mg Ghee; 4 times more mashed potatoes; 0.5 teaspoon turmeric.

Procedure: Mix the above products in one container; Using massaging movements, rub the substance into areas of the body where there are skin defects; After 20-30 minutes, wipe the areas where ghee was applied with a damp cotton swab.

Ingredients: olive oil; melted substance; packaged milk; 2 drops of castor extract.

Procedure: Add the above ingredients in equal quantities to the tank; mix the components of the regenerating mask thoroughly; rub the resulting consistency into the hair roots; evenly distribute the substance with a comb along the entire length of the curls; wash off the mask 20 minutes after application using shampoo.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons licorice root; identical volume of calamus extract; 50 mg ghee.

Procedure: Heat the required ingredients in one container over low heat; Stir the mixture periodically, removing the resulting film from the surface; cool the substance and apply to the scalp; Rinse your hair thoroughly after 30 minutes.


After a cosmetic course using ghee, the hair acquires a natural shine, becomes velvety and soft, and the skin becomes smooth and radiant. A natural product that does not contain chemicals allows you to stop the aging process in the body, improve your health and enjoy youth.