How to treat a burn from hogweed

A burn from hogweed occurs when even small concentrations of plant sap come into contact with the skin. It was brought from the USA during the time of Stalin. Fast growth and large biomass should have been good food for animals. Due to its bitter taste, the plant is now considered only a weed.

Skin lesions occur under the influence of Sosnowski's hogweed. A harmless analogue that does not cause burns is Siberian hogweed.

The danger comes from the properties of the juice, which make the skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. This increases the likelihood of developing a 1st degree burn. Parts of the plant are dangerous - fruits, stems, leaves. A light touch is enough to get the poisonous juice onto the skin. Inflammation develops under the influence of sunlight. Even through clothing, the aggressive components of hogweed can cause the appearance of blisters, blisters, ulcers, scars, and spots.

Mechanisms of burn occurrence

The hogweed population increases every year in Russia. A large number of fruits and leaves in a small area increases the likelihood of human contact with them. Plants contain a large number of essential oils. The sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation increases under the influence of furanocoumarin. On hot days, touching hogweed is dangerous due to severe burn injuries. However, by providing timely assistance, serious complications can be prevented.

It is not necessary to damage the skin immediately after contact with hogweed. Changes appear after a few hours from exposure of a small concentration of furanocoumarin to the skin. The composition of the plant contains a number of other essential oils that provoke irritation of the epidermis.

For most people, the first symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately. A couple of days after contact, a blister appears on the skin, the origin of which remains unknown.

The occurrence of pathology goes through several stages, which makes it possible to establish the cause of the lesion:

  1. Redness
  2. Edema
  3. A bubble with light contents inside
  4. Skin peeling.

When compensatory mechanisms are insufficient, cell death begins with the absorption of decay products into the blood. The entry of toxins into internal organs leads to their destruction.

Symptoms of skin damage by hogweed

Intense burns appear on sunny days. A short contact with the plant is enough to cause deep damage to the skin.

Clinical symptoms appear within a day. Dermatitis is acute in children. The anatomical features of the structure of the epidermis provide high photosensitivity.

Photodermatitis is an inflammatory reaction of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Its development does not depend on the state of immunity. Pathology is equally likely to appear in a seasoned patient and a person with immunodeficiency (HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis, frequent colds).

Clinical symptoms of contact with hogweed:

  1. A burning sensation a few hours after interacting with the plant
  2. Redness of the skin (erythema)
  3. Bubbles, blisters for 1-2 days
  4. Hyper- or hypopigmentation of the affected areas of the skin
  5. Scar formation (rare).

When manifestations form, intoxication of the body develops, which determines additional symptoms leading to an increase in temperature and pain in the pit of the stomach.

The nature of the rash plays an important role in the differential diagnosis of a burn:

  1. Occur simultaneously in several areas
  2. The bubbles contain a clear liquid
  3. The rashes have a linear pattern
  4. Hyper- or hypopigmentation are constant companions of photodermatitis.

Treatment of the erythematous form after contact with hogweed is delayed, since morphologically the disease is similar to other photodermatoses, which does not allow timely diagnosis of the pathology.

Erythema lasts for several days and then becomes bullous with the formation of blisters. After 2-3 days they open on their own. Erosion can persist for 2 months. Then it transforms into a scar or complete healing of the skin defect.

There are several types of hogweed burns. If you contact the plant for no more than 60 seconds and then spend 2 minutes in the sun, a 1st degree thermal burn occurs. Only redness and blisters can be seen on the skin.

When contacting hogweed for a long period, dizziness, migraine, chills, and fever are added. The skin becomes covered with blisters. When infected, their transparent contents turn green.

Such changes are typical for a 2nd degree burn.

Treatment of a burn with hogweed: first aid

After contact with plant juice, you should immediately wash the integument with a napkin. Cover the burned area with a thick towel. To prevent photodermatitis, avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Apply a thick soap solution to the area of ​​redness or rashes. Wipe the skin with vodka and alcohol. After applying a damp cloth, moisten the skin with furatsilin. The procedure is repeated after 2-3 hours to relieve inflammation and dry the burn. Burnet root, black tea, and oak bark are used to make lotions.

For severe injuries, undergo treatment in a burn hospital.

Biochemical aspects of the impact of hogweed on humans

Swelling and skin irritation occur under the influence of substances belonging to the category of photoderms. Hogweed contains several of these compounds:

Furanocoumarins acquire an excited state under the influence of sunlight. After the transition to the normal form, energy is released, which leads to a burn to the skin. The mechanisms of pathology formation make it possible to classify it as a chemical burn. The clinical picture is similar to dermatitis, but treatment is carried out according to the anti-burn principle.

The energy released during the transition from one phase to another is sufficient to destroy tissue and form metabolites. Pathogenetically, when free areas of skin are formed, melanocytes are physiologically produced to eliminate defects - cells with a high content of melanin pigment. Hyperpigmentation is the final stage of the phototoxic reaction.

How to treat

A number of pharmaceutical preparations have been developed for the treatment of hogweed burns. Anti-inflammatory, wound-healing compresses are used at home. The tactics for treating pathology do not differ from the principles of eliminating chemical burns:

  1. Rinse photodermatitis under running cold water for at least 10 minutes
  2. Limiting contact with the source
  3. Daily compresses with chamomile for 10-14 days.

Non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used as medications. At the initial stage of the disease, there is no need to use steroids, since there is no classical inflammation.

It is rational to prescribe hydrocortisone and prednisolone in the presence of erosions and ulcerative defects. Advantan, Locoid-Crelo are typical representatives of the group, prescribed in short courses of 5 days. Long-term therapy is carried out for special indications and is associated with severe side effects.

Thus, treatment of burns from hogweed does not require special measures. Symptomatic medications are used with the expectation of self-healing of the defect in the absence of complications.

The use of any local ointments during the bullous stage is accompanied by early opening of the blisters, which slows down the natural regeneration of the skin. You shouldn't do this. Manipulation increases the risk of the defect healing with a scar.

Antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs (suprastin, tavegil, ketotifen) for hogweed burns are prescribed for severe itching, when it is necessary to reduce the severity of the body's reaction.

There is no need for emergency anti-inflammatory therapy. If a child has photodermatitis after contact with hogweed, symptomatic remedies are sufficient to eliminate the pathology. The duration of treatment is no more than two weeks. In most cases, burns go away on their own.

What to do if you are burned by hogweed

Treatment at home is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  1. Five tablets of activated carbon 30 minutes before meals
  2. Apply Fukortsin ointment to the skin
  3. Morning and evening, a drop of doxycycline and chloroquine
  4. Before bed, take a Kestin tablet
  5. Beloderm and Triderm cream after 3 days.

You can wash the burn with alcohol, but the procedure should not be used on children. It is advisable for them to lubricate the affected area with potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

Unhealthy tissue should be treated. The application of ointment, alcohol, and potassium permanganate is carried out from the periphery to the center.

If a large area of ​​skin is affected by blisters or blisters, consult a doctor for help. Only proper treatment of 2-4 degree burns can prevent further damage to the skin, internal organs, and death.

If necessary, the doctor will remove the contents of the blisters and prescribe anti-burn medications and painkillers. Prescribing antihistamines will prevent allergies. Self-treatment of hogweed burns in children is unacceptable. The child's skin is sensitive to sunlight. Even a light touch to the plant can cause severe damage.

What to do if hogweed grows in the garden

To destroy a plant population, the following methods are used:

  1. Trimming inflorescences
  2. Mowing
  3. Destruction by herbicides
  4. Burning
  5. Replacement with other plants
  6. Biological methods
  7. Phytocenosis.

Hogweed blooms once in a lifetime. If you cut off the inflorescences, soil contamination does not occur. The procedure is carried out until the flowers ripen. Otherwise, even when cut, the seeds will vegetate.

The method does not completely eliminate the reproduction of hogweed, since the ripened seeds are in the soil. They are preserved from previous flowerings.

Mowing is a common method. If you destroy the stem of a plant three times a year, the likelihood of reproduction decreases. Agricultural experience suggests that you should not mow the weed when the seeds are ripe, as this helps spread them over a distance. After mowing, burn. The generative shoot of a plant contains a supply of nutrients sufficient for seed maturation.

Mechanical methods of elimination do not guarantee complete destruction of the plant in comparison with biological analogues. The use of herbicides contributes to the emergence of mutated species that are resistant to chemical compounds.

Burning is an effective method of destroying hogweed on large plantations. The optimal time is when the seed ripens. The procedure requires careful execution. It is necessary to destroy all anatomical areas of the plant. To prevent spread, spray the grass with a highly flammable liquid.

Extermination by herbicides is possible in the absence of nearby cultivated plants. When using chemicals, the soil is polluted, so the method is used only in regions unsuitable for living.

It is difficult to destroy Sosnovsky's hogweed using agrotechnical measures, but it is possible to reduce the population. Scientific facts indicate that it is possible to destroy seeds with a single deep plowing and several successive surface treatments. Potential contamination of the soil with seeds makes it difficult to completely get rid of the crop.

When cultivating, the cultivation depth should not exceed 8-10 cm.

Biological control involves the use of hogweed moths to destroy the plant. The method has not been tested on a large scale, so its effectiveness has not been verified.

Phytocenotic oppression involves the use of perennial and annual crops to suppress the density of grass stand and reduce the number of seeds in the soil.

Ointments that destroy changes from hogweed

After contact with the plant, severe pain occurs, a rash forms, and blisters appear. The optimal ointment is mephenate. The product has an anti-inflammatory, regenerative effect. Other drug analogues:

The pharmacological effect of ointments is aimed not only at eliminating inflammation. They have an antibacterial effect. For use in children over 2 years of age, olazol is recommended for adults. The good therapeutic effect of the medicine helps with trophic ulcers, dermatoses, and eczema.

Actovegin ointment has become widespread in medicine. It has a high healing ability. The active ingredient, calf blood extract, helps with damage to the mucous membranes, skin, and muscles. Provides rapid regeneration of the epithelium upon contact with hogweed.

For surface defects at home, it is rational to prescribe herbal ointments: panthenol, sudocrem, algofin. The drugs are characterized by wound-healing, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects.

Miramistin, streptonitol are recommended for complications of suppuration. The pharmacodynamics of the use of drugs does not lead to diseases of the internal organs.

For small defects without discharge, it is rational to use titriol and levosin. Hogweed rarely causes deep necrosis. Superficial hyperemia, rashes, blisters (bubbles) are eliminated with silver-containing drugs (dermazin, argosulfan), which can destroy bacteria. Deep lesions of the epidermis rarely develop. Only in people with a weakened immune system (syphilis, tuberculosis, HIV). There are cases of severe burns on the surface after local contact with hogweed. The condition is caused by increased reactivity of the body, hypersensitivity of the epidermis in children to ultraviolet radiation.

Keracol is used to restore the epithelium. The drug is available in powder form. It is made from animal corneas, so it has no side effects.

High-quality anti-burn drugs - sodium usninate, usnic acid - natural antiseptics containing parts of lichens. Convenient to use for making lotions on a burn surface after contact with hogweed.

Himopsin is available in powder form. The active ingredient is a substance based on the pancreas of livestock. Indicated for ulcers, purulent wounds, bedsores. Administered by inhalation.

Metronidazole has 3 forms: gel, cream. The convenience of treatment lies in the absence of binding of the active ingredient of the drug to plasma proteins. The medicine is excreted in the urine without being absorbed by internal organs, which helps prevent acne, trophic ulcers, and bedsores.

The action of hogweed causes superficial irritation, which is easily eliminated by thymogen. The medicine alleviates the inflammatory process and is convenient for eliminating burn disorders.

Arnica and calendula ointments are recommended for cracks, bruises, and dislocations. Allows you to destroy ulcers. When combined with compresses based on white mulberry, the therapeutic effect of the product increases.

At home, cabbage leaves are applied to the affected surface. Fresh potatoes and pumpkin pulp are good regenerating substances.

Popular ointments for burns from hogweed:

  1. Bepanten - to restore the epithelium
  2. Sage (tincture) is a good antiseptic with a pronounced antimicrobial effect
  3. Karipain for the rejection of scabs after blisters, blisters
  4. Methyluracil ointment is prescribed for dermatitis and eczema. Increases the antimicrobial effect of the drug
  5. Acerbine is a wound healing agent
  6. Korneregel treats photoburn of the eye cornea
  7. Pantestin is a regenerative, antimicrobial drug.

Please pay attention to all of the above treatment conditions before choosing a treatment strategy.

Plants that cause skin burns

  1. Caucasian ash tree
  2. Delphinium
  3. Lumbago
  4. Buttercup
  5. Rue
  6. Henbane black
  7. Aconite is tall
  8. Wolf's bast (wolfweed).

The popular name for Caucasian ash is “burning bush”, “fire-grass”. The term received its name because of the special pattern of effects on the skin of the plant. Another feature of the herb is that it flashes with a blue flame on fire, but does not burn. The abilities are due to the high content of essential oils and alkaloids.

The large pinkish-lilac flowers of the Caucasian ash tree are attractive. When touched, a person experiences severe itching.

Wolf's bast is poisonous when eating berries. Touching wet bark provokes redness due to the toxins it contains. Skin irritation is the initial symptom. Other manifestations are similar to the effects of hogweed.

Delphinium (larkspur) provokes allergies, itching, and burning in humans. Children should not be allowed to pick beautiful flowers due to the rapid formation of a burn surface.

Buttercup provokes irritation, blisters, and itching. Poisonous juice is the main active ingredient.

Increased sensitivity to fragrant rue develops. The plant is rich in essential oils, so it has a pleasant smell. The first impression is deceiving upon contact, negative consequences arise.

Tall aconite and black henbane are saturated with alkaloids. Substances in large dosages cause paralysis of the muscular system. The skin surface reacts to touch with redness and blistering, similar to nettles.

Not only hogweed is dangerous to humans. There is a whole list of cultivated plants with which “communication” should be limited. If you like to work in the country, study the list of dangerous flowers, herbs, and shrubs. Health must be protected.

Hogweed is a common plant from the Umbelliferae family. In Rus', until about the 18th century, the leaves and stems of this plant were used to prepare a liquid stew with vegetables - this is how borscht appeared. Eating gradually faded away, although the plant contains many useful substances - amino acids, vitamins, microelements. In the last century, hogweed was cultivated as a fodder silage crop, but was later abandoned due to its poisonous properties and rapid spread.

Hogweed is a poisonous plant. But not all its types have equally harmful properties. Hogweed poisoning can occur when eating stems and leaves, or if it is used incorrectly as a medicinal plant. But most often this plant causes the development of sunburn on the skin.

What does hogweed look like?

What is hogweed, how to recognize this plant? About forty of its species grow on the territory of the former Soviet Union. And in total there are about seventy of them. Characteristic of them are umbrella inflorescences of small white flowers, tall growth and feathery, spreading leaves. The plant is unpretentious to environmental conditions it lives along river banks, in vacant lots, and along roadsides. The stem is thick, up to one and a half meters in height the area of ​​the plant can occupy about 1 square meter. Hogweed is famous for its high growth rate - in a day it can add 10–12 cm in height.

Siberian hogweed is widespread in the European part of Russia and Western Siberia. It is not poisonous, it is eaten and used for medicinal purposes.

Another harmless plant species is common hogweed. Grows in Eurasia and North Africa.

Among the poisonous species in Russia, Sosnovsky's hogweed grows. It is significantly taller than the first two species, the edges of the leaves seem to be jagged, the stem is covered with hairs with purple dots.

Some plant species are used as ornamental ones, growing them in park areas or in summer cottages. These include Mantegazzi (phytotoxic), Colchian hogweed (non-toxic), pink hogweed and others. Most non-poisonous ornamental species have yellow or pink flowers.

How dangerous is hogweed for humans?

How does hogweed affect humans? The juice of the plant contains a toxic substance - coumarin bergapten. When in contact with skin, it increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. This property of plants is called phototoxicity.

The danger is that hogweed juice itself does not irritate the skin. You can receive a significant dose of poison without consequences, but if you are exposed to sunlight within two days after that, a burn will develop. The degree of burn depends on the amount of juice that gets on the skin, the intensity and duration of exposure to sunlight.

Hogweed is most dangerous during the flowering period, which lasts almost the entire summer. Also, the likelihood of burns increases on clear sunny days.

Allergy to hogweed is a fairly common phenomenon. The plant produces many essential oils and has a sharp, characteristic odor that can be felt several meters away. A reaction can occur both upon contact and through inhalation of the allergen.

Children often get injured when playing with the stems of Sosnowski's hogweed, which reaches several centimeters in diameter and has a hollow structure - they use it to make spitting tubes or whistles, which leads to burns to the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips.


If you get a hogweed burn, the symptoms will depend on the degree of exposure of the skin to the poison:

  1. slight redness
  2. blisters
  3. deep ulcers.

In the affected areas of the skin, a person experiences itching and burning. Common symptoms include lethargy, chills, dizziness, and headache. Sometimes body temperature rises.

People with blond hair and white skin react more strongly to burns. Children often suffer from burns.

With a mild degree of damage, a pigment spot remains on the skin. If the juice causes severe inflammation, blisters and vesicles, then slowly healing ulcers will later form in their place. A burn of more than 80% of the body surface can be fatal.

In case of allergic reactions, runny nose, cough, bronchospasm attacks, skin swelling - at the site of the lesion or systemic (Quincke's edema) are possible.

First aid for hogweed burns

What to do in case of a hogweed burn to prevent the development of severe damage? Wash off the plant juice from the skin as quickly as possible. To do this, it is better to use soap solutions or baking soda - the essential oils of the plant are difficult to remove with ordinary water.

Then the affected area of ​​the skin is lubricated with any emollient cream.

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. the appearance of allergic reactions - swelling of the skin, nasopharynx, bronchospasm, etc.
  2. large area burns (more than 10% of the body)
  3. severe burns with merging blisters
  4. burns of the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose
  5. burns in young children
  6. severe general reaction: fever, vomiting.

For minor burns, treatment can be done at home.

Treatment of burns with hogweed

If you have already received a hogweed burn, treatment consists of lubricating the damaged areas of the skin and avoiding exposure to sunlight, even through clothing. It is recommended not to leave the house for two days after contact with the plant.

How to treat a burn from hogweed:

  1. "Syntomycin" ointment
  2. gel “Rescuer”
  3. aerosol "Panthenol"
  4. spray "Olazol"
  5. zinc ointment for hogweed burns
  6. "Tsindol" is a homeopathic medicine.

Or you can use any other pharmaceutical product to treat burns. It is impossible to open the formed blisters, otherwise you can get an infection. Wash the burns with a solution of furatsilin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment of hogweed burns at home using folk remedies

  1. strong tea lotions
  2. decoction of oak bark: one tablespoon of crushed bark in two glasses of water, boil for 10 minutes
  3. decoction of burnet root: one tablespoon per glass of water, boil for 20 minutes
  4. lavender oil - lubricate burns.

Lotions are made every 2–3 hours by moistening gauze or a piece of clean cotton cloth with the decoction and applying it to the affected area of ​​skin for 5–10 minutes.

How to avoid poisoning

The best way to prevent burns from hogweed is to avoid touching the plant. Unfortunately, in practice this advice is quite difficult to implement. Hogweed grows quickly, occupying places where it was not previously present. Contact with the plant does not cause any unpleasant sensations, so you may simply not notice hogweed in the grass.

  1. Children need to be shown the plant and explained that playing near it is dangerous.
  2. If it is necessary to weed, then use tools as much as possible, avoiding contact of the plant with the skin.
  3. Carry out work in cloudy weather.
  4. Wear clothing made of thick fabric with long sleeves and long legs.
  5. After carrying out work, wash with soap and wash your clothes.
  6. Get rid of hogweed in your garden before flowering begins.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that severe burns from hogweed are not very common. It mainly affects children and workers employed in agriculture or on private farms. If a poisonous plant grows in your area, show it to your children and explain its dangers. In case of hogweed poisoning, symptoms appear after a few hours if the affected skin is exposed to sunlight. Redness occurs, and later blisters may appear, turning into ulcers. In mild cases, the affected areas of the skin are washed with an antiseptic solution and lubricated with any anti-burn ointment. In severe situations (burns of more than 10% of the body, plant juice getting into the eyes or mucous membranes, development of an allergic reaction), consult a doctor.

Hogweed burns are one of the most common human injuries caused by poisonous plants. If first aid is not provided in time, the symptoms of phytochemical skin damage will only intensify. Let's consider what is special about this type of burn, what symptoms it has, and also how to carry out treatment at home for a person who has been in contact with this plant.

What is hogweed

Hogweed is a fairly large herbaceous plant that reaches a height of up to 2 meters, or even more. This plant has a hollow stem, huge green leaves, and umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Hogweed leaves can reach a diameter of up to 150 cm. The giant has characteristic small hairs and scales on its trunk. The same pubescence is also found on the central vein of the leaves the leaf blades themselves are smooth.

Hogweed begins to bloom in July and continues almost until the end of summer. As mentioned, white flowers (may have a pinkish or yellow tint) are collected in umbrella inflorescences, the diameter of which sometimes exceeds 50 cm. It is during flowering that hogweed is considered the most dangerous. At this time, a person can get the most severe burn. If this happens, medical attention must be provided immediately.

By August, the hogweed seeds ripen, which very quickly begin to spread nearby and germinate the next year. Because of this, the plant multiplies greatly and becomes a leader in its territory.

Hogweed is completely poisonous. This means that contact with any part of the plant can cause a burn. Juice containing many furanocoumarins is especially dangerous. These are substances that enhance the skin's reaction to ultraviolet radiation. After contact with the plant, it is enough to spend a few minutes in the sun, and the symptoms of a severe burn will begin to manifest themselves.

Symptoms of hogweed burns

Before you understand what to do in case of hogweed burns, you need to recognize the complex of symptoms of this lesion. Hogweed is most dangerous on sunny days, as well as for people with light and sensitive skin. The juice, in contact with the body, is quickly absorbed into the skin and has a photosensitizing effect, significantly enhancing the reaction to ultraviolet radiation.

In the first minutes, a person will not even notice that something has happened to him. And only 2-3 hours after contact with the plant, redness begins, ultimately ending in grade 3 dermatitis and severe itching. There are cases when symptoms of the disease appear only after a few days. Therefore, it is important to start treatment on time and provide first aid immediately after contact with hogweed. This will avoid the formation of huge blisters and other manifestations of burns.

Hogweed is especially dangerous for children, people with natural red hair, and those with allergies. These people have significantly higher sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. And allergy sufferers can get not only a burn, but also severe swelling of the respiratory tract.

It will take a very long time to treat burns from hogweed. As a rule, symptoms disappear completely only after 3-4 months, and sometimes treatment for burns takes about six months. Often, scars and scars remain after treatment.

How to treat a hogweed burn

As soon as the skin has come into contact with any part of this plant, it should be washed with copious amounts of cold water (at least 15-30 minutes) and wrapped in cloth to isolate it from sunlight. Immediately after this, the main treatment begins, which may include both medication and folk components.

Traditional methods of treatment

If the skin is slightly affected by hogweed, you can limit yourself to home treatment using folk remedies. The algorithm for providing assistance is as follows:

• treat the wound with foamed soap and leave it for 15 minutes
• wash off the soap with clean water
• apply a furatsilin compress to the wound (to prepare, dissolve 5 tablets of the substance in a liter of boiled water)
• instead of furatsilin, you can also use dry soda
• every three hours it is recommended to treat the skin with lotions made from oak bark, black tea or burnet
• In order for the skin to begin to recover faster, it is recommended to treat the affected area with lavender essential oil.

Treatment is carried out until the symptoms of inflammation stop. If traditional methods do not give the desired effect, it is recommended to immediately consult your doctor.

During treatment, it is strictly forbidden to perform the following manipulations:

• apply any fat (vegetable or animal) to the wound surface
• puncture blisters or scratch the affected area
• sprinkle ash, clay or earth on the wound.

Drug treatment of hogweed burns

If more than 10% of the body is affected by hogweed burns, you should immediately seek treatment at the hospital. Also, drug treatment is indicated when folk treatment is ineffective or when burns are severe. Doctors prescribe activated charcoal to patients, which they need to take 5 tablets every day before meals. In addition, taking Doxycycline, Xedocin, Vibramycin or other antibiotics is indicated. If the patient has severe itching, an allergic reaction, or swelling, antihistamines may be prescribed.

To speed up wound healing, anti-burn ointments are prescribed. These are Bepanten, Levomikol, Furacilin and Zinc ointment. They need to be applied to the affected surface several times a day until the skin is completely restored.

If hogweed causes a burn to the face, eyes, or various mucous membranes of the body, this problem can only be treated in a hospital. There, the blisters will be carefully opened and the pathological fluid will be removed, after which a course of antibacterial and symptomatic treatment will be carried out under strict medical supervision.

How to protect yourself from hogweed in nature

To prevent the plant from causing harm in the future, it must be completely disposed of. The fight against poisonous giants should begin in the morning or evening on a cloudy day. In this case, you should wear thick clothes and completely protect your body (thick pants, canvas jacket, gloves, rubber boots). Plants on the site must be removed by the roots. It is advisable to perform the procedure before the flowering period. You should not miss a single plant, even the smallest one. To reduce the likelihood of burning, it is better to water the weed before removing it.

It is better to take preventive measures than to then treat burns from hogweed. In nature, you should wear closed clothes. It is worth stopping for a picnic in a proven place where there are no such poisonous plants. And in the forest it is not recommended to make your way through the thickets. It's better to walk along familiar paths.