Relief ointment how to use

Relief ointment is a remedy for hemorrhoids. The instructions say that the ointment relieves pain and stops bleeding. The pharmacy offers Relief Advance, Relief Ulta and a drug with a similar effect - Deep Relief.

Ointment Relief is sold in tubes of 28 g. Each tube is equipped with an applicator (for convenient insertion into the anus). The effectiveness of treatment with Relief is quite high, provided that the drug you purchased is not a fake.

Types of ointments Relief: Advance and Ultra


The German-Swiss pharmaceutical company Bayer produces three types of Relief ointments and suppositories with the so-called angioprotective (against hemorrhoids) action. This:

  1. Relief - ointment and suppositories.
  2. Relief Advance - ointment and suppositories.
  3. Relief Ultra – ointment is not available, only suppositories.

The listed drugs have common indications for use - hemorrhoids, anal itching, fissures. But at the same time they differ in the set of active and additional components.

All types of Relief contain shark liver oil, as well as various vasoconstrictors, anabolic steroids, and agents for treating inflammation and stopping bleeding. Due to differences in composition, ointments are used to treat hemorrhoids at different stages.

  1. Simple Relief is prescribed at the beginning of detection of hemorrhoidswhen blood appears during bowel movements. Moreover, if there are only external nodes, ointment is used. If hemorrhoidal cones are located inside, suppositories are placed. If both are available, use ointment and suppositories at the same time.
  2. If, in addition to blood discharge, pain appears, Relief Advance with an anabolic steroid is prescribed.. Similarly, only suppositories for internal nodes, or ointment for external lumps. Or complex treatment - for several hemorrhoidal formations in the rectum and anus.
  3. Relief Ultra – the most powerful drug, available exclusively in the form of suppositories, used for intraintestinal treatment of hemorrhoids in the presence of an inflammatory process (which is accompanied by pain, swelling, bleeding).

The choice of drug for treatment is carried out according to the symptoms of the disease, its clinical form and stage of development.

Warming ointments: Deep Relief and Fast Relief

The pharmaceutical industry offers two more drugs under the trade name Relief. These are Deep Relief and Fast Relief. They are fundamentally different from antihemorrhoidal ointments and are intended to warm deep tissues. However, sometimes their action is effective in eliminating blood stagnation in hemorrhoids.


Deep Relief – ointment (gel) produced by a British pharmaceutical company. It is not intended to treat hemorrhoids. Designed for pain relief and treatment of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis and osteoarthrosis, as well as radiculitis, pinching, sprains).

The gel contains two active ingredients: ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory) and levomenthol (weak anesthetic). Therefore, Deep Relief provides anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, and analgesic effects.


Fast Relief - ointment from an Indian manufacturer, which according to the instructions is a remedy for joint and muscle pain. It contains turpentine (turpentine), eucalyptus and clove oils, camphor, menthol, which stimulate blood circulation and provide a warming effect. As a result, the condition of tissues during inflammation, swelling, pinching improves, spasm and neurological pain decrease.

These compositions can be used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids in the initial stage (when there is no bleeding). Applying warming ointments to hemorrhoids promotes their resorption.

Important: warming ointments should not be used during the bleeding stage. They will increase blood flow and slow down the formation of a blood clot in the wound.

Relief - ointment at the beginning of hemorrhoids

The antihemorrhoidal effect of Relief ointment is ensured by its composition. What the ointment contains:

  1. Phenylephrine hydrochloride has a vasoconstrictor, and therefore anti-edematous, effect. 1 g of ointment contains only 2.5 mg or 0.25%.

Despite its low content, phenylephrine is named by the manufacturer as the main active ingredient. In addition to it, the ointment contains several other components, which are called auxiliary:

  1. Shark fish liver oil – 30 mg per 1 g ointment. Him - anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, regenerating effect. Reduces pain, accelerates healing of cracks in the anus and rectum. Stimulates the action of local immunity.
  2. The fat base is petroleum jelly, wax and mineral oil (140 mg or 14% oil, 720 mg or 72% petroleum jelly, 12% natural beeswax). And also in small quantities - corn oil (0.2%), lanolin (2.3%), glycerol (2.5%), paraffin (0.5%), thyme oil (0.1%), vitamin E (0.05%).
  3. Preservatives – propyl parahydroxybenzoate (0.1%), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (0.2%).

Relief ointment and suppositories help reduce hemorrhoidal protrusions in the initial stage, before bleeding.

Relief Advance - ointment with analgesic effect

The main difference between Relief Advance and just Relief is the content of an anabolic steroid (benzocaine). According to the instructions, it is called the main active ingredient. Therefore, the main purpose of Relief Advance is to relieve pain from hemorrhoidal cones and protrusions. The analgesic effect of Relief Advance is so pronounced that it used during proctological examinations and during the recovery period after proctological operations.

Let's list the components of the ointment:

  1. Benzocaine – makes the neuron membrane impermeable, thereby stopping the transmission of nerve impulses and creating an analgesic effect. It is in the ointment - the maximum amount among other components, except for petroleum jelly (in 1 g - 200 mg or 20% shark oil). An overdose of benzocaine may cause drowsiness.
  2. Shark liver oil – it contains only 30 mg or 3%.
  3. Mineral oil - 120 mg or 12% oil.
  4. Petrolatum - 610 mg or 61%.
  5. Also, traditional preservatives for many modern drugs - propylene glycol (20 mg or 2%), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (0,24%), sorbitan monostearate (1%), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (0,06%).

Relief Ultra - suppositories for the treatment of inflammation and pain


Relief Ultra is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. They contain the same set of auxiliary components and preservatives (shark liver oil, mineral oil, methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate), the main formative component (cocoa butter, 95%) and the main active ingredient is hydrocortisone (as acetate). Each suppository contains 10 mg (this is 0.5%), hydrocortisone and zinc (in the form of sulfate monohydrate - 11 mg or 0.55% in each suppository).

Relief Ultra relieves inflammation. In addition to the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is used in the early postoperative period (after proctological operations during the first 4-5 days - to prevent the inflammatory process).

This drug has additional contraindications. Candles should not be used for any infection (bacterial, fungal, viral), including tuberculosis. And also during pregnancy, lactation and neoplasms. In case of overdose, suppositories greatly reduce immunity, form calcium deficiency and osteoporosis.

Note: since Relief Ultra is produced in the form of suppositories, its administration in the first days after surgery can be painful. Therefore, Ultra suppositories are combined with Advance ointment (first, the ointment is used to numb the pain, then the suppository is administered).

Relief ointment: instructions for use

The instructions for the ointment regulate its use in the treatment of any manifestations of internal and external hemorrhoids. Namely:

  1. For hemorrhoids (bumps, protrusions).
  2. For fissures in the anus.
  3. For itching and swelling of the skin of the anus.

Symptoms of itching, burning, and other signs of inflammation can appear not only with hemorrhoids. They may accompany other diseases of the rectum or perineum. Therefore, the use of Relief ointment is in demand after proctological operations, as well as for pain relief during rectal diagnostics.

Relief ointment or suppositories

The drug Relief is available in two forms - ointments and rectal suppositories. The choice of one form or another depends on the location of the hemorrhoidal cones and inflammation.

Ointment is a drug for the treatment of external nodes. Suppositories - medicine for internal hemorrhoids. But the best treatment is not to choose between suppositories and ointments, and combine their actions with each other. Hemorrhoids know no boundaries between the walls of the rectum and the outer mucous membrane of the anus. External nodes are often accompanied by lumps in the rectum. Note: the analgesic effect of 1 suppository is equivalent to the effect of 1 g of ointment. And a vasoconstrictor - to 2 g of ointment (based on the content of benzocaine and shark liver oil). The combination of ointment and suppositories enhances their therapeutic effect by 95%.

How to use Relief ointment for hemorrhoids

The main use of Relief ointment is for hemorrhoids. This is an external treatment for adults. It can only be used by children after 12 years of age. Let us list the features of treatment with the drug.

  1. The ointment should be applied only to clean skin. Therefore, before doing this, you need to thoroughly wash the anus and gently wipe it (until dry).
  2. In order for the therapeutic effect to manifest itself as quickly and better as possible, the ointment must be kept on hemorrhoidal cones constantly. Therefore, the composition is applied in the morning and evening, as well as in the middle of the day (after visiting the toilet and defecation).
  3. How to apply the ointment? Remove the cap and attach the applicator to the tube. Use it to inject the ointment into the anus. After each use, rinse the applicator.

Important: thrombolytic disease is a contraindication to Relief treatment. The drug constricts blood vessels and increases the likelihood of blood clots in thick blood.

How to use Relief ointment in cosmetology

Relief rectal ointment has found unexpected application in cosmetology. Indeed, if the composition of the ointment constricts blood vessels and regenerates new skin, then why shouldn’t it stimulate the restoration of facial skin cells and remove swelling? Despite the lack of direct recommendations to apply the ointment to the face (there is no such thing in the instructions), Relief is often used to prevent early wrinkles (mainly facial wrinkles), as well as bags under the eyes.

The use of Relief ointment for puffiness under the eyes is explained by its anti-constriction effect. As a result of vasoconstriction, the area of ​​swelling is reduced, and sagging “bags” are reduced.


Relief ointment under the eyes is applied at night. When first applied, the composition is mixed with baby cream. This way you can prevent an unexpected allergic reaction (redness or burning if there is, it will be small). If everything went without any unpleasant sensations, next time the composition is applied without mixing with the cream.

Relief ointment for the face is not suitable for oily acne skin. An ointment composition is the best nourishment for dry skin of the face or hands. For such skin, you can use Relief ointment (for wrinkles and early aging).

A slight burning sensation, a not very pleasant smell - these are, perhaps, all the shortcomings of the ointment for cosmetic purposes.

Note: in cosmetology, an analogue of Relief ointments is actively used - Heparin composition. However, it has another effect - it accelerates blood flow and thereby treats swelling and inflammation.

Pregnancy and lactation period

Relief has no obvious contraindications for the treatment of pregnant women (they have not been found over several years of using the ointment). However, the instructions recommend caution when using it during pregnancy.. The traditional formulation is used that treatment with this drug during pregnancy is permitted when the risk from the disease is greater than the risk of possible complications from treatment.

Relief ointment during breastfeeding is also used only when absolutely necessary (the composition penetrates in small quantities into breast milk, its effect on the development of the child has not been fully studied).

Note: an allergic reaction (redness, rash, dermatitis in the anal area) is possible, but rare.

Analogs of Relief ointment

One of the features of ointments with the trade name Relief (Ultra, Advance) is a fairly high price. This forces us to look for other drugs with similar effects and a more affordable price.

One of the main analogues of Relief is Heparin ointment.. Relief or Heparin ointment - which is better?

Heparin is a substance that accelerates blood flow and thereby treats various inflammations, swelling, and bruising. The use of heparin for hemorrhoids is possible at the beginning of the disease, when hemorrhoids have already formed, but are not yet bleeding. In later stages, when there are open wounds and areas of bleeding, the use of heparin will increase bleeding.

Note: one of the contraindications to the use of heparin ointment is that it cannot be applied to open wounds and cannot be used immediately after injury (impact, bruise).

Among other analogues - suppositories and ointment Proctosan (with the analgesic lidocaine).


I read on the forum that Relief is an ointment for hemorrhoids. I bought it and started applying it. I noticed the effect after a week - the lump in the anus became noticeably smaller.

Anyone who knows what hemorrhoids are will understand. I got it after giving birth. I never thought that this could affect me. I have always avoided discussing such problems. I bought regular Relief ointment. I applied it and covered it with a bandage (so that it wouldn’t rub off on the laundry). The ointment stinks, but it helps. True, slowly. But the disease does not go away forever. Just a moment of constipation and a relapse occurs. Usually in winter. That's why I have Relief in my home medicine cabinet.

And Proctozol helped me better with hemorrhoids. And Relief is already at the stage of follow-up treatment.

But I didn’t see any serious rejuvenation. If your imagination is good, you can say, yes, the wrinkles have disappeared, the skin is like it was in youth. Not true.

Why, it helps for skin elasticity. Try it, my skin is dry - it has gotten better.

I don’t know how it works against wrinkles, but it helps against age-related skin aging. Use the ointment in courses. 1 month every six months. But the effect does not appear too quickly.

All information is provided for informational purposes. And it is not an instruction for self-treatment. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.

Antihemorrhoidal drug. Application: hemorrhoids, anal fissures and bleeding. Price from 307 rub.

Analogues: Proctosan, Gepatrombin, Betiol. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we’ll talk about Relief ointment. What is this product and how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?



The main effect of the drug is accelerated cell regeneration and the fight against the inflammatory response. It is a means of symptomatic therapy, so the course of any disease associated with the rectum is more mild.

The course of treatment with relief should be accompanied by the supervision of a proctologist in order to increase the effectiveness of the medication.

Active substance

The main active substance, thanks to which a rapid restorative effect is achieved, is phenylephrine hydrochloride.

This element is complemented by other components from the composition, which increases the number of beneficial effects and reduces side effects.

The active substance helps get rid of external and internal swelling in the anus. Stops bleeding, while nourishing the cells of the mucous membrane and accelerating their healing.

A few years ago, Relief was released with shark oil and shark liver oil. This composition has now been discontinued.

Release form, composition and packaging


The cream has a viscous consistency and yellow color. In this case, no additional inclusions should be noticed. If these conditions are violated, then it is worth checking the expiration date.

Available in aluminum tubes (28.4 g) and in the form of candles, additionally packaged in a cardboard box with a special applicator and instructions attached.

Relief ointment contains many natural elements:

  1. cocoa bean butter;
  2. corn starch;
  3. methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  4. propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Thanks to these substances, Relief has a hemostatic property and is safe for the body.

Pharmacological properties

The main medical effect is due to the narrowing of blood vessels and stopping the inflammatory reaction when applied locally to the damaged area. In this case, the medicine acts on epithelial cells, nourishes them, thereby accelerating regeneration and leading to rapid recovery from infection or illness.

Relief ointment helps against hemorrhoids largely due to these properties.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The action of the main components is linked, which is why the effectiveness of the cream is so great. This eliminates:

  1. swelling;
  2. itching;
  3. burning in the anus;
  4. exudation.

The course of treatment itself is painless and fairly quick, however, at the chronic stage, serious changes rarely occur, since in this case surgical intervention will still be required.

Medicine Relief suppositories and ointment are available drugs, and the strength of one does not exceed the strength of the other. The form of release depends on the form of the disease, the rectal method helps with problems inside, and the ointment can be used simultaneously on the outside and inside of the anus.

Absorption into the bloodstream is quite low, however, due to the abundance of mucous membranes in the area of ​​application, the active ingredients are found in large quantities in blood tests within 2-3 hours after application.

Indications for use


Main indications:

  1. The appearance of internal or external hemorrhoids.
  2. Anal fissures.
  3. Heavy bleeding in the anal area.
  4. Any inflammatory process of the rectum.

However, it is worth noting that you should not use several medications at the same time, as they can damage the surface and only worsen the course of the disease.

In some cases, doctors prescribe for:

  1. consequences of helminth infection;
  2. itching and burning in this place;
  3. venous inflammation.

The only cheap analogue of Relief is Anuzol, whose effectiveness is somewhat lower with a slight difference in price.

Some experts note the value of this substance in cosmetology; it helps fight wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes, however, the ointment should be diluted with water, as severe pain may occur if it gets into these areas.



It is prohibited to use when:

  1. Individual intolerance to any element from the composition of the drug.
  2. Hypersensitivity to the effects of shark liver oil.
  3. Diseases with concomitant formation of blood clots.
  4. High blood pressure (negative reactions intensify).
  5. Disorders of the urinary system.
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Directions for use and dosage

How to use Relief ointment? Simple enough. Before carrying out the procedure, you should complete the preparation stage:

  1. The application area should be thoroughly washed without using soap or other antiseptics to avoid damaging the hemorrhoids.
  2. The same area should be blotted with a paper towel or napkin.
  3. It is necessary to wash your hands to avoid additional infection of the wound (as bleeding occurs due to small cracks). Only after this can you gently rub in the cream.

If you need to introduce the substance internally, you can use the applicator that comes with the kit. To do this, just put it on and remove the protective cap. It is necessary to carefully and gradually press the contents inward so as not to increase the dosage.

Excess medicine should not be placed in the anus, as the side effects may become stronger.

Use of the medicine for pregnant and lactating women, in childhood


Although the elements included in the composition are not toxic, use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Children under 12 years of age are not advised to use the drug, especially since their problems in this area can only be associated with infection with worms.

Side effects

During clinical trials, no adverse skin reactions were identified, but several people experienced the following symptoms:

  1. high blood pressure;
  2. headache;
  3. dizziness;
  4. mild nausea;
  5. redness;
  6. short-term itching.

By following the instructions for using Relief ointment, the chance of the occurrence of the above-described points will be significantly reduced.

special instructions


To speed up the course of treatment and increase its effectiveness, the following precautions must be observed:

  1. Consult a proctologist about the correct use of the medication. This point should not be ignored, since the development of the disease occurs differently in each person.
  2. Avoid contact with eyes and use other than intended (for cosmetic purposes).


No cases of overdose were identified.

If a large amount is ingested, it is necessary to artificially induce vomiting using an aqueous solution of soda. If the fever and general weakness in the body persist, then you need to go to the hospital, as these are symptoms of severe poisoning.

Drug interactions

It is prohibited to use drugs that have the same scope of application due to the possibility of injury to the rectum, which leads to aggravation of the disease.

No negative effects from other medications were found in the studies.


For similar symptoms, the following may be prescribed:

  1. Proctosan—from 413 rub.
  2. Hepatrombin - from 168 rubles.
  3. Betiol - from 54 rub.

Comparison with Proctosedyl

It costs more, but contains more harmful chemical elements. Most often it is prescribed not for treatment, but for therapy after surgery, as it has antibacterial properties.

Safe for the body

Prohibited for use during pregnancy, lactation and children under 12 years of age

The use of several antihemorrhoidal drugs at the same time is prohibited

Video: Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids

For inflammation of hemorrhoidal tissues, damage to the anus, proctologists recommend the use of the drug Relief ointment - the instructions for use of the product contain information about contraindications (age under 12 years, increased blood clotting, etc.). The medicine is used at all stages of hemorrhoids, relieving unpleasant symptoms. Rectal ointment has a vasoconstrictor, local anti-inflammatory effect, affecting the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Ointment for hemorrhoids

Relief rectal ointment for hemorrhoids is a fast-acting remedy for the treatment of the disease, used in proctology. The use of the drug helps eliminate tissue swelling and inflammation of the skin of the anus, and the resorption of hemorrhoids. In addition, the ointment relieves itching, irritation, and anal fissures. The listed effects are provided by anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and wound-healing properties. They are ensured by the content of substances in the product:

  1. natural shark liver oil;
  2. Phenylephrine hydrochloride.


The drug contains natural components that actively penetrate the skin and mucous barrier with the help of excipients. These include petroleum jelly, vitamin E, thyme and corn oil, glycerin, and white wax. More information about the composition of 1 g of ointment can be found in the following table:

shark liver mineral oil

Thyme herb oil

Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol acetate)

white beeswax

Release form

Relief is available in the form of a yellow ointment or cream, which is placed in plastic tubes with a capacity of 28.4 g with a polypropylene lid. For convenient application of the rectal product inside the anus, the kit includes a special applicator with a protective cap. The ointment tube and applicator are packaged in a cardboard box with printed information about the drug.


Relief Advance ointment

Relief Advance rectal ointment has a uniform, yellowish-white consistency. In addition, the product has a specific odor. The drug is packaged in plastic tubes (28.4 g) with a propylene cap. The neck of the container is sealed with protective foil packaging. Together with the ointment tube, a special applicator for applying the ointment and instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active component of the drug, phenylephrine hydrochloride, belongs to the group of adrenopositive drugs, providing a local effect due to adrenaline. The main property is the narrowing of the vessels of hemorrhoidal veins, which ensures the absence of stagnation in them. This way the venous walls do not stretch, but retain their elasticity longer. In addition, this effect provides a reduction in exudation, swelling, and itching in the anal area.

Shark liver mineral oil has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect. It also locally removes congestion and reduces blood supply to hemorrhoidal veins. This action provides not only a therapeutic effect, but also the possibility of using the medicine as a prophylactic agent. Vitamin E and other oils contained in the preparation have a wound-healing effect, which makes Relief not only a cure for hemorrhoids, but also an assistant for cracks, microtraumas and microerosions in the anus.


Rectal ointment effectively treats hemorrhoids, ensuring complete recovery, but in addition, the product is recommended for use for other problems with the anus. So, the main indications of the drug include:

  1. unpleasant sensations of itching, irritation, burning and other manifestations of discomfort in the anal area;
  2. internal hemorrhoids (internal hemorrhoids);
  3. external hemorrhoids (external hemorrhoids);
  4. anal fissures and other violations of the integrity of the anus;
  5. bloody discharge from the final part of the rectum;
  6. inflammatory process of the surface of the anal passage.


The rectal product should be used after hygiene procedures. After removing the protective cap and attaching the device to the medication tube, squeeze out a small amount of ointment to lubricate the applicator. The product should be carefully applied to the damaged area of ​​the anus, both externally and internally. Relief is used up to 4 times a day - in the morning, in the evening and after each bowel movement. After each application, the applicator must be rinsed. The course of treatment lasts from 4 to 7 days, but only a proctologist can name the exact period.


special instructions

Relief for hemorrhoids is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding without consulting a doctor. If there is bleeding, no effect after completion of the course, or worsening of the condition, you should contact a proctologist. In addition, Relief rectal ointment is not recommended for use simultaneously with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.


Before using the ointment, you should read the list of contraindications to avoid health complications. It is prohibited to use a rectal product if you have:

  1. hypersensitivity to individual components;
  2. increased blood clotting;
  3. thromboembolic disease;
  4. granulocytopenia.

In addition, before using rectal ointment, you must consider and inform your doctor about the following factors. If your health allows, you can start treatment with Relief. So, using the product with caution is possible when:

  1. high blood pressure;
  2. hyperthyroidism;
  3. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  4. urinary disorders for any reason;
  5. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  6. diabetes mellitus;
  7. taking antidepressants;
  8. taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  9. taking antihypertensive drugs;
  10. children under 12 years of age.

Side effects

If the rectal product is used in full compliance with the instructions for use without exceeding the dosage and taking into account contraindications, side effects are extremely rare. Such undesirable effects include an allergic reaction, including anal itching, local irritation and rash. In addition, blood clotting may increase. If any of the side effects occur, you should consult a doctor for advice.


Manifestations of overdose depend on the type of rectal medication. Thus, the usual Relief product does not have toxic or systemic effects when the ointment is applied rectally. If the instructions for the drug Relief Ultra are not followed, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. menstrual irregularities;
  2. increased blood pressure;
  3. slower wound healing;
  4. increased blood sugar levels;
  5. muscle weakness;
  6. insomnia;
  7. endocrine disorders - growth retardation, intracranial hypertension, hyperglycemia, glycosuria.

In the rectal drug Relief Ultra, an overdose occurs due to the content of the active substance - benzocaine. Manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. excited state;
  2. causeless anxiety;
  3. increased drowsiness;
  4. convulsions;
  5. blue discoloration of mucous and skin tissues;
  6. respiratory dysfunction.


Terms of sale and storage

The rectal drug can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. You need to store it:

  1. in a dry place;
  2. at temperatures below 25 °C;
  3. so that younger children cannot reach it.


If Relief rectal ointment is not suitable for any reason, you can consult a doctor to help you choose an analogue. Such drugs may have the same active substances or have similar treatment effects. Find out more about Relief analogues:

  1. Proctosan. An effective remedy for the treatment of advanced hemorrhoids and their exacerbations. Proctosan's release forms are ointment and suppositories for rectal use. The action of the medicine is similar to Relief, but it consists of synthesized chemicals. Before purchasing the drug, read patient reviews and contact your treating proctologist.
  2. Natalsid. The drug is available in the form of suppositories for rectal use. The composition contains sodium alginate, the active substance, and solid fats are selected as excipients. The product has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect.
  3. Gepatrombin G. Combined drug, available in the form of ointments and suppositories. The product prevents the formation of clots in hemorrhoidal veins. The product relieves pain and has an anti-edematous effect. The active substance of the drug is the anticoagulant heparin.
  4. Hemorrhoids. A complex drug with anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, anti-edema, and wound-healing effects. Although the price of the medicine is high, it can completely cure hemorrhoids in a short time.

You can buy Relief rectal ointment at any pharmacy in your city or order it in an online store. By choosing the latter method, you can not only choose the appropriate cost of the drug, but also read reviews from patients and doctors about this remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids. You can find out how much rectal ointments from the Relief line cost from the following table.