Vitamin complexes against aging

All information is provided for informational purposes only. Not a mandatory medical recommendation. Don't self-medicate! Consult your doctor!

The content of the article:

  1. Is it possible to defeat aging?
  2. What factors contribute to the acceleration of the aging process?
  3. Which ones are most effective?

Vitamins are an excellent means of protecting the body from the effects of harmful substances such as free radicals, which in turn are now considered the main culprits in the aging process. It should be noted that the positive properties of these microelements are not limited to this ability. Now you will find out which anti-aging vitamins are the most effective.

Is it possible to defeat aging with vitamins?

Microelements, and this group of substances includes minerals and vitamins, are of utmost importance for human health, especially during aging. Once in the body, they become coenzymes. Simply put, trace elements in combination with various enzymes are catalysts for all biochemical processes.

Some trace elements, such as vitamins E and C, carotenoids, and selenium, are strong antioxidants. In addition, they are also necessary for strengthening bone tissue. Other substances in this group, say vitamin B, act as hormones.

As we age, free radicals become more active and it becomes more difficult for the body to resist them. This in turn leads to the appearance of the first signs of aging, and also leads to the development of various diseases. The body's need for antioxidants and other nutrients increases, and if they are deficient, human health deteriorates.

What factors contribute to the acceleration of the aging process?

Which anti-aging vitamins are most effective?

Today, there are only two ways to eliminate micronutrient deficiency - eating foods rich in them and special supplements. Note that micronutrient complexes can be considered high quality only if they contain natural sources of anti-aging vitamins. Let's find out which nutrients, including anti-aging vitamins, may be effective.

Alpha lipoic acid

This substance in its effect on the body resembles vitamins such as C and E. Alpha lipoic acid is able to neutralize all types of free radicals, due to its ability to penetrate not only into cells, but also into the intercellular space. The substance is also necessary for the production of ATP and the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Alpha lipoic acid significantly accelerates cellular metabolism. This leads to rapid cleansing of cellular structures from toxins and helps slow down the aging process. Let us remember that thanks to high metabolism, waste products are quickly removed from cells and nutrients are absorbed. Otherwise, the aging process is activated. The daily intake of alpha lipoic acid is from 20 to 50 milligrams.

Vitamin A and carotines

Vitamin A takes an active part in the processes of synthesis of new cellular structures of the epithelium of the skin and tissues of internal organs. Scientists have discovered. That this substance is capable of stimulating the processes of creating new cellular structures, which is of great importance for the health of the skin and organs of vision.

Vitamin A belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins and is found in animal foods. The best source of this substance is fish oil. By consuming enough fatty fish, you can avoid a deficiency of this nutrient. We recommend consuming one tablespoon of cod liver oil daily, as well as several servings of sea fish throughout the week.

If you want to use micronutrient complexes, then pay attention to those supplements that contain from 2.5 to 5 thousand units of the substance. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, the body can store it. A dosage of a substance of more than 50 thousand units is toxic. It should also be said that alpha and beta carotene, when ingested, are converted into vitamin A, but cannot accumulate. The main sources of carotene are parsley, spinach, sweet potatoes, watercress, bell peppers, etc.

Ascorbyl palmitate

This is a powerful antioxidant that can increase the body’s ability to resist various infectious diseases, reduce blood pressure, and also prevent thrombosis and the development of atherosclerosis. Scientists have discovered other beneficial properties of the substance, for example, a positive effect on the immune system, acceleration of collagen synthesis and protection of the liver from chemical toxins.


This micronutrient belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins and works in combination with B vitamins. Since the substance is found in many foods, most people get the required amount of biotin from food. The use of supplements containing this substance is recommended for people who have problems absorbing it from food. The trace element has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, sweat glands, skin, nails, bone marrow and hair.

Beta carotene

This substance is a natural source of vitamin A. As is the case with biotin. Most often, people get enough beta-carotene through food. However, in the presence of certain diseases, it is recommended to use appropriate supplements. The micronutrient copes well with free radicals, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin D

Surely many people know that vitamin D can be synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, this micronutrient is found in egg yolk, liver, and fish oil. However, only through food you will not be able to satisfy the body's need for this substance. To avoid its deficiency, we recommend sunbathing every day for 5–15 minutes.

Vitamin D has a positive effect on the rate of calcium absorption, which leads to strengthening of bone structures. This fact suggests that this substance can help maintain bone health. Scientists have studied anti-aging vitamins quite well, in particular this substance. For example, in a recent study conducted by American scientists, it was proven that the micronutrient can reduce the risk of developing heart muscle diseases in women by about a third.

Vitamin C

Among all the anti-aging vitamins, perhaps this substance is the most famous. Although many products contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, under the influence of high temperatures this substance is almost completely destroyed. Also, part of vitamin C is lost during long-term storage of food.

This micronutrient is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants and can protect a person from the development of cancer. One study found that ascorbic acid deficiency doubled the risk of stroke. We will not list all the benefits of vitamin C, as this will take a lot of time.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K, unlike the previous substance, is not so familiar to most people. The main sources of this trace element are acidophilus, yogurt, lean meat, kefir, carrots, egg yolks, potatoes, etc. Vitamin K is used by the body to produce certain proteins, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and regulates the blood clotting process.

Vitamin E

They write about this substance quite often now, and if you are looking for anti-aging vitamins, you are probably familiar with this microelement. The substance is part of vegetable oils, peanuts, spinach, cabbage, etc. It is a powerful antioxidant that significantly increases the body's ability to resist free radicals. We can talk about the positive effects of vitamin E for a long time, but we won’t do that. You must remember that this is one of the most important anti-aging remedies.

Vitamin B6

This micronutrient is found in many foods, such as liver, salmon, walnuts, etc. In the body, the substance regulates the production of hormones, participates in the metabolism of essential nutrients and has a positive effect on the central nervous system. We recommend the use of supplements containing vitamin B6 for adherents of a vegetarian diet, people over 55 years of age, women, and people with an addiction to alcohol.

Vitamin B5

First of all, it is necessary to note the participation of this trace element in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In addition, this vitamin is necessary to accelerate the production of energy from essential nutrients. The substance is found in many foods and is very resistant to high temperatures.

Of course, there are much more anti-aging vitamins, and today we have told you only about the most important ones. If you want to maintain your youth, then you need to start eating right and exercising regularly.

For anti-aging vitamin E, see below:

For women over 50 years of age, issues related to prolonging youth and an active, healthy life are relevant. Against the background of hormonal changes and changes in metabolic processes, it is very important to support the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. They will help delay old age and prevent the development of many diseases.

What vitamins does the female body need after 50 years?

Hormonal changes during menopause negatively affect the condition of all organs and systems. Immunity decreases, cholesterol metabolism in the body is disrupted, leading to pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

A deficiency of estrogen, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium, leads to thinning of bones and an increased risk of fractures. Joint pain and aching bones can become constant companions for women who have crossed the fifty-year mark. Fatigue and mood swings also greatly reduce the quality of life.

During menopause, women especially need vitamins A, C, E, and D and B vitamins (B12, B2, B3, B9, B6). Sufficient quantities of calcium, boron, and zinc, which are responsible for the skeletal system, should be supplied to food daily. Magnesium should be included in the diet: to help the nervous system and potassium, which supports the heart and kidneys.

Vitamin E

It is an antioxidant that rejuvenates the body and gives skin elasticity., has a beneficial effect on thin skin of the eyelids. Strengthens blood vessels, nourishes the brain, normalizes hormonal levels and blood pressure. Suppresses the growth of cancer cells.

Vitamin D

This vitamin is a good prevention of osteoporosis, to which women in menopause are susceptible. It is also necessary for maintaining calcium in the blood at a sufficient level, healthy functioning of the brain and normal metabolism. Helps suppress cancer cells and improve immunity.

Vitamin F

Participates in the metabolism of cholesterol, improves immunity and accumulates phosphorus and calcium in the bones. Vitamin F, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, prevents atherosclerosis and strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Maintains normal skin condition and helps in the fight against extra pounds.

Vitamin C

Not in vain This vitamin is commonly called the vitamin of youth and beauty.: it actively fights wrinkles, aging and sagging skin, hyperpigmentation, and also copes well with swelling. Removes free radicals from the body that lead to aging, maintains hormonal levels, improves immunity and mood.

B vitamins

They give women energy and vigor, help with depression, insomnia, and increased anxiety.. They speed up metabolism and, with the right lifestyle, allow you to lose weight. Supports cognitive functions.


Fat-soluble vitamin A (retinol) promotes rapid absorption of iron and is endowed with antitumor properties. It is good for the thyroid gland. Prevents aging and removes “bad” cholesterol. Combats dry skin and inflammation of mucous membranes.

Daily requirement of vitamins

Vitamins should be constantly present in the diet of women after 50 years, but exceeding the daily requirement should be avoided.

So, women need 15 mg of vitamin E per day. Wheat germ oil, almond, sunflower and corn oils are especially rich in vitamin E. Sunflower seeds, nuts, wheat bran, spinach are also a storehouse of this vitamin.

You should include up to 2.5 mcg of vitamin D per day in your diet. Cod liver, fish oil, fatty fish, and seafood enrich the body with this vitamin. The vitamin D content is also high in butter, yolks, and meat products.

1.5 – 2 mg of vitamin A is needed by the female body daily. Fatty fish, seafood, animal and bird livers, and leafy greens are rich in this vitamin.

The female body needs 90–150 mg of vitamin C. It is found in large quantities in berries, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Women also need vitamins:

Daily intake of vitamins and minerals for women:

Table of the best complexes according to customer reviews: names, prices

Women in Russia prefer the Undevit vitamins: due to the optimal quality-price ratio, the Complivit 45+ and AlfaVit 50+ preparations, noting their high efficiency, and the Vitrum Century preparation for its good composition.

Positive reviews are also left about more expensive vitamin complexes: Lady’s formula, Ladyvita, LiveLon, which prevent aging and heal the body.

Drug name Price
Lady’s formula Menopause Day-night (60 tablets) From 856 rub.
Lady’s formula Ageless skin (60 capsules) From 1152 rub.
Ladyvita 50+ (120 tablets) From 1472 rub.
LiveLon (60 tablets) From 6860 rub.
Vitrum century (30 tablets) From 502 rub.
AlfaVit 50+ (60 tablets) From 284 rub.
Undevit (50 tablets) From 58 rub.
Complivit 45+ (30 tablets) From 274 rub.

AlfaVit: description, instructions for use

"AlfaVit 50 +" is a dietary supplement in the form of capsules with carotenoids. It is used to prevent osteoporosis, pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, visual organs and other age-related disorders.

The dietary supplement contains three types of capsules. White capsules are aimed at enriching the body with calcium and its better absorption, pink tablets saturate the body with iron. Blue capsules are a complex of antioxidants, represented by vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins, selenium, zinc, iodine and other active substances.

You should take three different colored tablets a day. It is forbidden to drink several identical capsules at the same time.. Relative contraindications to the use of the complex are diseases of the thyroid gland, so consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

You cannot combine taking dietary supplements with other medications.

Drink in courses, with a break of about 2 weeks.


Vitamins after 50 years for women produced in the USA “Centrum Silver” are a high-quality complex with a balanced composition. It fights the symptoms of menopause, replenishes the lack of microelements, improves vision, and supports the proper functioning of the circulatory system.

High-quality American complex of vitamins and minerals Centrum silver is primarily intended for women over 50 years of age

All the active substances necessary for people over the age of fifty are contained in the dietary supplement: vitamins C, A, E, D, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Take one tablet in the morning, dissolving it in a glass of water. The course of treatment is a month. The drug is prohibited for renal failure.


The American Vitrum Centuri complex is an excellent general strengthening remedy for women over 50 years of age. He indispensable for vitamin deficiency, chronic diseases, after infections, operations, during the recovery period.

It is used to prevent various infections, oncology and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. "Vitrum Centrum" is indicated for residents of areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

The components of the drug - vitamins C, E, A, B vitamins, D3, iron, magnesium, zinc and other components - help fight menopause and age-related changes in the body.

Drink one capsule per day, course duration is up to 4 months.


In addition to the vitamins and microelements necessary for the female body, the food supplement “Complivit for women 45+” ​​also includes medicinal herbs that help normalize the nervous and hormonal systems. The multivitamin complex lowers cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and metabolic processes.

Helps cope with premature aging, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, strengthens hair and nails. Take the drug one tablet per day. The course of treatment ranges from 1 to 3 months. The drug is not recommended for women with liver disease.


The universal dietary supplement, which is suitable for both children and adults, contains 20 vitamins and minerals.

The active components of the drug are endowed with antioxidant properties, increase immunity, support the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

"Duovit" is good for the thyroid gland, eyes, teeth and bones, rich in iron. The vitamin complex prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thrombophlebitis and gout, renal pathology, urolithiasis, heart failure. Take one red and blue pill per day. The course of therapy is 1 – 3 months.


"Solgar" contains only natural ingredients and herbal extracts. The drug helps fight the symptoms of menopause, signs of wilting, hypertension, and regulates the emotional background. Taking the drug allows you to improve sleep and increase libido.

“Solgar” is good to take for inflammatory gynecological diseases together with other drugs. Drink one or two capsules after or during meals for a month.


The Finnish vitamin complex “Ladyvita 50+” is indispensable during menopause. The drug contains soy phytoestrogens, which are an alternative to hormonal therapy, as well as more than 20 components that provide the daily needs of women over fifty years of age for vitamins and microelements.

Vitamins “Ladyvita 50+” have a general strengthening and antitumor effect, useful for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It is recommended to take 3 capsules of the drug with food per day.

Multi-tabs women

Another Finnish drug, but without soy in the composition, and also without lactose, gluten and yeast. “Multi-tabs women 50+” replenishes calcium deficiency in the female body.

Selenium, vitamins C and E act as antioxidants. The active components of dietary supplements fight age-related changes in the body and increase vitality. It is recommended to take the drug one tablet per day with food.

Stress Formula plus E

A drug «Stress Formula plus E" copes well with depression and, in addition to vitamins B, C and E, contains important microelements (magnesium and zinc) to increase stress resistance and performance.

It improves immunity, heals the heart and blood vessels, helps with chronic fatigue and general ailments. The vitamin complex has a rejuvenating effect. Take half a tablet or a whole capsule once with food.

Inexpensive but effective vitamins with selenium

A person needs up to 0.07 mg of selenium daily, a trace element with strong antioxidant properties.. For women over 50 years of age, it is simply necessary, as it prevents the deterioration of cognitive abilities, reduces the risk of cancer, the development of angina, increases the body's resistance to infections, and improves local immunity of the gastrointestinal tract.

"AlfaVit 50+" contains 55 mcg of this useful microelement, "Centrum" - 25 mcg. “Vitrum Centuri” contains 20 mcg of selenium, “Complivit 45+” ​​– 25 mcg. Prices for the listed drugs do not exceed 500 - 600 rubles. In "Ladyvita 50+" and vitamins «Multi-tabs women" for 55 mcg and 30 mcg of selenium, respectively, but the drugs cost more than 1000 rubles.

Among the inexpensive but effective preparations with selenium are:

  1. “Selenium forte” (from “Evalar”), which contains the daily requirement of the microelement (70 mcg) and 15 mg of vitamin E (from 163 rubles for 60 tablets).
  2. "Complivit Selenium". In addition to 70 mcg of selenium, it contains vitamins C, A, B vitamins, copper, zinc (from 214 rubles for 60 tablets).
  3. "Selzinc plus" The drug contains 50 mcg of selenium, as well as zinc, beta-carotene, vitamins E and C (from 302 rubles for 30 tablets).
  4. "Selenium Vitamir." The drug replenishes the daily requirement for selenium (100 mcg of microelement) (30 pieces from 85 rubles).
  5. "Selenium active". The composition contains 50 mcg of selenium and 50 mg of vitamin C (60 pieces from 169 rubles).

Good anti-aging drugs

Vitamins after 50 years for women, which slow down the processes of decline of all organs and systems, must necessarily contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, youth coenzyme q10 and the plant compound resveratrol.

The five good anti-aging drugs include:

  1. "Flavoprimum GMI";
  2. "Famvital";
  3. "Supradin";
  4. "Alphabet of cosmetics";
  5. “Complements the radiance.”

French dietary supplement "Flavoprimum GMI" with dry red wine and green tea extract - an excellent antioxidant agent, which has a rejuvenating and tonic effect, accelerates metabolism, improves blood composition, and helps eliminate “bad” cholesterol. Contains resveratrol.

"Famvital" with green tea and grape seed extract - a balanced anti-aging complex for the beauty of hair, skin, nails and a beautiful figure. Accelerates the process of burning calories, fights cellulite.

The drug "Supradin" is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. “Supradin” contains omega-3 and coenzyme q10, which are considered the main assistants in the fight for beauty, youth and health.

“Alphabet Cosmetics” is a source of flavonoids and coenzyme q 10 to improve well-being and healthy appearance. Improves the functioning of the immune system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and malignant neoplasms.

“Complete Radiance” has an antioxidant effect, neutralizes the negative impact of the external environment on the body, and removes toxins. Due to resveratrol in the composition, it prevents the destruction of collagen.

Doctors' advice on choosing complexes

Before choosing the right vitamins, doctors recommend undergoing an examination. It will determine the deficiency of certain microelements in the body, and the attending physician, focusing on the patient’s age and general health, will prescribe the necessary medications and the exact dosage.

As a rule, if there is a deficiency of vitamins, multivitamin complexes are prescribed; if there is a deficiency of a certain vitamin or element, single-dose medications are prescribed. Vitamins in the form of syrups, capsules, chewing candies are chosen at the discretion of the patient.

Nutritional supplements for women over 50 years of age should include: vitamins A, E, C and D, B vitamins, iron, selenium, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids. Doctors do not advise taking several multivitamin complexes at the same time. If this cannot be avoided, then you should choose those drugs in which the active components in the composition are not repeated.

Vitamins after 50 years for women do not have to be expensive; often the inflated price of the drug is just a marketing ploy.

After taking several courses of vitamins, you should choose a new drug.

A properly selected complex of vitamins for women after 50 years will solve many health problems and improve the quality of life. And if a woman eats well, increases physical activity and gives up bad habits, she will be able to maintain good health and a blooming appearance for many years.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: vitamins after 50 years for women

What vitamins should a woman take after 50 years:

With increasing age, after approximately 35 years, a gradual change in the structure of the skin occurs. The latter becomes dry, loses its healthy coloring, velvety, elasticity and tone, wrinkles, age spots and enlarged pores appear, tissue ptosis occurs, and folds form. In other words, biological tissues gradually age, which is externally manifested primarily on the face, neck and hands. Why take nutritional supplements and vitamins against skin aging?

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Main types and mechanisms of facial aging

Age-related changes in tissue are a natural physiological process of aging. Some of the main factors and mechanisms involved in it are:

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  1. aggressive influence of ultraviolet rays, damaging deep skin structures and promoting the formation and accumulation of free radicals in tissues;
  2. free radicals, which are molecules of reactive oxygen species with a high degree of oxidizing ability. They are capable of entering into chain reactions with proteins, lipids, and various compounds with the formation of more and more free radical molecules. By entering into biochemical reactions with protein molecules of collagen and elastin fibers, which are the basis of the dermis and give it shape, firmness and elasticity, free radicals disrupt the structure of collagen and increase the rate of its aging. Antioxidants, represented by some vitamins, enzymes, peptides and amino acids, can reduce their effect;
  3. destruction of the hydrolipidic mantle, which protects the skin from excess moisture loss and the influence of ultraviolet rays, is involved in maintaining the biocenosis and constancy of the acidity of the skin surface, etc. The destruction of this protection is also greatly facilitated by free radicals when interacting with lipids and with the formation of the corresponding chain reactions.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the influence of the main factors, skin manifestations of aging are distinguished according to the following types:

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  1. “Tired face”, which is formed in the form of a complex of signs - moderate swelling or puffiness of the face, drooping corners of the mouth and outer corners of the eyes, increasing the depth of nasolabial folds, the appearance of small facial wrinkles; changes are more noticeable towards the end of the day, their severity decreases after rest. This type of aging is typical for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  2. Finely wrinkled - the skin of the face is dry, porous, with numerous perioral and periorbital wrinkles with an almost completely preserved oval of the face and an almost complete absence of bags under the eyes. This type is more common in people with a “sharp” face shape, thin skin and a slightly pronounced layer of subcutaneous fat.
  3. Large-wrinkled, characteristic of persons exposed to additional negative factors. It is characterized by pronounced changes in the contours of the face and its oval, formed as a result of tissue ptosis, the formation of a double chin and “jowls,” as well as pronounced “bags” under the eyes, eyebrow folds, deep wrinkles in the periorbital and frontal areas.
  4. Combined - which simultaneously includes various characteristics of the three types described above.

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Aging of the entire organism, including the skin, is programmed and does not depend on the individual. However, under the influence of many factors, early, premature aging occurs, which depends on the influence of the environment and, often, on the women themselves - on their lifestyle, character and diet, smoking, lack of physical activity, etc.

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Vitamins against aging facial skin

For women, at least for most of them, a very important task is to preserve and maintain the skin in good condition, especially the youth and beauty of the skin of the face, neck and hands. The main task of cosmetology and cosmetologists is to help women solve this problem.

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For these purposes, various procedures are used, external cosmetics containing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc., designed to compensate for the lack of biologically active components in the skin and protect it from the aggressive effects of the external environment, as well as from the main culprits of its aging - free radicals . However, almost all (even expensive) external agents have only a short-term superficial effect, without affecting its deep structures.

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At the same time, a deficiency in the body itself of these and other biologically active substances contributes to a more rapid disruption of the structure of collagen fibers, increased dryness of the skin and its sagging, accompanied by peeling of the epithelium. In addition, the structure of the nails is disrupted and their fragility increases, hair loss occurs, the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles and folds form early on the face, neck, hands, etc.

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Thus, no matter what and no matter how many necessary components are applied to the skin in the composition of external products, it will still need the most basic ingredients. It is possible to eliminate the presence of their deficiency in the body and thereby influence the condition of the skin by preferentially introducing them into the body.

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However, it is not always possible to do this only with the help of proper nutrition, especially in the spring, when most of the vitamins found in vegetables and fruits have already been destroyed. In this regard, it is recommended to take various vitamin complexes and dietary supplements (BAS), including or consisting of vitamin-mineral complexes, which helps to relatively adequately balance the diet, support the body and have a positive effect on appearance.

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Researchers at an institute at one of the children's hospitals in the United States have established the importance of the optimal content in the body of a number of certain biologically active compounds in reducing the risk not only in terms of skin aging, but also the aging of the entire body, as well as the occurrence of premature mortality.

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It has also been established that the population of many developed countries has a deficiency of one or more substances that are significant for the body. And, despite the fact that this deficiency is not expressed to such an extent as to lead to the corresponding disease (scurvy, rickets or spasmophilia, etc.), it has its consequences in the long term. For example, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium and vitamin D are essential components of enzymatic systems involved in repairing cell DNA, reducing the effects of free radicals and preventing cell damage due to oxidative stress, as well as ensuring the health of blood vessels and preventing early aging of the skin and the whole body.

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What vitamins slow down skin aging?

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All vitamins contribute to maintaining a healthy appearance and normal functioning of the skin, but the main ones are “A”, “E”, beta-carotene, which is an isomer of carotene, as well as coenzyme q10. All of them have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

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Vitamin “C,” which also belonged to this group, was found to have a very weak antioxidant property, but it takes part in the synthesis of some substances with antioxidant properties, including the synthesis of “vitamin E.” Vitamin “K” helps normalize blood microcirculation and preserve the natural coloring of the face, “D3” affects the absorption of calcium and stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen proteins.

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As a rule, it is recommended to take not individual vitamins, but vitamin complexes to maintain youthful skin, which include vitamins with a predominant antioxidant effect in combination with macro- and microelements. In women after 35 years (usually 40-45 years), many skin problems are explained by a decrease in the synthesis of estrogen in the body. Therefore, they are recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes with the addition of phytoestrogens, which partially replace their own sex hormones and help increase the sensitivity of the corresponding skin receptors and other organs to their own estrogens. Phytoestrogens are found in soy, hops, clover, beans, sesame, etc. They help slow down skin aging and normalize metabolic processes in it, prevent excessive dryness and the formation of wrinkles.

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Dietary supplements to slow down skin aging

In many countries, their use has become familiar and quite commonplace, since it is believed that their correct selection and proper use help eliminate the deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, etc.

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Long-term and correct course use of these drugs with supporting courses can solve not only many cosmetic problems, but also improve overall well-being and prolong a person’s active lifestyle. In particular, the cosmetic effect of biologically active additives is manifested in the restoration of normal skin function, its hydrolipidic membrane, reducing the severity of age-related manifestations, improving its condition in the presence of acne, acne or seborrhea.

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These products are not medications and cannot replace appropriate treatment. The purpose of their use is to replenish the basic components necessary for the body and missing in our diet. Some experts believe that they have a pronounced effect on the basic regulatory and metabolic processes in the body. Many people do not understand the difference between vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes produced synthetically (sometimes with the addition of various phytoextracts) and dietary supplements offered by the pharmaceutical industry.

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The latter are made from natural substances that contain active components in a biologically accessible state, which explains their fairly easy absorption with the rare development of adverse reactions. Dietary supplements should be taken only in quantities recommended by a specialist and in the correct ratio of the main ingredients.

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For example, it is not allowed to take alpha-lipoic acid if there is a deficiency of B vitamins, and the latter cannot be taken for a long time without simultaneous intake of magnesium, since with a relative deficiency of the latter, calcium ions are washed out from the bones. Such nuances are known only to experienced doctors. Therefore, it is not recommended to take these drugs on your own, especially if you have any diseases or are taking medications.

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The combined use of cosmetics (creams, gels, etc.) with biologically active additives makes it possible to achieve a manifold increase in the positive effects of the former on the skin. To maintain youthful and beautiful skin, when choosing dietary supplements, you need to pay attention to the presence in their composition of vitamins, microelements, phytoestrogens, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, which were briefly discussed above, pre- and probiotics.

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Particularly important dietary supplements for youthful skin are collagen (in capsules or powder) and hyaluronic acid in tablets or capsules. They are also produced in combination with other components - with individual vitamins, with a complex of vitamins and minerals or other dietary supplements. For example, hyaluronic acid can be combined with collagen, chondroitin sulfate, omega-3 acids, coenzyme Q10, tamarind, etc.

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To summarize, a common question to answer is what is the effectiveness of vitamins and nutritional supplements. The effectiveness of the former has been proven a long time ago, but only on condition that the presence of their deficiency has been established. With regard to food dietary supplements, it is necessary to understand that they are produced by extraction from various complexes of inorganic and organic origin. This process for manufacturing companies is quite complex, lengthy, and sometimes unprofitable.

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Many doctors express great doubt about the benefits, necessity, or at least advisability of taking these drugs (especially hyaluronic acid and collagen) orally, since there are no convincing and unbiased studies of the benefits and effectiveness of taking most dietary supplements. Their most important drawback is that even in the pharmacy chain there are quite a lot of counterfeits, since dietary supplements are not medicines and do not require testing. In addition, suggestible people, as a result of viewing advertisements, gradually begin to haphazardly and uncontrollably take these drugs in unlimited quantities, which leads to a harmful effect on the body and psychological dependence on them.