Face masks for dark circles under the eyes

“The eyes don’t lie, they will tell you everything,” says a well-known expression. And indeed, the eyes reflect a person’s character, temperament, emotions and mood, his mental state. Unfortunately, dark circles under the eyes are considered a common problem today and make the face look tired and haggard. Many women try to fight them with foundation, powder or concealer. However, such measures are aimed at combating symptoms, not eliminating causes. Homemade masks for dark circles and bags under the eyes can solve the problem and guarantee you a long-term effect.

Panda effect: why are there dark circles under the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is much thinner than on the face as a whole. It is sensitive to external influences and changes in the state of the body. Blood that does not receive enough oxygen stagnates in small blood vessels and, due to the small thickness of the skin, appears translucent in the form of dark circles. High facial activity in this area causes stretching of collagen fibers in the skin and the formation of swelling and bags. In addition, a genetic factor cannot be ruled out: the predisposition to dark circles in some people is determined by heredity.

The root of the problem

The reasons for the appearance of dark circles should be sought in our daily habits and specific lifestyle. Overwork when working at a computer, stress and chronic lack of sleep (less than 7–8 hours a day) are, unfortunately, constant companions for residents of the metropolis. Remember that due to stress and lack of sleep, the complexion becomes unhealthy pale and the capillaries become more noticeable against the background of such contrast. This is especially true for people of the winter color type with light, sensitive and redness-prone skin, for whom shadows under the eyes may appear as early as adolescence.

Normalize your daily routine, allocate enough time for sleep and rest, try to put your thoughts in order and relax. These primary measures will be the first step in combating the cause of the problem.

Cheap cosmetics, allergic reactions caused by their use, excessive tanning and visiting a solarium not only lead to the appearance of circles under the eyes, but also contribute to the early appearance of fine wrinkles and pigmentation. Alcohol abuse removes water from the body, thereby causing dehydration and, consequently, bruises under the eyes. Please note that if the skin under the eyes is not sufficiently hydrated, it will become more permeable and transparent, and the eyes will appear sunken. Try to limit your alcohol intake and drink enough water throughout the day.

What do circles under the eyes mean - video

Gentle care - a simple solution

Remember, to eliminate dark circles, you first need to improve blood circulation in this area, as well as pay increased attention to nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


Cosmetic products that affect lymph circulation and cell metabolism will help protect yourself from fine wrinkles. Such products perfectly tone and restore the structure of the skin around the eyes. Choose water-based gels with plant extracts and vitamins, including roll-on ones. They are less greasy than regular cream and are absorbed within minutes.

Women over 40 years old with mature skin, on which wrinkles are visible not only with animated facial expressions, require moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, antioxidant complexes and natural oils.


Mature skin cannot do without additional nourishment, compensating for the lack of natural lipids and stimulating the formation of collagen. Such products have a rejuvenating effect, which is also called lifting. Age-related cosmetics usually include:

  1. macadamia oil;
  2. Shea Butter;
  3. avocado oil;
  4. biostimulants;
  5. phytoestrogens.


In the fight against dark circles at home, cold compresses come first. Chilled herbal infusions are perfect for them: for example, infusions of chamomile, cornflower, sage, rosemary.


How to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes - video

Homemade masks

It's no secret that not all cosmetics can boast of a natural composition. Often, creams and masks contain many artificially synthesized chemical components: silicones, parabens, preservatives, fragrances. While creams with completely natural ingredients are expensive and not everyone can afford them. If you are not ready to spend money on expensive cosmetics, you can always resort to folk recipes. In our case, to recipes for homemade masks.

Cucumber mask

Perhaps the most popular is the cucumber mask. It’s easy to prepare: squeeze the juice out of the vegetable, blot cotton pads and place on your eyes. If possible, add whipped egg white, a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of vitamins A and E to the cucumber juice. If the consistency of the mask is not thick enough, add a little flour.


Parsley mask

A parsley mask can give clarity to your eyes. To do this, prepare an infusion of 2 tablespoons of parsley and wait until the mixture cools slightly. Soak cotton swabs in a warm infusion, place under the eyes and lie down - in this position the disc is better fixed on the skin. The application time of the compress is 20 minutes.

Benefits of cottage cheese

Fresh cottage cheese will help remove the hated bags and circles under the eyes. Rub it thoroughly and apply to the problem area. After 15–20 minutes, remove the slurry with a cotton pad soaked in cooled black or green tea.

Express mask for dark circles under the eyes - video

Potato mask

A proven home remedy for dark circles is potato. To prepare the mask you need:

  1. 1 medium potato, finely grated
  2. 1 teaspoon olive, flaxseed, coconut or other vegetable oil.

Instead of vegetable oil, you can use oatmeal, mixed 1 to 1 with grated potatoes and diluted with milk to the consistency of thick sour cream.

You can also try a boiled potato mask: all you need to do is prepare regular mashed potatoes with milk. The exposure time of this mask is 20 minutes.

Soda mask

Few people know, but baking soda is a universal weapon in the fight against signs of fatigue, which is why, perhaps, all skin care products contain it. To get rid of puffy eyelids, you will need:

  1. 1 teaspoon of soda,
  2. 1 cup of freshly brewed chamomile tea.

Soak cotton pads in the resulting mixture and apply patches to the swelling. Within 15 minutes you will notice a positive effect.


Starch mask

A mask made from starch has a lifting effect. To prepare it, take:

  1. 2 tablespoons starch,
  2. a little cream
  3. a couple of drops of vitamins A and E.

Before application, you can add chopped parsley to the mixture.

Bread and milk mask

A mask with a lifting effect is also made from bread and milk: the pulp of white bread is soaked in warm milk and applied under the eyes for at least 15 minutes.

Egg mask

Another simple recipe for a nourishing egg mask:

  1. 1 yolk,
  2. half a teaspoon of olive oil.

As soon as you feel slight tightness on the skin, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Elena Malysheva about bruises under the eyes - video


Since childhood, I have had dark circles under my eyes due to deep-set eyes) But over the years they became darker and darker. I tried a bunch of different creams, but never achieved a good result. If there was a result, it would not last for long. And then I accidentally read a very interesting homemade recipe. I decided to try it and was amazed! The RECIPE itself: Sage Herb, Chamomile Flowers (I buy at the pharmacy), Parsley (it has been growing in a pot at home all winter). The herb costs 20–30 rubles at the pharmacy. You can also use dried parsley. I take all this 1-2 teaspoons per glass of hot water. I insist for about 2 hours. I pour it into an ice tray and into the freezer! Morning and evening I wipe the skin around my eyes with a piece of ice. The result is obvious! However, immediately after application, do not be alarmed that the bruises will appear even darker; this is due to the fact that the skin turns red from the cold. In a couple of minutes everything will be back to normal! I've been using this product for about a month now. I completely forgot about concealers and correctors)



Chamomile compresses help me much better than tea. Creams, even if you blot them after 15 minutes, personally give me even bigger bags. Bruises are definitely from lack of oxygen. I noticed that after a walk there is always less. I liked the eye mask: whipped egg white and 1/2 tsp. honey Excellent skin tightening. I also bought Darsonval, and I see good results. And one more thing: after 18–00 no liquid. Just before bed, a glass of purified water with 1 tsp. honey



I know an effective remedy: Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, wrap in gauze and apply to closed eyes for 10-15 minutes!



Remember, if home remedies do not help you for a long time, think about a medical diagnosis of the reasons, because dark circles that do not disappear even after sufficient sleep and rest can signal the presence of serious diseases of the internal organs: kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system . Take care of yourself and your health and be beautiful!

Nature has decreed that the tissue around the eyes bears a colossal load associated with the protective function and features of facial expressions. But the dermis in this area is so thin and delicate that it is the first to take the blow of age-related changes. Therefore, especially strict requirements are imposed on masks for the skin around the eyes. What products are suitable for delicate epidermis? How to use them correctly?


Young beauties rarely pay due attention to caring for the skin around their eyes. The young epidermis glows with energy and health, framing a mischievous, clear look. But while we admire our reflection in the mirror, the vitality and beauty of the skin is undermined by a lack of moisture, active facial expressions, poor ecology, bad habits, poor diet, scorching sun, severe frost and many other factors. To maintain the charm of youth in adulthood, provide decent care to the most vulnerable areas in a timely manner.

Introductory information: rules of use

In order to enjoy the radiant reflection in the mirror for as long as possible, you need to start caring for the skin around your eyes before it is affected by age-related problems. And those ladies who have already encountered wrinkles, bags and other troubles should be doubly attentive to the delicate epidermis. First, you should remember the rules for using homemade masks.

  1. Cleansing. In order for the beneficial components of the mask to penetrate as deeply as possible into the skin, you must first remove makeup and additionally wash your face using a gentle foam.
  2. Accessories. To prevent the product from dripping down and getting into your eyes, use sponges or pieces of cotton cloth. Just soak them in the nourishing composition and apply to your eyelids.
  3. Safety . The usual tolerance test may not be informative when it comes to the skin around the eyes. The composition should not be tested on the wrist or on the crook of the elbow. Apply a drop of the product near the outer corner of the eye and check the result after a quarter of an hour.
  4. Texture. Masks should have a uniform and soft consistency. Before applying the product to your skin, be sure to check that there are no solid particles in it.
  5. Removal. You need to wash off the mask with warm water, and the ideal option is herbal decoctions.
  6. Hydration. After removing the mask, you need to apply a nourishing cream or refreshing gel.
  7. Knowing of limits . Do not apply too much product to your skin. This is a big load for delicate tissues. The effect may be the opposite of what was expected. In addition, the product may get into your eyes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes: recipe tables

Making masks for the skin around the eyes at home is simple and pleasant. Natural ingredients perfectly combat the problems of vulnerable skin. Most products are found in every kitchen, and therefore no major investments in beauty are needed.


For bruises and swelling

Not only mature ladies, but also very young girls suffer from dark circles under the eyes and puffiness. This can be caused by intense visual work, water imbalance, insomnia, hereditary factors and other reasons. Fortunately, salvation can be found in the folk remedies described in the table below.

Table - Preparation of masks for bruises and swelling

Compound special instructions
- A tablespoon of grated potatoes;
- a teaspoon of cream;
- two or three drops of shea butter
— After the procedure, a gel with a cooling effect is applied
— A teaspoon of white clay;
- a tablespoon of sour cream;
- three drops of pomegranate oil
— Apply the mask through a thin paper napkin or gauze
— A teaspoon of apricot puree;
- half as much honey
— Honey must be liquid, otherwise it can damage the skin
- A tablespoon of grated potatoes;
- the same amount of finely chopped parsley;
- a teaspoon of kefir or fermented baked milk
— The mask should cover the entire area around the eyes, including the eyelids;
– after the procedure, apply green coffee oil


With the appearance of even the smallest folds around the eyelids, the look becomes less clear and expressive. Folk cosmetology knows a huge number of masks for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles. The most popular means are presented in the table below.

Table - Preparation of anti-wrinkle masks

Compound special instructions
— A tablespoon of sea buckthorn puree;
- teaspoon hazelnut oil
— Apply in a thick layer;
- rinse with mint decoction
- A tablespoon of aloe juice;
- three drops of oily vitamin E
— It is advisable to apply the mask before going to bed and leave it on all night
— A tablespoon of pumpkin puree;
– six drops of wheat germ oil
— Before preparing the puree, the pumpkin must be baked in the oven;
- after the end of the session, apply gel or cream with hyaluron
— A teaspoon of carrot puree;
- the same amount of applesauce;
- five drops of oily vitamin E
— Apply through gauze;
- after the session, treat the skin with grape oil
- A tablespoon of gelatin;
- two tablespoons of warm green tea;
- four drops of borage oil
— Before applying, lubricate the skin with a small amount of wheat germ oil;
- remove with a sponge soaked in chamomile infusion


For dryness

There are practically no sebaceous glands on the skin around the eyes, and therefore it is not surprising that unpleasant dryness is often felt in this area. This is one of the main reasons for premature aging of the dermis. The folk recipes written in the table below will help fight dryness.

Table - Preparation of masks for dryness

Compound special instructions
- Puree half a banana;
- six drops of oily vitamin A
— After the procedure, you can additionally treat the skin with vitamin A
— Two quail eggs;
- a tablespoon of cottage cheese;
- two drops of cocoa butter
— After removing the mask, you need to make five-minute warm compresses with rosehip decoction
- A tablespoon of olive oil;
- half a teaspoon of argan oil;
- starch to thicken the mask to the consistency of sour cream
— Remove with a sponge soaked in linden decoction
- Egg yolk;
- a teaspoon of yogurt without additives;
- seven drops of oily vitamin E
— Use in winter to protect against wind and cold
- A tablespoon of sour cream;
- chopped fresh fennel sprig
- Rinse with green tea
- A teaspoon of honey;
- two large strawberries
- Wash off with warm milk
- A tablespoon of watermelon pulp;
- the same amount of fat sour cream;
- oatmeal (to bring the mask to a thick consistency)
— After the procedure, massage with a chamomile ice cube

Masks by age: problems and their solutions

For skin care to bear fruit, it is important to develop a set of measures taking into account age-related characteristics. With store-bought cosmetics, everything is quite simple, because the tubes always have the appropriate marks. But you can choose the right folk remedies based on reviews or your own experience.


25 years old: first age-related changes and plum cosmetics

The first signs of age-related changes appear after 25 years. This period is characterized by the following problems:

  1. the first expression lines appear;
  2. former elasticity is lost;
  3. dark circles appear more often and become more distinct;
  4. the skin reacts to a violation of the regime of wakefulness and rest with swelling.

A plum mask for the skin around the eyes will help solve early age-related problems. The product will energize the skin, give it freshness and make it more resistant to external negative influences.

Recipe that will suit

  1. Remove seeds and peel from a couple of large plums. Mash the pulp with a fork or rub through a sieve.
  2. Lightly heat a tablespoon of whey or kefir and mix with the puree.
  3. Cut out fragments from cotton pads that will be conveniently placed around the eyes. Soak the cotton wool well in the prepared mixture and apply to the skin.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and perform a contrast wash.


40 years: visible wilting and cucumber mixtures

If at the age of 30 it is still possible to fight wrinkles using conservative methods, then after 40 years they become clearly visible. In addition, the following problems are observed:

  1. regeneration processes slow down;
  2. the production of your own collagen and elastin is inhibited;
  3. muscle tissue and skin begin to sag;
  4. fatty tissue collects under the lower eyelid, forming bags.

During this period, you need to pay special attention to self-care. It is important to use high-quality cosmetics with antioxidants, coenzymes, and hyaluron. You also need to make it a rule to go to a cosmetologist. Apply your homemade cucumber mask regularly. The product will tone the skin and improve its shade.

Recipe that will suit

  1. Mix a tablespoon of cucumber juice with a teaspoon of aloe juice.
  2. Add a teaspoon of rice oil.
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for ten minutes.
  4. Soak the sponges in the nourishing composition and place them on your eyes.
  5. After half an hour, wash your face with heated non-carbonated mineral water.


50 years: deep wrinkles and care with kelp

The condition of the dermis after 50 years is aggravated by irreversible hormonal changes. The main problems of this period can be described as follows:

  1. sagging and sagging skin;
  2. the shape of the eyes becomes less clear and decreases in size;
  3. wrinkles become deep;
  4. painful reaction to any negative influences (external or internal).

The consequences of age-related changes can only be completely eliminated through surgery. Injection procedures will help improve the functional condition of the skin. For home care you will need concentrated serums rich in collagen, elastin and hyaluron. A natural mask based on kelp has also proven itself well. Algae nourishes the skin from the outside and stimulates internal regeneration processes.

Recipe that will suit

  1. A tablespoon of kelp powder should be poured with a quarter cup of warm chamomile infusion.
  2. After an hour, strain the mixture through a thick layer of gauze.
  3. Add a teaspoon of almond oil to the liquid.
  4. Soak sponges or pieces of cloth in the resulting mixture and place them on problem areas, without touching the upper eyelid.
  5. After an hour, remove the composition from the skin.

Regardless of age, you can look young and impressive. Using homemade masks for the skin around the eyes after 30 years, after 40 years and even after 50 years, you can compensate for the lack of nutrients and saturate delicate tissues with vital energy. But you shouldn’t rely on masks alone. This is just a link in a complex chain of self-care. To overcome age-related problems, you will have to control your facial expressions, do facial exercises, eat right and regularly visit a cosmetologist. It is also necessary to give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle and ensure a full eight hours of sleep every day.


Reviews: “An effective remedy - butter plus banana”

I use an apple mask. I cut two thin slices of an apple and apply it to my eyes. I'll clean it up in fifteen minutes. This mask very well refreshes the skin around the eyes and relieves swelling.

An effective remedy for wrinkles around the eyes is butter. It can be used both independently and as part of masks. The easiest option is to apply butter in the evening instead of night cream. I also like a mask with banana and butter - mix 1 tbsp. spoon of banana puree and melted butter, apply this mixture to the skin around the eyes and press in a little with your fingertips, hold for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Natalya Kitik, //make-ups.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1129

Girls, to prevent wrinkles around the eyes, you can apply oil, such as peach, almond, wheat germ or grape seed, to the area around the eyes (in principle, to the entire face) at night every day! The skin will be moisturized and wrinkles will no longer appear so easily on our beautiful face!

The problem of blue circles under the eyes is familiar to many people with delicate skin. Small blood vessels are often visible through thin skin. A darker shade is due to diseases of the kidneys, heart or endocrine system. Such bruises cannot be eliminated only by cosmetology methods. You will need to see a doctor.

Blue discoloration may occur due to overwork:

  1. if you sit for hours in front of the computer; you cry a lot; from lack of sleep; if you are taking antibiotics or other medications: your body is exhausted and lacks vitamins.

Healthy lifestyle against dark circles under the eyes

If your eyes start to water and hurt, it's time to take care of them. Even with subtle manifestations, it is necessary to make adjustments to your lifestyle.

  1. Take steps to improve blood circulation:
    1. smokers should quit smoking or reduce the dose of nicotine consumed; do not be in smoky rooms where there are smokers; stay in the fresh air for at least 15-20 minutes. per day; do physical exercise.
  2. Change your diet: eat fruits with plenty of vitamin C, take vitamin E. Monitor the functioning of the digestive system and adequate water intake. This is necessary for timely cell renewal, elasticity and density of the skin.
  3. Get a good night's sleep. The body recovers intensively only until 2 am, so try to go to bed early. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Cosmetics for dark circles

Many women use fatty creams to get rid of dark circles. This aggravates the situation, the pores become clogged, and the metabolism worsens. Excess water accumulates, which compresses the blood vessels, causing them to narrow. The eyelids darken and visually add age. Before going to bed, you should use a special cream, low-fat milk or lotion for care.

In stores you can find special roll-on gels designed to combat dark circles. They are effective only with minor changes. The main effect is due to the cool metal roller, which acts as a massager.

Lymphatic drainage techniques are especially effective as a remedy for bruises. With light movements of your fingers, drive away the lymph, starting from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones. Treat the upper eyelid first, then the lower.

Benefits of Homemade Face Masks for Black Circles

The lack of essential nutrients in the skin can be compensated using folk recipes. They have a number of advantages:

  1. their ingredients are available at any time; inexpensive; contains ingredients that effectively affect the skin; improve blood microcirculation, which helps the skin take on a healthy and well-groomed appearance;

You need to apply masks based on folk recipes for 2-3 rubles. during the week. The average duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Recipes for masks for bruises under the eyes (dark circles around the eyes)

With potatoes

  1. Raw potatoes.

Grind or process with a blender, apply for 10 minutes.

With egg white

  1. 1 protein: a pinch of salt.

Beat, apply the mixture to the problem area and hold until dry.

On egg yolk

  1. 1 yolk; 0.5 tsp olive oils.

Mix and apply to darken areas. After drying, wash with water at a pleasant temperature.


  1. 2 tablespoons cucumber juice; egg white; 1 tsp. almond oil; a couple of drops of vitamin A; 0.5 tsp. vitamin E; a little flour for thickness.

Mix and keep on face for 15–20 minutes.


  1. 1 tsp. spinach; 10 ml. vitamin A; 5 gr. favorite cream.

Mix spinach with your favorite cream, add a little vitamin A and leave on your face for 15 minutes.

Starch mask with lifting effect

  1. 2 tbsp. l. potato starch; cream to obtain a mixture of convenient consistency; 1–2 tsp. vitamin E; parsley, mint.

Mix starch, cream, vitamin E and cool. After cooling, add parsley and mint in ground form.

With bread and milk

  1. premium bread crumb; milk in the appropriate volume.

Mix and apply to the problem area.

Masks with hyaluronic acid

Dilute a small amount of hyaluronic acid with purified water. Stir and leave for 1 hour. Apply and wait until completely absorbed. Finally use cream. If you go out into cold air immediately after using the mask, your skin may begin to peel. Be careful. It is recommended to carry out the procedures in courses. This will help make the skin elastic.


  1. 12 ml fat cottage cheese; 1 tsp. strong black tea;

Mix and make cakes that need to be applied to the eyes.

From nuts

  1. 10 gr. ground walnuts; 12 gr. butter; pomegranate or lemon juice in the amount of 4 drops.

Mix and leave to act for 20–25 minutes.

With sour cream

  1. 5 gr. cucumber juice; 4 gr. greens (use parsley or cilantro); 10 ml sour cream.

Chop the greens and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

Rubbing with ice

Freeze ice with various additives:

  1. grapefruit or lemon juice; grated parsley (whitening rub); with milk (relieves swelling);

Rubbing is done in the morning for a few seconds on each area.

Sage compress

  1. 10 gr. sage; 100 ml boiling water.

Brew sage and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drain the infusion and cool half. Distribute the mixture equally into the cold infusion and into the hot one. Apply alternately, creating a temperature contrast.

Compress on cornflowers

  1. 10 gr. dried cornflowers; 200 ml water for brewing.

Leave for 20–25 minutes.

Choose a suitable mask from ingredients to which you are not allergic, and the hated circles around the eyes will disappear for a long time. It is recommended to use these masks for prevention.