Cream for facial wrinkles on the forehead reviews

I want to get rid of facial wrinkles on my forehead, I’m only 20 and the wrinkles are deep. Maybe there are some masks. experts

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Only Botox.
Many people recommend Vichy for facial expressions, but for me personally it only helped temporarily. After getting used to it, wrinkles appear again. The cream is greasy, it is simply impossible to apply it in the summer even with dry skin.
I can recommend that you wash your forehead more often (especially if you have oily skin). On contaminated skin, wrinkles become clearer. Do facial exercises to strengthen your muscles, you need to wince less - take care of yourself.
And if it's to the point, look at the photos of actresses who don't inject Botox. Everyone has facial wrinkles on their foreheads, even very young people. This is fine.

Botox, but it’s still too early for you. very good and strong hydration - either inject hyaluronic acid or buy Christina drops with it. They are perfect for your age. There are also very good cosmetics from Olga Romashko. There are some good super moisturizing creams and masks there. There is an effect. My grandmother, 73 years old, has a couple of not very deep facial wrinkles on her forehead, although his facial expressions are very mobile in this area. Since he was young, he has been walking around at home for at least a couple of hours with a ribbon on his forehead.

I started getting wrinkles on my forehead when I was 30. I started wearing bangs. Then I started smearing my face with almond oil. And I smear it like this: on the weekend, if you don’t have to go anywhere, then I go home all day with an oily face. I smeared myself in the morning, 2-3 hours later again, then again. Face, neck, décolleté. And if at work, then only in the evening before bed. There are noticeably fewer wrinkles. And what’s good is that this oil does not clog pores, but on the contrary, it narrows them. I also smear my pussy with this oil so that it is tender, like a girl’s.

Botox is ok. Don't even bother with creams. Why be afraid of Botox? I've been using it for many years and haven't noticed any harm.

Botox, but it’s still too early for you. very good and strong hydration - either inject hyaluronic acid or buy Christina drops with it. They are perfect for your age. There are also very good cosmetics from Olga Romashko. There are some good super moisturizing creams and masks there. There is an effect. My grandmother, 73 years old, has a couple of not very deep facial wrinkles on her forehead, although his facial expressions are very mobile in this area. Since he was young, he has been walking around at home for at least a couple of hours with a ribbon on his forehead.

Is payment for Olga Romashko cosmetics made upon receipt at the post office?

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No need for Botox at 20! What will she do at forty? It is better to pierce Juvederm or Surgiderm. This is how I remove expression wrinkles on my forehead.

they will pass if you watch your facial expressions and don’t wrinkle your forehead

When I was 20 years old, it started to appear on my forehead, then I noticed that I wrinkled my forehead when I applied mascara, I stopped doing it, the wrinkle smoothed out on its own

They say you can put a plaster on your forehead or tape at home. or wear a ribbon, as advised here.

You can wean yourself from wrinkling your forehead. Take a sheet of paper, for example A4; you cut a strip on your forehead, generously smear it with cream, apply it to your forehead, and walk around with it (until you get tired of it). I do like this.

I want to get rid of facial wrinkles on my forehead, I’m only 20 and the wrinkles are deep. Maybe there are some masks.

thank you very much)))) I’m trying to wrinkle my forehead less, I’m injecting Botox, I think it’s too early

I also had them on my forehead when I was 20. I stopped wrinkling my forehead and they disappeared.

This is definitely true about the moisturizing cream. They started to appear on my forehead, I immediately remembered that someone was talking about the cream and now not a single one, but I still need to get rid of the habit of wrinkling my forehead.


Dear girls, I’m simply terrified. Botox, injections on the forehead, injections, fatty oil generally cannot help based on the immediate cause of the appearance of mimic skin creases. Having read something like this, when this question touched me, just after thinking a little, I discovered the most elementary and effective way, how to simply add 15 minutes, for example, to the morning washing procedure, to get rid of these terrible things for the whole day. Right there, right away. , without leaving the cash register, as they say. I decided to return to these forums, which I myself read with frustration, and report my decision to hold an online video meeting, where I will clearly share my discovery. Be sure to write, I’ll let you know where and when!

I am 28 years old. I remove wrinkles on my forehead with Botox injections, I am very pleased. Although I was very afraid to carry out the procedure. until I got to the clinic, where all my doubts were dispelled. The main thing is to find a doctor you can trust.

Expression wrinkles are a problem, but fixable. Masks won't help here. Here only a coordinated intervention - a Botox injection - will help block the movement of the muscle, as a result of which the wrinkles will smooth out. This drug is used only in the upper part of the face - the forehead, between the eyebrows, crow's feet, and it is also used for excessive sweating in the armpits, feet and palms. The effect lasts up to 6 months - everyone is different. You definitely need to consult with a cosmetologist and get it done in a specialized clinic that has a quality certificate; it’s better not to take risks at home; you never know what they’ll give you.

What should I do if I’m 16 years old and don’t have money for Botox? I want to let my bangs go, but my forehead is wrinkled ((((((Help. Can wrinkles appear from some diseases?

Girls, I’m 14, I’m already struggling with wrinkles, they’re quite deep already. I don't know what to do anymore

I'm 17, I have expression lines on my forehead! I have them because I constantly raise my eyebrows, because I have drooping eyelids and I try to make my eyes look more open. That is, I can’t help but wrinkle my forehead and I don’t know what to do about it!(
Someone give me some advice.

I'm 21. Wrinkles started appearing when I was 17-18 years old. Facial expressions are very fluid, especially on the forehead. Moreover, the skin is oily and problematic ((Constantly moisturizing, in my opinion, is not an option in my case and I have enough of my own sebum(. I try not to accustom my skin to creams for “adults.” Usually, after cleansing the skin (I use salicylic acid), I apply regular baby cream (top type), it’s thicker on the forehead, I also try to wrinkle less. But the best way is just not to think about it, no one really notices my wrinkles until I touch on this topic myself.

Although it’s a shame, many girls frown, and they don’t even have nearly as many wrinkles as I have. I myself am looking for some ways to get rid of them.

I also have expression lines under my eyes and on my forehead. I’m 26, I’m afraid to do Botex, it’s an unpleasant procedure, what other way is there to get rid of expression lines?

Dear girls, I’m simply terrified. Botox, injections on the forehead, injections, fatty oil generally cannot help based on the immediate cause of the appearance of mimic skin creases. Having read something like this, when this question touched me, just after thinking a little, I discovered the most elementary and effective way, how to simply add 15 minutes, for example, to the morning washing procedure, to get rid of these terrible things for the whole day. Right there, right away. , without leaving the cash register, as they say. I decided to return to these forums, which I myself read with frustration, and report my decision to hold an online video meeting, where I will clearly share my discovery. Be sure to write, I’ll let you know where and when!

I would like to know more. I’ve had facial wrinkles on my forehead since childhood, although my skin is generally good, no one tells me my age, on the contrary, all my friends are surprised how it’s possible to look so young at 50, but here’s my forehead. Always with bangs

Just in case, so as not to be unfounded, look at what actually works and what I can recommend, being 100% sure that after trying it, you will understand what the concept of “quality LUX class cosmetic products” means (real LUX, without the slightest tension and at a more than adequate price, which is handled by professionals who, first of all, respect themselves and their clients). To my great satisfaction, I am never ashamed of our cosmetic products, since we are honest with our customers and receive only admiring reviews from them. For this reason, I can recommend the Swiss DEESSE cosmetic products as a “lifeline” for many women:
No one other than DEESSE can offer an effective complex that actually reduces (up to complete disappearance, depending on age and other factors) expression wrinkles on the face.
Our complex (cream serum and cream itself - used ONLY TOGETHER!!) from the "Skin Radiance" line will eliminate fine expression wrinkles in a 4-week course of use.
Details by phone and/or email: deesse dot ru dog gmail dot com
Making absentee “diagnoses” is not only a thankless task, but also harmful. It is better to call and get an individual consultation, or even smarter - to come in person and, under the patronage of a specialist, try this or that drug, and then make an informed decision yourself. At the same time, there are no manipulations and no “pyramids” on our part. Yes, like any company we make money. But the commercial aspect is far from the first place for us. Try it and see for yourself.

- unfortunately, girls, the level of competence of many cosmetologists leaves much to be desired and their insatiable desire to make money by imposing unnecessary, and often dangerous for the skin, procedures on the client is an all too (!) common situation now. Look at the forum and pay attention to the number of "help me!!" after such “cosmetologists” from beauty salons.
You need to love yourself and choose cosmetics for yourself very carefully. Of course, to suit your taste and budget. But at the same time, you need to be aware that the main thing for you is the impeccable quality, reputation and effectiveness of cosmetic products, or low price and aggressive advertising of products, manufacturers and representatives of which equally successfully distribute detergents for toilet bowls and “magic” cosmetics for facial skin .
It is possible to have perfect facial skin without the help of a cosmetologist. If your parents “took care” of this, i.e. banal heredity rules. If the skin is problematic, then in most cases a woman/girl should have enough common sense to choose and correctly apply cosmetic products. No offense, but I personally am amused (sorry!) by the desire of many women to buy “day cream” (or “night cream”). In such cases, I ask if there is a desire to buy “men’s” toilet paper or “women’s” toilet paper.


After all, you need to understand that cosmetic preparations need to be selected based on the type and/or characteristics of the skin, age and many other factors, but not on the “day”/“night” principle. Girls, use your brains and you will be happy! Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I’m just a professional cosmetics professional and I’m simply horrified by the lack of basic common sense when it comes to health and beauty.

I continue, as promised, the topic of facial wrinkles. This is not relevant for everyone, but for those who have experienced this topic themselves, the information may be useful. Today I want to touch a little on how they are formed and how it relates to health. I’ll also give you 3 tips that I tested on myself and that are guaranteed to help reduce expression lines.


Where do expression lines come from?

The beginning of wrinkles in the skin, which will later turn into wrinkles, can begin in adolescence or childhood. The habit of wrinkling your forehead or “pushing” your eyebrows from tension, irritation, or any vigorous activity does not cause concern at first. Because in childhood, when emotions change, the skin returns to its usual state. The habit does not go away with age, but expression lines remain on your face even after you have relaxed it.

How does excess muscle tension harm your health?


Do a little test. While working at the computer or other activities that require concentration, notice which muscles are tense. Do you really need to strain your neck, shoulders, and back to type? How does tension in the forehead and bridge of the nose help when studying something? Does an argument go more effectively if you understand your eyebrows and wrinkle your forehead?

In everyday life, we very often use muscles that are not needed for current activities. This creates unnecessary tension and a person gets tired much faster. Therefore, after a working day in a sitting position, you can feel “broken”, as if hours of physical work have passed.

On the face, such tension turns into facial wrinkles and is aggravated by age-related changes and sun exposure to the skin. And then these elegant facial wrinkles “suddenly” appeared. In one of his books, Dale Carnegie refers to proven facts that fatigue is caused by eye strain and, accordingly, the muscles around them. Very often, facial wrinkles appear on the forehead, around the eyes, between the eyebrows.

3 practical tips for combating expression wrinkles

Both prevention, when there are no facial wrinkles yet, and the fight against wrinkles on the skin, trained over the years, follow the same principles. It’s just that in cases where facial wrinkles have already settled on the face, you need to act more intensively and on all fronts. Believe me, facial wrinkles can be corrected at any age.

Here are 3 tips that help me a lot:

1. During the day, periodically check whether your facial muscles are tense unnecessarily. You can also ask your loved ones to tell you when it’s time to “make your face simpler” and relax your muscles.

2. Morning and evening, do exercises for the problem area of ​​the facial muscles. Ideally, of course, exercises should be done for all muscles, but you can start with problem areas. Facial sculpting was developed (or simply popularized) by Carol Maggio. You can easily find exercises on the Internet. Gives very good results after about a month of training.

3. Use helpers. These are frownies patches and creams with the Botox effect (I have posts about them on the beautician). If the case is severe, then at first something like this will help a lot.

I looked at the patches and thought about buying them several times, but until the advertising convinced me. It is better to consciously wean your muscles from straining unnecessarily. Once you peel off the bandage, the tension may return. I might try these patches someday, but not in the near future.

I use relaxing creams with Botox effect and they work quite well. This is a good way to help yourself cope with excess micro-tension in the skin and muscles of the face. I will tell you about them and Botox in more detail, separately, and I will definitely show you exactly which brands I use and what works.

If you follow these simple rules and take your expression wrinkles seriously, then I give a 99.9% guarantee that within 1-2 months your expression wrinkles will lose their positions. But you need to start today. Better now. Is there anything too tense?

Anti-wrinkle cream cannot completely get rid of them. To hope so is to believe a myth created by a cosmetic brand's advertising. Wrinkles can be slightly reduced and smoothed out, however, this effect can only be achieved in combination with masks, massage and giving up bad habits. Only surgery will give a quick and noticeable result. If you are not ready for it, go to an appointment with a dermatologist and devote a few minutes every day to self-care.

How to choose an anti-wrinkle cream

Any caring cosmetic product should be selected based on an examination of the condition of your skin by a specialist - a dermatologist or cosmetologist. When age-related changes become noticeable, it is not the time to select a face care cream by trial and error - this can be easily avoided if you listen to the recommendations of a professional.

The formation of wrinkles is determined by the type of skin: the drier it is, the less dense and elastic it is, it fades earlier, and to maintain a fresh appearance you need to use a moisturizing and nourishing cream. If the face is dotted with a network of fine wrinkles, the care product should be protected from ultraviolet radiation and wind. If your face is “sagging” and there are deep wrinkles, you will need a cream-lifting treatment to maintain the tone of weakening muscles.

All the world's leading companies have lines of cosmetic products for facial care. The result, based on the experience of women, is faster and more noticeable when all skin care products are from the same series. Actually, anti-aging cream has only a preventive effect and helps improve your appearance, make your skin fresher, and your complexion smoother. Wrinkles will remain, but they will be less visible.


The composition of the anti-aging cream usually includes:

  1. retinoids that stimulate collagen production;
  2. hydrolyzed collagen to maintain skin elasticity;
  3. organic acids, fruit and lactic, which trigger skin renewal processes;
  4. muscle relaxants (argireline, creamide 3, boswellia extract);
  5. coenzyme Q10;
  6. vitamins C and E;
  7. sun filter.

But if the presence of these components in the anti-wrinkle product is justified, there are substances whose addition to the cream affects its cost more than the result:

  1. the presence of hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) in the composition will not give a visible effect, since the molecules of this substance do not penetrate beyond the surface layer of the skin and the effect ends after the first wash;
  2. Botox - the use of a toxin is effective only with injections, when the facial muscles are paralyzed and the folds in the skin are temporarily straightened;
  3. an extract from the placenta rejuvenates aging skin, but as soon as you stop using the product, the effect goes away;
  4. Royal jelly is only beneficial when taken orally. Proteins, vitamins, and microelements are not absorbed when applied externally.

The cream may contain an extract of plant stem cells, make sure that their content is at least 5%. The spectrum of effects of this substance is different: reducing the depth of folds, smoothing out the network of wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity - it all depends on which plant the cells are isolated from. Phytoestrogens and plant components are indeed capable of penetrating deeply into the skin and rejuvenating it, but the cream must contain at least 30% of them, and it is used by women over the age of 40.

It is better to choose another product with Botox - with peptides, micromolecules of proteins that relax facial wrinkles and cause an overall rejuvenating effect. The recommended proportion of the substance in the cream is at least 7%. Such funds are used after 50 years.

One of the important components in anti-aging cream is collagen, which maintains skin elasticity. The benefits of all anti-aging products are based on the principle of deep penetration into the dermis and effects at the cellular level.

Features of choosing a product depending on age

Thorough facial care is needed after 20 years, despite the fact that the body’s resources are still sufficient to maintain a healthy and thriving appearance. Anti-wrinkle products are recommended for use from the age of 25 if the skin looks tired.

After 30 years, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, the ability to regenerate elastin fibers decreases, and microcirculation deteriorates. The first hormonal changes begin. Estrogen production decreases and the skin becomes drier. Vitaminized products, hydrating creams, and moisturizing milk are useful. Hormone replacement therapy can help only slightly delay the inevitable process.


After 40 years, the protein content in a woman’s muscle tissue decreases, the work of the sebaceous glands slows down and gradually stops. The skin becomes dehydrated and the content of mucopolysaccharides decreases. Creams and serums for women over 45 contain more nutrients than a regular moisturizer.

At the age of 50, active skin aging is observed. Blood circulation decreases, the dermis becomes thinner and dry, wrinkles deepen, and pigment spots may appear.

The skin fades faster due to unfavorable external factors:

  1. excessive exposure to sunlight (UV radiation);
  2. bad habits, especially smoking;
  3. lack of sleep and poor nutrition.

Why does skin age - video

Rating of anti-aging creams based on a survey of women - table

Name Manufacturer country Compound Effect Indications for use
Vichy liftactiv Supreme France
  1. Thermal water;
  2. 5% rhamnose;
  3. neohesperidin;
  4. Day Proof complex (0.2% caffeine + 0.1% adenosine).
Cream with a lifting effect, makes deep expression wrinkles smaller. For combination and normal facial skin. Hypoallergenic, like all pharmacy brands.
Vichy Neovadiol France
  1. Natural polysaccharide pro-xylan;
  2. caffeine;
  3. hyaluronic acid.

The cream for dry skin is enriched with nourishing oils and based on thermal water.

Helps cope with loss of density, sagging, improves structure and combats dry skin. Vichy Neovadiol cream can be used for any skin type, the cream is hypoallergenic. Avene Ysteal Plus France

  1. Avene thermal water;
  2. retinaldehyde;
  3. pro-tocopheryl.
Reduces wrinkles and improves complexion, evens out tone. Suitable for dry or very dry skin. Age - 25+. L'Oréal Revitalift France
  1. 3% pro-xylan;
  2. amino acids;
  3. hyaluronic acid.
The active components of the product penetrate very deeply into the tissue. They fill wrinkles from the inside, remove dryness and tightness of the skin, and provide hydration. Age - 40+. Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ France The cream formula contains many extracts, peptides and antioxidants and is supplemented with sunflower and barley extracts, soothing ingredients, vitamin E and caffeine.
  1. Restores skin elasticity and tone;
  2. smoothes expression lines and age wrinkles;
  3. returns radiance to the skin;
  4. intensively moisturizes.
Suitable for normal and mixed skin types. Including for problematic ones. Can be applied to the area around the eyes. Clarins Multi-Active France
  1. Hesperidin has an antioxidant effect;
  2. Anti-Pollution complex protects against the negative effects of the external environment;
  3. plant extracts.
  1. Prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles and smoothes existing ones;
  2. fights signs of fatigue;
  3. protects the skin from environmental pollution;
  4. moisturizes.
For normal and combination skin. Skin Doctors Relaxaderm Advant Australia
  1. Dermatox-63 complex, which includes SNAP-8 and a peptide enhancer of the cream’s action;
  2. hyaluronic acid;
  3. Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate is a sunscreen composition.
Smoothes fine and deep wrinkles and eliminates visible signs of skin aging. Professional product. For all skin types. Medical Collagene 3D Russia Active complex of natural three-helix collagen, avocado and olive oils.
  1. Stimulates skin renewal;
  2. accelerates the synthesis of your own collagen;
  3. evens out tone;
  4. reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles;
  5. softens and moisturizes the skin, gives it smoothness and elasticity.
Age – 30+. For all skin types. Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinc USA Soy polypeptides that activate collagen production. Prevents the natural destruction of collagen bonds in the skin. Moisturizes the dermis for a long time. Suitable for daily use, including under makeup. For all skin types. Acglicolic Classic Forte Sesderma Russia Active component - hyaluronic acid (10%). Gel-cream renews the top layer, has a soothing, moisturizing and tightening effect. Be sure to use Sunscreen cream with a high sun protection factor together with it. Cream primer AquaBase (NOVOSVIT) Russia Contains active Soft Focus complex, special AguaBase texture, hyaluronic acid.
  1. Deeply moisturizes;
  2. evens out tone;
  3. tightens pores;
  4. improves color;
  5. mattifies;
  6. masks defects;
  7. smoothes out deep wrinkles.
The primer is applied to a clean face. Once absorbed, the components stimulate the smoothing of wrinkled skin. Resolution D Contraxol (Lancome) France
  1. Squalane;
  2. mineral oil;
  3. dimethicone;
  4. Shea Butter;
  5. cetyl alcohol;
  6. various oils and waxes that perform protective functions.
With daily use, it removes skin folds, gives the skin elasticity, and restores firmness. Age - 35+.
for the care of dry and very dry skin Regenerist (Olay) Poland
  1. Pentapeptides;
  2. vitamins of various groups;
  3. green tea extract;
  4. ceramides.
Maintains skin elasticity and firmness, helps fight fine lines of expression lines and age-related wrinkles. The cream has a soft structure and can be used as a basis for massage of the face and décolleté. For different ages. Lierac Deridium – anti-age France
  1. Mantle extract;
  2. broom extract;
  3. horsetail extract;
  4. echinacea extract;
  5. tocopherol - activates the production of estrogen - a hormone responsible for the beauty of female skin;
  6. sun filter.
Medicinal phytocosmetics for the prevention of wrinkles. Moisturizes, softens and protects the skin. For all skin types. Caudalie Polyphenol C15 Broad Spectrum SPF20 Anti-Wrinkle Protect Fluid France
  1. Stabilized vitamin C;
  2. hyaluronic acid;
  3. concentrated polyphenols.
Moisturizing, mattifying, narrowing pores. Age – 30+. For all skin types.

Mode of application

Anti-wrinkle creams, including those on the forehead, must be used constantly, systematically and exactly according to the instructions. For the best effect, it is recommended to use them in combination with other cosmetic procedures and facial gymnastics.

Any anti-aging product should be used step by step:

  1. Be sure to cleanse your skin: wash with foam or gel, moisturize your skin with tonic.
  2. Apply the cream to your face with your fingertips and light patting movements.
  3. Distribute the product along the massage lines from the center to the sides from bottom to top.

A special cream is produced for the area around the eyes, so avoid this area when applying the product.


Before use, check the composition of the cosmetic product for intolerance to its individual components - to prevent unwanted allergic reactions. Irritation can be caused not only by special sensitivity to the drug, but also by other reasons:

  1. the cream was applied incorrectly, the recommendations were not followed;
  2. skin is too dry;
  3. ultraviolet action;
  4. the cream is expired or stored in improper conditions.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows - video

How to make anti-aging cream at home

Homemade cosmetics are much cheaper than ready-made creams and are made from natural raw materials. They are used more for prevention: plant components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nourish and moisturize it. But you shouldn’t expect quick and noticeable results from using homemade creams. From popular recipes of folk cosmetology:

  1. dried linden and chamomile flowers are brewed with 0.5 tbsp. hot water and leave for 15–20 minutes. Strain and add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, grind until smooth. Apply to the face and leave overnight;
  2. chamomile (2 tablespoons is enough) is poured with a quarter cup of boiling water, left for an hour in a warm place, then the liquid is drained. Add glycerin, grape seed oil, honey in equal proportions, stir until smooth;
  3. take linseed oil, sprouted wheat and grape seed oil in equal proportions, 1 teaspoon is enough, add lavender oil - a quarter of a teaspoon, heated lanolin. Stir, cool;
  4. Finely grate the carrots and simmer over low heat with the addition of vegetable oil. Strain, add 20 g of heated natural wax, 0.5 tbsp. l. honey and a little cedar oil. Stir until smooth.

You should store your own prepared cream in a cool place for no longer than 5 days.

How to make your own anti-wrinkle cream - video

Pharmacy remedies for wrinkles in the forehead area

To combat wrinkles, you can use pharmaceutical products or purchase regular ointments:

  1. Relief - when applied twice a day, restores cell regeneration and promotes healthy skin;
  2. Radevit - contains vitamins A, E, D2 in “shock” doses. With systematic use (apply morning and evening), wrinkles will become noticeably smaller;
  3. Solcoseryl - stimulates collagen production, restores blood circulation. Indications for use: apply at night;
  4. zinc ointment - although it dries the skin, it reliably protects it from exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to use together with moisturizer, apply before going outside;
  5. retinoic ointment - improves skin condition due to its stimulating effect. Apply at night;
  6. hydrocortisone ointment - used to moisturize the skin, recommended to be used twice a day.

Be sure to read the contraindications for the drug.

Photo gallery: pharmacy anti-aging products

Anti-wrinkle creams for men

Wrinkles on the forehead appear in men even earlier than in women, but age-related changes are less noticeable due to high testosterone levels. Their skin is 30% thicker and denser than women's, the dermis contains 20% more collagen, and the epidermis is more resistant to external influences.


Anti-aging creams are often produced in lines with pre- and post-shave gels; products can be found in many cosmetic brands. The product should contain:

  1. vitamins A, C and E;
  2. ingredients with moisturizing properties;
  3. antiseptic components;
  4. hyaluronic acid.

It is recommended to use anti-aging creams after 25 years; with timely prevention, the skin will be fresh and wrinkle-free longer.

Men's anti-wrinkle creams - table

Trademark Manufacturer country What products are produced
Biotherm Homme Age Refirm France Anti-aging moisturizing men's cream
Maine Expert Vita Lifting France Lifting cream for men
Premier Israel Lifting cream for men
Health And Beauty Israel Face cream (anti-wrinkle) with SPF 15
Secrets of Lan China Men's anti-wrinkle cream
Daily Revitalizing Anti-Wrinkle Italy Anti-aging moisturizing cream for men. Can be used as aftershave cosmetics.
Dr.Shihirman Russia
  1. Intensive anti-wrinkle cream for face and neck (prevention of skin aging);
  2. nourishing and regenerating evening cream;
  3. nourishing and moisturizing anti-wrinkle night cream;
Shiseido Japan
  1. Revitalizing cream to combat signs of aging and skin fatigue;
  2. wrinkle corrector cream.
Ahava Israel Anti-aging moisturizer for men (SPF15)

Customer Reviews

Retinoic ointment at night (retinol is practically the only thing that can fight wrinkles from external products) and sunscreen during the day (90% of wrinkles are due to the sun). Whatever you want, there are only a few SZ filters - titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone and tinosorb, SPF not lower than 15.


In general, of course, it is better when the creams are given to each person individually. I previously had a cosmetologist who applied the cream herself. It was great, the cream was stored for no more than 30 days. And after she leaves, you have to be content with store-bought ones, fortunately, at least with the current cosmetologist you have the opportunity to try first.


Few creams will help with facial expressions, really only moisturizing + lifting. I make my own creams, I won’t recommend any industrial ones, they contain only a few% of active ingredients, and everything else is ballast and harmful substances. Oils in their pure form can dry out the skin, and not all of them can be used during the day. You can also take a massage course from a good cosmetologist.

Olesya, Krasnodar

Creams and serums do not remove wrinkles, only light and superficial smoothing; if you take hyaluronic acid, it only works with injections, somehow using ultrasound and phonophoresis. I inject a biorevitalization cocktail into the nasolabial and cheekbone areas under the eyes twice a year, I don’t touch the forehead yet, the result is immediately visible by the complete filling of deep wrinkles, not only superficial facial wrinkles, the result lasts even with a sharp weight loss for up to 3-5 months, very I like the effect, I’m already quite addicted to the injections, and for care I take the Korean Mizon gel with snail, it moisturizes well.

Victoria Kiselenko, Moscow

Creams for forehead wrinkles can and even should be purchased after 25 years, when the first signs of skin aging appear. You need to choose a product according to your problems and skin type. Use in combination with other procedures and facial gymnastics.