Traumeel in cosmetology reviews

At the exhibition, they gave me several samples of this drug and told me how to use it. Traumeel is a homeopathic natural medicine produced in Germany. It contains a whole list of highly effective plants; it contains natural extracts of calendula, witch hazel, echinacea, chamomile, arnica, and comfrey. And this is only a small part of the powerful healing active ingredients, the complex of which soothes, relieves pain and restores. It is used for the temporary relief of arthritis pain, injury-related symptoms (eg, sports injuries, sprains, bruises), and to reduce inflammation of all types (eg, bursitis).

We are interested in its last property of “reducing inflammation of all types”; let’s try to understand it in more detail.

As a cosmetologist shared with me, this gel:

  1. heals and regenerates damaged skin;
  2. has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect;
  3. has an antiseptic effect;
  4. relieves redness, peeling and irritation;
  5. increases blood circulation, gives the skin a healthy, even color.

That is, it can be used to heal wounds from acne and acne, marks from herpes, scars, acne and scars. And this gel for problematic and sensitive skin also becomes a salvation. The gel formula gently soothes, restores, and relieves uncomfortable conditions (itching, peeling).

The cosmetologist also told me that she prescribes this gel to her patients 3 weeks before mesotherapy or other injection procedures. In this case, the effect of strengthening the vascular wall is obtained and, as a result, there are fewer bruises after the procedures. And after such procedures it is already for healing and relieving inflammation.

Another good use of it that I decided to try. Since this is a 98% natural (judging by the composition) product, I was not at all afraid to try it on myself:-) Just yesterday I had a facial cleansing, a combination of ultrasound and mechanical, it was, as usual, very painful, my face turned red and swollen a little. When I got home, I started using Traumeel, applying it in the evening and in the morning, in a thin layer. The general redness and painful sensations in the areas of wounds from acne and acne have disappeared, and this powerful secretion of sebum has also stopped! (a natural reaction of the skin after cleansing, sebum is produced as protection and at the same time clogs the pores again). As a result, the skin became smooth and not at all oily, and the swelling of the skin completely subsided in one day. So I highly recommend using it for these purposes.

How to use Traumeel gel:
The gel should be applied to problem areas in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin with gentle massaging movements. This is a herbal preparation, so there are almost no restrictions on its use. Side effects are practically excluded, and possible ones are associated only with individual intolerance or allergy to any component of the gel. The drug is safe and recommended even for delicate children's skin.

There are also such reviews, girls who do fitness, pay attention:
Traumeel Gel is the best product I have ever used. It perfectly restores and relaxes me after fitness and other physical activities. Restores skin and muscles after workouts, I always use it. Coming home after fitness and applying Traumeel Gel, that long-awaited relief comes that I thought and dreamed about throughout the entire workout. My friends also started using it when they saw how cheerful and energetic I was after training. Now we don’t go anywhere without him, you never know what could happen.

Traumeel for the face relieves peeling and irritation, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates acne, and gives the skin a healthy color. It is often used for problematic and sensitive skin. This drug is often prescribed before mesotherapy, because it strengthens the walls of blood vessels well, which allows for less bruising after this procedure.

Composition of the drug and release form

Traumeel is a complex homotoxic agent that is characterized by anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, regenerating, analgesic and anti-exudative properties.

They are due to the components included in the product: arnica, echinacea, St. John's wort, daisies, chamomile, comfrey, aconite, belladonna, yarrow, witch hazel, calendula. Additional substances: lactose, water for injection, solid and liquid paraffin, cetostearyl and ethyl alcohol, purified water.

The drug is available in the following forms:

Mechanism of action of Traumeel

The drug quickly and effectively eliminates swelling and hemorrhage in the damaged area, relieves pain, increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, and stabilizes blood flow. This medication is often used if there is soft tissue damage (trauma, burns). The high regenerative activity of the drug allows its use in the postoperative period.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability to trigger an immunological cascade of reactions by activating a clone of Th3 lymphocytes. As a result, the normal ratio between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines at the site of inflammation is restored and the symptoms of the inflammatory reaction are reduced: redness, swelling, pain.

In combination with glucocorticosteroids, the dosage of the latter is reduced and the effectiveness of complex treatment increases.

Traumeel helps treat:

  1. brain concussion;
  2. osteochondrosis;
  3. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  4. tissue damage due to injuries in the form of sprains, dislocations, bruises, hematomas;
  5. fractures of bones and joints;
  6. arthrosis;
  7. fibrocystic mastopathy;
  8. lactostasis.

According to the instructions for use, the drug is not recommended for use in case of multiple sclerosis, any autoimmune diseases, collagenosis, tuberculosis, leukemia, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or impaired renal function.

Application in cosmetology

Traumeel is a cosmetic product intended for facial skin care. This cream has the following properties:

  1. heals and restores damaged skin;
  2. increases blood circulation;
  3. gives the skin a healthy color;
  4. eliminates irritation, peeling and redness;
  5. has antispasmodic and analgesic effects.

The drug heals wounds from acne and subcutaneous pimples, eliminates spots after herpes, swelling under the eyes, eliminates scars and scars. It helps well with acne, as well as if the skin is problematic and sensitive. Traumeel gel soothes the dermis, restores it, relieves peeling and itching. After cleansing the face or after peeling, the skin most often becomes red, swollen, and painful. By applying ointment, you can eliminate this problem.

In addition, the strong secretion of sebum stops, which is produced as a protective reaction after facial procedures and severely clogs the pores. As a result, the dermis is smoothed, it becomes less oily, and swelling subsides.

Ointment for facial skin is applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. It extremely rarely causes the development of adverse reactions and can be used for children's skin. Traumeel is also used against wrinkles, effectively smoothing the dermis.

Cost of the drug

The cost of tablets is 350 rubles, injections are 680 rubles, gel is 450 rubles, drops are 550 rubles.


Analogues of Traumeel include the following drugs:

  1. Bishofite. This is a cheap analogue, which is available in the form of a gel and solution for injection. The drug is prescribed for skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Contraindications include: cancer, age under 9 years, pregnancy, lactation, angina pectoris, heart rhythm and circulatory disorders, joint inflammation, allergic reactions.
  2. Zinaxin. Made from natural ingredients. Indicated for the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. Prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the components.
  3. Kondronova. An analogue with a regenerating effect. Available in the form of ointments and capsules. Helps treat osteochondrosis, arthrosis, spondylosis. The drug is prohibited for bronchial asthma, diabetes, allergic reactions, pregnancy, lactation.
  4. Artra. The drug corrects metabolic processes in bone and cartilage tissue. Available in tablet form. The product stimulates restoration processes in cartilage tissues. Prescribed for osteoarthritis of peripheral joints and spine. Contraindicated in phenylketonuria and severe renal dysfunction.
  5. Alflutop. The drug regulates metabolism, restores damaged cartilage tissue, eliminates inflammation and pain. Injections are prescribed for traumatic dystoses, ossification disorders and degenerative rheumatic diseases. They are contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and allergic reactions.


Anna, 30 years old, Moscow: “The doctor prescribed Traumeel when, after mesotherapy, my face became swollen and red. After application, the product dried into a film. After two days, there was no trace of redness or swelling left. In addition, I read in the instructions that the product can be used for subcutaneous acne, which often bothers me, so I will use it to solve this problem.”

Oksana, 37 years old, Yaroslavl: “I purchased Traumeel gel for my facial skin after the biorevitalization procedure. Within 3 days the papules did not go away. The pharmacy recommended this remedy. I immediately applied it to my face, 2 hours later again and before bed. The next morning there were no traces left of the papules, and the skin did not itch or itch. It helps well if there are acne on the face, so I recommended this product to my teenage daughter.”

Elena, 23 years old, Kirov: “After peeling, the dermatologist recommended using Traumeel gel. This is a homeopathic remedy containing herbal ingredients. I applied it to my face at night. It was absorbed almost instantly, there was no feeling of tightness. In the morning I didn’t recognize myself - my face was smooth, even, no inflammation or redness. I am pleased that this product has a pleasant smell and does not stain clothes. It didn’t cause any adverse reactions.”

Veronica, 31 years old, Tver: “After lipofilling, to eliminate swelling, I purchased Traumeel gel. It not only solved this problem, but also helped get rid of allergic red spots that appeared on Tavegil cream. I'm happy with the result."

Interesting and important material on the topic: “Traumeel ointment for wrinkles” with a complete description and accessible language.

The effectiveness of Traumeel ointment is truly legendary, because it helps with almost everything: bruises, burns, bumps, as well as lactostasis, blockage of milk ducts in nursing mothers, and in general is an indispensable attribute in any first aid kit. In addition, the ointment is very effective

traumeel for acne , as it has remarkable absorbent, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

How to properly use Traumeel for acneThis ointment is especially effective for minor acne or pimples that appear and disappear within a fairly short time; The most appropriate would be its use and the use of malavit for acne for subcutaneous, purulent and painful pimples, which can ripen for more than one week and are completely resistant to squeezing and other methods of extracting pus. Unlike other absorbable preparations, which often turn out to be overly “fragrant”, which makes them incompatible with everyday use, Traumeel ointment is practically odorless, since it contains exclusively herbal extracts: chamomile, echinacea, calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort and others. That is, the product is completely homeopathic and is suitable for any skin type. It is enough just to smear an inflamed or acne-covered area of ​​skin several times, or apply acne traumeel as a compress at night, and not a trace of acne will remain.

The peculiarity of this ointment is that it copes well with internal inflammatory processes and provides significant relief within a short time. In this regard, the effect is similar to celandine oil for acne.

Features of treating acne with Traumeel ointmentThis product effectively eliminates skin irritation, relieves swelling and removes redness, resolves purulent accumulations, has an antibacterial effect, reduces the risk of new acne, does not cause discomfort during use, accelerates healing and does not leave marks or scars after eliminating acne. However, many of those who used Traumeel to treat acne complain that the skin became tight and dry with daily use. In order not to feel severe dryness of the skin, it is enough to use a moisturizer in parallel with the ointment, which, however, should not contain comedones that provoke acne; It is best if it is a regular baby cream.

Cream Traumeel is a preparation of high homeopathic effect. The scope of the medicine has a fairly wide range. The medication is effective in treating pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and restoring post-traumatic conditions. Studying the main characteristics of the compound will help you become familiar with the beneficial properties of the substance.

Pharmacological properties, composition and release form

The action of Traumeel is based on a combination of a complex of mineral and plant substances of natural origin. These components provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunomodulatory effects.

Traumeel contains ingredients such as:

  1. arnica;
  2. calendula;
  3. witch hazel;
  4. yarrow;
  5. aconite;
  6. belladonna;
  7. chamomile;
  8. daisy flowers;
  9. comfrey;
  10. St. John's wort;
  11. echinacea;
  12. magnesium stearate;
  13. paraffin;
  14. purified water.

Traumeel is presented in the form of a solution for the preparation of injections, lozenges, ointments, gels, drops in a special bottle.

Prescriptions, contraindications, side effects

Depending on the form of release, the drug has a wide range of indications for use:

  1. brain injuries;
  2. damage in the form of bruises, sprains and hematomas;
  3. diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, periarthritis, bursitis, tendovaginitis);
  4. acute course of osteochondrosis;
  5. dental infections (periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis);
  6. fibrocystic mastopathy.

When using Traumeel, the following contraindications should be taken into account:

  1. allergy to the active composition of the drug;
  2. phenomenon of multiple sclerosis;
  3. leukemia;
  4. autoimmune disorders;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. lactose deficiency;
  7. liver and kidney dysfunction.

Taking the medicine may cause side effects such as:

  1. allergic manifestations (urticaria, itching);
  2. swelling at the site of application;
  3. irritation on the oral mucosa after using the tablets.

The appearance of negative symptoms when using Traumeel means stopping the medication and further contacting your doctor for advice!

Instructions for use

The use of Traumeel has different dosages depending on the form of the medicine. Data from the instructions assume the following conditions for using the medication:

  1. tablets are prescribed orally in accordance with the prescribed course of treatment. For children under 12 years of age, the medicine is ground into powder and mixed with boiled water for more convenient use. The prescribed dosage is taken 3 times a day before eating;
  1. injections are used for adults and children. The dosage for children and adults over 12 years of age is one ampoule. The amount of medicine for infants is 0.4 ml, in the age period 1–3 years 0.6 ml; 3–6 years 1 ml and 6–12 years 1.5 ml. The course of treatment is individual and depends on the type and degree of the disease. The injection solution is also taken orally, preferably in childhood. The average duration of treatment is 2–4 weeks.
  2. ointment and gel are prescribed for external use and carefully applied to the affected areas of the skin with light massaging movements up to 6 times a day. The presence of open wounds on the skin is a contraindication for use;
  3. Drops are taken for acute illness 1–3 times a day. To relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms, the drug is prescribed every half hour throughout the day.

An overdose of the drug can cause the development of side effects and the appearance of characteristic signs of poisoning. In this case, cleansing therapy should be carried out (taking adsorbents, gastric lavage).

Traumeel is freely available with the exception of ampoules for injection. The shelf life of the ointment and gel is 3 years, and the solution and tablets are 5 years. After the expiration of time, the use of the medicine is strictly prohibited! Storage conditions at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.

Additional instructions and analogues

The drug in tablet form contains sugar, so the use of the drug is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance. If there are open wounds on the body, the use of Traumeel gel and ointment can cause additional complications in the form of a long course of the disease.

Determining the dosage of a drug in the form of drops requires a special vertical position of the bottle, since in this state the amount of the drug has the most accurate dosage.

The average cost of Traumeel ranges from 400–700 rubles, depending on the form of the drug and the region of the country. If there are contraindications or other restrictions, you can use close analogues of Traumeel, discussed in the list below.

  1. Bishofite. A cheap analogue of Traumeel in the form of an injection solution, gel and bath product. The area of ​​application of the medicine is the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin pathologies, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Contraindications: oncology, allergies, acute inflammation of the joints, circulatory disorders, heart rhythm disorders, angina pectoris, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age category of children under 9 years. Price 90–100 rubles.
  2. Zinaxin. Analogue of the original based on natural ingredients. The combination of active ingredients provides the main properties of the drug. Indications for use: treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. The medicine is not recommended for the development of individual sensitivity and for children under 12 years of age. Price 200–220 rubles.
  3. Kondronova. Relative substitute for Traumeel with restorative action. Medicine release form: capsules and ointment for external use. The drug is intended for the treatment of osteochondrosis, spondylosis, arthrosis. The medicine is prohibited during pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies, diabetes, bronchial asthma, and childhood. Price 350–400 rubles.


Reviews of the drug Traumeel have a positive trend, and most patients confirm the high effectiveness of the drug. The advantage of the drug is the absence of synthetic substitutes, the natural composition and the possibility of long-term use of the compound.

Many responses indicate the effectiveness of the medicine in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Tablets and injections can quickly relieve pain and bring joints back to normal. Moreover, the drug is effective in the treatment of mastopathy in nursing mothers and as a means of increasing muscle tone in infants.

Traumeel is also widely used in dentistry and eliminates the signs of periodontal disease. Gingivitis and other oral infections. Doctors often use the drug as an effective anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. The gel has received positive feedback in the field of plastic surgery for relieving swelling and pain.

When studying real responses about Traumeel, we can draw conclusions that the drug in any form of release has an effective effect, and the effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by real consumers!

Traumeel represents a number of drugs with high anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects with a large number of advantages. Proper use of the medicine and compliance with the prescribed dosages guarantee quick relief from the resulting pathology and a long period of remission!

You can leave your reviews about the drug Traumeel, they will be useful to other users of the site!

What do you think about this complex? On the Internet, it is copied from one site to another. The opinion of pharmacists is especially interesting.

I have been intensively fighting the aging process for several years now. BB 39, I tell everyone that I’m 30, I get compliments. They say I look younger...

There is no money for expensive procedures, but there is an abundance of knowledge...

Here are some of my tips (everything has been tested on myself!)


1. MOISTURIZING THE SKIN is important for the skin of the entire face, but special attention to the skin under the eyes. The sensations are not the most pleasant... the effect is not immediate...

to preserve your own moisture

castor oil – creates a thin film on the skin, moisture stops evaporating **glistens, do not leave it on overnight! there will be swelling

to increase moisture absorption from the environment. environment

urea (carbamide fertilizer) 1-4 peas (a little more is possible) rub over the face. The effect is quick. Good for your hands. **may pinch the skin if there are microtraumas

vitamin A - in addition to nourishing and improving the regeneration of the epithelium, it causes slight swelling of the dermis, due to this, wrinkles are smoothed out almost immediately. Do not leave it overnight! there will be swelling

vitamin E – nutrition + antioxidant protection

panthenol (ointment) – 1-2 times a week as a mask or instead of night cream


solcoseryl (ointment) – can be added to face creams, can be used as a mask


Add a very, very small amount of capsicam or finalgon to the face cream, not before leaving the house, but if you add it to the body cream after 2 hours, cellulite is visually noticeably smoothed, in general, step 4 is mandatory for cellulite

to improve microcirculation

Lyoton gel 1000, troxevasin, creams with leeches (preferably those used for legs with varicose veins) under day (night) cream, or in a mask


increased collagen synthesis

curiosin gel - replaces hyaluronic acid injections (for the first time, use every evening under the eyes and in the nasolabial folds, course - until the end of the tube)

add sweet orange oil to the cream - increases skin relaxation, acts roughly like Botox, but without turning off facial expressions.