Sage herb for face

Aromatic tea made from medicinal herbs is the main assistant in the treatment of colds. Sage for the face in various homemade compositions ensures cleansing of the skin and preservation of youth.

Benefits of sage for skin

The beneficial properties of sage in cosmetology are used for:

  1. Treatment of dermatological diseases, pustules, acne;
  2. Removal of dead cells;
  3. Removes toxins;
  4. Stimulates lymph flow, strengthens facial vessels;
  5. Sun protection;
  6. Prevention of aging.

The rich composition of sage contains:

  1. essential oil;
  2. flavonoids;
  3. vitamins P and PP;
  4. organic acids.
Indications Contraindications
Oily, flabby, inflamed skin, wrinkles, age spots, cracks, scars, burns. Individual intolerance. Harm from cosmetic procedures is possible with bronchial asthma and during pregnancy.

Using sage on the face

Sage essential oil for face

Facial care with aroma oil solves basic cosmetic problems. For facial massage, 5 ml of basic massage will require 2 drops of sage oil. Ready-made emulsions, creams and gels are enriched with a light, unique ether composition.

Sage ice

Result: ice with sage relieves swelling, strengthens blood vessels, stimulates lymph flow.

  1. 3 drops of sage essential oil;
  2. 7 gr. sage herbs
  3. 3 gr. chamomile;
  4. 120 ml water.

Preparation and method of application: pour medicinal herbs with hot liquid (more than 70 ◦), leave for an hour. After straining, add ether and pour into molds and place in the freezer. Use ice cubes with sage in the evening before applying the nutrient. The cryoprocedure is performed using smooth movements along the lymph flow lines.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Application: after 25 years, it is enough to conduct a ten-day course of cosmetic ice once every six months, after 35 – two/four times a week.

Sage decoction for face

Result: cleanses and tones, has a rejuvenating and antibacterial effect, a recipe for a decoction of sage herb.

  1. 12 gr. dry grass;
  2. 270 ml water.

Preparation and method of application: place sage in a glass/enamel pan, add hot, high-quality water, simmer over low heat for no more than twenty minutes. After cooling, strain and pour into a container with a dispenser. Wipe your face with sage twice a day, for acne - four/five.

Application: washing the face with sage can be combined with contrasting compresses from the decoction. This is an excellent basis for preparing effective masks and makeup removers.

Sage infusion for face

Result: inflammation, purulent formations, acne on the face can be cured thanks to sage tincture.

  1. 15 gr. sage herbs;
  2. 150 ml vodka/alcohol.

Preparation and method of application: place freshly picked or dry herbs in a dark vessel, pour in alcohol/vodka/cognac. Leave for eight days in a cool place, shaking the bottle thoroughly from time to time. Apply with a cotton swab exclusively to blackheads and acne.

Best Homemade Sage Face Mask Recipes

Sage oil face mask

Result: sage face masks soothe the skin and stop age-related changes.


  1. 7 drops of sage oil;
  2. 5 drops of retinol;
  3. 8 drops of avocado oil;
  4. 12 gr. buckwheat flour.

Preparation and method of application: bring the cereal to a powder state in a coffee grinder so as not to injure the epidermis. Add nourishing oil and vitamin of youth, pour warm herbal decoction. Apply a velvety mask to your face with smooth movements. After fifteen minutes, rinse with fruit tea.

Sage mask for acne

Result: due to its antiseptic properties, sage is effective against acne, pustules and purulent rashes.


  1. 6 drops of sage ether;
  2. 17 drops of grape oil;
  3. 11 gr. pink/red clay.

Preparation and method of application: dilute cosmetic clay with freshly brewed green tea until a paste-like consistency is obtained. Then introduce the oils, steam your face with a hot compress, and spread the composition with a spatula. Finish the procedure after about twenty minutes with a contrast wash

Sage mask for wrinkles

Result: helps restore the firmness and elasticity of the dermis. Anti-wrinkle sage, prepared at home.


  1. 20 ml of sage decoction;
  2. 14 gr. cocoa powder;
  3. 4 gr. shea butter

Preparation and method of application: combine the aromatic powder with a concentrated warm decoction, add melted nourishing oil. Steam the skin with a hot compress for about three minutes. After distributing the mixture over the entire surface of the face except the eyelids, rest for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse with linden decoction and moisturize with coconut oil.

Sage and starch mask

Result: homemade starch masks have a pronounced lifting effect. After 30 years, repeat the procedure three to five times a month.


  1. 6 drops of sage oil;
  2. 18 gr. starch;
  3. 7 gr. powdered milk.

Preparation and method of application: mix potato starch with milk using a dry cosmetic spoon. After diluting with warm tea, add sage essential oil. Pre-prepare your face in a steam bath. Apply the corrective mass starting from the chin to the cheekbones, then to the forehead. Complete the manipulations after twenty-five minutes with water and pomegranate oil.

Sage and chamomile mask

Result: the composition of sage and chamomile improves complexion, eliminates uneven pigmentation, and accelerates blood flow. Natural skin care recipes help maintain young, firm skin.


  1. 3 gr. sage herbs;
  2. 2 gr. chamomile flowers;
  3. 4 gr. oat flour;
  4. 9 gr. sour cream.

Preparation and method of application: grind dry herbs to the finest state in a coffee grinder. Combine with flour, stir, add fresh homemade sour cream. Wash off the makeup with a micellar product and spread the composition in a continuous layer. After twelve minutes, wash and moisturize with rice oil.

Mask for dry skin

Result: proven folk recipes restore the content of nutrients, vitamins and acids.


  1. 15 ml sage decoction;
  2. 22 gr. avocado;
  3. yolk.

Preparation and method of application: make a paste from the fruit pulp, mix with the yolk, dilute with a warm herbal decoction. Apply while lying down, eyes closed, over the entire surface of the face without exception. Remove with a damp sponge after forty minutes.

Mask for oily skin

Result: sage essential oil for the face cleanses and blocks the spread of infection.


  1. 4 drops of sage oil;
  2. 2 drops lemon balm ether;
  3. 12 drops of wheat oil;
  4. 11 gr. yeast.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve granular microorganisms in mineral water, add a composition of essential oils and a light moisturizer. Cleanse your face with a thermal product, spread the medicinal mass for about ten minutes. Afterwards, wash your skin with lime water.

Video tips: Benefits and uses of sage at home

Reviews about the application

I add anti-wrinkle sage oil to my nourishing cream. The oily feeling on the skin does not remain as before, the color has become even and the structure is softer.

I use sage tincture to treat comedones and acne. It cleans well and there are significantly fewer blackheads.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm on VKontakte - write, I'm always glad.


Sage for face extremely useful. This is generally an amazing medicinal plant that can heal the body, improve the condition of the skin, and take care of the beauty of a person in general. From this plant you can prepare oil, decoctions, infusions, lotions and facial masks. It can also be taken orally for general health and treatment of specific diseases. Let's figure out what the benefits and harms of sage are, learn useful recipes for masks and decoctions.

Benefits and harms

You should familiarize yourself with the benefits and harms of the plant before using it. The beneficial properties are largely due to the unique composition of the plant, since it contains:

  1. carnosic acid (this substance helps reduce pain due to burns, prevent the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, rejuvenate the skin and remove free radicals from it);
  2. ursolic acid (it allows you to treat acne, eczema, pimples and blackheads, heal microcracks and wounds, and also effectively remove dead cells);
  3. flavonoids (these substances help prevent early aging, as well as minimize the risk of cancer and infectious diseases).

It is important! Sage for facial skin can be used for absolutely any skin type. It is also recommended to combine it with other plants. For example, you can increase the effectiveness for dry skin by mixing sage with chamomile and lavender, and for oily skin - by adding wormwood, nettle or St. John's wort.

The use of sage on the face in any form will be indicated for problems such as:

  1. rosacea;
  2. pimples, blackheads, eczema, blackheads;
  3. pigmentation and unhealthy complexion;
  4. sagging and wrinkles;
  5. inflammation, including severe inflammation;
  6. peeling and dryness;
  7. oily skin with enlarged pores;
  8. excess toxins in the skin;
  9. the need to strengthen facial vessels and stimulate lymph flow;
  10. protection from the harmful effects of sunlight;
  11. prevention of premature aging.

Harm from sage can be observed in cases where there is an allergic reaction to the plant. Also, in some cases, there may be an overdose when taking sage decoction orally. According to numerous reviews, no other problems were noticed. In other words, it is enough to follow the general recommendations, and then sage will not cause any harm to the body.

Using sage on the face

There are numerous ways to use sage for the face. You can make ice from sage for massage, a decoction or infusion for washing, a tonic for cleansing the skin and masks for rejuvenation. In cosmetology, they often use all the products described below, choosing ready-made cosmetics or preparing everything at home.

Essential oil

Sage essential oil is often used for massage. To do this, mix 5 ml of base oil with two drops of sage essential oil. Facial skin massage is performed in the usual way. All movements should be performed starting from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the ears, counterclockwise around the eyelids, from the wings of the nose to the ears. The following exercises will be most effective:

  1. stroking to prepare the skin for stress;
  2. circular movements to knead the skin and relieve muscle tension;
  3. light patting and tapping to prepare for further stress;
  4. gentle pressure, vibration and gentle tingling to stimulate blood flow in the skin and skin regeneration;
  5. stroking to soothe the skin.

The massage will be useful for those who want to correct the oval of the face, strengthen blood vessels, improve blood flow, get rid of swelling and puffiness, smooth out wrinkles and sculpt a new texture of the skin.. In addition, massage is generally refreshing and rejuvenating. It can even help improve your immune system.

Advice! Before performing a massage, be sure to cleanse the skin. At a minimum, you need to get rid of decorative cosmetics, but in general, deep cleaning is recommended.

In addition, essential oil will also be effective for enriching finished cosmetics, such as creams, emulsions and gels. It is enough to add 2-5 drops depending on the volume of the finished product.

Sage ice

Sage ice can be used to massage and rub the skin. It is quite effective for the face, as it allows you to strengthen blood vessels, relieve swelling and stimulate lymph flow.

Making ice is easy. You will need the following ingredients:

  1. 7 grams of sage herb;
  2. 3 drops of sage essential oil;
  3. 3 grams of chamomile flowers;
  4. 120 ml water.

To make ice, you need to pour hot water over the dry medicinal herbs (its temperature should be more than 70 degrees). The product must be infused for an hour, and then add essential oil and mix. After this, you need to strain the finished broth and pour it into molds. All that remains is to put the broth in the freezer.

The product can be used immediately after freezing. It is recommended to wipe your face with an ice cube in the evening before applying a nourishing care product. The cryoprocedure is performed with smooth movements, moving along the lines of lymph flow.

Advice! Before the age of 30, a course of ten procedures will be sufficient to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. Then it can be repeated once every six months. But after the age of 35, you need to regularly maintain skin tone by performing two to four cryoprocedures per week.

Plant decoction

A decoction of the plant is one of the best remedies for cleansing and maintaining youthful facial skin. This composition will have an antibacterial and rejuvenating effect. Preparing the decoction is extremely simple. You will need the following ingredients:

  1. 12 grams of dry herb;
  2. 270 ml water.

To prepare the decoction, you also need to prepare a glass or enamel container (saucepan, ladle, stewpan). You need to immerse dry grass in it and fill it with hot water. After this, the container must be placed on the fire and simmered over low heat. Cooking should not last longer than 20 minutes.

Next, the broth should cool, after which you can strain. It is best to pour the liquid into a container with a dispenser, but you can also use an ordinary jar. You should wipe your face with the prepared decoction twice a day. If there are visible skin defects, such as acne, you can increase the number of wipes to four or five.

Advice! You can supplement wiping your face with sage decoction with contrasting compresses. They are also made from a decoction of this plant. By the way, the same liquid can be used to prepare makeup removers and masks at home.

Sage infusion for face

Sage infusion for the face is an effective remedy in the fight against acne, purulent formations and inflammation on the skin of the face. To prepare the tincture you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 15 grams of sage herb;
  2. 150 ml of alcohol or vodka.

To prepare the infusion, you can use both dry and fresh herbs. It should be placed in any suitable vessel, but it must be dark. Next, the grass needs to be filled with alcohol or vodka. You can also use cognac. The liquid should infuse for eight days. To do this, the container should be placed in a cool place. You need to shake the bottle from time to time.

The use of sage infusion involves wiping problem areas with acne or acne. It is important to carry out the procedure daily to quickly cope with inflammatory skin processes.

Worth knowing! You can additionally prepare a lotion in which the tincture and herbal decoction (sage or a combination of herbs) will be combined in equal doses. This product will be especially effective for combination or oily skin. If you need to strengthen the concentration of the lotion, you can simply add a little more sage tincture to it.

Useful face masks

Useful face masks can improve your skin health, soothe it, and stop or prevent age-related changes. There are many different recipes for masks, and the most effective ones are given in the table, which shows the ingredients necessary for preparation and the features of use.

Effect of use

Preparation and use

With sage oil

You will need 7 drops of sage oil, 8 drops of avocado oil, 12 grams of buckwheat flour, 5 drops of retinol

Calms the skin, stops age-related changes

It is necessary to grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder to a powder state or immediately use flour. Nutritious oils and retinol should be added to the flour. The resulting mixture should be poured with a herbal decoction (either a decoction of sage or a liquid from a combination of herbs will do).

The mask should be applied to the face with soft massage movements (preferably in a circular motion). After fifteen minutes, the product can be washed off. It is recommended to use fruit tea for this.

For the mask you need to prepare 6 drops of sage ether, 17 drops of grape oil, a little freshly brewed green tea, 11 grams of clay (pink or red will do)

Getting rid of acne, purulent rashes and pustules

It is necessary to dilute the selected clay with green tea (it must be freshly brewed). The result should be a mass that resembles a paste in consistency. Next, oils are added to it.

Before applying the mask, you need to steam your facial skin using a hot compress or steam bath, then spread the composition over the skin (a spatula is suitable for this). The mask must be kept on the face for 20 minutes. The final step is to perform a contrast wash.

You should prepare 4 grams of shea butter, 14 grams of cocoa powder, 20 ml of sage decoction

Restoring skin elasticity, increasing elasticity, smoothing wrinkles

It is necessary to dilute the cocoa powder with sage decoction (it should be warm). You need to add butter that has been previously melted into the liquid mass.

Before applying the mask, you need to steam the skin using a hot compress or using a steam bath. Next, you need to apply the product to the skin of the face, avoiding the eyelid area. After half an hour, you can wash off the mask. It is advisable to use linden decoction for this. Finally, you need to moisturize your facial skin. Coconut oil is ideal for this.

From sage and starch

You will need 18 grams of starch, 6 drops of sage essential oil, 7 grams of milk powder

Lifting effect with a pronounced result

Potato starch and milk powder should be mixed and diluted with warm tea. Next, sage ether is added to the product.

Before applying the mask, it is recommended to steam your face (a herbal steam bath will do). The mass should be distributed over the skin of the face, moving from the chin to the cheekbones and forehead. After twenty-five minutes, you can wash off the product with water in which a little pomegranate oil is diluted.

From sage and chamomile

You should take 9 grams of sour cream, 2 grams of chamomile flowers, 3 grams of sage herb, 9 grams of oatmeal

Improving complexion, combating uneven pigmentation, accelerating blood flow, maintaining skin elasticity and youthfulness

Dry herbs should be ground to powder using a coffee grinder. Then they need to be mixed with flour and fresh sour cream.

Before applying the mask, you need to wash off your decorative cosmetics. The finished mass should be distributed over the skin and washed off after twelve minutes. When finished, it is recommended to moisturize your facial skin with rice oil.

You should take 22 grams of avocado, 15 ml of sage decoction, yolk

Restoration of skin structure, nutrition, saturation with vitamins

You should prepare the fruit pulp by grinding it into a paste. The yolk and warm herbal decoction should be added to the same mixture. The mask should be mixed well and it is ready for use.

It is recommended to apply the product while lying down, with your eyes closed. You can cover all areas of the face. After forty minutes, you can remove the mask using a damp cotton swab.

For oily skin

2 drops lemon balm ether, 4 drops sage oil, 11 grams of yeast, 12 drops wheat oil

Cleansing and blocking the spread of infections

Yeast should be dissolved in mineral water. Next, essential oils are added to the mixture.

Before applying the mask, you should clean your face of decorative cosmetics. Then you can apply the mask, leave for ten minutes and rinse (it is best to use lime water).


Ingestion is quite possible. But you need to know when you can drink decoctions, infusions and teas from sage. It is important to remember that the plant has some contraindications. Ingestion is indicated in many cases due to the antibacterial properties of the plant.. All parts of the plant are useful.

The most useful decoction and infusion of sage is for purposes such as:

  1. treatment of minor burns, frostbite, skin diseases, including eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis (it is recommended to use gauze wipes that are specially soaked in a decoction of the plant);
  2. reduction of sweating (the infusion will also help with feverish sweating, the process stops very quickly, and the result lasts for 2-3 hours);
  3. treatment of diseases of the chest and respiratory systems, including tuberculosis;
  4. stomach and intestinal disorders (sage is used in combination with other herbs in stomach and laxative preparations);
  5. treatment of a number of diseases: articular rheumatism, hepatitis, infectious diseases of the oral cavity, hypothyroidism;
  6. preventing hair loss;
  7. memory improvement;
  8. getting rid of senile hand tremors.

Sage is used in folk medicine as an astringent, choleretic, expectorant, analgesic and diuretic. In modern medicine, sage-based remedies are prepared that are prescribed during menopause, for obesity, to improve mental activity, to increase potency, and to get rid of infertility. Many folk healers recommend using an infusion of sage seeds with linden to increase the chances of conceiving a child.

It is important! Sage also has some contraindications. These include allergic reactions, acute nephritis, epilepsy, gestation and lactation (there is a possibility of decreased milk production), amenorrhea, and problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland. You should also not give a decoction of the plant to children under two years of age.

It should be remembered that sage is not a miracle cure for all diseases and problems. But when used correctly, it can improve health. But incorrect use threatens an overdose, which manifests itself in the form of general intoxication of the body and severe headaches.

General recommendations

General recommendations will tell you the correct use of sage in any form. So, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Sage has a strong spicy aroma and slightly bitter taste. This makes the plant popular for use in the food industry. Sage is often used as an ingredient for marinades, soups, salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes.
  2. The plant can be added to tea or completely brewed into drinks based on it. This practice is especially common in China, where teas are made from clary sage leaves.
  3. You can make a homemade deodorant from sage hydrosol and alum. You can buy these components at any cosmetic store. The preparation is very simple. You will need to take alum and hydrosol in equal quantities and cook over low heat for two hours until the liquid evaporates. Next, all that remains is to pour the product into molds and wait for it to harden (usually 10-24 hours).
  4. Sage will help cope with puffiness under the eyes. To do this, you need to prepare a compress from the decoction (it is prepared from two tablespoons of herbs and a glass of water). Compresses are placed on the area around the eyes, moistened alternately in cold and warm broth and left for 30-60 seconds. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-5 times.
  5. To cleanse and maintain skin tone, you can use a sage steam bath (you need to mix a tablespoon of linden blossom, chamomile inflorescences, birch leaves, willow and mint, oak bark and sage, and then pour the mixture with 1-1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil ). All that remains is to steam the skin. Finally, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin. The optimal time to repeat the procedure is 2-3 times a month. You will be able to get rid of blackheads and cleanse your skin in general.

Sage is a good helper in the fight for beauty. You can use the most suitable recipe, taking into account your skin type and the desired effect. You can increase efficiency by combining methods at home. The effectiveness of each of the described methods of rejuvenating and healing the skin has been proven by numerous reviews from those who have already tried the recipes in practice.

Video materials

Sage is an amazing plant with healing properties. Translated from ancient Greek, it means “sun and health.” What are the benefits of sage for the face? It contains many substances necessary for the skin. Many women use it in home cosmetics. Decoctions, infusions, and rejuvenating face masks are prepared using sage. They have cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and astringent properties. Using them, you can keep your skin young and healthy for a long time.

What are the benefits of sage for facial skin?

The plant contains many useful components that help get rid of cosmetic imperfections, namely:

The ursolic acid contained in the composition removes the stratum corneum and helps in the treatment of acne, blackheads, eczema, and pimples.
Flavonoids help fight early aging and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.
Carnosic acid protects against ultraviolet radiation, fights free radicals, and reduces pain from sunburn.

The advantage of sage masks is that they are suitable for all skin types. They can be combined with other herbs that enhance their effects.

A decoction is prepared from sage, which can be used to wash the face twice a day, morning and evening. This simple procedure will provide the skin with additional care, prolong its youth, and relieve acne, inflammation, and swelling.

Steaming your face with sage will help cleanse pores of impurities, remove toxins, and improve color. It is recommended to do the procedure no more than two to three times a week. It is especially useful before cleansing, which enhances its effect.

Sage masks are effective for porous, oily skin, dryness, inflammatory processes, pimples, blackheads, pigment spots, and peeling.

Rules of application

  1. To avoid allergies, sage preparations must be tested on the wrist. If after 15 minutes there is no redness, then everything is fine and you can use them. If there are still rashes, the plant should be discarded and replaced with other cosmetics.
  2. Before washing with the decoction or applying masks, do not forget to remove makeup and cleanse your face of dirt.
  3. It is recommended to apply masks to the face no more than once or twice a week; they should be kept on for no longer than 20-25 minutes.

How to prepare sage

The plant can be purchased at a pharmacy or at the market from herbalists, but it is better to prepare it yourself. Grass collection begins in early summer, during the flowering period. For this purpose, choose warm, sunny days. The plant must be clean. If there is dust on it, it is better to shake it off, or rinse it with water from a watering can, and wait until it dries well.

Sage begins to bloom in its second year, so if it is not yet blooming, cut off the lower, well-formed leaves. The leaves and top of the stem are cut off from a flowering plant. Before drying, it is sorted out, the lower part of the stem is removed, since it is very dense and is not suitable for further use.

The plant is dried in rooms with good access to fresh air, without direct sunlight. To determine the degree of dryness, you need to rub it with your fingers. The dried plant crumbles and crumbles.

Sage for the face: the best recipes

Sage decoction for face

The decoction is used for steaming or washing in the presence of skin rashes and wrinkles. Pour 5 tbsp into the pan. l. herbs, pour one liter of boiling water over it, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Take a steam bath for 15 minutes. Tilt your face over a pan of steam, cover your head with a towel. The steam temperature should be comfortable. The decoction can be used for daily washing, wiping, or rinsing. To do this, it must be judged and strained.

Sage oil for face

It doesn't take long to prepare the oil. It is easy to prepare at home. Grind the flowers and leaves of the plant, fill half a liter jar with them, fill them with vegetable or olive oil to the top of the jar, cover tightly with a lid, and leave to infuse in a dark place. After two weeks, separate the plant from the oil and squeeze out the extract from it through several layers of gauze. Add a new portion of the crushed plant to the remaining oil and repeat the procedure.

Sage ice for face

To prepare ice cubes, you need to prepare a decoction from the plant, infuse it, strain it, pour it into special ice molds, and place it in the freezer to freeze. After a few hours, the ice will be ready for use. Use it for wiping in the morning and evening. The procedure must be done carefully so as not to damage the skin.

Sage lotion for face

This is an effective remedy for acne, blackheads, and blackheads, which are often present on oily skin. Prepare one glass of plant decoction, cool it, strain, add one tbsp. l. aloe juice and 5 drops of propolis tincture. Wipe your skin before going to bed by soaking a cotton swab in lotion.

Sage and chamomile mask

The mask relieves irritation, the stratum corneum, smoothes wrinkles, and tones aging sensitive skin. Finely chop fresh sprigs of chamomile and sage, take two tbsp. l. mixture of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour. Separate the herbs from the water and place them on the skin. After 25 minutes, wash with warm water and the remaining infusion.

Sage and lemon balm mask

The mask is an effective means for cleansing, nourishing and rejuvenating combination skin. Mix one tbsp. l. sage, lemon balm, St. John's wort, nettle, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour. Separate the herbs from the infusion, put them on the skin, after 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water, then with the remaining infusion.

Sage and oatmeal mask

The mask relieves puffiness, moisturizes, and refreshes tired skin. Mix one dessert spoon of crushed herbs of sage, cornflowers, calendula, pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, let it brew for 50 minutes, strain. 3 tbsp. l. pour oatmeal with the prepared herbal infusion, apply the contents to the dermis, after 20 minutes wash with warm, then cool water.

Sage face mask for acne

The product helps get rid of purulent acne and is used for all skin types. Take two tbsp. l. potato starch, pour a small amount of warm herbal decoction over it, mix, apply to the dermis, and rinse with running water after 15-20 minutes.

Sage face mask for spider veins

The recipe helps in the treatment of rosacea, is suitable for all skin types, and is intended for daily use. Connect one st. l. sage, nettle, parsley, St. John's wort, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a mixture of herbs, put on fire, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes, cool, strain. Add one tsp to the broth. lemon juice. Dip a napkin into the broth, apply it to problem areas of the epidermis, hold for 10 minutes.

Whitening sage mask

The product can be used for all skin types. It removes bruises, dark spots, circles under the eyes. Mix one tbsp. l. chopped dry sage and finely chopped parsley, pour a small portion of boiling water over the herb mixture, leave for 25 minutes, strain. Place the herbs on the skin, after 20 minutes wash with running water, then with the herbal infusion.

Steaming mask with sage for facial cleansing

Prepare a decoction from the plant, cool it, strain. Dip a thick cloth into it, apply to the skin, hold for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Sage for the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, and the first wrinkles appear on it early. To slow down this process, you need to wipe the lower and upper eyelids with ice cubes, as well as apply gauze sage compresses for 25 minutes. For greater effect, cold and hot compresses must be alternated.

Now you know how sage is useful for the face, and you will use recipes with it to maintain beauty and youth.