Retinol acetate application in cosmetology

Vitamin A, or retinol acetate, can clear the skin of rashes, smooth out wrinkles and even tighten the oval. This is an effective remedy in the fight against aging processes. It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of retinol acetate for facial skin. This unique substance is often used in the production of anti-aging cosmetics, as well as in preparations for the treatment of acne.

Benefits of retinol for skin

Vitamin A was one of the first to be discovered. That’s why it got its name. At first it was used to treat such pathologies as “night blindness”. Much later, doctors noticed that this substance strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

Retinol acetate for skin is a powerful biogenic stimulant. Its small molecular weight allows the vitamin to penetrate deep into the epidermis. It has the following positive effects there:

  1. Improves the skin's ability to resist the negative effects of free radicals.
  2. Cleanses from toxins and impurities.
  3. Protects against ultraviolet exposure.
  4. Strengthens blood vessels.
  5. Relieves itching and inflammation.
  6. Prevents the destruction of elastin fibers.
  7. Stimulates collagen production.
  8. Accelerates cell division and protein synthesis.
  9. Relieves peeling.
  10. Eliminates dry skin.
  11. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  12. Accelerates skin healing.
  13. Eliminates scars and post-acne.
  14. Evens out skin microrelief.
  15. Eliminates wrinkles.
  16. Lighten pigmentation.

In some cases, retinol acetate can be dangerous for the skin. Sometimes it provokes the development of allergic reactions. For example: redness, severe peeling and itching. Therefore, before using it, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test. The vitamin or cosmetics containing it are applied to the skin of the wrist and its reaction is observed.

Forms of release of the drug

Retinol acetate for skin can be used in its pure form. You can also prepare face masks, lotions, creams and scrubs based on it. The vitamin can be purchased at a pharmacy; it has the following release forms:

  1. Oil capsules. The gelatinous shell is easily pierced with a needle. The contents of the capsule can be used in pure form or added to masks and creams.
  2. Ampoules with solution for injection. Contains the highest concentration of retinol. The solution does not leave any oily residue. It is most often used to make lotions.
  3. Retinol acetate oil solution. For skin it is used in the preparation of homemade scrubs. Packaged in dark glass bottles.
  4. Pills. Used exclusively for oral administration.

Features of application

Skin care with vitamin A is not recommended to start with large doses. Firstly, it can trigger the development of allergic reactions. And secondly, the dermis will quickly get used to the vitamin and its reaction will be less pronounced.

Before using retinol acetate for facial skin, you need to make sure that even a small dose will not provoke an allergic reaction. It must be remembered that the vitamin penetrates well deep into the epidermis. In some cases, even external use can lead to an excess of this substance in the body. Therefore, you will need to avoid cosmetics with retinol in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Pathologies of the kidneys and bile ducts.
  3. In active sun.
  4. In case there are wounds and extensive purulent rashes on the skin.

Retinol acetate breaks down quite quickly when exposed to heat, light and some other factors. Therefore, masks and scrubs with vitamin A should be used immediately after they are prepared.

Pharmacy drugs

Retinol acetate for facial skin can be found in some pharmaceutical ointments. Medical preparations contain a higher concentration of the vitamin compared to cosmetic products. Therefore, many women believe that for skin rejuvenation it is more effective to use ointments that are sold in pharmacies. Despite the fact that they are intended to treat certain pathologies.

Preparations containing vitamin A:

  1. Retinoic ointment. Used to prevent age-related changes. The ointment is applied before bedtime. The drug should not be used more than twice a week. Applying ointment to the periorbital area is not recommended.
  2. "Radevit." In addition to retinol, the ointment contains vitamin E and D. The drug is used to combat the signs of skin aging. The use of ointment can reduce the depth of wrinkles and increase skin turgor. In addition, collagen production is stimulated. It is recommended to use "Radevit" in a course of 45 days, at night. After this, you should take a break for a month.
  3. "Relief". Ointment for hemorrhoids. It contains oil obtained from shark liver. It is known that fish oil is one of the richest sources of vitamin A. The use of Relief can smooth out wrinkles and eliminate dry skin. The ointment also stimulates cell regeneration and eliminates swelling.
  4. "Regetsin." In addition to retinol, it contains zinc. This remedy is most often used to combat acne. However, it can also rejuvenate the skin.

The best cosmetics with retinol

Anti-aging cosmetics with vitamin A effectively eliminate wrinkles, age spots and other signs of aging. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. Retinol acetate for facial skin works well in the following cosmetic products:

  1. Liftactive Retinol HA from Vichy. In addition to retinol, the product contains hyaluronic acid and water from thermal springs. The use of the cream stimulates the dermis to produce more collagen. Wrinkles and unevenness are smoothed out, and skin tone is evened out.
Redermic R from La Roche-Posay. Eliminates deep wrinkles, pigmentation and uneven complexion. It is recommended that you additionally use sunscreen while using this product. Eluage by Avene. Improves metabolism in the dermis and blood circulation. Increases skin elasticity and makes the oval shape clearer. L'Oreal Revitalift. An affordable cream that contains retinol. Absorbs quickly. Improves skin microrelief and smoothes wrinkles.

Anti-aging homemade masks

Retinol acetate for facial skin at home can be used to prepare anti-aging masks. For these purposes, it is better to purchase an oil solution in gelatin capsules. You can eliminate the signs of aging using the following recipes:

  1. Prepare in advance a teaspoon of any night, nourishing cream that matches your skin type. Add the contents of two ampoules of vitamin A and five drops of aloe juice to it. Mix everything. Apply the mixture to clean and steamed skin. Dry your face with a napkin after 20 minutes.
Mix half a tablespoon of quality olive oil with two retinol capsules. Apply to skin. It should be taken into account that olive oil has a moderate comedogenic coefficient. Therefore, it is better not to use this recipe for oily or problem skin. Fifteen grams of homemade fatty cottage cheese are ground with a tablespoon of sour cream or cream. Then an ampoule of retinol is added to the mixture and distributed over clean facial skin. For the next mask you will need to prepare full-fat cottage cheese, olive oil and retinol. This recipe is suitable for very dry skin that is prone to flaking. A tablespoon of oil is mixed with 20 g of cottage cheese and two ampoules of vitamin are added. Pour a teaspoon of almond oil, 10 drops of burdock and a retinol capsule into 15 ml of natural liquid honey. The mixture is carefully distributed over the face and left for 30 minutes.

Vitamin A for treating rashes

Retinol acetate is also useful for skin if it is problematic. Regular use of masks with vitamin A will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and tighten pores, and relieve inflammation. The most useful masks will be:

  1. Whipped egg white is mixed with 20 g of white cosmetic clay. Then add a retinol capsule and five drops of lemon juice. The mixture must be left on the face until completely dry and then washed off.
  2. Grind a teaspoon of dry lentils in a coffee grinder. A retinol capsule and a little zinc ointment are added to the powder. Everything is mixed. The composition should remain on the skin until it dries. Then it is washed off.
  3. Two capsules of retinol are mixed with low-fat kefir and applied to the skin. This mixture is suitable for girls with very oily skin and large pores.

Scrubs and lotions

Cleansing the skin with scrubs allows you to cleanse pores, eliminate dead cells and improve skin microrelief. In addition, the breathing of the dermis and blood circulation in its tissues improves. A scrub with retinol will be beneficial for all skin types. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Oat flakes - 25 g.
  2. Milk (fat for dry skin and vice versa) - 25 ml.
  3. Retinol oil solution - 5 ml.

The flakes must be ground in a coffee grinder. Oatmeal powder is poured with hot milk. When it cools to room temperature, add retinol and mix. The mixture can be used as a scrub.

An oil solution of retinol or vitamin from injection ampoules can be added to ready-made tonics or lotions. In addition, it is easy to prepare such care products yourself from cucumber juice or the pulp of aloe leaves.


Every woman who decides to use retinol in skin care should remember that this substance is toxic in high concentrations. Therefore, you should not swallow vitamin A by the handful and apply the oil solution to your face every day.

The use of ready-made and homemade cosmetics with vitamin A allows you to rejuvenate and cleanse your face. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. Retinol acetate will be beneficial for the skin, provided that cosmetics are used correctly. Before using a new cream or mask, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.

To date, only retinol has proven effective in its ability to rejuvenate the skin. No other substances, when applied superficially, have such stimulation on the epidermis. Only injections can be more effective.


Preference for natural products over chemical creams and serums is the basis of home cosmetology. Women who want to look attractive and healthy try to avoid substances from jars. The fact is that the composition of such products, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. This is why cosmetic products of natural origin are so popular. These include retinol acetate. However, before using the product, you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications, indications and other nuances.

What is Retinol acetate

Retinol acetate is vitamin A. High levels of the latter are found in products such as:

Release forms

Retinol acetate can also be found in drug form. The latter has several forms of release:

  1. Solution. Available in small bottles. The concentration of the active substance in such a drug is usually 3.44% or 8.6%. The packaging must indicate that the product is intended for facial skin care. As for the percentage of retinol in the product, this is at your discretion. But remember that it is better to start with a minimum concentration in order to monitor the skin's reaction to the drug.
  2. Capsules. They are an oil solution of vitamin A, enclosed in a dense shell. Capsules are convenient to use, since the volume of the drug in them is usually enough for one use. To extract the solution, simply pierce the shell in any way convenient for you: a needle or other device.


Retinol capsules are most convenient for use in facial care


Retinol acetate in ampoules is usually used in body or hair care


When used for facial care, retinol acetate has the following properties:

  1. Improves the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. The latter is less well produced by skin cells with age. Meanwhile, it is hyaluronic acid that is responsible for the hydration of the face and its healthy appearance.
  2. Reduces the number of blackheads and pimples. In addition, retinol acetate prevents the occurrence of these unpleasant formations.
  3. Accelerates interstitial blood flow. It is the speed of blood movement in the vessels that determines the skin’s ability to regenerate, the timely supply of nutrients to cells, the presence of a healthy blush on the cheeks, and much more.
  4. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Interestingly, retinol acetate is suitable for any skin type: in the case of oily skin, the product reduces the intensity of sebum secretion, and in dry skin it increases this indicator.
  5. It is an excellent prevention of post-acne.
  6. Fights sagging skin.
  7. Makes age spots less noticeable.
  8. Serves as a good prevention of the formation of malignant tumors.
  9. Effectively fights various types of irritations.
  10. Fills skin cells with oxygen.
  11. It is a preventive measure for the formation of vascular patterns on the surface of the face.
  12. Combats flaking and dry skin.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of retinol acetate in facial cosmetology are:

  1. Excessive dry skin.
  2. Acne.
  3. Increased irritability of the facial surface.
  4. All forms of dermatitis. Retinol acetate will quickly soothe the skin and remove redness.
  5. Small wrinkles.
  6. Oily and problem skin types.
  7. Abrasions and cracks on the surface of the skin.

Interestingly, retinol acetate is also useful for preventing all of the listed indications. Try to avoid serious problems so that you don’t have to deal with them for a long time and hard time.

The use of retinol acetate in cosmetology

Retinol acetate has found wide application in cosmetology. The drug is added to homemade masks and purchased cosmetic products, used in its pure form and lotions are made with it.

Pure use

This technique helps to effectively fight wrinkles at home. However, use in its pure form is not the most popular way to use retinol acetate in cosmetology. But some, wanting to achieve quick results, are fans of this particular technique. In this case, you should adhere to several basic principles:

  1. Use the drug locally. Lubricate with retinol only problem areas - small wrinkles.
  2. Apply the product in this way once a day before going to bed. Do not apply a thick layer of the drug; a thin film on the surface of the skin will be enough.
  3. Use the product in its pure form until you see significant improvements. However, it is still not recommended to use the product in this way for longer than a month. After 4 weeks of use, rest for 14 days and then resume this practice if desired.
  4. Carefully monitor your skin's reaction: if there is the slightest irritation, do not use the product.

Adding to purchased cosmetic products

One of the easiest ways to use the product. It is enough to add a drop of the solution to your favorite cream/serum/other skincare cosmetic product. Do this every time before use: pour a little retinol into a portion of the product. Remember that overdose of the drug should be carefully avoided. Therefore, after two months of daily twice-daily use, it is necessary to stop for 8-12 weeks. After this, use of the product can be resumed.

Adding retinol acetate to cosmetic products is an excellent prevention of the premature appearance of wrinkles. When using the described technique, the skin will always look fresh and moisturized.

Homemade masks

Homemade masks with vitamin A are the safest and most effective method of using the drug. In this way you can get rid of wrinkles, skin dehydration, pimples and some other problems. When using homemade masks with the addition of retinol acetate, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Apply the mixture to thoroughly cleansed and dry facial skin. Be sure to remove makeup and wash your face.
  2. Use masks 1-2 times every 7 days at your discretion (some recipes indicate a different method of use, pay attention to this). If the skin reacts positively to the formulations used, there is no need to take breaks.
  3. Do not prepare mixtures in advance. Only a fresh mask will be most effective and safe for your skin. Also carefully monitor the freshness of the ingredients used (especially important for dairy products).
  4. Strictly follow the dosages of components indicated in the recipes.
  5. Do not apply cosmetic products to your skin immediately after washing off the mask. Retinol forms a thin protective film on the treated surface, so the cream or serum after the procedure will be minimally effective. You can use cosmetic products again a few hours after washing off the mask with added vitamin A.


  1. 1 tbsp. crushed dry sage leaves or chamomile flowers,
  2. liquid honey (1–2 tsp),
  3. 1–2 drops of retinol oil solution,
  4. a small piece of fresh aloe leaf.


Dried chamomile flowers effectively soothe the skin and relieve redness

Preparation and use:

  1. Puree the aloe using a blender or other method.
  2. Combine honey with crushed sage or chamomile leaves so that the mass is thick.
  3. Add prepared aloe and retinol to the honey mixture.
  4. Leave the mask on your face for a third of an hour. It is recommended to remove the product from the surface of the skin with a damp cotton pad.

Intense moisturizing

  1. 1–2 tsp. white clay,
  2. 1–2 tsp. apricot kernel oils,
  3. 5 ml retinol acetate,
  4. 0.5–1 tsp. fat milk.


Apricot kernel oil helps moisturize and nourish skin cells

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine the clay with vegetable oil so that the mass acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. If the mixture is too runny, add more dry ingredients and vice versa.
  2. Add vitamin A and milk to the mixture.
  3. The mask works for 15–20 minutes.


There are several interesting recipes for anti-aging masks with retinol. Try them all and choose the one that suits you best:

  1. Cottage cheese. Combine the contents of one retinol capsule with 20 g of cottage cheese. If your skin is dry, choose a full-fat dairy product, and vice versa. Pour 7–8 ml of liquid cream into the resulting mass. The product must be left on the face for 25–30 minutes.


To prepare a mask, try to find natural homemade cottage cheese


Honey should not be heated too much, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.


For making a mask, choose fatty sour cream


Spirulina for making a mask can be purchased at the pharmacy

All of the listed anti-aging masks can be applied to the skin around the eyes to reduce the number of wrinkles. But it is recommended to keep the composition on the sensitive area for no more than 5–7 minutes.

Video: mask with retinol against wrinkles around the eyes


The mask effectively fights pimples and blackheads. You can use the product up to 3 times a week. To prepare you will need:

  1. 1 tbsp. dry lentils,
  2. 10 ml of retinol oil solution,
  3. zinc ointment in the volume of a pea.


Lentils of any color are suitable for making a mask.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind the lentils in a coffee grinder or in another way.
  2. Add retinol and zinc ointment to the powdered mass. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Apply the mask to problem areas of the face and leave for 20 minutes.


The mask will help get rid of pigmentation and reduce the appearance of scars on the skin. To prepare you will need:

  1. 3–5 drops of lemon juice,
  2. raw white of one egg,
  3. 1 tsp white clay,
  4. 1 capsule of retinol.


Lemon juice is known for its brightening properties

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine clay and protein, stir the mass thoroughly.
  2. Add lemon juice and retinol.
  3. Leave the mask on the surface of the skin until a strong feeling of tightness appears.


Using lotions with retinol acetate is the gentlest way to use the drug. The products act slowly and gently without putting the skin at risk. You can use lotions with retinol every day after washing your face - just apply it to a cotton pad and wipe your face. Try a few recipes:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over plantain and nettle leaves, taken in quantities of 1 tsp each. After a third of an hour, strain the infusion and add 1-2 drops of retinol to it. The product can be stored for no more than four days.


Plantain is known for its anti-inflammatory effects on the skin


To prepare the mask, choose a very ripe melon


Almond oil effectively nourishes and rejuvenates the skin

Side effects and precautions

The only side effect of using retinol acetate is an allergic reaction. The latter may manifest itself as a rash, irritation, peeling, redness and/or itching. To prevent unpleasant consequences, pay attention to the following precautions:

  1. Regardless of the chosen release form, purchase the product exclusively in pharmacies or directly from a trusted manufacturer (for example, on the official website of a pharmaceutical company).
  2. Start using the product with small dosages. Take a drug with an active substance content of 0.1% to 1%. This way you will minimize the risk of the above complications. In addition, the skin quickly gets used to the effects of the vitamin, which is why the concentration will have to be gradually increased.
  3. Do not use expired product. A product whose expiration date has expired will not benefit the skin. In addition, such a drug can harm dermal cells.
  4. Test the product for individual intolerance. Apply the solution to the inside of your wrist or elbow. If no side effects are observed after a day, feel free to use the product. Remember that the procedure must always be performed when you buy a drug with a higher concentration of the active ingredient or change the manufacturer of the product.
  5. Strictly follow the dosage of the product indicated in the instructions for use. You can use less product, but never more. The fact is that an overdose (even when used externally) is often the cause of an allergic reaction.


The main contraindications to the use of retinol acetate for the face are:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation. During these periods, a woman is recommended to consume natural products containing vitamin A. In addition, constant use of retinol (even externally) can negatively affect the development of the fetus.
  2. Abundant purulent rashes on the surface of the skin.
  3. Open wounds.


The main analogue of retinol acetate is Aevit. The latter is a combination drug, the main components of which are fat-soluble vitamins A and E. Aevit is considered a stronger remedy than retinol acetate. The fact is that the combination of vitamins gives a more pronounced anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Aevit can be added to masks, lotions and store-bought products instead of retinol acetate, if you like the effect of the combined drug more. The product costs from 33 to 55 rubles, while the price of an oil solution of vitamin A, depending on the volume and manufacturer, is 10–90 rubles.


Aevit is the main analogue of retinol acetate


Retinol acetate is a very convenient thing, useful and necessary. This is an oil mixture. I added a few fonts to the jars with all the creams. Perfectly smoothes out fine wrinkles and has a beneficial effect on facial skin. You can use it in its pure form, applying a little to the face. The effect is no worse than that of expensive face creams.


I am fond of gelatin masks, and for each portion of the mask I add a couple of drops of vitamin A. The effect is certainly bright, the skin looks much better, but masks need to be done periodically, for example, I do it 2 or three times a week and so on for two months, and then I rest for a month and again I continue the procedure.


The vitamin preparation Retinol acetate was recommended to me by the doctor when I came for an appointment with a severe runny nose. I always have a problem (although I think many people have this problem), like a runny nose, and the skin on the nose and around the nose always starts to peel off a lot. I applied it to areas of skin on and around my nose where it was flaking. The nose calmed down, the skin softened and did not rub with a handkerchief when blowing your nose.


Retinol acetate helps relieve redness and flaking of the skin

Zaya Dani

Retinol acetate is an excellent natural home skin care product. The product helps to cope with problems such as wrinkles, acne, pigmentation, peeling and others. The main thing when using the drug is strict adherence to the dosages specified in the recipes. If you follow this simple rule, retinol acetate will be an excellent help in maintaining the youth and beauty of your skin.

Retinol for facial skin is used in the fight for its ideal condition. It successfully helps cope with acne, reduces wrinkles, and slows down aging. This vitamin has an unpleasant taste (many people remember fish oil) perfectly stimulates the body to produce natural collagen and prevents its withering.


Therefore, in order for your face to remain young for a long time, it is not necessary to rush to cosmetologists for radical measures. You need to learn how to use retinol correctly and constantly. And we will help you with this. This vitamin is not as simple as it might seem at first.

Effect on skin

Cosmetologists know retinol firsthand. At first it was used for problems with acne, for the treatment and prevention of this pathology. This is how its healing properties were revealed. Later, thanks to research, its ability to smooth the skin and increase its elasticity was determined.

New advances regarding the usefulness of this vitamin have proven that retinol in cosmetology is an effective remedy, especially in relation to human skin rejuvenation. It is recommended to take it not only with food, but also with special creams and lotions for facial skin care.

Having a low molecular weight of the substance, the vitamin easily penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and, accumulating there, stimulates cell division and strengthens collagen fibers. It also regulates the processes of pigmentation and keratinization of cells. Regardless of age and skin condition, it promotes the formation of new cells, smooth out wrinkles and improve the overall condition of facial skin.


The presence of dry and irritable skin is one of the main signs of vitamin A deficiency. Therefore, retinol acetate is indicated for use for:

  1. dermatitis of all forms as a sedative;
  2. inflammation of the lips (cheilitis) - the pathology is easily eliminated if they are constantly lubricated with an oil solution of the vitamin:
  3. disruption of protein synthesis, which makes itself known through rough, flaky skin;
  4. first wrinkles;
  5. skin cracks.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

Retinol is vitamin A in its pure form. In nature, it is found in sufficient quantities in fish oil, liver, butter, cottage cheese and eggs. The second form of the vitamin, carotenoids, is found in all green and yellow fruits and vegetables.


But it has been scientifically proven that even the most correct and nutritious diet cannot provide a sufficient amount of this substance in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take additional vitamin complexes with retinol, the need for which is very different in different seasons of the year. So, in winter it is required much less than in hot summer. The balance of this vitamin must be replenished after X-ray examination.

The main signs of retinol deficiency:

  1. early skin aging, wrinkles, acne and seborrheic dermatitis;
  2. pain intolerance;
  3. dry hair and dandruff;
  4. sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  5. frequent intestinal infections and gastritis;
  6. pain in the eyes, dryness of their mucous membranes, redness of the eyelids;
  7. vision problems in low light (“night blindness”);
  8. respiratory pathologies, if they occur frequently;
  9. exhaustion;
  10. anemia.

Beneficial features

No one disputes the benefits of vitamin A for the body. But retinol is no less important in cosmetology. Its correct and long-term use increases the production of hyaluronic acid, which affects skin elasticity.

But it not only rejuvenates the skin of the face, but also helps well in the fight against acne. The vitamin improves blood circulation, allows pores to function normally, and prevents scarring, which usually happens after acne.


Among the positive properties of retinol are:

  1. the ability to provide rapid skin regeneration;
  2. nourishing and moisturizing the skin, ridding it of toxic substances;
  3. relief of inflammatory processes;
  4. stimulating skin blood circulation;
  5. strengthening blood vessels and preventing the appearance of vascular networks on the face;
  6. getting rid of blackheads;
  7. alignment of the facial contour.

Everyone over 30 should start using retinol-based products in order to take timely measures to preserve youth and slow down aging. However, when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account not just the presence of the substance in the cream or serum, but the level of its concentration. The higher it is, the more effectively the product will affect the restoration of elastin and collagen, and skin elasticity. In home care products, the figure should be at least 2%.

Which form should I choose?

Retinol has an oily structure. It reacts sensitively to light and loses its structure from it. Therefore, packaging with it is always dark in color and is not transparent. When choosing a drug, the best one is one that is distributed in doses, which minimizes the access of air to it. In its pure form, retinol is produced in the form:

  1. oil capsules - to use the required amount of vitamin. To do this, it is pierced with something thin and the contents are squeezed out. Therefore, the capsule is suitable for both internal and external use, for example, as part of masks;
  2. injection solution - the highest concentration of retinol is here. Therefore, the solution is used for its intended purpose and for the preparation of lotions, since this product does not leave greasy marks;
  3. oil solution - usually offered in a dark bottle. It can be applied to the skin before bed if it is dry, and taken (a couple of drops) before breakfast. This solution is suitable for adding to homemade scrubs;
  4. tablets - they contain the lowest concentration of retinol, since it is mainly produced in the form of a multivitamin complex. Tablets are suitable for internal use only.


Who shouldn't

Retinol itself and products containing it are not recommended for everyone. Having the ability to penetrate the body even if it is used externally, vitamin A can cause health problems if it is in excess. Ignoring contraindications and restrictions can lead to other undesirable consequences. Retinol acetate should not be taken:

  1. if you are prone to allergies - this is especially true for those whose skin is too sensitive. Therefore, it is useful to test for an allergic reaction by smearing the substance on the skin on the wrist;
  2. for women who are about to give birth and are breastfeeding - the vitamin can affect the fetus during pregnancy and after it (through breast milk);
  3. for those who have pathologies of the bile ducts and liver, a drainage effect may occur;
  4. with active sun (especially if the skin is too white), ultraviolet rays provoke the formation of age spots that are not so easy to remove.

You should not start using vitamin A with large doses. Otherwise, the skin that is accustomed to it will not respond to its further healing effects. You should also avoid using retinol if you have open wounds or severe purulent rashes.

Cosmetics with vitamins

Every year, cosmetics manufacturers produce many products that contain retinol for the skin. You always want to choose the perfect product for your facial skin. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to its type. You should pay attention to the excipients. If everything is correctly arranged and fits perfectly, the result will always be effective.

Some of the best vitamin A products include:

  1. Retinol Fusion PM is a serum for night use. It helps fight fine wrinkles, varicose veins, and acne. Suitable for any skin;
  2. Korff Lifting is a pencil that contains a large amount of hyaluronic acid and vitamin A. Solves problems in the area around the eyes, especially fine wrinkles;
  3. Regetsin is a gel containing, in addition to retinol, zinc. Effectively solves acne problems, has a softening effect on the skin;
  4. Retin-A Trans - a cream containing the most active form of vitamin A, works well both for teenage rashes and for solving problems with aging skin;
  5. Advanced Revitalization Cream - a cream with retinol acetate that helps smooth the skin and eliminate expression lines;
  6. Avene Eluage is a cream against active skin aging and to give it elasticity. Indicated for dry skin. Hyaluronic acid, which is an active additional substance in its composition, helps to quickly smooth out wrinkles;
  7. L'OREAL Revitalift is an inexpensive but effective night cream with a beneficial effect on complexion and texture. Absorbs quickly without leaving any traces;
  8. Retinol + magnesium is a cream from Belarusian manufacturers that slows down skin aging and restores its elasticity.


It is impossible not to mention retinoic ointment produced in Russia, which can only be bought in pharmacies. The result after its use is visible immediately.

Features of application

Smearing your face with retinol is not as simple as it might seem at first. All products containing it, and it itself, do not have a quick effect. Therefore, you need to be patient.

If you need to get a quick result, your doctor may recommend a product containing retinoids of synthetic origin, which are structural analogues of vitamin A. Artificial retinoids are more aggressive, so their use without the advice of a specialist is not indicated.

Another feature of the vitamin that you need to know about. At the first stage of using retinol, the condition of the skin may not improve, but even worsen. Newly formed cells begin to displace damaged ones, and this process will manifest itself as rashes and peeling. It’s better to mentally prepare yourself for this in advance.

Cosmetologists advise applying retinol products to a cleansed face at night and in small portions. The skin will be able to gradually get used to the component. If the product is used for the first time, then at the slightest discomfort you should stop using it regularly. It will be enough to do this every other day.

As for the method of application, this is done using a spot method, starting from the area where the wrinkles are located, and then throughout the face. The order depends on the purpose for which the cream or lotion is used. To obtain a noticeable result and for a daily procedure, it is advisable to use the drug for two months, after which the application can be reduced.


It is better to start using a cream with retinol in the autumn-winter period. At this time, the skin is not exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Homemade masks with retinol

Do-it-yourself vitamin A products are not inferior to official manufacturers in terms of effectiveness. Here are some mask recipes:

  1. with aloe vera - 1 tsp. nourishing night cream that suits your skin type, mix 10 drops of vitamin A in oil and 5 drops of agave juice in a glass container and apply generously to steamed, clean skin. In 20 minutes. wipe off the residue with a cotton swab;
  2. with olive oil - mix the contents of one ampoule of retinol with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, apply to cleansed face, and after half an hour remove using a napkin;
  3. with cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and full-fat cottage cheese, mix 10 drops of retinol until smooth, and then apply to cleansed skin. After half an hour, the mask is washed off and the face is smeared with night cream;
  4. with sour cream - 1 tsp. full-fat cottage cheese, one ampoule of retinol and 1 tsp. Grind the fat sour cream, spread over the face and wait 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream according to your skin type;
  5. from butter and honey - mix 1 tsp. liquid natural honey, burdock and almond oils and 0.5 tsp. oil solution of retinol, apply to the face, gently massaging it. After half an hour, remove the residue with a napkin, retinol solution in the form of oil - 0.5 teaspoon. Mix all the ingredients, apply to your face and massage it lightly. Wait 30 minutes and then remove excess with a napkin;
  6. for problem skin – mix cosmetic white clay with egg white, gradually adding 3 drops of lemon juice and the contents of 1 retinol capsule. The resulting mixture should be as thick as sour cream. After applying it to your face, you should leave the mixture until it dries completely, then remove it with a moistened cotton pad or napkin.


Using all of the above products to rejuvenate and maintain the skin in perfect condition, one should not forget about the need to consume foods that contain a lot of vitamin A. These are meat, liver, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, apricots, etc.

Creams, masks and other products with retinol, if used regularly, can work wonders without Botox, fillers and constant visits to beauty salons. You can take care of yourself at home using the power of retinol. True, we should not forget that only an integrated approach to this issue will help your skin always remain at its best and delight you with its well-groomed, youthful and beautiful appearance.