Herbs for washing face against wrinkles


The benefits of herbs in the fight against wrinkles

Nature is rich in herbs that can restore the elasticity of the skin and make the face more youthful. The following herbal remedies have pronounced anti-aging properties:

  1. aloe – moisturizes, promotes cell regeneration;
  2. calendula (marigold) – has an antibacterial effect, soothes, smoothes wrinkles, provides hydration;
  3. lavender – relieves irritation, restores a healthy complexion;
  4. coltsfoot – evens out wrinkles and gives the skin a velvety feel;
  5. nettle – restores elasticity, accelerates metabolism in the layers of the skin;
  6. parsley – nourishes, moisturizes, fights wrinkles and brightens the skin;
  7. peppermint – has a tonic and refreshing effect;
  8. dandelion – lightens pigmented areas;
  9. chamomile – promotes cell regeneration, inhibits the aging process, prevents the appearance of age-related and facial wrinkles;
  10. rosemary – tightens and smoothes the skin;
  11. horsetail – prevents sagging, helps cope with oily skin problems;
  12. thyme (thyme) – moisturizes skin prone to dryness, acts against the formation of wrinkles;
  13. Salvia officinalis – has a pronounced lifting effect;
  14. Rowan berries – have weak antioxidant properties, cleanse pores and smooth the skin.

Depending on the composition, qualities and characteristics of the medicinal plant, it can be used in the form of an infusion, a solution for a compress, or a component of cosmetic masks. Cosmetic ice made from a herbal decoction effectively fights wrinkles.

Herbs that provide care

For cosmetic procedures, herbal raw materials are selected taking into account the skin type and its needs:

  1. For those with oily skin, experts recommend using wormwood, St. John's wort, burdock, nettle, sage, coltsfoot, butterbur and string.
  2. Dry skin will benefit from the use of dill (plants and seeds), parsley, dandelion, yarrow, thyme, rowan berries, rosemary, lemon balm or mint, lavender, calendula (marigold), chamomile, rose petals and hop cones.
  3. Problem skin requires special care. You can provide it with the help of celandine, aloe, verbena (pigeon grass), calendula, immortelle, peppermint and horsetail.

These plants are used both singly and as part of multicomponent products. They go well with other ingredients, but require compliance with the proportions and rules of use.


There are different ways to use plant materials in home cosmetology. It can be used both fresh and dried.

  1. Rejuvenation of problem skin

A mask is prepared based on pharmaceutical chamomile. Chamomile color is one of the most popular drugs in herbal medicine. It gently cares for the skin of the face, smooths out wrinkles, and provides necessary nutrition and hydration. The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile will be useful for caring for problem skin.
To prepare the mask you will need: a dessert spoon of kefir or sour milk, the same amount of chamomile, one chicken egg.

Whisk all ingredients together in a blender. Apply the finished mask to the skin for twenty minutes.

This product is recommended for use not only on the face, but also on the neck.

  1. Smoothing wrinkles under the eyes and crow's feet

A mask made from a mixture of dry, crushed herbs: mint, plantain, chamomile will help smooth out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and on the lower eyelid.

A dessert spoon of each ingredient is combined in one container and poured with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water. After this, the product is boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat. The liquid is drained and set aside, and a teaspoon of starch is added to the herbs and stirred well.

The mask exposure time is 20 minutes. After this time, wash the face with broth or water.

  1. Restoration of aging and aging skin

It is possible to restore the elasticity of mature skin and smooth out fine wrinkles by systematically using a product made from sage leaves, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and linden blossom. The raw materials are taken dry in equal parts, for example, a teaspoon or a dessert spoon.

Using a coffee grinder or blender, grind the herbs to flour, add boiling water and stir. After this, add a tablespoon of sour cream or heavy homemade cream, a teaspoon of any vegetable oil.

Apply the product to the face for 20 minutes.

  1. Lightening mature skin

As they age, many women suffer from the appearance of age spots. A mask made from nettle works well for this cosmetic defect.
It is prepared from a tablespoon of chopped dry nettle, half a tablespoon of lemon juice, and a tablespoon of cream.

Nettles are mixed with juice, then the juice is added. The ingredients must be mixed well and allowed to brew for 15 minutes. After this, the product is applied to the face in several layers with a cosmetic brush. The exposure time of the mask is no longer than 15 minutes.

Such procedures can be performed on irritated skin that is prone to frequent drying.

  1. Herbal caring mask

A mask made from dried mint, chamomile and plantain takes good care of the skin. The raw materials are mixed in equal parts, crushed, poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. The broth is filtered and the tea leaves are thrown away. Add a little potato starch to the broth. Keep the product for 20 minutes.


  1. Anti-wrinkle remedies from calendula

Calendula flowers are often used in alternative medicine and cosmetology recipes. Pour a tablespoon of calendula flowers into a glass (200 ml) of boiling water and leave for at least half an hour.

A multi-layer gauze napkin is moistened in the broth, lightly wrung out and applied to the face. Keep the compress until the napkin is almost dry. After removing the mask, your face should be rinsed with warm water.

  1. Needles, birch leaves and chamomile

Grind a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, a teaspoon of pine needles, a tablespoon of fresh birch leaves in a blender, add a small amount of boiled water and mix to make a paste. Grind chicken yolk with a tablespoon of homemade cottage cheese and combine with herbal porridge.

Stir the mixture thoroughly and distribute on the face. Leave for 25 minutes, then rinse with water.

  1. Herbs for dry skin

Pour a teaspoon of fresh rose petals, the same amount of fresh mint leaves, chamomile flowers and fresh nettle into half a glass (100 ml) of boiling water. Boil for five minutes. When the broth has cooled a little, strain. Grind the grounds, combine with a teaspoon of homemade cottage cheese and a small amount of milk (for consistency). The result should be a creamy mass. It is applied to the face and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes.

  1. Plantain-based rejuvenator

It is better to make this mask after a bath or sauna, when the face is well steamed and the pores are open. The mask contains oatmeal, which has a positive effect on mature and tired skin.

Two tablespoons of flour, ground from oatmeal, two tablespoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves are mixed and ground to a mushy state. Keep the mask on the skin for up to half an hour. It is used not only on the face, but also in the neck and décolleté area.

  1. Chamomile lotion

A phyto-lotion is prepared from chamomile flowers. A tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of good dry white wine. Infuse for two weeks in a place protected from sunlight.

Wipe the skin twice a day with a self-prepared lotion, after which you must apply a nourishing cream.

  1. Linden lotion

The infusion prepared according to this recipe does not contain alcohol. It is used when the first age-related changes appear.

Prepare the product from two tablespoons of linden blossom and 250 ml of boiling water. The linden is filled with water and left for half an hour. After this, filter. Use lotion twice a day.

Cosmetic ice is prepared by freezing a cooled herbal infusion. It serves as an excellent means of preventing the appearance of early signs of aging. When used regularly, ice helps keep your skin fresh for a long time.

  1. Steam baths

This procedure helps cleanse the face, so it is carried out before applying the mask.

The steam that rises above the herbal decoction opens and cleanses the pores, and the essential oils extracted from medicinal herbs nourish the skin and provide its protection.
In addition, steam baths serve as aromatherapy, helping to overcome stress and relieve fatigue.

Medicinal herbs are a popular folk remedy that helps cope with many problems, including cosmetic ones. With the help of herbal raw materials, you can significantly rejuvenate the skin and improve its appearance. In addition, all herbal cosmetics are affordable and easy to use.


Many store-bought cosmetics contain herbs. However, the natural components in them can retain their beneficial properties for a very short time. Therefore, after some time, purchased masks and creams will no longer be as effective as initially.

It is possible to use extracts and infusions of herbs to your advantage, to make your facial skin clean and healthy at home, using simple recipes for cosmetic masks, lotions and compresses for these purposes.

Read in this article

Useful herbs for skin

Nature has provided many medicinal plants that are designed to help eliminate any imperfections in the dermis and preserve the beauty of the skin for as long as possible. But to use medicinal herbs for facial care at home, you do not need to buy the entire phytocosmetics department at a pharmacy or specialty store. To do this, it is enough to determine the skin type or the problem that needs to be dealt with (dryness, first wrinkles, acne or pigmentation).

For dry skin prone to allergies

The following plants are suitable for those with thin, dry dermis:

  1. oregano – perfectly moisturizes and soothes dry sensitive skin, has antiseptic properties;
  2. calendula – reduces inflammation, soothes irritated, allergy-prone dermis;
  3. thyme – charges with vitamins, moisturizes and gives freshness to tight, flaky skin;
  4. lavender – has an anti-inflammatory effect on tired, sensitive skin;
  5. yarrow – relieves itching and irritation.

Using an infusion of these herbs, you can prepare masks, cosmetic ice, or make baths for washing.

For oily skin

Decoctions from plants that contain organic acids, tannins and phytoncides will help reduce oiliness and dry out inflammation. To improve excessively oily facial skin, the following are most often used:

  1. aloe - the plant carefully cares for oily skin, prevents the appearance of acne and redness;
  2. nettle – works well to relieve redness on oily and combination skin;
  3. burdock root – helps to establish oxygen exchange in cells and also cleanse ducts;
  4. mint – reduces oily skin and gives it tone (can also be used for rejuvenation);
  5. plantain – treats acne and pustules, tightens pores;
  6. horsetail – dries and heals rashes;
  7. St. John's wort - the plant's restorative properties are highly valued in the fight against acne.

Young people with oily skin and youthful acne can use raspberry, immortelle and celandine leaves for facial care. Plants reduce oily shine, fill the skin with freshness and purity.

Herbs with anti-aging effect

Not only expensive creams with collagen can get rid of wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. Nature also has many proven anti-aging remedies, for example, the following plants:

  1. coltsfoot - softens the dermis and evens out the tone of the facial skin, making it smooth and silky;
  2. rosemary – eliminates fine expression wrinkles and makes contour lines clearer;
  3. chamomile – thanks to its healing and antiseptic effects, the herb prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles and stops the aging process;
  4. radiola - restores tone to aging skin, gives the face a healthy, radiant appearance;
  5. sage - has high antioxidant properties, stimulates the production of new epidermal cells and, as a result, tightens the skin, making it fresher and younger.

For deep cleansing

All types of leather need daily cleaning. With the help of plants this can be done delicately and gently. Suitable for these purposes:

  1. succession - used to normalize cellular processes, deeply cleansing and toning the dermis;
  2. Nettle – due to its scrubbing properties, it is ideal for the care of oily and combination skin.

All these herbs can be included not only in masks, they can also be used in the form of baths or compresses to pre-steam the skin before cleansing or applying cosmetics.

Against age spots

Lemon juice is considered an excellent remedy that helps get rid of pigmentation. But before use, it must be diluted with water so as not to cause irritation. Instead of water, you can use infusions of the following plants:

  1. dandelion – effectively eliminates freckles and even very strong pigmentation;
  2. parsley – has whitening properties, makes skin tone more even and fresh.

You can collect and dry medicinal plants yourself. The main thing is that the product must be environmentally friendly and grow as far as possible from factories or road sections.

Knowing the properties of beneficial herbs, you can easily tidy up your facial skin and simply maintain its condition in the future.

Watch this video about herbs for different facial skin types:

Rules for use at home

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants can relieve the skin of many defects and premature aging. In order for the result to be as effective as possible, you must follow several rules for using them at home, as well as know the features of a particular recipe. To begin with, before using it in practice, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basics of phyto-cosmetology.

Basic recommendations for the use of medicinal plants:

  1. You can use herbs for the face in several ways: add them to masks, for daily washing, wiping or lotions, or prepare cosmetic ice.
  2. The first thing to do is to check for an allergic reaction on a small area of ​​skin on your hand, and only after making sure that there is no reaction, apply the product to your face.
  3. If you have a favorite homemade mask, it can be easily improved by replacing the liquid component (milk, juice) with a herbal decoction.
  1. After a course of 10 - 15 herbal masks, you need to take a short break, and then change the composition of the product so that the skin does not get used to it.
  2. If the plants are collected independently, they don’t even need to be dried; they can be used fresh.
  3. All decoction recipes are best applied immediately or a few hours after preparation.
  4. It is better to use glass or ceramic containers to store cosmetic compositions.
  5. If there are fresh scratches, acne, inflammation, scars or traces of recent plastic surgery on the face, it is better to postpone the procedure with medicinal herbs.
  6. The collected plants can be stored for two years, in a dry place out of reach of sunlight.

Leave any herbal mask on your face for no more than 30 minutes. Because all useful plants are biologically active only for half an hour.

Recipes for skin

Folk cosmetology is based on the use of natural raw materials and healing ingredients. Having prepared a face mask from herbs, you do not need to worry about possible harm to the body. But everything should be in moderation. From time to time it is necessary to alternate plants and procedures (for example, change masks to tonic or wiping with ice to lotions), and also give the skin a little rest.

For rejuvenation

Mature skin with noticeable wrinkles can be pampered with masks that simultaneously tighten, moisturize and saturate the dermis with nutrients. Therefore, in addition to herbs, cosmetic compositions may contain vegetable or milk fats.

Mint cocktail

The composition of this mask helps fight the signs of aging, and thanks to dandelion it will get rid of pigmentation and freckles.


  1. mint leaves - two teaspoons;
  2. dandelion leaves - two teaspoons;
  3. liquid honey - one teaspoon;
  4. tea tree oil – a few drops;
  5. egg - one piece.
  1. Grind fresh mint and dandelion.
  2. Add raw egg to the leaves.
  3. Melt honey and tea tree oil in the microwave or in a water bath.
  4. Mix honey with the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
  5. Apply to face, rinse after 20 minutes.

Tea tree oil moisturizes dry skin and does not create a greasy sheen on oily skin. Therefore, the product is universal and suitable for all skin types.

Anti-wrinkle mask with sage

The procedure allows you to rejuvenate aging skin by activating elastin synthesis in cells and saturating it with vitamins.


  1. sage - two teaspoons;
  2. cottage cheese – 10 g;
  3. egg yolk - one piece.
  1. Pour sage with a small amount of boiling water and mash in a mortar.
  2. Gradually add the remaining ingredients.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face (from bottom to top) and leave for 15 - 20 minutes.
  4. After a while, remove the remains with a napkin.

After seven to eight sessions, a noticeable lifting effect is noticeable.

Rubbing with frozen sage infusion will also help rejuvenate your face and relieve puffiness.

For people with rosacea on the face, such procedures may be contraindicated; it is better to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Anti-aging mix

The procedure will improve your complexion, tone your skin and help remove antioxidants.


  1. St. John's wort - two teaspoons;
  2. coltsfoot - two teaspoons
  3. mint - two teaspoons;
  4. chamomile – two teaspoons;
  5. sage - two teaspoons;
  6. sour cream - one teaspoon.
  1. Mix all the herbs in one container and add a small amount of boiling water.
  2. Wait 20 - 25 minutes for the mixture to steam and drain the liquid.
  3. Combine the mixture with sour cream, mix well and spread over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  4. Lie down and cover the mask with a towel. Wait 15 - 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the composition with warm water.

This procedure can be done twice a week in winter and once every seven days in summer.

For hydration

To prevent all manifestations of dry dermis, you first need to soften and moisturize it, get rid of flaking, and also reduce inflammation.

With yarrow

Yarrow will perfectly relieve irritation from inflamed skin, and sage activates the production of new cells, which speeds up the healing process of areas with peeling.


  1. Yarrow flowers - two teaspoons;
  2. Sage leaves - two teaspoons;
  3. Hercules flakes - two teaspoons.
  4. Egg yolk – one piece.
  1. Grind the sage and yarrow using a mortar.
  2. Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder.
  3. Combine herbs with yolk and flakes. Mix everything well.
  4. Apply the composition to the face (except for the area around the eyes) for 20 - 25 minutes.
  5. Wash off the mask with warm water without using cleanser.

If the skin is severely dry and flaky, the mask can be used every other day. Later, for prevention, reduce the procedure to once a week.

Moisturizing mask with coke oil

In combination with honey and coconut oil, the herbs have tonic properties. Cells are saturated with oxygen and active components that prevent dryness, flaking and itching.


  1. thyme - one teaspoon;
  2. rosemary - one sprig;
  3. liquid honey – 10g;
  4. coconut oil - five drops.
  1. Grind the herbs in a mortar.
  2. Combine them with honey and coconut oil.
  3. Steam your face by washing it with hot water.
  4. Apply a good layer of the mask onto the steamed dermis. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the composition with running water.

Due to the fact that after using the mask, facial vessels are strengthened, the rosacea network is reduced, and the skin tone becomes even and beautiful.

Herbs with sour cream

The procedure not only relieves irritation from sensitive skin, but also perfectly smoothes expression lines and refreshes the complexion.


  1. chamomile - two teaspoons;
  2. hops - two teaspoons;
  3. calendula – two teaspoons;
  4. fat sour cream - one teaspoon.
  1. Mix the herbs in one bowl and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Cool the infusion to room temperature and combine with sour cream.
  3. Apply to face for 20 - 25 minutes.
  4. After a while, wipe the mixture with a napkin.

It is recommended to use the herbal infusion once or twice a week.

For elasticity

In order for the skin to be tightened as long as possible, and the contours of the cheekbones and chin to have expressive lines, do not forget to regularly take care of the skin of the face, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, use tonic masks, and fill the cells with oxygen.

Chamomile flower mask

Chamomile is a plant that is best suited for mature skin. The herb gives the skin elasticity, triggers regeneration processes, and also restores cellular structure.


  1. chamomile flowers - four teaspoons;
  2. full-fat kefir - four teaspoons;
  3. egg - one piece.
  1. Grind dried chamomile flowers in a coffee grinder.
  2. Add kefir and raw egg to the chamomile.
  3. Apply the mixture all over your face for 20 - 25 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask-compress with sage

The product is indicated for eliminating defects in mature problem skin prone to acne.


  1. sage - four teaspoons;
  2. sesame oil – five drops.
  1. Steam the sage in boiling water and let cool to a temperature of 38 - 40 C.
  2. Make a paste from the grass, and then add sesame oil to it.
  3. Apply the mask to your face and cover it with a steamed towel.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Dry your face with a towel.

A sage compress will perfectly tighten the oval of the face and also protect the dermis from photoaging. This mask is relevant not only in the cold season, but also in the summer.

Brightening mask with dandelion

Uneven tone and gray complexion can be corrected using this recipe.


  1. dandelion leaves - six teaspoons;
  2. liquid honey - four teaspoons;
  3. non-carbonated mineral water – four teaspoons.
  1. Grind the dandelion and pour cold mineral water into it.
  2. Heat the honey a little and combine all the ingredients.
  3. Distribute the resulting paste over your face.
  4. After 25 minutes, wash with clean water.

As a result, after just a few procedures, the correct distribution of melanin throughout the skin is restored - and spots on the face disappear.

For acne

Acne and redness most often appear on oily skin with enlarged and clogged pores. To solve this problem not only on youthful, but also on mature skin, you need to pay attention to herbs that contain phytoncides and flavonoids.

Cleansing mask with clay

This product deeply cleanses the dermis, gets rid of blackheads and sebaceous shine.


  1. aloe juice – 10 ml;
  2. Moroccan clay – 10 g;
  3. avocado oil – 12 drops.
  1. Squeeze the juice from aloe and then mix it with clay and oil.
  2. Distribute the mixture over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  3. Leave for 15 - 20 minutes, rinse with running water.

Aloe in combination with other components has a caring effect, normalizes intracellular processes and relieves swelling.

Based on wormwood decoction

The secret of wormwood decoction is that, penetrating into the pores, the product acts on the skin from the inside, regulating the functioning of the glands and protecting the skin from aging.


  1. wormwood - four teaspoons;
  2. oatmeal - four teaspoons;
  3. lemon zest - two teaspoons;
  4. fat milk, water.
  1. To create a decoction, boil the wormwood in 200 ml of water over low heat for several minutes.
  2. Cook thick oatmeal in milk.
  3. Add lemon zest to the porridge and dilute it with a decoction of wormwood.
  4. Apply the mixture to the skin.
  5. Wait 20 - 25 minutes, rinse off any remaining product with warm water.

A wormwood mask starts the processes of healing and rejuvenation of the dermis, eliminates excessive oily shine and demodicosis.

Mask with nettle and St. John's wort

Having healing properties, St. John's wort is useful for fighting acne and purulent rashes. Nettle will eliminate redness and hide the effects of acne.


  1. St. John's wort flowers - two teaspoons;
  2. nettle leaves - two teaspoons;
  3. low-fat sour cream - four teaspoons;
  4. lemon juice - two teaspoons.
  1. Grind nettle and St. John's wort in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix herbs with sour cream, squeeze fresh lemon juice.
  3. Place on face for 20 - 25 minutes.
  4. Afterwards, wash your face without using any cleanser.

Knowing the properties of medicinal herbs, you can do without many store-bought skin care products. After all, natural herbal treatments are harmless and beneficial to the body. And so that the results do not keep you waiting, the plants should be used regularly, following the correct recipe.

Useful video

To learn how to make face masks from herbs, watch this video:

Hello, dear blog readers! Winter is just around the corner, it's time to talk about ice. We will not touch on the topic of figure skating, but will focus on rejuvenation. Ice for the face against wrinkles - recipes and tips for its proper use will be the main topic of my article today.

What are the benefits of ice for skin?

Let's try to find out why ice is so useful and why it is used in the fight against wrinkles. Traditional medicine has always used melt water as an effective means of caring not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté. It is biologically active, capable of saturating cells with moisture, moisturizing and toning.

At the moment of contact with frozen water, metabolism improves due to blood flow. Pores become smaller, elasticity increases, and a natural glow appears on the cheeks.

When the surface of the skin comes into contact with ice, the blood vessels located in the deep layers of the epidermis dilate. But the superficial vessels, on the contrary, narrow. This leads to blood flow. At the end of the procedure, the vessels located on the surface begin to expand, and the capillaries fill with blood. This process leads to cell restoration and renewal.

The effect of care will be especially noticeable when there is a problem of dryness and the first wrinkles appear. When the age is already more mature, the effect of the procedure is not the same. It is not visually visible, but it is supplied with beneficial moisture.



Washing and cleansing with ice is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of contraindications:

  1. skin is irritated and severely dehydrated;
  2. dilated blood vessels on the face;
  3. there is an inflammatory process;
  4. there are sores or eczema on the surface of the face.

Important rule for everyone – you cannot use ice treatments before going outside during the cold season.

Recommendations for use

There are general rules for the procedure for washing with an ice cube. We will get to know the most basic ones. I would like to point out right away that it is better to hold the cube with a napkin or towel, otherwise you risk frostbitten fingers.

  1. You should rub the ice over your face quickly but smoothly, touching the surface of the skin and not lingering in one place.
  2. The lines along which it is better to guide the cube are similar to standard facial massage lines. From the center of the forehead, from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose, from the wings of the nose, lips, chin to the temples.
  3. The duration of the procedure is from two to five minutes. You need to start from a minimum and gradually work your way up to a maximum.
  4. After wiping, allow the beneficial moisture to be absorbed or gently pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  5. After the procedure, it is better to apply cream.
  6. To enhance the effect, it is better to alternate different compositions.

The storage of ice depends entirely on the natural ingredients used in its preparation. If it is juice - no more than 3 days. If it is an infusion of herbs – a maximum of 7 days. Ice absorbs foreign odors very quickly. Try to store separately from meat products.

Cosmetologists believe that regularly wiping with ice is a common mistake. If you do this every morning, vasoconstriction and loss of moisture will occur. Don't abuse the cold. It is better to carry out a course of procedures (no more than three days in a row) and do it in the morning, but not in the evening.

The most popular ice cube recipe

You might be surprised to learn that cosmetic companies make packaged cosmetic ice. Sold in separate packages of several blisters. They are used at home on the face and around the eyes. This version of ice can be purchased at pharmacies. A friend of mine did not prepare the ice herself, but bought it already prepared.

Of course, you can cook it yourself. The most popular ingredient is herbal infusion. It should be prepared as follows:

Pour 1 tablespoon of herb into 1 cup of boiling water. It is better to do this in glass or porcelain dishes. Then close the lid tightly and leave until completely cooled. This will take about an hour. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth and pour into molds. Place the broth in the freezer.

To make ice, always use filtered water or still mineral water.

I also tried the option with aloe vera. It is suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive ones like mine. I will share the recipe with you. Aloe does not grow on my windowsill, so I bought this jar of 100% juice.

I dilute it with still mineral water in a 1:1 ratio. I freeze it in molds and wipe it, just wash it first before the procedure. This morning routine is great for moisturizing your skin.

I decided to try drinking aloe. I read interesting studies on the effectiveness of adding juice to your diet. I will write in a separate article what conclusions the scientists made. Let this be an interesting discovery for you 🙂

Features of care by skin type

Before telling you about the recipes, let's talk about skin types. Because there are subtleties here.

Normal. You are lucky and the following herbs are suitable for care:

  1. yarrow;
  2. valerian officinalis;
  3. tricolor violet;
  4. pharmaceutical dill;
  5. plantain.

Fat. Infusions of herbs that can narrow pores will help with care:

  1. bay leaf;
  2. yarrow;
  3. coltsfoot;
  4. calendula;
  5. chamomile;
  6. St. John's wort;
  7. nettles

Dry. Those with dry skin should be careful when washing their face with ice. To prepare cosmetic ice, it is better to use:

  1. rose petals;
  2. chamomile;
  3. parsley;
  4. lemon balm;
  5. dill;
  6. mint
  7. aloe vera.

Combined. If you have this type of skin, then for the decoction, use the herbs from the list for normal and oily skin. Both will do.

Recipes for making ice cubes for the face

Grapefruit. An excellent assistant that can prolong youth, even out color, and whiten skin. The grapefruit must be washed, cut into pieces and frozen.

Coffee. Even if a woman has given up coffee, this does not mean that she will not figure out how to use it beneficially. I'm not even talking about homemade coffee scrubs. This is a classic of the genre. It turns out that coffee slows down the aging process. Brew strong coffee (only without sugar), pour into molds. We put it in the freezer and get ready for the aromatic procedure.

Dandelion. 500 grams of young dandelion leaves and unopened buds must be passed through a juicer. If it can’t cope with the grass, then grind everything in a blender. Then pass through a sieve or cheesecloth. Add olive oil to the resulting juice - 1 tablespoon. By the way, you can use any vegetable oil you like. For example, sesame. Ayurveda highly recommends it for the skin. Pour the resulting mixture of spring flower juice and oil into molds. Send for freezing.

Kalina. Red viburnum juice will help smooth out fine wrinkles. To do this, pass the berries through a juicer and pour the resulting juice into the molds. Remember the shelf life and don’t delay the procedure.

Linden and raspberry. An infusion of these plants will help improve the condition of skin even with deep wrinkles. The main thing is to prepare them separately, and before freezing, mix and pour into molds.

Lemon. Two tablespoons of lemon juice mixed with one glass of still mineral water will help maintain skin elasticity and tone. The recipe is very simple, affordable and does not take much time to prepare.

If, in addition to wrinkles, you also want to achieve a whitening effect, ice from rice broth will come to the rescue. Boil rice in plenty of water without adding salt. Drain in a colander, pour the broth into molds and freeze. Budget and practical product. By the way, the rice will remain seasoned and you can serve it by adding vegetables, spices and herbs 🙂

Facial ice for the skin around the eyes

Reviews of using ice for the skin around the eyes give women confidence. Many have achieved noticeable results.

Instead of ice, you can soak 2 cotton pads in the herbal decoction and put them in the freezer for 10-20 minutes. And then apply it to your eyelids for about 10 minutes. Your eyes will thank you 🙂


I would like to give you some tips at the end of the article:

  1. Firstly, do not overuse cold rubdowns. Everything should be in moderation.
  2. Secondly, select components according to your skin type.
  3. Third, don't expect to get rid of wrinkles. There will be no global changes.

A little video about ice cubes for the face against wrinkles:

If you need an effective and reliable method, use VICHY LiftActiv 10 anti-wrinkle serum. It suits everyone and starts working from the first drop applied.

And if you want to maximize the effect, then regularly perform special facial exercises. Don't forget that muscles need toning not only in the stomach or buttocks.

Well, I say goodbye and remind you - subscribe to blog updates and share the article with your friends on social networks. Be careful with home treatments. And if you have any doubts, consult a qualified esthetician.