Troxerutin gel for puffiness under the eyes reviews


It is known that there is such a beast, which is called by the beautiful word hyaluronidase, which is the eternal enemy of young skin, because it destroys hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the extracellular matrix, moisture retention and elasticity. “Troxerutin”, due to its components, is able to block hyaluronidase, due to which the skin remains young and beautiful longer, but this is not all the benefits. It also has P-vitamin activity, which means it helps improve cellular metabolism.


The issue price is 20-25 rubles, which can also be called a big plus. “Troxerutin” has a very clear effect; if you apply it to a clean face in the evening, then in the morning you are guaranteed to get a fresh, non-swollen face. Yes, it can and should be smeared under the eyes, the swelling goes away, if not immediately, then definitely after a couple of days.


It’s extremely simple: wash your face with your usual facial cleanser and pay attention! Apply ointment to damp skin (under the eyes too). This way the gel will be absorbed faster and does not need to be washed off. If your skin is dry, apply a moisturizer after absorbing the ointment. We wipe what remains on our hands on our feet.


There is another way to improve the effect of the ointment. The drug "Dimexide" is often used to prepare masks for the face or hair; in itself, it is unremarkable, except for one thing - it helps to deliver the beneficial substances of another drug as deep as possible into the layers of the skin.


Algorithm of action: make a ten percent solution of Dimexide and water. We wipe our face with a cotton pad, and only then apply Troxerutin. But, in general, the ointment works great without it.


In general, troxerutin can be used as an express remedy or as a long-term remedy; according to reviews, the result is noticeable already on the third day.

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Oh, these folk recipes for me! Troxerutin is a gel for varicose veins. For legs. It will help with swelling, of course, but the skin on the face is much more delicate than on the legs and requires more thoughtful and delicate care. It’s like, sorry, applying ointment for hemorrhoids under the eyes - there will be an effect, but there may also be unwanted side effects, since it is still a drug. Dimexide has serious contraindications and is fraught with allergies, burns and dermatitis. You definitely need to warn about all this and think ten times before using the medicine for other purposes.

I agree. Be careful with Dimexide! This is a very serious medicine. Here is an excerpt from the instructions for the drug: “When using the drug, contact dermatitis, a garlicky smell of exhaled air, increased skin pigmentation, allergic reactions, erythematous rashes, dry skin, a slight burning sensation may be observed. Some patients do not perceive the smell of the drug well (nausea, vomiting ), in isolated cases bronchospasm is possible." I experienced almost all of these “miracles” myself, although I used “Dimexide” strictly as prescribed by a doctor and was not allergic.

Girls, I’ll share how I used these products. On the advice of a periodontist, I made a mixture to treat gums after cleaning tartar. For three days, twice a day in the morning and evening, I applied a mixture of one crushed Metronidzole tablet, Cholisal gel and troxevasin to the gums with just a clean finger. Apply, hold for 5 to 10 minutes, spit, do not rinse. The tablets are bitter.
I haven’t tried applying Troxevasin to my face.

Dimexide helped perfectly when my breasts became inflamed during breastfeeding. I made a 10% solution and wiped my chest several times a day for 3 days. But it has an unpleasant smell, I must say.

I tried blepharogel, it moisturizes. BUT I smeared it under my eyes, I can’t say that I didn’t use it for its intended purpose, because... it is used for the eyes. I tried it as an anti-wrinkle product, but I can’t say that the effect was wow.

Dimexide on the face is for extreme sports enthusiasts. For those who have rosacea or redness, it is strictly forbidden, because. it dilates blood vessels, it will be a scribe.

and I myself smeared troxerutin on my broken capillaries for about 2 months.
The skin dries consistently, the capillaries have not become smaller.

I used blepharogel for a month and a half. The first few weeks are a WOW effect. Then she ruined her skin like this (. ) - bags, deep wrinkles - which has never happened before. I spent several months restoring it with the right creams and masks. Perhaps this is an individual effect.

Blefarogel is always in my cosmetic bag. It helps great when your eyes get tired from the computer or when the skin on your eyelids gets very dry and you feel the urge to rub your eyes. The advantage of the gel is that it can be applied to the moving eyelid and eyelash edge.

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Saturday, June 09, 2018 10:56 + to quote book

This gel helps with bruises on the face after injections for someone (again, not for me, I applied it, I hoped). I tried a lot of things, but they remained the same. I heard that troxevasin removes dark circles around the eyes. Is it true? If it helps, how long does it take to see results? Troxerutin is a gel for varicose veins. If not troxevasin, then recommend something that really helps.

It’s extremely simple: wash your face with your usual facial cleanser and pay attention! Apply ointment to damp skin (under the eyes too). This way the gel will be absorbed faster and does not need to be washed off. I haven’t tried applying Troxevasin to my face. In the end, I decided to smear myself with this gel (troxevosin). For bruises on the body and minor contusions, yes. In this case, this is one of the favorite remedies. And don’t let it bother you that this is an ointment for hemorrhoids. But, on the other hand, this ointment also has an anti-edematous effect.

Troxerutin, due to its components, is able to block hyaluronidase, due to which the skin remains young and beautiful longer, but this is not all the benefits. Troxerutin has a very clear effect; if you apply it to a clean face in the evening, you are guaranteed to get a fresh, non-swollen face in the morning. Algorithm of action: make a ten percent solution of Dimexide and water. We wipe our face with a cotton pad, and only then apply Troxerutin.

Troxevasin for puffiness under the eyes

Dimexide has serious contraindications and is fraught with allergies, burns and dermatitis. You definitely need to warn about all this and think ten times before using the medicine for other purposes. I experienced almost all of these “miracles” myself, although I used Dimexide strictly as prescribed by a doctor and was not allergic. Girls, I’ll share how I used these products.

BUT I smeared it under my eyes, I can’t say that I didn’t use it for its intended purpose, because... it is used for the eyes. The first few weeks are a WOW effect. Then she ruined her skin like this (. ) - bags, deep wrinkles - which has never happened before. I spent several months restoring it with the right creams and masks. Perhaps this is an individual effect. After reading forums and all sorts of articles, “how to get rid of circles under the eyes,” and the reasons for their occurrence: lack of sleep, kidney problems, etc.

And can it be replaced with other venotonics? I’m also wondering, maybe while you’re treating varicose veins, you can also treat the bruises? Someone here suggested fillers. The editors are not responsible for the content of advertisements and articles. But Troxevasin ointment works wonders! After applying troxevasin several times at night, the swelling went away and has not appeared for more than six months, although her lifestyle has not changed.

Moreover, troxevasin has almost no contraindications. The swelling subsided, and the skin began to look more toned. As I learned from the instructions, this is due to p-vitamin activity. Moreover, after forty years, edema began to appear quite often. I try not to use Troxevasin often.

The vessels at the site of swelling become stronger and, accordingly, excess fluid does not escape. During Soviet times, there was a shortage of everything, including medicines. Since those times, we have also received harmful advice on how to use medications for other purposes.

But hematomas on the face should not be removed with heparin preparations; instead of blue spots, it will leave redness on the sensitive skin of the face. But these drugs will not remove dark circles under the eyes at all, because the blood vessels, which, when visible through thin skin, give a bluish color, cannot be eliminated. Validol is a drug that has long been used for angina pectoris, neuroses, hysteria, and even for the treatment of seasickness. But the instructions for use do not say a word about the fact that it treats herpes.

But many residents of the post-Soviet space are still confident that a tablet soaked in their own saliva and pressed against a sore on the lips will get rid of this scourge. Indeed, “Validol” dries it out and soothes the itching, but this only creates the illusion of a cure. This remedy relieves some of the symptoms, but it is not them that need to be treated, but the disease, especially since pharmacies have a lot of effective modern remedies for this that cope well with the infection.

Ointments and gels containing heparin and troxerutin are prescribed for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. I have repeatedly heard about troxerutin, and about ointments for hemorrhoids for the face, and about blepharogel as hyaluronic acid, but I have not tried anything myself.

Troxerutin reviews

Troxevasin is an excellent remedy for bruises. I discovered this when I got a severe black eye while playing with my child, and he threw a toy at me with all his might. Then I applied hyparin ointment and Troxevasin. The bruise went away quickly along with the “natural” bruise. The effect was great! I started applying it under my second eye as well. The look became rested and fresh. No other foundation has given such an effect! Now I apply it periodically.

It’s not that yellow. It’s transparent and smells normal. And by the way, it’s not for hemorrhoids, but for swelling of the legs and stars on the veins. So it should help. I’ve also suffered from this all my life, my mother also has bruises. Especially in the photo you can see how as if she were sick or hungover. That’s why I’m embarrassed to take pictures. I hope the ointment will help. It helped with the star on my calf.

For hemorrhoids too, read the instructions carefully

After rhinoplasty surgery, I had very terrible bruises and swelling under my eyes. The doctor immediately told me to apply troxerutin. everything went away in 3 days. swelling on the 2nd day, bruising on the 3rd day. The girls in the hospital who smeared their bruises with some super expensive gels ended up leaving the hospital like beaten homeless people. but everything went through for me. To this day, in case of unexpected problems, I apply troxerutin for 20 minutes in the morning. But the doctor said to use it for the area around the eyes no more than once a week. and only in emergency cases.

How many times a day did you smear yourself?

Thank you, a great product for a penny!

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I no longer had bluish, but blackened circles around my eyes from lack of sleep for several months, when I slept a maximum of 6 hours at best.
Rare attempts to get enough sleep did not help cope with this, as did folk and non-folk remedies.
As a result, I read somewhere about Troxevasin and I had it. I was so desperate that I applied it almost immediately - a small amount, without touching the area just around the eyes (in general, without fanaticism). After a week of such procedures, the bruises began to lighten, and after a couple of weeks the skin around the eyes was completely restored. I won't lie - the bruises don't go away completely, some light bruising may remain if you continue to not get enough sleep. But if you have the same advanced situation as I had, you will be pleased with the result.

Once every 2 months for 10 days I smear troxerutin all over my face and deep under the eyes. In the morning and evening I apply troxerutin, after 3 minutes I apply moisturizer. There is no yellow color. The network of wrinkles disappears, the skin becomes much lighter, tightens

Firstly, Troxerutin and Troxevasin are actually the same thing, only the first is cheaper, and in the second, in addition to Troxerutin itself, they added the cheap cosmetic thickener Carbomer (as we call it in Russia), from which there is no particular harm, nor any benefit.
Secondly, do not confuse dark circles around the eyes with tumors and other things that have been written before (read the title of the topic carefully).
Thirdly, there will most likely be no harm in using Troxerutin and Troxevasin if you don’t get too carried away and do everything wisely and carefully (you can’t do it in your eyes, you can do it around). Try it for a week or two, two or three times a day (depending on the complexity of the situation), and then you will see whether it helps you or not.
Personally, it helps me, not as much as I would like, but the result is obvious (I apply it for a week, then skip a week or two). And please understand, to each his own!

Troxevasin helped me with swelling under my eyes

After Venolife, Lyoton and Troxevasin seem to me like just baby cream... It helps much better, and the composition is richer. 3 active ingredients: heparin, dexpanthenol, troxerutin).
5 actions: reducing swelling, pain and inflammation, strengthening capillaries, restoring skin.

I am a cosmetologist by training. And I'll tell you what - throw away all your creams. Mix troxerutin + levomikol + heparin in equal parts and smear on the face! There will be no wrinkles, no jowls, no bruises and bags under the eyes, no acne, but you will be guaranteed well-groomed, radiant skin!

I am a cosmetologist by training. And I'll tell you what - throw away all your creams. Mix troxerutin + levomikol + heparin in equal parts and smear on the face! There will be no wrinkles, no jowls, no bruises and bags under the eyes, no acne, but you will be guaranteed well-groomed, radiant skin!

After reading forums and all sorts of articles on “how to get rid of circles under the eyes” and the reasons for their occurrence: lack of sleep, kidney problems, etc. For myself, I realized that I could not achieve a purely cosmetic effect, and I tried creams, and treated my kidneys, and drank more water, and slept 11 hours a day, but to no avail. In the end, I decided to smear myself with this gel (troxevosin). Yes, it is yellow, and from hemorrhoids, but I have never had such an amazing effect from anything else!! My circles were bluish. I was terribly tired of them because they spoiled my whole face. mazyukala 4 days. everything's gone

Venolife gel also relieves swelling well and removes “cyanosis”. It is not only used for legs. I learned about this from my sister.

I want to share. I’m already 25 years old, and I’ve only just realized why I have terrible bruises under my eyes. Actually, I'm healthy. The only reason is weak blood vessels that constantly rupture, resulting in literally bruises under the eyes. I can't live without foundation AT ALL! I have super blue bruises that are a disaster. And so I thought, why can’t regular troxquasimn gel for bruises help? I read the instructions, there are no contraindications (the main thing is not to smear the gel into the eyes themselves))))) The gel strengthens blood vessels, therefore, this is exactly what you need! And so. I've been using it for 7 days now and guess what. THIS IS THE BEST remedy. The bruises are actually less noticeable!! The only thing. We need to constantly monitor this. I apply according to the instructions: quench and in the evening before bed. I wait 30 minutes and wash off the residue, since, according to the instructions, penetration into the skin occurs in 30 minutes. You should also eat buckwheat, white fibers from orange and grapefruit or lemon. They contain vitamin P, which also strengthens blood vessels. I just wanted to share, maybe my comment will help someone..

After reading forums and all sorts of articles on “how to get rid of circles under the eyes” and the reasons for their occurrence: lack of sleep, kidney problems, etc. For myself, I realized that I could not achieve a purely cosmetic effect, and I tried creams, and treated my kidneys, and drank more water, and slept 11 hours a day, but to no avail. In the end, I decided to smear myself with this gel (troxevosin). Yes, it is yellow, and from hemorrhoids, but I have never had such an amazing effect from anything else!! My circles were bluish. I was terribly tired of them because they spoiled my whole face. mazyukala 4 days. everything's gone

I am a cosmetologist by training. And I'll tell you what - throw away all your creams. Mix troxerutin + levomikol + heparin in equal parts and smear on the face! There will be no wrinkles, no jowls, no bruises and bags under the eyes, no acne, but you will be guaranteed well-groomed, radiant skin!

So he's yellow! Aren't you afraid on your face? Lyoton then, at least it’s transparent!

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