How to get rid of stretch marks on the body

Muchas gracias! Rejoice, ladies, today she is waiting for us... The long-awaited note on removing stretch marks or how to get rid of stretch marks? In it we will look at the most effective and efficient ways to combat this unsightly flaw and try to restore the skin to a healthy appearance.

So, I ask everyone to take their seats in the auditorium, our practical note begins.

How to get rid of stretch marks: an effective set of measures

If you follow publications on the project, you are probably aware that in our pantheon of articles there is already one note devoted to this topic, and it is located here [How to get rid of stretch marks: general questions]. In it, we examined in detail the entire theoretical side of the problem and laid some basis of knowledge for a better understanding of this skin phenomenon and the processes of its formation. Therefore, I strongly recommend starting to study this issue with her. We will go further and pay close attention to the practical or cleaning side.

It is worth saying that the topic aroused quite keen interest among the female half of the “ABC of Bodybuilding” audience. Both in the comments and by email, I began to receive threats :) that they say stop delaying the second part, give it to the masses! Well, because... I am always ready to serve our beautiful young ladies, so it was decided to write this answer as soon as possible, before more serious persecution of the author began).

Before I get started, I’ll tell you a little secret - I deliberately delayed the second part, because I collected (and collected) the most complete list of confirmed effective ways, methods and tricks for getting rid of stretch marks. This article will contain not only the methods that helped my experimental friends, Christina and Victoria, but also exclusive recipes from familiar dermatologists and even show business stars. In general, information was collected from the world bit by bit, and now I’m ready to provide it to you, let’s go.

The further narrative will be divided into subchapters for better assimilation of the material.

Let's start with the steps that I took in relation to getting rid of stretch marks for girls. I'll warn you in advance that 100% It was still not possible to remove them, but the young ladies were satisfied with the result, and what else is needed?

I. How to get rid of stretch marks: calibrating the nutrition process

The condition of the skin (and stretch marks are precisely a skin defect, structural changes in the dermis) depends on its nutrition, i.e. those micronutrients that come from outside. Often, the body of most people is depleted (does not receive enough) of necessary vitamins and minerals, as a result of which the trophism of the skin deteriorates.

In this regard, it is necessary to pay close attention to the following micronutrients:

No. 1. Vitamin A

Very important for skin growth and maintaining healthy bones, nails and hair. It helps restore damaged skin and avoid dryness and scaliness. Being absorbed into the skin, vitamin A stimulates it miotically and metabolically, allowing it to become more plump and elastic (as in adolescence).

Vitamin A also stimulates the process of cell renewal of the epidermis, which causes its thickening. At the same time, the collagen content of the skin increases and its elasticity improves. Include the following foods in your diet:

No. 2. Vitamin C

One of the most important roles (for skin) of vitamin C is to heal wounds and scar tissue. It is necessary for collagen synthesis and acts as a “cementing” substance for skin cells. A special feature of vitamin C is its rapid oxidation upon contact with air and light. Therefore, it is best to buy it at the pharmacy in a sealed brown glass bottle or in tablet form. Also include in your diet:

  1. rose hip;
  2. strawberries, black currants, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle;
  3. kiwi, oranges, lemons.

No. 3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential for maintaining normal metabolism and tissue healing. For skin care, vitamin E is most useful as an antioxidant. It can be used orally (products) and topically (creams). To maintain normal vitamin E levels, include in your diet:

  1. nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts);
  2. dried apricots, prunes;
  3. linseed oil, corn oil.

No. 4. Zinc

The most important property of zinc is the production of collagen. Collagen is a structural protein that makes up 80% all connective tissue. When there is a sufficient amount of collagen in the human body, it means that it is almost impossible to get stretch marks. Collagen is not available for food, but zinc can be obtained by eating:

  1. ZMA supplements (sports nutrition);
  2. food gelatin in bags (as a source of collagen);
  3. lean beef/lamb, liver;
  4. oysters
  5. cocoa powder, chocolate.

So, that's it for vitamins and minerals. As you can see, the products are easy to combine with each other and mix into various dishes. I will give our dish options based on all of the above.

II. How to get rid of stretch marks: exercise

It would seem, how are stretching and exercises connected? In fact, everything is very simple - specialized exercises allow you to pump blood and oxygen into the target problem area and improve its “well-being”. They also work to tighten (thicken) the skin.

Use the following exercises to help reduce halos and the appearance of stretch marks.

No. 1. Exercise for stretch marks on the stomach (crunches)

Lie flat on your back on the floor. Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Slightly lift your upper body (shoulders) and contract your abdominal muscles. Try to keep your chest close to your knees (i.e. two imaginary points meeting). Execute 3 approach to 15 repetitions.

No. 2. Exercise for stretch marks on the chest

T-push-ups are an excellent stretch-reducing exercise. It combines classic push-ups, plank and body rotation. It is carried out as in the picture. Number of approaches 2, reps 15 (on each side).

No. 3. Exercises for stretch marks on the thighs and buttocks

The following exercises will help minimize stretch marks in these problem areas:

  1. Sit upright in a chair. Lower your arms to your sides while holding the chair. Start moving your legs up and down. This will help tighten your thighs. Execute 3 approach to 25 repetitions.
  2. Lie on your back, raise one leg to a corner in 90 degrees until you feel a stretch in your buttocks. Repeat for the other leg. Number of approaches 3, reps 15 (for each leg).
  3. Lie on your stomach. Move your arms slightly to the sides. Raise your right leg up and then down. Repeat the movement for the left. Pull your leg as high as possible. Number of approaches 2, reps 10 (for each leg).

Another great cleanup exercise is the single leg raise from a bridge position.

Lie on the mat on your back, bend your knees at an angle 90 degrees. Pull your left leg up (pointing your hip toward the ceiling) while holding a bridge with your right leg and upper back. Linger at the top 2-3 seconds and lower your hip into IP. Do 2 approach to 10 reps on one side, then switch legs and repeat.

No. 4. Exercises for stretching on the side of the legs

Rest your right side on the fitball and place your right knee on the mat. Extend your left leg straight and begin to make small circular movements with it. Do 10 circles back and the same number forward. Change your leg by completing 20 repetitions (total 2 approach). It is very important not to help yourself with your body while performing rotational movements.

Let's move on and move on to the third stage.

III. How to get rid of stretch marks: cosmetics and recipes for getting rid of stretch marks

In addition to adjusting nutrition and incorporating specialized exercises, we also directly affected areas with stretch marks using various care products. Let's get to know them better.

No. 1. Scrub “secret from Hollywood”

A dermatologist friend shared the recipe for this scrub with me. She learned it (and began to use it in her practice) from her friend, who works in a European dermatology clinic. According to the foreign lady, she met him through colleagues from the USA. There is information that some Hollywood stars use this recipe. Well, actually, why are we worse :), so we decided to try it - it works!

  1. Johnson's Baby Butter;
  2. crushed coffee beans (1/2 cups);
  3. brown sugar (if you don’t have sugar, you can alternatively replace it with sea salt).

Take a deep bowl and mix all the ingredients, the consistency should be moderately thick, so eyeball the proportions yourself. Place the resulting mixture in a stocking and rub vigorously into problem areas where you have stretch marks.

Duration of rubbing 10 minutes, then run to the shower! Perform the procedure 3 once a week. The first results can be observed after 5 procedures.

Models use a coffee mixture before going on the runway to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. They grind the coffee beans and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and mix everything thoroughly. Then rub (about 5 minutes) apply this mixture to the place of stretch marks, wrap the place with a towel and leave it like that for 30 minutes.

Another homemade scrub recipe.

No. 2. Scrub “no stretch marks No. 1”

  1. salt (preferably coarse sea salt);
  2. honey;
  3. glycerol.

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp glycerin. Rub the resulting mixture for 5 minutes into the stretch marks, then rinse with warm water and a mild cleanser.

For the best effect, carry out the procedure 2 once a day. Store leftover mixture in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours, then make a new scrub.

No. 3. Scrub “no stretch marks No. 2”

The last scrub recipe we use. Based on the following ingredients:

  1. carrots (fresh);
  2. tangerine peel;
  3. olive oil.

Place half of the carrots, peel 1 tangerine and 4 tablespoons olive oil in a blender. Beat at high speed until the consistency of puree is obtained. Apply the mixture to damp areas of stretch marks (for example, in the bath or under the shower). Then rinse the areas with warm water, dry, and apply your favorite moisturizer. Carry out the procedure 1 once a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator no more than 5 days from the date of manufacture.

No. 4. Retin-A Cream/Retinoic Ointment

Retin-A has a positive effect on stretch marks (especially new ones - recently acquired ones), significantly retouching them.

If these products are not publicly available in stores or pharmacies, then look for those containing retinoic acid (Tazorac Cream, Differin). Such drugs cause the growth of new cells and the replacement of old ones. You will quickly see noticeable improvements in the fight against stretch marks. Attention! If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is better to avoid this method.

Well, here is a list of tools that (including) were in the arsenal of our beauties, Christina and Victoria, in solving the problem of how to get rid of stretch marks. What would you like to note?

It was a set of measures that helped us achieve the best results (we believe), i.e. carrying out work in several areas at once (nutrition adjustments, targeted physical activity, cosmetics). Who knows whether the young ladies were satisfied with the result, if we had only used some 1 or 2 tool. It seems unlikely to me. And this is quite a worthy result!

In conclusion, I would like to provide the most complete list of measures/actions and remedies that will help in the fight against this skin defect. So, let's go.

IV. How to get rid of stretch marks: a natural first aid kit

No. 1. Egg whites

They are very useful in skin rejuvenation. All you need to do is separate 2 white from the yolk, beat them with a fork. Then rinse the stretch marks with water and apply a thick layer of whites to the stretch marks using a makeup brush. Remain in this state until the latter are completely dry and then rinse with water. Such procedures need to be carried out 1 once a day for 2 weeks

No. 2. Lemon+cucumber juice

Freshly squeezed lemon juice, or rather its acidic nature, helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Cucumber juice allows you to cleanse your skin; it’s not for nothing that it is used in various tonics and lotions. Mix equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice and wipe the stretch marks with a cotton swab (10 minutes), then let dry and rinse with water. 1-2 procedures per day are quite enough. You can also simply rub the problem areas with half a lemon (about 10 minutes).

No. 3. Aloe juice

Surely many of your parents or even older generations will have this plant. So, the nutrients contained in aloe juice help to effectively solve various skin problems, incl. and striae. Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise and squeeze the juice onto the affected areas. Let it dry and then leave it like that 2 hours, then rinse with water. You can also take this juice orally (1 glass per day) slightly diluted with water.

No. 4. Potato juice

Another home remedy that is designed (among other things) to combat stretch marks. Potatoes are rich in certain types of vitamins and minerals that help the growth of new cells. Cut the potatoes in half and rub the slices on the affected areas. Press the tuber to release more juice. After such “rubbing”, rinse the areas with water. Use potato juice on a regular basis and you will soon notice that your stretch marks fade significantly and become invisible.

No. 5. Hydration

A regular ice cube and moisturizer after a bath can also have an effect on reducing stretch marks. All you need is to massage problem areas with an ice cube and apply moisturizer daily after shower/bath. In addition, always maintain a high level of hydration, i.e. drink plenty of water (weight/30 = X liters of water/day).

Well, that’s probably all the points that I would like to convey to you in this note. Let's sum it up and say goodbye.


Another post has come to an end, today we talked about how to get rid of stretch marks. I am sure that now all my ladies know how to overcome this unsightly flaw and will only become even more beautiful. I wish everyone victory in the fight against striae, and as a reward - to catch the admiring glances of men as often as possible.

That’s all for now, see you soon, beauties!

PS. Write about your results in the comments to this post, let's start!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Ideal body skin in an adult is most often found only in processed photographs. 8 out of 10 women and men over the age of 20 suffer from the phenomenon of stretch marks or stretch marks - unpleasant and unaesthetic lesions of the skin that do not at all adorn the body. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of stretch marks is asked by a huge number of people of all ages.

The nature of stretch marks

Striae are scars that appear at the sites of internal ruptures in the dermal tissue. They most often appear on the abdomen, thighs, lower back and chest, and are white in color, but can also be pink or even burgundy-purple.

No one is immune from the occurrence of such stretch marks: neither gender, nor age, nor an active life position guarantee anything.

Stretch marks

Skin stretching occurs as body volume increases. However, thinning and injury are most often provoked by the following factors [1]:

  1. A sharp jump in height/weight. Occurs during puberty, pregnancy, etc.
  2. Weak muscles that cannot keep up with the changes occurring in the body.
  3. Imbalance of hormones caused by disorders of the thyroid gland, etc. Including neuroendocrine disease such as Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.
  4. Deficiency of vitamins C, B, protein, iron and calcium, causing anemia. Also, these elements take part in the formation of elastin.
  5. Artificial depletion of the epidermis after long-term use of anabolic steroids or steroidal anti-inflammatory creams.

Home Methods for Stretch Mark Removal

As a rule, you can only get rid of fresh stretch marks on your own. And even in this case, the process will take at least 2 months of regular comprehensive care. As ways to maintain skin elasticity and eliminate stretch marks, we suggest considering the 7 most popular options.

Scrubs and peelings

Homemade scrubs help thoroughly cleanse the skin of dead cells, smooth it out and make it velvety and soft to the touch. Scrubbing is a mandatory initial step in self-removal of stretch marks. It not only promotes the natural regeneration of epidermal cells, but also prepares the skin for subsequent procedures. Nutrients and moisturizing substances penetrate deeper and have a more pronounced effect.

Scrubs for stretch marks

It is very easy to prepare a natural scrub from those products that everyone has in their home: Salt, sugar, olive oil, ground coffee, etc. For example, take 1 glass of finely ground sugar and salt, mix with half a glass of butter. After mixing thoroughly, apply to the body steamed after a shower and gently massage problem areas. Then rinse with warm water and apply cream or a mixture of oils.

You can also use cosmetic scrubs as home care; their effect will be similar to homemade ones. It is only important to pay attention to the composition.

Masks and creams

The most important thing in the fight against stretch marks is skin hydration. That is why it is necessary to use special creams for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. Typically, such products contain active moisturizers (for example, hyaluronic acid [2] or aloe vera) and vitamin complexes and vegetable oils.

Most often, women turn to such cosmetics during and after pregnancy, so among the market leaders we will highlight products for them:

  1. Maternea Anti-Stretch Marks Body Cream is a popular anti-stretch mark cream produced in Bulgaria. Let's note its natural composition, gentle effect on the skin, quick absorption without a sticky layer - you can put on clothes almost immediately. The cream is suitable for the entire body, even the face without the risk of clogging pores, and has virtually no odor.
  2. Avent Cream for the prevention of stretch marks - a hypoallergenic cream with seaweed extracts and vegetable oils from a famous English brand, was specially developed for the treatment of stretch marks, and has undergone many tests for effectiveness and safety. Bandages for stretch marks
  3. Next, we will name products that were not specifically designed for expectant mothers and are suitable for everyone, regardless of age.
  4. Green Pharma anti-stretch gel for stretch marks is an organic eco-product. Due to the high content (approx. 35%) of plant extracts, it effectively affects cellular regeneration and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Optimal for teenagers during a period of rapid growth.
  5. Vichy Action Anti-Stretch is a truly healing cream for eliminating cosmetic defects in the deep structures of the skin. According to reviews, it copes well with fresh stretch marks, reducing redness and smoothing the skin. Economical, not always suitable for oily skin.

In addition to pharmacy creams, you can make skin care masks yourself. The effect of masks is noticeable if you use them at least 5 times a week.

  1. Mask with wheat germ oil and aloe juice.

You will need to mix wheat germ oil, aloe juice (store-bought gel will also work) and olive oil in equal proportions. Apply to the body with massage movements, lightly rubbing into the skin, and leave for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. Suitable for daily storage as long as it is kept in the refrigerator.

You will need to mix baby cream with 1 tsp. mumiyo. Apply the mixture to problem areas. Shilajit has a healing effect and also promotes cell regeneration. You can cover the mask with a slightly damp, warm towel.

Whisk a couple of egg whites, apply to the skin, leave until dry and rinse with warm water. Proteins help improve skin tone; after such a mask, it looks noticeably more elastic. Be sure to apply olive or other cosmetic vegetable oil.

Potatoes contain carotenoids and polyphenols that improve skin texture. Grate a couple of potatoes, apply the resulting puree to the stretch marks, leave until dry. Rinse with water, then moisturize your skin.

Natural essential oils are perfect as additional moisturizing after masks or as ingredients thereof:

  1. Almond oil moisturizes and makes the skin smooth [3];
  2. Orange (like other citrus oils) activates blood circulation and cell nutrition.
  3. Wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E, which promotes collagen production and has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.
  4. Rosemary oil promotes the renewal of connective cells in the skin.

Bandages and support garments

During pregnancy, the risk of developing stretch marks on the chest and abdomen is very high. Their sharp increase in size leads to deformation of the skin. For prevention, doctors recommend expectant mothers to wear special underwear - bandages, bras and supportive panties. The special material and cut of the underwear provides support without squeezing or causing discomfort.

The bandage not only supports the abdomen, but also relieves stress from the lower back, so it should be worn from the second trimester. There are even bandage tights impregnated with medicinal creams that preserve the tone of the veins and skin. Marketers of such products advertise them as night products, because it is during sleep that restorative physiological processes occur.

Bandages for stretch marks

When choosing a bandage, pay attention to the manufacturer, material and size - you need to fix the body as comfortably as possible, without squeezing or pinching.

Cold and hot shower

A contrast shower is useful not only for hardening the body. In case of stretch marks, it is also very useful to take this procedure. The fact is that sudden changes in water temperature improve blood circulation in all tissues, primarily in the epithelium. The skin becomes more elastic.

It is recommended to take a spot contrast shower. For example, if stretch marks appear on the stomach, direct the stream of water to this area of ​​the body and make circular movements clockwise, periodically changing the temperature of the water.

After such a shower, you need to thoroughly rub the skin with a soft towel and apply stretch mark cream. Please note that under no circumstances should you stretch injured areas!


Massage movements promote powerful blood flow to problem areas, thereby replenishing oxygen deficiency in skin cells. Since stretch marks most often appear, as mentioned earlier, on the stomach and thighs, there are no difficulties in performing a massage on your own and on yourself.

As a moisturizer, you can use vegetable oils, which we discussed above, as well as special oil mixtures for massage.

An important difference between massage and stretching is that it is as delicate as possible and does not allow even the slightest stretching. The procedure is performed on cleansed skin; the best option is preliminary scrubbing.

Remember the main massage lines: the abdomen and chest are massaged in a circular motion clockwise, from the waist down and the hips - from bottom to top. It is better not to touch the stretch marks on the inner thighs, because... the skin there is very thin and delicate. Any inept and awkward movement can provoke a new stretch.

One of the most popular and at the same time demonstrating amazing results is honey massage. Natural honey contains beneficial vitamins and microelements, which, thanks to the unique structure of the product, quickly penetrate into the blood and tissues. In addition, honey literally draws out waste and toxins from the skin and the body as a whole.

Honey massage

With a little practice, you can easily do honey self-massage. For this:

  1. pour no more than a teaspoon of honey into your palms,
  2. Using patting movements, distribute the honey onto problem areas (press and tear your palms away from the skin);
  3. When the honey stops sticking (about 10 minutes) and a gray mass forms on your palms, rinse off the remaining honey with warm water.

Physical exercise

Also, for the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to injured areas of the skin, it is useful to regularly perform special basic sports exercises for this area.

To eliminate stretch marks on the abdomen.

Crunches – lie on your back, bend your knees, place your palms behind your head, elbows straight and looking to the sides. Raise your shoulders off the floor, keeping your back straight and squeezing your abdominal muscles. Make sure you don't strain your neck. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

Exercises for stretch marks on the stomach

Plank – lie on your stomach, raise your body, leaning on your toes and elbows, lower your head. Try to make your whole body look like a straight line, do not tilt your pelvis or arch your lower back. Pull your stomach in and feel the muscles in your abdomen, buttocks, and sides tighten. Gradually increase the static time from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

The principle of the reverse plank is similar to that described above, only it is performed in an unfolded position with your back down. You should rest on your heels and palms of your outstretched arms.

To eliminate stretch marks on the chest.

T push-ups combine a plank, a classic push-up, and a body rotation. Can be performed from your knees. 3 sets of 15 times.

Exercises for stretch marks on the chest

The bow pose is one of the asanas of hatha yoga. It helps restore muscle tone in the chest, hips and back. Try to raise your legs as high as possible and arch your back more. Stay in this position for up to 60 seconds, then relax your body. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise with dumbbells acts in isolation on the pectoral muscles. You need to start it after preliminary warming up of the muscles. Start with low weights and gradually increase it. It is important to press your lower back to the floor so that the entire load goes exclusively to your chest. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

To eliminate stretch marks on the buttocks and thighs.

Reverse hyperextension allows you to work the muscles of the thighs and buttocks without putting stress on the spine. To do this, follow the recommendations in Figure 8, holding for 3-5 seconds in each position.

Exercises for stretch marks on the thighs and buttocks

The glute bridge can be performed in two variations (see Figure 8). It is important to squeeze your buttocks as hard as possible on the rise, to feel how they work.


Along with scrubs and massage, it is recommended to do body wraps. This procedure helps improve metabolic processes in skin cells, nourishes and moisturizes damaged areas. In the treatment of striae, algae, healing mud, clay or masks based on them are often used.

Polyethylene covering the nutritional mass applied to the body creates a greenhouse effect that improves the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin.

Cosmetic procedures

Cosmetologists also successfully combat the problem of stretch marks on the body. Modern professional treatment methods can significantly reduce even old stretch marks [4], and help get rid of fresh ones almost 100%.

Laser resurfacing

This cosmetic procedure allows you to completely remove fresh stretch marks, scars and cicatrices, and make the already white ones almost invisible. The doctor determines the number of procedures in a course, usually from 6 to 12 sessions, depending on the area of ​​the damaged area and the degree of stretch marks.

Figure 9. Laser resurfacing of stretch marks

The laser beam polishes scars from stretch marks, penetrating to different depths of the epidermis layer. The procedure is quite painful and requires additional anesthesia. It also has a number of contraindications, which should definitely be discussed with a cosmetologist. After laser peeling, redness, like after a burn, and swelling are possible.

Each subsequent session is carried out after these manifestations have passed. Typically, the rehabilitation process takes up to 3 months, during which it is necessary to take antibiotics and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. The result is definitely worth it (see before and after photos in Figure 9).

Chemical peeling

Unlike laser resurfacing, chemical peeling or exfoliation does not involve mechanical impact on the skin. In this case, the renewal process is triggered by a chemical acid burn. Activation of metabolic processes in the skin with acids stimulates the production of collagen and has a positive effect on fibroblasts.

The removed layers of dead cells make way for the growth of new connective tissue. The body is involved in the process of restoring the skin, which becomes smoother in both texture and tone. Skin defects become less noticeable.

A large selection of acids allows you to choose the optimal remedy for eliminating various scars and stretch marks. Depending on the age of the stretch marks, the doctor can apply peels of different depths: from superficial to deep.

Superficial peeling, suitable for caring for newly appeared stretch marks, can be done even at home; neither the purchase of the product nor the procedure itself will cause difficulties. Deep peeling is performed only by a professional.


Often, to enhance the effect, exfoliation is performed in a single course with mesotherapy.

Chemical peeling and mesotherapy for stretch marks

A course of mesotherapy involves subcutaneous administration of medicinal and vitamin injections. The preparations saturate the skin with vitamins, stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin, and normalize metabolic processes. As a result, skin tone is evened out, marks and pigmentation are eliminated, and stretch marks fade. After 5 procedures, the result is impressive, although mesotherapy cannot radically correct the problem of old stretch marks.

Microcurrent therapy

The effect of currents on the skin leads to increased blood microcirculation, as if the cells receive a signal to regenerate and activate internal rejuvenation processes. The microcurrent lymphatic drainage procedure for treating stretch marks on the body is similar to the technology of microcurrent therapy on the face. The doctor controls the depth of penetration of the electric wave depending on the problem in the treated area.

Myostimulation in a cosmetology office allows a specialist to work on a large area of ​​the body injured by stretch marks. This option is suitable for those with sensitive skin who are not ready for surgery.

Microresurfacing or microdermabrasion

These procedures are essentially mechanical peeling and are suitable for reducing and lightening fresh stretch marks. A cosmetologist uses a special device to polish the damaged areas of the skin for half an hour, removing layer by layer. Scars are smoothed out, and new skin of an even shade is formed at the site of treatment.

If the area of ​​stretch marks is large, it is advisable to divide the procedure into several stages, since it is very traumatic to treat such a large area at once. The doctor analyzes the situation and individually prescribes the number of sessions. Unlike other peelings, these options do not cause allergic reactions and do not require long-term rehabilitation.

Surgical removal

After dramatic weight loss, doctors suggest patients turn to surgical excision of sagging and stretched skin. This method will not only get rid of unaesthetic stretch marks, but will also allow you to correct your figure, returning it to a toned appearance.

Abdominoplasty is performed on the abdomen, removing excess fatty tissue and skin. During a full operation under general anesthesia, the navel is raised; during a mini tummy tuck, the navel is not moved; the latter option is suitable for those who have stretch marks and fat deposits located below the navel.

Of course, surgical intervention is a last resort if stretch marks and scars do not respond to other techniques and cause severe discomfort. Rehabilitation takes quite a long period.


Just like getting rid of stretch marks, preventing their appearance requires an integrated approach. It is important to understand that a balanced diet, rich in vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body, plays a huge role. It is worth removing sweets and starchy foods from the menu, which have an adverse effect on the condition of the skin.

Greens, vegetables and fruits, beef, fish should become regular elements of the diet - they accelerate protein synthesis. Foods containing vitamin E, such as nuts, vegetable oil, tomatoes, will help skin cells regenerate and form elastic tissue. Don't forget to drink regularly to maintain natural hydration.

Prevention of stretch marks

You can add vitamin and mineral complexes for skin, hair and nails to your diet.

Regular physical activity has a good effect on skin condition. This can be home workouts, weight training exercises in the gym under the supervision of a trainer, or swimming in the pool. Try to use all muscle groups; functional training improves blood circulation.

In fact, all the home care methods described in the article are also suitable for preventing stretch marks: moisturizing the skin with creams, massage, scrubbing, wraps, contrast showers. All this improves the overall condition of the skin, increasing its resistance to stretch marks.

If you wish, you can contact cosmetologists and do, for example, biorevitalization or mesotherapy. That is, introduce hyaluronic acid under the dermis, which actively moisturizes cells and improves skin elasticity.

Only regular body care will provide you with smooth and beautiful skin.

Stretch marks or stretch marks are a cosmetic defect that upsets women. Uneven, light-colored scars do not cause pain or discomfort, do not itch and do not stand out above the skin. They look unesthetically pleasing. Women are embarrassed to undress on the beach, and the daily contemplation of pale stripes brings melancholy.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks? From fresh ones - yes, from old ones - less chance. You will have to spend a lot of effort. How to proceed? Learn useful tips.

Reasons for appearance

Why and why do stretch marks appear on the body?

  1. the skin is overly stretched;
  2. the cell mass does not have time to grow, there is a lack of collagen;
  3. the skin becomes thinner, tears at the level of connective tissue;
  4. Striae form.
  1. pregnancy;
  2. taking hormonal medications;
  3. breast-feeding;
  4. sudden weight fluctuations;
  5. too active training.

General information

What do stretch marks look like? It's easy to recognize them:

  1. After the connective tissue ruptures, scars appear on the body. Color - from red to deep blue. Small blood vessels rupture along with the skin;
  2. gradually the blood leaves them, the stretch marks turn pale;
  3. after a while, the uneven stripes become almost white;
  4. they don’t hurt, don’t itch, don’t interfere;
  5. stretch marks spoil the appearance, look very ugly against the background of a bronze tan;
  6. Ultraviolet light does not affect connective tissue, because it lacks melanin.

Note! The more elastic the skin, the less likely it is to be damaged or ruptured. Sufficient production of elastin and collagen allows the skin to stretch and contract with minimal consequences for appearance.

  1. fresh. They look like scars of rich colors;
  2. old - whitish stripes that do not rise above the skin.

Favorite locations:

How to get rid of goose bumps on the body? Find out everything on our website.

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How to get rid of stretch marks

Prepare yourself for a long period of treatment. Only performing the procedures more regularly will give good results.

Helpful Tips:

  1. start the fight for beauty at the first sign of stretch marks;
  2. getting rid of fresh scars is much easier;
  3. old tears cannot be completely removed, but they can be made less noticeable;
  4. complex therapy will be required - medicinal ointments, creams, traditional methods, hardware cosmetology;
  5. try home methods, visit a beauty salon or beauty salon;
  6. your persistence will be rewarded.

Drug treatment

Therapeutic cosmetics will help strengthen the body and get rid of cosmetic defects. Special creams for stretch marks on the body of teenagers are produced by well-known cosmetic companies specializing in the production of such products.

How to remove stretch marks on the body? Pay attention to the best series of medicinal cosmetics to combat stretch marks. Choose one of the special creams:

  1. Phytolastil from Lierac;
  2. ANTI-STRIES from Gernetic;
  3. Biovergretures from Biotherm;
  4. universal cream for stretch marks, Vichy company.

The products contain elastin, collagen, medicinal plant extracts, essential oils. There are special remedies for stretch marks, the use of which does not harm the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Traditional methods and recipes

Many procedures can be performed at home. The components are easy to find at a pharmacy or your nearest supermarket.

An effective system consists of three mandatory parts:

  1. cleansing the skin with scrubs;
  2. rubbing in special compounds;
  3. massage the desired areas.

Use the entire arsenal of tools:

  1. masks;
  2. healing oils;
  3. water procedures;
  4. nutritional mixtures.

Best recipes:

  1. cream with mumiyo. Ingredients: 80 g baby cream, 1 tbsp. l. boiled water, 1 g mumiyo. Mix the components thoroughly, rub the mixture into the affected areas daily. Store the mixture on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  2. salt scrub Mix 0.5 tbsp. olive or sunflower oil, a glass of salt and sugar. Carefully treat problem areas, rinse and lubricate the body with lotion or nourishing cream;
  3. coffee scrub Finely ground coffee – 100g, flaxseed, olive, coconut oil – 1 tbsp. l. Pour a little boiling water into the coffee and steam it. Add 6-8 drops of one of the essential oils - rosemary, grapefruit, bergamot, orange - to the resulting paste. Rub into the desired areas for 3 minutes, rinse, then apply cream;
  4. masks with sour milk products. Take sour cream, full-fat kefir, rub in for a few minutes. Another option is to wear a natural product, leave it on the body for 20 minutes, rinse off;
  5. homemade moisturizer. Select a thick aloe leaf, remove the pulp, and grind in a blender. Add 0.5 cups of olive oil, 10 drops of vitamin E. Use the product daily.

Regular rubbing gives a good effect. Procedures:

  1. skin elasticity is restored;
  2. lighten stretch marks;
  3. the body becomes soft and velvety.

Use the following types of oils as a base:

  1. almond;
  2. thirst;
  3. tea tree;
  4. hazelnut;
  5. from wheat sprouts.

Essential oils will enhance the effect:

Follow simple but effective procedures at home. They do not require financial costs, perfectly tighten, nourish the skin, and increase elasticity.

We offer you to read an interesting article about the treatment of corns on the feet.

At this address you can find out interesting details about the treatment of ringworm in humans.

The link contains an article about what to do if you have an allergy on your face.

Cold and hot shower

Alternately pour cold and hot water over problem areas. At the end of the procedure - always cool water.


  1. the elasticity of blood vessels improves;
  2. skin tone increases;
  3. At the same time, the appearance of cellulite decreases;
  4. Session duration: 5 minutes.

Helpful Tips:

  1. start with warm water;
  2. gradually reduce the temperature;
  3. each “hot/cold” approach lasts no more than 40 seconds;
  4. then rub the body, cover the skin with stretch mark cream or anti-cellulite product.


The benefits for the body are invaluable:

  1. blood circulation improves;
  2. tissue regeneration is accelerated.

During the massage, use cream or oil. Buy a special massage brush that enhances the effect of the procedure.

Salon treatments

  1. chemical peeling with fruit acids;
  2. laser resurfacing of stretch marks;
  3. mesotrapriya – injection of vitamin cocktails under the skin during injections. The latest technology is non-injection mesotherapy. Substances are administered under oxygen pressure;
  4. microcurrent therapy encourages the regeneration of new connective tissue;
  5. micro grinding. Small abrasive particles exfoliate the top layer of skin;

Plastic surgery is a last resort option. Suitable for removing numerous stretch marks. First, try home methods and salon treatments.

Sport exercises

An active lifestyle is necessary for everyone who wants to improve their figure and skin condition. Dosed physical activity will help tighten the skin. Increasing the elasticity of the skin will certainly affect stretch marks - their size will decrease.

Exercises are effective for:

Be sure to not only do cardio, but also do muscle stretching exercises. Be careful with the power block. Some athletes develop stretch marks precisely because of the high intensity of training.

Stretch marks on the body during pregnancy

A cosmetic defect appears in many women during pregnancy or after childbirth. The skin constantly stretches under the influence of the growing uterus.

With low elasticity of the epidermis, connective tissue ruptures are inevitable. The larger the fetus, the higher the risk of ugly stripes appearing on the body.

How to avoid stretch marks? Follow certain rules - stretch marks will be barely noticeable or will not appear at all.

Proper nutrition

  1. include fatty fish, vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs in your diet;
  2. whole grain products, cheese, nuts, beef, chicken are healthy;
  3. enrich your food with vitamin E, eat enough proteins;
  4. less sweets - more milk porridges;
  5. dress salads with olive oil;
  6. don't overeat, control your weight.

Physical exercise

  1. perform a special set of exercises for pregnant women;
  2. visit the pool;
  3. walk more;
  4. visit a fitness club if you can’t bring yourself to work out at home.

Body care

  1. use only natural remedies;
  2. After consulting with your doctor, lubricate problem areas with oils: almond, wheat germ, olive, jojoba. Make sure there are no allergic reactions;
  3. moisturizer is required;
  4. apply nourishing compositions after a shower to a damp body;
  5. Prepare your own scrubs and body masks from natural products.

The right clothes

Prevention of stretch marks is impossible without careful selection of underwear and wearing special bandages. One of the important measures to prevent stretch marks.

  1. wear clothes made from natural fabrics;
  2. things that compress the body are prohibited;
  3. from the second trimester, wear bandages that support the spine and abdomen;
  4. A special belt for expectant mothers will prevent sagging abdominal skin;
  5. Buy a prenatal bra that supports your breasts well.

Preventive recommendations

Consider the recommendations of experts:

  1. during pregnancy, take care of your body, do special gymnastics, wear bandages, eat right;
  2. During intense exercise during sports, maintain proper absorption of protein in the body. Eat enough protein. Replenish your diet with protein products, sports nutrition with collagen, chondrotin, glucosamine;
  3. Take regular care of your body, increase elasticity and skin tone. At the first sign of stretch marks, buy medicated creams;
  4. rub various oils into problem areas, make masks, cleanse your body with scrubs. Don't forget about moisturizing milk;
  5. watch your weight. Sudden weight loss or weight gain inevitably causes stretch marks on the body;
  6. enrich your diet with foods containing vitamin E;
  7. remember about physical activity, exercise with pleasure, regularly, do not forget about complexes for problem areas;
  8. if there is a hormonal imbalance, visit an endocrinologist and undergo a course of treatment;
  9. If there are no contraindications, visit the massage room. The procedures give an excellent effect and prevent skin sagging;
  10. take a contrast shower, go swimming.

In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell you even more details about stretch marks on the body:

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