Aurobin for wrinkles reviews

Negative reviews

Regarding the effect, I note the following.

Firstly, the ointment only temporarily relieves itching and irritation, and also slightly relieves attacks of pain.

Secondly, the ointment also eliminates swelling only for the duration of its use, and after the course ends, all symptoms return again.

I will not recommend the ointment, the drug is clearly not worth the money!

Aurobin is a good remedy for inflammatory processes in the anus. Helps quickly. But if you stop using it, the effect goes away and you have to start going through the procedure again. There is no special treatment

Sedentary work, constant stress and non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle, all this led me to having to treat hemorrhoids. My case is not very advanced and complex, there is no blood, but the disease is not a pleasant one. I bought an ointment without a doctor’s prescription, I chose one with an analgesic effect, and Aurobin just contains lidocaine. I used it for a week, day and evening, I just can’t do it anymore, and during this time the pain really went away, and the swelling even subsided slightly, but as soon as I stopped using it (the instructions say no more than a week), all the problems came back. For me it turned out to be ineffective with a very short-term effect.

A waste of money. Zero effect.

For me, the problem of hemorrhoids appeared immediately after giving birth. Before this, I had never even encountered this disease. Therefore, as soon as the first symptoms of hemorrhoids appeared, I didn’t even know how to treat it and what medications to use. Naturally, I didn’t want to go to the doctor, since our surgeons are men. Therefore, I decided to undergo treatment myself. At the beginning, I tried the most advertised product (I won’t name it in this review), which in the end did not help me.

Next, I asked the pharmacy, and they recommended Aurobin ointment. I must say that I had high hopes for this ointment, since by that time I already had quite severe pain and started bleeding.

After starting to use Aurobin ointment, literally after a couple of days, the pain in the rectal area became noticeably less. The bloody discharge has decreased and acquired a barely noticeable spotting character.

By the end of the treatment, the pain stopped completely and there was no spotting.

However, after a couple of weeks, hemorrhoids made themselves felt again. Therefore, I realized that Aurobin ointment has a temporary effect. As long as you use it, it helps, if you stop, it appears again.

For me, this is not a way out at all, since I don’t want to use this ointment all my life.

Since I have an “external” problem, without bleeding, what worries me is mainly itching and pain, and also a small nodule periodically becomes inflamed. Only effective medications help me cope with this discomfort; some can even get rid of the problem for a long time.

However, with the drug "Aurobin" hopes were not justified; the result was far from expected.

I used the ointment morning and evening before bed for a week. During this time, the pain really went away, after a couple of days the itching did not bother me, and the swelling of the node disappeared and it significantly decreased in size.

But as soon as I stopped using the ointment, less than three days later, the pain and discomfort returned again! Such a short-term effect is not for me, so it’s better to overpay and buy an ointment that is more effective, and the same folk remedy gives approximately the same result, but costs several times less!

Neutral reviews

Hello dear readers.

Since childhood, I have seen the drug Aurobin with my mother. She used it often. As I later found out at an older age, she was tormented by hemorrhoids.

White ointment in a small tube with a neutral odor.

When the same problem overtook me after giving birth, I also used this ointment on my mother’s advice.

Since aurobin contains icecaine, it relieves pain, but unfortunately not for long. And you have to smear more often than allowed according to the instructions.

Of course, you can recommend it, but only if you don’t have the money for a more expensive and effective drug.

Otherwise, it’s better to buy something more effective.

Better yet, consult a doctor and treat the problem under supervision, because this is no joke.

I thought that since the ointment contains both lidocaine (painkiller) and prednisolone (hormonal), its effect would directly amaze me, but no. For hemorrhoids, such weak and short-term (only a couple of hours) pain relief is of little use, and Aurobin still does not eliminate the problem itself. While you are using the ointment, you really think that you are getting better, because for a couple of days of using it, the itching in that very place has noticeably weakened, and the burning has become less. Then even the nodules shrank and the bleeding stopped, so I decided that the exacerbation had been eliminated and stopped using the ointment. Only a couple of days passed, the itching, blood, pain arose again, I had to run to the pharmacy again for suppositories. Okay, at least there were no side effects from Aurobin, but the money spent on it (and quite a lot of it) is a shame.

Aurobin, of course, is a good ointment, but it only helped me in the initial stages of hemorrhoids. In addition, to get rid of hemorrhoids, one ointment will not be enough, you need to take more pills, use suppositories and eat right. You can find out all about this from a proctologist, whom you should definitely go to at the first sign of hemorrhoids.”

During another attack of hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribed me Aurobin ointment. I started applying the drug to the inflamed external nodes. From the first use I felt discomfort and burning. Then redness and rashes appeared in the anus, irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane.

The drug definitely did not suit me, the attending physician canceled it and prescribed me other suppositories. This ointment contains potent substances and many contraindications. This drug is not suitable for everyone; it should be used with caution.

Positive reviews

After the maternity hospital, I thought that everything would be somehow joyful, fun, a new life would begin, new achievements and victories, in the end the child appeared, this is such happiness. Well, there can’t be so much happiness without any shortcomings. After giving birth, I developed hemorrhoids. Going to the clinic again for an appointment, again these tests, again these examinations, oh how tired I am of them for all nine months. So I gave up on all this and just lived with the pain. But it’s good that a visiting nurse comes to us to examine the baby; she is a very nice and sociable woman. We got to talking and she advised me to buy Aurobin ointment. Such a phenomenon as hemorrhoids occurs in many women after the birth of a baby, so I am no exception. That same day I went to the pharmacy and bought this ointment and started treatment with it. Of course, the laundry was a little spoiled, because the ointment is greasy in consistency and doesn’t wash well, but that’s not important, the important thing is that everything started to go away. The pain has subsided, there is no discomfort and this is wonderful. This ointment really helped me cure the disease at the initial stage of development.

In fact, hemorrhoids are a very “popular” disease that can appear from anything. But there is no need to panic. At the slightest problem, you must immediately take up treatment.

Aurobin ointment is also used in this matter. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Should be applied two to three times a day. The course is about a week. This is quite enough to overcome annoying symptoms.

There are no side effects. On the contrary, there are only advantages. Due to the fact that it contains an anesthetic substance, the pain goes away after the first use. The burning sensation also goes away. Subsequently, microcracks heal, knots disappear and bleeding stops.

By the way, this remedy also helps with other diseases. You can find out more about this in the instructions.

Due to the type of professional activity, one often has to lead an inactive lifestyle, i.e. spend a lot of time at the desk or behind the wheel (in general, at the “fifth point”). Some time ago, an unpleasant disease caused by this lifestyle was discovered - hemorrhoids. I tried different treatments and different drugs. I think Aurobin is the most suitable. This is just a great ointment. Excellently relieves itching and pain, has a good anti-inflammatory effect. You can say that this is the only ointment that saves me.

Due to constant experiments with nutrition, as well as a not always active lifestyle (sometimes I spend most of my time at my desk), I began to experience constipation, which resulted in rectal cracks. They were not large, but the discomfort was felt strong, pain, burning, and then the itching increased. For a short time, a bath with a manganese solution helped relieve the pain. The doctor prescribed Aurobin ointment. First I put a candle, and after fifteen minutes a little ointment. Just three days of treatment and I realized that life goes on. The only bad thing is that the ointment is greasy and the laundry does not wash well after it.

A couple of years ago I myself went through these “9 circles of Hell”. At first, due to lack of knowledge and experience, so to speak, I was even afraid to go to the toilet. Oh...then, because of all this, constipation began. Then we had to treat everything together. Let me tell you this: I used Aurobin ointment. I completed the entire course of treatment and the sore disappeared as if by hand.

I was searching for AUROBINE ANTI-WRINKLES REVIEWS. FOUND! Reviews from patients about the use of the drug Aurobin. Detailed instructions for using the medicine, reviews of the effectiveness, availability in pharmacies and safety of the product.
Find out more about how to use Aurobin ointment for hemorrhoids, read the instructions for use and patient reviews. How to use Aurobin ointment for hemorrhoids - instructions and reviews of the drug.
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Aurobin for wrinkles. Reviews of the drug Aurobin from people who have already used it for its intended purpose (especially for hemorrhoids) are positive.
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Show another picture. Subscribe to reviews. * Required fields. At the slightest problem, you must immediately take up treatment. Aurobin ointment is also used in this
Medicine Gedeon Richter "Aurobin" – Read the review. I came across an interview with some American actress who revealed to journalists the secret of her youth, it turns out that instead of anti-wrinkle cream, she used
According to the actress, the ointment helps smooth out wrinkles and eliminates swelling. horsepower shampoo reviews. Aurobin for wrinkles reviews - NO MORE PROBLEM!

really". We've been living here for 7 years. There’s a little quarrel and he immediately yells at me to pack up.”
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wrinkles even for very, very mature skin. You can also do a little magic with it and add the same vitamin A and/or E. Moreover, Curiosin will not only relieve dryness and basal temperature charts. Reviews about medicines.
Very often, reviews of Aurobin are related specifically to the treatment of anal fissures. Here this drug is often prescribed by specialists. And the patients themselves advise each other to try this particular ointment.
330 rub. The cost of such a tube of Aurobin ointment, weighing 20 grams, is around 330 rubles - the average price for the product, as it seems to me, with little ointment consumption.
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19. Feedback:
Medicine Gedeon Richter "Aurobin" - Read the review. American actress, who revealed to journalists the secret of her youth, it turns out that instead of anti-wrinkle cream, she used
Share which anti-wrinkle cream works at least a little!

I tried Clinique, Clarens, Lancome. I didn’t find any differences from the mass, which is better: FRAXEL or PLASMOLIFTING reviews (1388).
Home Means and preparations Ointments and creams Instructions for use, contraindications and patient reviews of Aurobin ointment for hemorrhoids. Aurobin for wrinkles reviews- 100 PERCENT!

6 reviews from doctors, 3 reviews from patients, instructions for use, analogues, infographics, 1 release form, prices from 159 to 689 rubles.
I’ve been meaning to write a review about Aurobin for a long time, but I never got around to it. And today I needed Aurobin’s help again, but it was my own fault - I got hooked on the dough and got carried away, as they say!

As prescribed by the doctor, I started taking belladonna suppositories. They make me rinse constantly. A small ball of gut came out

AUROBIN reviews. Medical review site. :
On this page you can leave a review about AUROBIN. The website also provides the current price for AUROBIN and instructions for use.
They prescribed Aurobin ointment (3-4 times a day) and Ultraproct suppositories (at night). Well, in addition, everything is as usual:
heavy not for the content of messages published in forums, bulletin boards, in reviews and comments on materials.

Aurobin ointment – one of the huge variety of drugs that are used in medicine. This remedy is intended to combat inflammation of hemorrhoids. When used correctly, the healing process is accelerated.

Aurobin ointment - composition

This drug is an antibacterial, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory drug with a pronounced anesthetic effect. This is a whitish ointment with no particular odor, widely used in proctology. It is intended for external or rectal use. Aurobin's composition is multifaceted. The following components are present here:

  1. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic. Hemorrhoids can be accompanied by painful sensations, and thanks to the presence of this component, discomfort is reduced.
  2. Prednisolone is a glucocorticosteroid. This substance is of synthetic origin. Its purpose is to tone blood vessels, increase the elasticity of capillaries, reduce inflammation and other negative symptoms.
  3. Triclosan is a substance that inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. During an exacerbation, the tissues of the affected area become infected. The presence of triclosan in the drug enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug in the fight against hemorrhoids.
  4. D-Panthenol is a B vitamin. It accelerates tissue regeneration and minimizes the inflammatory period.

The ointment also contains additional components. These include stearic acid, paraffin, polysorbate, neutral oil, and so on. Familiarization with the chemical composition of this drug helps to understand whether Aurobin ointment is hormonal or not. One of the main components of this drug is prednisolone. It is a hormonal component.

What does Aurobin ointment help with?

The drug has a considerable range of uses. These are the indications for use of Aurobin ointment:

  1. haemorrhoids;
  2. cracks in the perianal area;
  3. eczema near the anus;
  4. itching;
  5. fistula;
  6. dermatitis and so on.

Aurobin ointment for hemorrhoids

Therapeutic fight against the disease involves applying the medicine to the damaged area. If hemorrhoids are located internally, the ointment should be injected directly into the rectum. A proctologist should prescribe such treatment. Before you start using Aurobin for hemorrhoids, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to one of the components of the drug. This is important because the consequences can be serious. Allergies manifest themselves not only in rashes or redness. The most terrible consequence is anaphylactic shock.

Aurobin for wrinkles

This medicine can also be used in the fight against crow's feet. Some are concerned about the question: is it possible to smear the face, Aurobin ointment was not developed for this? This product can be used in the fight against wrinkles. However, its use requires certain skills and accuracy. In addition, this drug cannot be used as an anti-aging cream. Aurobin ointment should be used immediately before a celebration or other important event. It must be applied in doses.

There are the following rules for applying this product:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the skin for this procedure in advance. It is advisable to take a steam bath before application.
  2. Wounds and cuts on the skin are not allowed.
  3. The procedure must be carried out very carefully. The ointment should not get into the eyes.
  4. This drug should not be used after peeling or mechanical cleansing of the face.

Aurobin for acne

This medicine contains D-Panthenol, so it helps to soothe irritated skin and relieve redness. Using Aurobin for the face, you can achieve the desired effect after the first use. This drug should be applied pointwise. Cosmetologists recommend doing this procedure in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime.

Aurobin – how often can it be used?

The duration of therapeutic manipulations is determined by the doctor. He will conduct an examination and then prescribe a treatment regimen. Apply the ointment to the damaged surface twice or thrice a day. Therapeutic manipulations are carried out for 5-7 days. Aurobin himself will tell you how to use it. An annotation is supplied with the medicinal product. It describes the indications for use of the product and the features of its use.

Aurobin - contraindications

Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since for some diseases the use of this drug is undesirable. Its use may adversely affect the general condition of the patient. Aurobin ointment has a wide range of uses, but at the same time the list of contraindications is extensive. At risk are:

  1. Persons with hypersensitivity to one of the components.
  2. Patients with fungal, viral or bacterial infections. The reason for this categorical prohibition is that the drug contains Prednisolone
  3. For acne vulgaris and rosacea, dermatitis and skin neoplasms. This drug should be used with caution in case of increased dryness and flaking of the anus.
  4. Children's age - up to 1 year.
  5. Persons with hypersensitivity to the vaccine. If the body’s reaction to the vaccine is unpredictable, the situation may worsen after using Aurobin ointment.

This medicine is not prescribed in the following cases:

  1. treatment of eye diseases;
  2. carrying out systemic therapy using lidocaine;
  3. decrease in hemoglobin.

Aurobin ointment during pregnancy

The pharmaceutical company that manufactures this drug does not list pregnancy as a contraindication for use in the accompanying instructions. However, before using the ointment, you should consider its composition. The use of this medication is contraindicated in the first trimester. In the last stages of pregnancy, such an ointment can be used.

Before deciding on the advisability of using this drug, the doctor must weigh the potential risks for the baby and the effectiveness of the ointment. Such main components of the drug as Lidocaine and Prednisolone penetrate into the blood of the mother, and then into the fetus. For this reason, Aurobin is very rarely prescribed during pregnancy. It is prescribed only when tried drugs with a milder effect have shown to be ineffective.

Aurobin during lactation

photo4 This drug can be used by women during this period. However, breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment. The medicine contains Prednisolone and Lidocaine. These components penetrate into women's milk and are then passed on to the baby. They can cause problems in the functioning of the adrenal glands and provoke growth disorders in the child. Aurobin should be used very carefully during breastfeeding. During the therapeutic course, the patient should unconditionally follow the doctor’s instructions.

Aurobin and viral skin infections

When the epidermis and soft tissues are damaged by pathogenic microorganisms, the patient suffers from itching, rash and other troubles. Therefore, it is important to understand why the use of Aurobin is dangerous for papillomas, fungal and viral infections. When using this ointment, the skin dries out somewhat, which may cause pigmentation or acne. In addition, the effect of glucocorticosteroid drugs is based on the suppression of local immunity. In this case, viral and fungal infections begin to affect the body with greater intensity.

Aurobin - side effects

If the doctor has taken into account all the negative consequences of using this drug and correctly prescribed the treatment regimen, undesirable effects rarely occur. Local side effects (if Aurobin is used for a long time) include:

  1. increased dryness of the epidermis;
  2. thinning of the cover;
  3. severe burning sensation;
  4. deterioration of regeneration processes.

Negative consequences can also affect individual organs or systems of the body. More often, Aurobin ointment exhibits the following side effects:

  1. Endocrine system - the work of the adrenal glands is inhibited.
  2. Organs of vision - intraocular pressure increases, which can provoke glaucoma. Negative consequences of this group are more common in children than in adults.
  3. Nervous system – the patient may suffer from insomnia and other mental disorders.
  4. Bone tissue – provokes the development of osteoporosis.
  5. Digestive system - the use of drugs provokes the occurrence of ulcers, pancreatitis and causes bleeding.
  6. Heart and blood vessels – bradycardia, hypertension and other pathologies appear.

There is no complete information yet about how Aurobin ointment interacts with other medicinal products. However, when using this drug simultaneously with another, you should take into account the composition of the medications and their side effects. The negative effect may be aggravated by additional intake of a hormonal component or lidocaine. Therefore, the treatment regimen and duration should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Aurobin ointment - analogues

There are no drugs with exactly the same composition. However, Aurobin has analogues with a similar effect. These include: