How to remove stretch marks on the stomach during pregnancy


The appearance of white scars, which represent a change in the relief and density of the skin, has not added joy to any woman. Everyone who has encountered them is looking for the opportunity to remove stretch marks at home or with the help of a cosmetologist. However, are there any chances to restore the original beauty of the skin and prevent the situation from recurring?

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks at home?

First of all, you need to understand why this problem occurs. Professionals advise even women without stretch marks to take care of the issue of combating it: prevention will not be superfluous. Doctors call the main and most common reasons for the formation of stretch marks:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Characteristic of adolescence, complicated by malnutrition, lack of physical activity in the proper amount, and pathologies of the endocrine system.
  2. Sharp fluctuations in weight, resulting in changes in volume. Stretch marks occur as a result of strict diets, especially in obesity, when weight loss at the initial stage occurs rapidly (loss of water). Postpartum stretch marks tend to appear in every third woman.
  3. Genetic predisposition. Preventive measures in such a situation rarely guarantee the absence of stretch marks.


If we talk about how to get rid of stretch marks at home, professionals tend to give a disappointing answer: success stories are one in a thousand. It makes sense to try to protect yourself from stretch marks, but when they appear, you can catch a chance to restore the skin if you do this while the stretch marks are young: they have not yet turned white. Old stretch marks are characterized by changes in blood vessels in the connective tissue, so they cannot be removed - only to reduce the contrast between healthy skin and scars.

Proper healthy eating

If you are thinking about how to remove stretch marks on your stomach by changing your diet, you can immediately abandon this thought: the hope will be false. This method is only suitable for preventing the formation of new scars, since it will protect you from sudden fluctuations in weight and volume. If you need to lose extra pounds, choose gentle options that don’t promise a change from size 50 to size 42 in a week.

Particular emphasis should be placed on the nutrition of adolescents, who, due to an unbalanced diet, suffer from hormonal fluctuations, skin imperfections, and a number of other cosmetic problems, which leads to complexes in girls. It is recommended to build the menu according to the classical principles of healthy eating, trying to protect yourself as much as possible from “empty” foods rich in factory-made sugar and animal fats.

How to remove stretch marks from your stomach at the gym

The benefits of physical activity for the skin are greatly underestimated: women are looking for ways to eliminate cellulite and decide how to remove stretch marks on their stomach with a miracle cream, when they should just sign up for the gym. Regular workouts not only tighten your silhouette, helping to get rid of fat: they increase skin tone, which leads to an improvement in its structure. Young red stretch marks from the abdomen can be removed, but more often this method only works as a preventive measure.


Vitamins against stretch marks

Ineffective, but a good method based on stimulating skin regeneration. To achieve this goal, they focus on vitamins that can affect connective tissue and the upper layer of the epidermis: these are retinol and tocopherol. They are rubbed into the area with stretch marks individually or made into a two-component cocktail. Some women add castor oil (a couple of drops), but the real benefits of such a mixture have not been proven.

What to apply to the stomach for stretch marks during pregnancy

Prevention measures become highly important when a woman is preparing to become a mother. If during pregnancy she gains extra pounds all over her body, the likelihood of getting an ugly and almost lifelong reminder of them after childbirth increases significantly. Instead of thinking about how to remove them, you should take care to prevent stretch marks on your stomach during pregnancy. In addition to the already mentioned healthy diet and adding physical activity, some pharmaceutical and other products for external use make sense:

  1. Bepanten. Aimed at tissue restoration. Expectant mothers rub the abdomen and nipple areolas (during lactation) to prevent the appearance of stretch marks or cracks.
  2. Olive oil. The benefits of this food product in the fight for female beauty are invaluable, and it also turned out to be indispensable for the prevention of stretch marks. The safest product that can be used as often as you like.


How to get rid of stretch marks on your stomach after childbirth

If preventive measures did not help or were not taken on time, you have to start fighting the problem that has arisen. How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy without harming the body? Young tears from the abdomen can be removed with folk remedies - scrubs, wraps, massage, and for old ones it is worth trying ointments or salon treatments.

Gels creams ointments

The previously mentioned Bepanten makes sense, and even if you are trying to figure out how to remove old stretch marks on your stomach - for example, a year or several years after giving birth. From the reviews of women, you can find out that the ointment showed itself with dignity even in relation to stretch marks “at the age” of 10-12 years or more. Shallow scars are completely eliminated; more noticeable scars are not so noticeable. The “cure” period is individual: the approximate course of using the ointment is 4-6 months.

What other drugs will help:

  1. Zinc ointment. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis and the condition of connective tissue. Apply once a day.
  2. Heparin ointment. Restores blood circulation that is lost in the vessels of old stretch marks. Doctors often recommend this remedy to young mothers.
  3. Retinoic ointment. The principle of action is to destroy the dying layer of skin.
  4. Elaskin product. Claimed to be an effective fighter against stretch marks of any degree, based on oils: almond, jojoba, rose.
  5. Clearvin. Pharmacy cream with Indian herbs that affect skin tone. The estimated duration of the course is 6 weeks.

How to remove stretch marks after childbirth using folk remedies

Most of these methods involve scrubbing the skin and wrapping problem areas. The last procedure is most convenient for the thighs, but some women also do it for the abdomen. How to get rid of old stretch marks safely and on a budget?

  1. Scrub made from ground coffee beans with sea salt and sea buckthorn oil. The mass should have a very thick consistency, proportions can be determined by eye.
  2. A scrub made from salt with honey and glycerin, taken in equal proportions. Can be done morning and evening.
  3. It is advisable to perform wraps with blue clay and any citrus essential oil before scrubbing the abdominal skin. They require changes in temperature conditions: mandatory heating of the treated area.
  4. Cooling the abdomen with an ice cube after all procedures will affect the blood vessels.


How to deal with stretch marks in the salon

Cosmetology, especially hardware cosmetology, is perceived as something omnipotent. This is largely due to the wide range of services offered. Removing stretch marks from the abdomen is also among them, but do the procedures that are done in aesthetic clinics and salons help, and which of them deserves absolute trust?

  1. Ozone therapy. Injections into the abdominal area that affect metabolism. Additionally, they trigger cellular renewal, which eliminates the severity of stretch marks. Real beauty injections that help with any problem that requires an effect on skin tone.
  2. Mesotherapy is the hardware or manual introduction of a special cocktail that stimulates collagen production.
  3. Laser cosmetology. All women who have at least once wondered how to remove deep stretch marks on their stomachs have thought about this. Today, such a procedure is the only reliable way to correct the condition of the skin. How to remove stretch marks on the body with laser? Perform fractional thermolysis - painless, local, to any depth of the dermis.

Video: how to remove stretch marks on the body

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When do stretch marks appear on the abdomen during pregnancy?

The epidermis contains collagen and elastin fibers, which normally stretch when stretched and then return to their original position. When stretch marks appear on the abdomen during pregnancy, the skin, under the influence of various factors, may not return to normal. Tissues rupture, cells do not have time to regenerate, and stretch marks form.

The main reason for this situation is most often hormonal changes and excessive production of estrogen, which weakens the regeneration of skin cells. Other risk factors include:

  1. content in the diet of a minimum of vitamins and minerals. The quality of nutrition should be improved through fruits, vegetables and lean fish;
  2. sudden weight gain when the skin does not have time to stretch;
  3. lack of physical activity to maintain the tone of the whole body;
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. the presence of bad habits (smoking) leads to weakening of the fibers.

First of all, stretch marks begin in the second trimester, when the fetus begins to grow rapidly and gain weight. The skin tightens too much, which leads to small tears.


If the stretch marks in the lower abdomen itch slightly, this indicates rapid stretching and the appearance of new stretch marks. They look like red, burgundy, and rarely blue vertical stripes, which fade over time and become less noticeable. Horizontal stretch marks are rare during pregnancy, and they say that the cause is hormonal imbalance.

What to do and how to avoid stretch marks on the stomach during pregnancy

It is possible to avoid stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy, but constant, regular care is required. If a stretch mark appears, you should immediately use special cosmetics. Severe sprains, and especially old ones, are difficult to treat; only after the birth of a child can laser therapy or other radical methods be used.

From the first month after fertilization, pregnant women begin to undergo restructuring of the body. It is from this moment, or better yet earlier, that you need to start adhering to the basic recommendations for prevention:

  1. The bandage will reduce the stretching of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, creating a feeling of lightness and comfort. This will reduce tension on the skin, which will lead to strengthening of the epidermis.
  2. Adjust the diet taking into account the growing fetus inside the womb. Diversify the daily menu with fruits, vegetable salads, cereals and lean fish. Limit your consumption of sweets and starchy foods to avoid excess weight.
  3. Moderate physical activity is an integral part of the health of not only the baby, but also the expectant mother. Yoga classes, swimming in the pool, and special fitness exercises will strengthen the muscle frame and increase the tone of the epidermis.
  4. A contrast shower with a light massage will restore blood circulation in the cells, and the blood, in turn, will nourish the skin with useful substances, which will speed up the regeneration process and increase strength.

Natural oil for the belly during pregnancy against stretch marks will become an indispensable tool with which you can massage and pinch until light redness occurs. A high concentration of vitamin E will restore the elasticity of the fibers and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

What to apply to the stomach for stretch marks during pregnancy?

Treatment of stretch marks involves the use of special cosmetic products that have a direct effect on the deep layers of the epidermis. In this case, the product should be recommended for use during pregnancy, as will be stated in the instructions.

You can lubricate the stomach and other problem areas using both folk and professional means. The modern market offers a huge number of products from economical to luxury. The most effective, according to consumer reviews, are:

  1. Avent (UK) – moisturizes, tones and improves skin elasticity, thanks to the presence of almonds, papaya, algae and mineral oils.
  2. Biotherm (France) - the cream can remove stretch marks or make them less noticeable due to components such as shea nut, soy, organic silicon and hydroxyproline.
  3. Clarins (France) - has a preventive effect, making the skin more elastic and durable.
  4. Clinique (UK) – a cream based on seaweed extracts that fights age-related changes and old stretch marks.
  5. Donna Mama (Italy) – prevents rupture of collagen fibers, nourishes and softens the epidermis.
  6. Bepanten (Germany) - an ointment with the active ingredient dexpanthenol or provitamin B5, restores collagen and elastin, which makes the epidermis more elastic.
  7. Contratubeks (Russia) - a product designed to combat scars and scar tissue. The composition contains heparin, onion extract, allantoin. These components eliminate only emerging stretch marks, relieve inflammation and itching.

Stretch marks on the skin are tears in collagen fibers that are healed by connective tissue. To increase the elasticity of collagen, it is necessary to have a complex effect; together with professional means, you can use folk methods.

A scrub will help you get rid of stretch marks, as it gently exfoliates dead cells and prepares you for the subsequent application of a nourishing cream or mask. You can prepare the product using coffee grounds, sugar or salt with the addition of olive oil.

The mask uses yeast, cream and honey. Apply the mixture to your tummy and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Regular use of various products throughout the entire period of gestation will reduce the likelihood of stretch marks. The skin will become elastic and strong, the fibers of the epidermis will be less susceptible to rupture.

Carrying a child is quite a serious challenge. Over the course of 9 months, the female body is affected by both internal and external changes. Constantly growing body weight, enlarged breasts and abdomen do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin and muscles. If you do not take any action, stretch marks will appear during pregnancy, and the skin will remain loose.

How to prevent stretch marks

All these troubles can be avoided if you take care of your figure throughout your pregnancy. You just need to follow some rules, do simple procedures and exercise. By the way, if you do this for the first 2-3 months, most likely such self-care will become a habit. Give yourself 20 minutes a day, and the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth will not affect your skin.

The condition of the skin depends on nutrition. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, exclude flour and sweets from your diet. Train yourself to dress your salads not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil. Eat nuts, cheese, hard cheese, beef, chicken, olives, more vegetables and fruits (except citrus fruits).

How to remove stretch marks during pregnancy

The fight against stretch marks is best done comprehensively, by eating right, using creams, doing massages, etc. The most effective results in the fight against stretch marks are shown by all kinds of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products - scrubs, lotions, ointments. Starting from 3-4 months of pregnancy, rub the cream against stretch marks into problem areas (thighs, buttocks, stomach). Cosmetologists and pharmacists from various companies have developed many products to combat stretch marks. When choosing a cream, pay attention to its composition. The best way to combat stretch marks is with products containing extracts and essential oils of plants, seaweed, panthenol, vitamins A, E. Before use, apply a little cream to the inside of your arm for 20 minutes. See if you have an allergic reaction to the product. Despite the fact that all creams must undergo dermatological control, the components of the drug may be individually intolerable. Such cases are rare, but you still need to protect yourself.

Preparing creams for stretch marks

If you wish, you can prepare your own cream for stretch marks. Homemade cream will be natural, without dyes and flavors, which are often the causes of allergic reactions.

  1. Cream for stretching scars with mumiyo

Mumiyo is a mountain resin, a mixture of organic and inorganic elements. It is mined mainly in the mountains of Asia. This homogeneous, dark-colored mass has a specific odor and a bitter taste. Mumiyo has a lot of healing properties. It is used for wound healing, for the regeneration of tissues, bones and joints, in the treatment of ulcers, all kinds of cosmetic and dermatological problems, etc.

Mumiyo promotes the resorption of scars and scars, tightens the skin. Mountain resin cream is the most popular product used to remove or prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. You can buy mumiyo at a pharmacy. Preparing the cream is very simple: mix 3-4 grams of mumiyo with 1 teaspoon of water, add a tube (80-100 grams) of baby or anti-cellulite cream. Apply to stretch marks once a day. The result of using the cream is determined strictly individually. Usually the effect is visible within a week.

For large stretch marks, it is necessary to apply the cream for about 3 weeks. Mumiyo is contraindicated during breastfeeding, but despite this, many women use cream containing this component. If you are breastfeeding, be sure to consult your doctor.

  1. Cream with aloe and vitamin E

Grind the aloe in a meat grinder or finely chop it and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. To 0.5 cups of aloe juice, add 0.5 cups of olive oil, 15 drops of vitamin E, 5 drops of vitamin A, stir until smooth. Apply with massage movements to problem areas once a day. It is best to store this cream in the refrigerator.

To prepare a sugar-salt scrub, take 1 heaping glass of salt, 1 glass of sugar. Kitchen salt is also suitable, but for this procedure it is better to take sea salt with extracts of algae, chamomile or calendula. Mix salt and sugar in a deep container, add 50 grams of olive oil, stir. Apply the scrub to your body during your evening shower on your thighs, buttocks and abdomen. After this product, be sure to apply moisturizer or baby oil to your skin. The first result will become visible in about 3 weeks, and in a month or two you can completely get rid of stretch marks. Watch the condition of your skin, this scrub is very effective, but can dry it out.

Beauty salons offer peeling, a procedure to get rid of stretch marks. You can make fruit peeling at home. To do this you will need 1 jar of fruit yoghurt, 1 lemon or 2 limes, almond or olive oil. Mix the zest of one lemon with yogurt, add 1 tablespoon of oil, stir until smooth. Apply 3 times. per week on problem areas for 20 minutes, massage, rinse with warm water, then moisturize with lotion. This skin-friendly method of getting rid of stretch marks will make them less noticeable in just 3 weeks. Most importantly, do not forget to moisturize your body if lemon has dried out your skin too much.

When fighting stretch marks, you can use fermented milk products. Mix 0.5 cups of kefir with 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, add 10-20 g of baby cream, 1 g of mumiyo. Apply the cream with very light massage movements for 3 minutes, without rubbing. Leave the cream on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

White clay is an excellent cosmetic skin care product. This is why peeling with white clay is effective in combating stretch marks after childbirth. Take the pulp of 1 avocado, 3 tbsp. spoons of white clay, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal, wheat germ oil. You can add chopped sprouted wheat sprouts and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Beat the avocado pulp and wheat germ oil with a blender, mix with white clay and flour, and bring to a homogeneous mass. Apply the cream to the body for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Do compresses 2-3 times a week for a month. After 2-3 weeks the effect of this procedure will be visible. Store the cream in the refrigerator.

You can use essential oils from plants for stretch marks. Jojoba oil makes the skin elastic and helps remove stretch marks during pregnancy and after childbirth. Rosewood essential oil resolves scars and tightens the skin. Almond oil is useful for caring for skin that has lost its elasticity. Grape seed oil has regenerating properties and significantly increases skin elasticity. The use of peach oil will be useful for sagging skin, as it has rejuvenating and softening properties.

You can use several components at once. Before using the oil, check your skin for allergic reactions. Apply a few drops of cream for 15 minutes.

Massage and exercise

It is much easier to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy than to deal with existing skin problems. Massage is one of the most effective procedures that will help keep your skin in perfect condition. It is best to combine a massage with applying cream or olive oil to the body.

Daily massage with a shower improves blood circulation and makes the skin more elastic. Train yourself while taking a morning or evening shower to direct the stream to problem areas of the skin and move in a circular motion. This regular, simple procedure will improve the condition of the skin and prevent the further appearance of stretch marks.

Exercises for stretch marks during pregnancy

Physical exercises, exercises, exercise will make the skin elastic. A specially designed set of exercises (stretching) will help get rid of lower back pain, relieve physical and emotional stress, and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Try to perform a simple set of exercises 4-5 times a week to prepare your body for childbirth.

Buy a gymnastic rubber ball - fitball. In the last months of pregnancy it is very comfortable to sit on, it neutralizes discomfort in the abdomen and pelvic area, and then you can rock the baby to sleep on such a ball and do exercises with it. Well, now the fitball will be indispensable in the fight against stretch marks.

Lie on the floor, on your back, bend your knees, place it on the ball. Make smooth rolls with your legs left, right, forward and backward. 5-10 minutes of such exercises are enough for the leg and abdominal muscles to be in good shape.

Sit on a fitball, swing your pelvis from side to side. Movements should be smooth, without jerking. After this, rotate your hips on the ball clockwise and counterclockwise. You need to do the exercise for 2 minutes in each direction.

  1. Exercise for the abdominal muscles.

Lie on the floor, place your knees bent on an exercise ball. Smoothly lift your torso, reaching your knees with your palms. Perform this exercise at 3-5 months of pregnancy, when the belly is just beginning to grow. If the abdominal muscles remain toned, then the stretch marks will not be so large and noticeable.

Don't forget to exercise after giving birth. If during pregnancy exercise helps maintain muscles in the necessary tone, then after childbirth physical activity will help restore the previous condition of muscles and skin. Do 30 squats a day, this exercise tightens the muscles in your legs, thighs and buttocks. Do your abs 40 times a day. Moreover, it is advisable to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles, because it was they that bore the main load during pregnancy. Gradually increase the number of repetitions. Of course, it is almost impossible to restore the ideal state of your figure with physical activity alone, but daily exercise will speed up the process of getting rid of stretch marks. Usually the first result can be felt after 20-25 days. Agree, this is not so much. Don’t be lazy to give yourself 7-10 minutes a day, because all the time spent is good for you.

Prenatal bandage for pregnant women

A prenatal bandage is a good way to prevent stretch marks. It helps support the stomach, relieves stress from the back, and prevents the abdominal muscles from becoming too stretched. When wearing a bandage, the skin remains at rest and there is no additional impact on it.

Doctors recommend wearing a bandage starting from 6-7 months of pregnancy. If you have a large fetus and a large belly, or this is not your first pregnancy, you can put on a bandage earlier. Before purchasing a bandage, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should the bandage put pressure on the abdomen; its main function is support. If you feel any discomfort, then choose a different model or size.

Laser and abdominoplasty

If you cannot get rid of stretch marks with ointments and massage, you can use medical methods, such as laser resurfacing or mesotherapy. Similar procedures are performed in beauty salons and medical institutions.

The laser removes old cell layers and stimulates the growth of smooth and clean epidermis. Penetrating 1-20 microns, it renews the skin. Typically, rehabilitation after this procedure lasts 7-10 days. The procedure is painless and lasts 20-30 minutes, depending on the number of stretch marks. The patient feels warmth or heat, this sensation lasts from 2 to 6 hours. When grinding stretch marks, two types of rays are used - erbium and carbon dioxide. Only a specialist can prescribe the type of laser after examining the stretch marks. Carbon dioxide laser radiation penetrates up to 20 microns. Erbium laser is suitable for a thin layer of skin, because... its radiation penetrates only 1 micron. It is safer, acts more gently, but in the fight against old, large stretch marks, carbon dioxide is usually prescribed. Laser resurfacing is contraindicated during breastfeeding. For six months after the procedure, you cannot visit the solarium or stay in the sun for a long time.

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that will help get rid of deep stretch marks and help tighten the skin. Not everyone dares to go under the surgeon's knife. The operation looks something like this: a small incision is made to the patient along the pubic hairline, the damaged skin is cut off through it, and then stretched. The incision is sutured. Abdominoplasty lasts approximately 2 hours, resulting in a flat stomach and the disappearance of stretch marks.