Sea in cloudy weather


The weather can bring many surprises in the form of rain, wind, cold weather. What to do? Try not to get depressed, because maybe in just a day the sun will shine. If weather forecasters say otherwise, think about what to do so as not to sit in a hotel room.

So, ask the staff if there are entertainment areas on site, for example, a tennis or golf court, an indoor swimming pool, a cinema, or a disco. If any of the above is present, consider yourself lucky and won’t be bored.

If the rain is not heavy, take a walk under an umbrella in the park and feel extraordinary freshness, because the air during rain is filled with negative silver ions, which is good for health. If you are vacationing somewhere in the mountains, you should not go far from the boarding house in rainy weather, as thunderstorms with lightning and thunder begin quite quickly. It’s better to sit in your room, read your favorite book, and chat with other vacationers.

Also, in bad weather, you can go on an excursion and see the sights. Find out how and where you can book a bus tour. If you are vacationing with a small child, do not think that he will not be interested and bored visiting cathedrals and palaces. Children understand everything perfectly, although somewhat exaggerated. For example, having visited a palace, a child will imagine that a king, queen or princess and the pea lived here, and Cinderella danced in glass slippers in the large hall.

Take a walk along the embankment with a camera; in the rain you can take beautiful pictures, and after bad weather, take pictures of the dew on the leaves of exotic plants. If you're cold, go to the nearest cafe and drink a cup of fresh tea or coffee. Go on a boat trip, but take your seats on the lower deck or indoors.

The main thing is to learn to enjoy every day, every moment. It doesn't matter if the weather outside is bad or the sun is shining brightly. Only then will all problems not seem unsolvable and worries overwhelming.

We are going to the seaside by car, and the weather forecast shows constant thunderstorms and rain. Has anyone driven in these conditions? Can it rain all day? Or ignore the forecast? experts

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Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

The sea will be stormy and dirty and muddy. There will be accidents on the road. ***** knows him, I think too

What happened in Sochi last night was terrible. Very loud thunder, lightning, rain. And in the morning there was no memory of it. It's stuffy, it's 28 degrees now

We are going to the seaside by car, and the weather forecast shows constant thunderstorms and rain. Has anyone driven in these conditions? Can it rain all day? Or ignore the forecast?

In Gelendzhik the water temperature was 24 degrees and the sea was normal, despite the morning rain

You have to go anyway. Because it’s very good to swim in a storm. Especially to ride the waves. You can’t think of anything better. Remember the movie with Keanu Reeves.

Fuck it. In Russia there are not seas, but misunderstandings. And rest is the same.

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And I think this is a sign that there is no need to go. It’s precisely these people who refuse to travel who first regret that they were unlucky, or the weather was bad, or they were sick, or something else, and then when they learn from the news about disasters, they are shocked - but they could have been there, but luckily it didn’t work out !

I had 11 days vacation. 10 of them (except the first) promised rain and thunderstorms. As a result, it rained twice at night and one day was rainy and cloudy, the rest were cloudy in the morning, and by lunchtime it became clear. I’m already used to it, it’s always raining and thunderstorms when I’m going somewhere.


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Effect of sun rays:

  1. They can vary in length and aggressiveness. UVA and UVB rays penetrate even loose objects, as well as fog, water and clouds.
  2. Passing through the clouds, the sun's rays are scattered, their effect on the skin becomes less aggressive. It is possible to tan even in cloudy weather, but to get a beautiful bronze shade you will have to spend much more time on the beach.
  3. The sun's rays hidden in the clouds promote the production of melanin in skin cells. And this leads to natural pigmentation, which is how you get a tan without the sun.

Under a cloudy sky, people do not feel the first signs of burning. But even in cloudy weather, the sun's rays actively affect the skin without heating it.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists say that you can tan much stronger under the clouds because:

  1. the effect of sunlight is less aggressive, does not burn or heat the cellular fluid;
  2. the skin gradually produces melanin, there is no danger of the formation of pronounced age spots;
  3. the surface of the entire body slowly takes on a ruddy color, which then transforms into bronze and chocolate.

A tan in the shade (and that’s exactly what clouds are) will be more uniform, of higher quality and longer-lasting. During the process, the skin does not lose moisture or dry out, which means that the problem of peeling, itching and redness will not be present. For a beautiful tan you will have to spend much more time, but this is the preferable option.

But you can get burns and provoke the development of the photoaging process even in relatively cloudy weather. Precautions when getting tanned under clouds:

  1. Use of sunscreens. If you have to go to the beach in cloudy weather, then you can choose a cream or milk, a spray with a low SPF level - 15-30.
  2. People with fair skin should not spend more than 30 minutes outdoors. Even with dense cloudiness, the risk of getting sunburned and sunburn remains.
  3. It is better to be on the beach before noon and after 17-00. Even scattered sun rays increase their activity during the daytime. After spending the whole day on the beach under the clouds, by evening you can find all the signs of burns on your skin.

Few people know that in cloudy weather you need to swim in the sea or in another body of water as often as possible - the tan will lie faster and more evenly. It is better if the skin dries naturally, and during this time the sun's rays scattered through the clouds will have a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, being attracted to it by water drops.

Recommendations for a beautiful tan in cloudy weather:

  1. After swimming in the sea, you will need to immediately take a shower and wash off the salt. After water treatments in a pool or fresh water pond, it is better to postpone the shower for 2-3 hours.
  2. You need to change your usual diet. Some foods have the amazing ability to activate a tan: melon, spinach, apricots, grapes and broccoli, fish, seafood, poultry liver and avocados.
  3. When you return home from the beach and take a shower, you can use vegetable or cosmetic oils. They develop the resulting tan, even it out, and fix it. The most effective are sesame, apricot, rose hips and wheat germ.

Skin care after sunbathing under the clouds requires hydration. To do this, it is better to prepare the product yourself. Recipe:

  1. From the packaging of any moisturizer, place 2 tablespoons of the product into a separate glass or ceramic bowl.
  2. Add 5 drops of vitamins A and E from ampoules to them, mix thoroughly.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil to the product and mix well again.

The cream is applied in a thin layer immediately after the shower, and after 2-3 hours the procedure should be repeated. The finished mass is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days, and then a new portion is prepared.

You can use gauze napkins and a decoction of chamomile flowers - just make lotions and wipe the skin after being under the clouds on the beach to relieve inflammation and fix the resulting tan, and prevent the appearance of areas of peeling and redness. The decoction is prepared from 1 tablespoon of plant material and 300 ml of water, boiled in a water bath for 3-5 minutes, cooled and filtered.

Read more in our article about tanning through clouds.

Read in this article

Does the tan go through the clouds?

Many people believe that you can only get a tan by being under the sun and complain about cloudy weather when you find yourself on the sea coast. To understand how effective it is to sunbathe under the clouds, you need to know at least a minimum of information about the sun's rays:

  1. They can vary in length and aggressiveness. UVA and UVB rays penetrate even loose objects, as well as fog, water and clouds.
  2. As the clouds pass through, the sun's rays dissipate and their effect on the skin becomes less aggressive. It is quite possible to tan in cloudy weather, but to get a beautiful bronze shade you will have to spend much more time on the beach.
  3. Even the sun's rays hidden in the clouds contribute to the production of melanin in skin cells. And this leads to natural pigmentation, which is how you get a tan even without the sun.

And here is more information about children's sunscreen.

Why you can get a tan more

Under a cloudy sky, people lose their sense of reality and miss the first signs of sunburn. But even in cloudy weather, the sun's rays also actively affect the skin without heating it.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists say that you can tan much stronger under the clouds, and here's why:

  1. the effect of sunlight is less aggressive, does not burn or heat the cellular fluid;
  2. the skin gradually produces melanin, there is no danger of the formation of pronounced age spots;
  3. the surface of the entire body slowly takes on a ruddy color, which then transforms into bronze and chocolate.

A tan in the shade (and that’s what clouds are for a person) will be more uniform, of higher quality and longer-lasting. During the process, the skin does not lose moisture or dry out, which means that there will be no peeling, itching or redness.

In order to get a uniform dark tone throughout the body and face, without pronounced spots and signs of sunburn, you will have to spend much more time. But on vacation there is nowhere to rush, so cosmetologists call tanning through the clouds more preferable.

Precautions when tanning through clouds

Despite the fact that clouds scatter the sun's rays and make them less aggressive for the skin, experts warn about precautions. You can get burns and provoke the development of the photoaging process even in relatively cloudy weather. Things to remember:

  1. The use of sunscreen remains necessary. If you have to go to the beach in cloudy weather, then you can choose a cream or milk, a spray with a low SPF level - 15-30. You can use those products that are designed to obtain an even, bronze tan.
  2. People with fair skin should not spend more than 30 minutes outdoors. Even with dense cloudiness, the risk of getting sunburned and sunburn remains.
  3. It is better to be on the beach before noon and after 17-00. Even the scattered rays of the sun increase their activity during the daytime, so it’s not worth the risk. After spending the whole day on the beach under the clouds, by evening you may be surprised to find all the signs of burns on your skin.

How to tan beautifully

Few people know that in cloudy weather you need to swim in the sea or other body of water as often as possible, the tan will lie faster and more evenly. Experts believe that in such weather there is no need to strive to wipe and dry the body as quickly as possible and get rid of droplets of water. On the contrary, let the skin dry naturally, and during this time the sun's rays scattered through the clouds will have a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, being attracted to it by water drops.

There are several more effective recommendations that will help you get a beautiful and even quick tan in cloudy weather:

  1. After swimming in the sea, you will need to immediately take a shower and wash off the salt.. It spoils the epidermis and causes it to become excessively dry. But if water procedures were taken in a pool or reservoir with fresh water, then it is better to postpone the shower for 2-3 hours so that the resulting tan is established.
  1. You need to change your usual diet. Some products have the amazing ability to intensify your tan. These include: melon, spinach, apricots, grapes and broccoli, as well as fish, seafood, poultry liver and avocados. It’s better to avoid barbecue, but it’s worth pampering yourself with various southern delicacies.
  2. Upon returning home from the beach and after taking a shower, you can use vegetable or cosmetic oils. They develop the resulting tan, even it out, and fix it. The most effective are sesame, apricot, rose hips and wheat germ.

Do you need skin care after sunbathing under the clouds?

Even if the beach holiday took place during cloudy weather, and there are no signs of sunburn on the skin, you should take care of it and ensure its safety. You will definitely need to moisturize the epidermis, and it is better to do this with a homemade cream. The product is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  1. From the packaging of any moisturizer, place 2 tablespoons of the product into a separate glass or ceramic bowl.
  2. Add to them 5 drops of vitamins A and E from ampoules sold in pharmacies, mix thoroughly.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil to the product and mix well again.

This cream can be used as a powerful moisturizer. It is applied in a thin layer immediately after a shower, and after 2-3 hours the procedure should be repeated. The finished mass is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days, and then a new portion is prepared.

Watch the video about DIY after-sun oil:

You can use gauze wipes and a decoction of chamomile flowers. It is enough to apply lotions and wipe the skin after being under the clouds on the beach to relieve inflammation and consolidate the resulting tan, to prevent the appearance of lesions, peeling and redness. The decoction is prepared from 1 tablespoon of plant material and 300 ml of water, boiled in a water bath for 3-5 minutes, cooled and filtered.

And here is more information about the degrees of sun protection.

It is quite possible to get a tan through the clouds, but this must be done correctly, and do not forget about proper skin protection before and after care. Cloudy weather is not a problem, because you can get a safe, even and very attractive bronze or chocolate tan.

An important indicator is the degree of sun protection. They can be in creams and oils, start with one and end with 100+. When and which one to use? What is the disadvantage of high degree and low degree?

You can choose a sunscreen for your face from cheap homemade ones, or you can choose the best protection from store-bought ones. To prepare for sunbathing, it is recommended to apply in advance to protect the dermis from aging and burns.

Pediatricians say that children's sunscreen in hot weather can overcome many problems. It must be used both in the sun and in cloudy weather. A good sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before sunbathing and going outside.

When buying a product, many people wonder whether it is possible to tan with sunscreen. For example, if you smear it on the beach or for a walk. The answer is yes. However, it is important to understand how the rays penetrate the cream when choosing different SPF.

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