Why does my whole body itch for no reason?

Reasons why the whole body itches in different places. What to do if your skin constantly itches in different places in turn. How to treat severe itching in different parts of the body.

Sometimes the desire to scratch does not present any problem if it is not obsessive and systematic. When the body itches in different places, such a desire is classified by dermatologists as itching: it is imperative to establish the reasons for its occurrence, and often requires medical intervention. Almost any person can independently find out why his body itches or turn to a doctor to get rid of this problem.

Sometimes a sensation of itching in different parts of the body accompanies a malfunction of the internal organs. And generalized itching (the whole body itches) is a symptom of a huge number of pathologies. In any case, the cause of scabies can only be determined by a highly qualified specialist.

Etiological factors

The mechanism of itching is simple. It is similar to a pain impulse that travels along nerve endings. A person itches, irritating skin receptors, thus suppressing itching.

Often itching is a signal that indicates that a person has a disease. In itself, it is not a pathology and is caused by the presence of nerve endings on the skin that react to various external influences. For example, on street temperature, hand touch, chemicals. When the human body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine into the tissue, which causes scabies.

The body also produces substances that irritate the skin nerves, such as bile acids and bilirubin. To find out the cause of the itching, you need to take tests: OAC, OAM. If there is a suspicion that a person has an allergy, modern laboratories provide their services to determine the cause of this disease. This could be insect bites, a reaction to street dust, food, cleaning chemicals, or medications. Sometimes urticaria appears, which disappears after about a day.

If the body itches very much, then the reasons may be:

  1. Chronic renal failure. In this case, itching indicates a severe course of the disease.
  2. Oncology. Cancer at an early stage usually does not manifest itself in any way. Its only symptom may be itching caused by intoxication of the body.
  3. Cholestasis. It is a condition when the outflow of bile is disrupted; this usually occurs with cholelithiasis, cirrhosis of the liver, or cholecystitis. This is a very common cause of itching without visible external manifestations. With such ailments, the body itches in different places due to excessive amounts of fatty acids in the body.
  4. Metabolic disease. The body itches for the following reasons: diabetes, thyroid disease, hypovitaminosis, gout.
  5. Parasites. For example, ascariasis, lamblia.
  6. Excessive dryness of the skin. Sometimes associated with age-related changes in the body.
  7. Impaired blood circulation. It happens, for example, with varicose veins.

If the body itches in different places, the reasons may be different. And if the body itches, but there are no rashes, then this usually indicates pathologies of the internal organs. To get rid of scabies, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. You cannot do this on your own; you must visit a doctor.

Itching without rash

This type of scabies all over the body occurs in the following cases:

  1. liver diseases;
  2. oncology;
  3. pathologies of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  4. diabetes;
  5. while taking medications;
  6. presence of parasites;
  7. mental disorders;
  8. blood diseases.

A very interesting case is psychogenic itching. Appears in people over 40 years of age, more often in women than in men. In this case, itching is a symptom of stress. People who have diseased kidneys experience itching after a hemodialysis procedure. In diabetes, scabies is generalized, which is associated with decreased sensitivity.

Some medications cause scabies, which is a side effect of taking them. And with dry skin, itching usually bothers people over 50 years of age. This is the so-called senile itch. If scabies has spread over the entire body, it may be a symptom of cirrhosis of the liver or lymphoma.

Itching with rashes

The causes of this itching can be various diseases and allergies. The rash is expressed by the following elements: blisters, nodules, bubbles, ulcers, etc. They can be located in different places of the body and are of the following types:

  1. the so-called goose rash;
  2. light-colored bubbles scattered throughout the body;
  3. dark or red spots that disappear when pressed with a finger;
  4. red blisters that are very itchy;
  5. ulcers, nodules;
  6. herpetic rash.

The cause of the rash can be fungi, viruses, bacteria, etc. It is often of non-infectious origin and appears with allergies or acne. One way or another, for any itching that spreads throughout the body, you need to go to a medical facility and undergo an examination.

Itching with burning

Itching all over the body, accompanied by a burning sensation, usually represents the body's reaction to mechanical stimuli. For example, it may appear after shaving body hair, when using wax or depilatory. Also, itching with burning can occur with poorly healing skin inflammations in diabetes, because this disease changes the pH of the tissues.

Another reason is pathology of the veins in the legs. In this case, the skin swells greatly and becomes slightly bluish, but there are no rashes on it. The combination of the above symptoms appears in a person with various types of skin rashes. Itching along with burning may also indicate the presence of eczema, urticaria and other dermatitis.

How to get rid of scabies

Once the causes of scabies are clarified, you can get rid of it either with the help of a doctor or on your own. The first thing you need to do is relieve the itching sensation. A cool shower, cold lotions and ice treatment on itchy skin areas will help with this. It is allowed to use ointments and creams containing menthol if it does not cause an allergic reaction. But you can’t wash with hot water, because the skin’s sensitivity increases when heated. Having found out the cause of scabies, you can try to get rid of it. Need to change:

  1. perfume, cosmetics, do not wear synthetic clothing;
  2. daily diet, excluding dishes that provoke an allergic reaction.

Dry skin should be constantly smeared with a nourishing cream (regular children's cream will do). The area where the insect has bitten can be treated with alcohol tincture.

When the causes of itching are psychological in nature, chamomile tea, soothing compounds, and cool baths help well. If scabies does not go away after taking independent measures, and even becomes stronger and spreads throughout the body, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

Treatment of the disease

First of all, you need to be examined by a doctor to find out the exact cause of the itching, because each of them may require a different approach to treatment. Itching caused by allergies is treated according to the following scheme:

  1. First of all, you need to stop all contact with the irritant.
  2. Prescribing antihistamines that reduce the body's release of histamine, which causes body itching.
  3. Taking sedatives that reduce nerve stimulation.
  4. Taking sorbents that remove toxins from the intestines. The latter sometimes cause allergies.
  5. Prescription of glucocorticoids that suppress the immune system. The latter is responsible for allergic reactions of the body.

If the doctor during diagnosis finds pathologies of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract, the patient is hospitalized.

Disease prevention

Some useful preventive measures:

  1. it is necessary to regularly visit the clinic and undergo examinations, especially if any symptoms are observed that indicate the occurrence of various diseases;
  2. maintaining a properly balanced sleep and rest schedule, as well as proper alternation of work and rest;
  3. It is important to avoid situations that can provoke stress;
  4. maintaining a proper diet;
  5. timely treatment of diseases, if any.

When a person constantly itches his body in different places (it is almost impossible to determine the cause on his own), he should consult a doctor. But even doctors cannot always determine the cause of itching based on the patient’s complaints and external examination of the body.

You need to realize that if a person follows the rules of hygiene, then his body will not itch just like that. Therefore, you should not waste time, hoping that the itching will go away on its own. It’s better to get tested right away and find out what’s causing it and get rid of it. You need to fight not the consequence of the problem, but its “root”.

One of the most common reasons why people consult a dermatologist is itching. At the same time, the person who applied notes that the skin itches all over the body without manifestations. In addition, the patient often cannot independently explain the origin of the unpleasant sensation. In this case, the doctor begins to find out the details: whether some specific places are scratched or the itching covers the whole body, what is its severity, whether it occurs from time to time or worries constantly, at what intervals of the day it begins to bother. The symptoms that accompany the discomfort are also of utmost importance.

Why does the body itch in different places?

Allergies are the first thing doctors associate with itching. A reaction can occur after taking a medicine, applying a cosmetic product, contact with household chemicals, and even due to increased nervous tension. Itching of the body, which occurs in different places, is not an isolated symptom. Also of concern:

  1. rash of various types;
  2. elevated temperature;
  3. discharge from the eyes and nose.

Itching is detected in a number of other systemic diseases. The most common of them are:

  1. Liver pathologies. One of the ailments, cirrhosis of the liver, in the initial stages does not manifest itself in a person with anything other than the desire to scratch the skin in one place or another. A sick person feels itching all over the body for no apparent reason, which intensifies as the disease progresses.
  2. Diabetes. Most patients suffering from the disease note that the first signal of the onset of the disease was itching. Tiny blood vessels affected by the disease cease to fully nourish the skin cells, the epidermis becomes dehydrated and peels off. As a result, a person complains that his body is constantly itching in different places.
  3. Kidney failure. This condition develops as a result of the progression of certain kidney diseases and is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms that appear much earlier than those described. Often, skin itching occurs without external manifestations when undergoing a type of treatment such as hemodialysis.
  4. Multiple sclerosis. Along with a whole list of unremarkable early warning signs of the disease, itching appears. Sick people do not attach much importance to these signs, because they go away on their own. Often their appearance is associated not with illness, but with some situation: lying for a long time, serving time, etc.
  5. Oncological diseases. Some types of cancer are itchy. People with malignant tumors localized in the genitourinary system complain that the whole body itches for no apparent reason. No rash or other symptoms are observed. Particularly intense irritation occurs if colon or pancreatic cancer is diagnosed.

In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor?

The signals sent by the body cannot be ignored. If your body itches in different places, you need to look for the reasons together with your doctor and do not wait for the sensation to disappear on its own. A visit to a specialist should be scheduled for the near future if any symptom or several signs from the list are discovered along with the itching:

  1. there is depression of the general condition (fever, nausea, weakness);
  2. the skin and sclera of the eyes turned yellow;
  3. urination has become rare or stopped completely;
  4. limbs and body swell;
  5. arms and legs sometimes seem to “go numb”, “become “wobbly”, and a tingling sensation appears;
  6. vision has deteriorated;
  7. at night there is a feeling of heat, an unusual amount of sweat is released.

Even if it seems that the skin is itching for no apparent reason, and after a while the itching completely disappears, this is not a reason to postpone a visit to the doctor. Sometimes the disease manifests itself this way: some symptoms fade away, but others appear, and the disease moves to a new stage. It is also important to listen to your own condition and ask yourself questions: what hurts, are there any changes, are there any relatives in the direct line who suffered from cancer? Even a very attentive doctor who carefully collects anamnesis may miss any important sign signaling the onset of the disease, so it is important to independently analyze the situation.

The body itches in different places: how to eliminate itching

Laboratory examination methods help determine the diagnosis when itching is not due to allergies or any dermatological disease. Depending on the history collected and the suspicions that arise in this regard, the doctor may suggest donating blood for the following tests:

  1. general (ESR, leukocytes);
  2. bilirubin;
  3. biochemistry.

You may also need to provide urine. Tests can help identify problems with the kidneys: general and according to the Reberg-Tareev method. Instrumental diagnostic methods will reveal the picture of a hidden disease even more clearly. As a rule, an ultrasound of the organs and possibly a biopsy are prescribed. As a result, it will be clear: everything itches for no reason, or there is a threat to health.

Pharmacy products

Even if the cause of the itching is an allergy, as the simplest of the above, a person without medical knowledge will not be able to cope with the problem on his own. In this situation, the doctor will determine the allergen using tests and prescribe treatment.

  1. Allergy symptoms are eliminated with antihistamines, including: Suprastin, Loratadine, Zyrtec. The same drugs are necessary to relieve itching that occurs due to renal failure.

Regular use of hormonal drugs, especially if they are not prescribed by a doctor, but chosen independently, is unacceptable.

  1. Sedatives will help relieve excessive nervousness, suspiciousness and thus help reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations. In the absence of contraindications, doctors, as a rule, prescribe: valerian, motherwort, aminazine.

People's Councils

In the intervals between courses of treatment for the disease that caused itching, you can use the remedies that have always been used by the people. Any herbalist knows the best plant for dermatological diseases and, in particular, for scratching - succession. Dried leaves, flowers and stems are crushed and brewed as tea. Allow to brew, cover with a lid, and drink warm.
Baths with the addition of various medicinal plants will help relieve nervous tension, which often in itself provokes itching, and soothe irritated skin:

  1. Buy ready-made lavender extract at the pharmacy and add 1-2 tbsp to the water before bathing.
  2. Prepare a decoction of chamomile and celandine in a 1:1 ratio in a water bath. To prevent the healing properties of plants from disappearing, use immediately after preparation.
  3. Nettle, mint, pine needles - all of the above are useful to brew and use for washing the body.

Itching is not an independent disease, but just a symptom. Therefore, when it appears, the cause should be determined, because a person cannot just itch. Most often, itching indicates the development of a certain pathology. Its danger lies in the fact that you can scratch the body too much, which will lead to inflammatory processes and infection.

Kataliya.ru will tell you why the skin on the body itches for no apparent reason, in which cases you need to see a doctor, and how to temporarily alleviate the condition.

Types of itching

According to the scale of manifestations, skin itching is divided into the following types:

  1. Localized. In this case, only one place itches, for example, the scalp, anal area, elbow bends, perineum, and other parts of the body.
  2. Generalized. This is a more serious health threat. Characterized by itching all over the body at once. It can cause diseases of internal organs, tumors, hormonal imbalances, allergies, and mental disorders.

Temporary external causes of itching

The body can itch in different ways: severely or moderately, all the time or periodically. External factors that can provoke causeless itching include:

  1. Too dry skin. When the water balance in the body is disturbed, this is reflected in the condition of the skin. It becomes faded and begins to peel off. Lack of moisture causes itching throughout the body.
  2. Seasonal itching. Each season brings its own discomfort: in summer the body itches from exposure to ultraviolet rays, in winter, autumn and spring the body lacks vitamins.
  3. Age-related changes. This itching is called senile in medicine. In older people, the epidermis loses its elasticity and becomes dry.
  4. Reaction to taking certain medications. Individual intolerance to certain medications affects the skin. This usually applies to drugs from the following groups: antibiotics, steroids, hormonal.
  5. Pregnancy. While carrying a child, the female body undergoes changes, the skin loses its elasticity, which causes itching. Typically problem areas are localized in the lower back, chest, and abdomen.
  6. Stressful state. As a result of nervous tension and anxiety, itching may occur throughout the body.

These reasons are not associated with pathological conditions and are temporary. Soon the itching disappears on its own. This condition does not require treatment.

Diseases accompanied by itching of the body skin without rashes

The body can itch as a result of the development of such pathologies:

  1. Neurodermatitis. A chronic disease that affects the nervous and immune systems due to allergies.
  2. Xerosis. Increased dryness of the epidermis. The reasons for the appearance may be different: genetic predisposition, frequent contact with harmful substances, lack of hygiene.
  3. Diabetes. An increase in blood sugar is sometimes accompanied by itching without rashes.
  4. Neurasthenia. A mental disorder in which itching occurs due to severe irritability and obsessions.
  5. Haemorrhoids. Itching as a result of hemorrhoids is localized in the anal area, accompanied by a burning sensation, especially after defecation.
  6. Parasites. When infected with parasites, a person experiences itching in the area of ​​the anus and perineum. If we talk about the scabies mite, any part of the body can itch.
  7. Pediculosis. Lice cause itching on the scalp. As for pubic lice, it itches in the perineum.
  8. Cancerous tumors. Approximately 3% of types of cancer are accompanied by itchy skin.

Quite rarely, itching occurs with diseases of the kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland.


Itching without rash in a child

If a child’s skin itches but there are no rashes, this may indicate the following diseases:

  1. Atopic dermatitis. Characterized by a violation of the protective functions of the skin. In addition to itching, the child has dry epidermis.
  2. Contact allergic dermatitis. Occurs when a certain area of ​​the body is exposed to metal, cosmetics, ointments, or plants.
  3. Parasitic infections. The itching in this case intensifies at night.
  4. Insects. Bites from mosquitoes, midges, fleas, and bedbugs cause itching in a certain area of ​​the skin.
  5. Aquagenic itch. The child's skin begins to itch a few minutes after contact with water. The malaise lasts up to 2 hours.
  6. Pathologies of internal organs. Some diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, and circulatory system are accompanied by itchy skin.
  7. Psychogenic factor. Anxiety, depression, and psychological distress can cause severe itching in a child.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Itchy skin is not the most uncomfortable sign. In some situations, it goes away without medical intervention. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. a rash and ulcers appeared;
  2. body temperature increased;
  3. swelling and spots throughout the body;
  4. behavior has changed - suspicion of a mental disorder;
  5. difficulty breathing.

Only a specialist can determine what is happening to a person. He will also prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to relieve itching

You can solve the problem yourself only for a short time. Itching should be eliminated at home only in cases where it is not possible to visit a doctor. You can alleviate the condition in the following ways:

  1. cold and hot shower;
  2. warm bath with soothing herbs;
  3. cooling creams containing menthol.


You can protect yourself from this unpleasant symptom in advance. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. observe the rules of hygiene, regularly change bed and underwear;
  2. during the cold season, use moisturizing creams;
  3. use detergents only with hypoallergenic composition;
  4. give up harmful foods - sweets with chemical composition, smoked meats, canned food, sweet sodas;
  5. avoid stressful and conflict situations.


Itching on the body is a rather unpleasant symptom. It can cause a serious illness or appear under the influence of negative factors. If a person constantly feels this malaise, it is imperative to visit a doctor.



All information posted on the site is taken from open Internet sources and is provided in its original form. We are not responsible for its accuracy, and in no case do we encourage self-medication. All articles are for informational purposes only.

Before using any products or recipes, we recommend that you consult your doctor!